Item:Figments of Splendour

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Figments of Splendour
  • Bind to Account on Acquire
  • Item Level: 1
  • Barter Item
  • "These shimmering figments contain remnants of the glamour that once enveloped fine rainments. Talented Elf-tailors can make use of these figments to craft wonderous garments, and will accept it in exchange for such."
  • Stacks to 10,000

 Item Information

Figments of Splendour appear in the bottom of your wallet as "Currency," marked "Account Shared"

NOTE:  Currency Cap Alert: Figments of Splendour has a Currency Cap of 10,000.

This item is a possible reward from any tier Delving reward boxes.

Barter Information

Figments of Splendour can be traded for cosmetic items, mounts and pets. The following barterers currently accept Figments of Splendour:
(To see what each barterer has to offer, please visit the individual page of the specific barterer)

Barter Location Status
Keeper of Mysteries

And in Allegiance halls:

Filbert Fig Unavailable
Rowan Raspberry Available
until ± 20 May
Myrtle Mint Unavailable
Curator Unavailable
Quartermaster (Fall of Khazad-dûm Rewards)

Bartering requires completion of the appropriate tier of the Fall of Khazad-dûm raid.


Drop Information

This item is a possible drop in the instance(s) Boss from the Vaults: Naruhel the Red-maid and Boss from the Vaults: Storvâgûn from the following chest(s):

  • Naruhel's Golden Chest
  • Naruhel's Mithril Chest
  • Naruhel's Silver Chest
  • Storvâgûn's Tinier Trinket Box
  • Storvâgûn's Tiny Trinket Box

This item can be obtained by opening the following:

Deed Information

This item is a reward for the deeds;

Quest Information

This item is a reward for the quests;