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  • Cannot move. Damage has a moderate chance to end this state.
  • Duration: ...s

Effect Information

While applied to a target, this effect prevents them from moving. Unlike other Crowd Control effects, this effect can be overwritten by  Stunned,  Feared,  Knocked Down, and  Dazed.

The following skills apply this effect upon an enemy target:

Class Skills Targets Duration Grace
Cooldown Notes
Burglar  Quite a Snag 1 15s 0s 5s
Hunter  Low Cut 5+ 3s 0s 10s Requires trait  Quick Escape
 Pinning Shot 1 5s 1s 8s
 Set Trap Trap 45-30s 0-5s 30s
 Rain of Thorns 10+ 30s 0s 1m
Lore-master  Cracked Earth 5+ 10-30s 0-3s 10s Applied upon expiration of  The Shaking of Arda; Requires trait  Grasping Earth
 Herb Lore 5+ 30s 1-4s 2m
Mariner  Throw Bolas 7+ 15-25s 2s 1m 30s

Combat Relationship

Various creatures, especially Spiders, Goblins and Orcs, can cause this effect.
Wraiths and Shades can reflect this effect upon any incoming Common, Westernesse, Ancient Dwarf-make or Fire damage (Terrible Retribution).
Suppressed Fear applies this effect upon expiration.