Cosmetic Pets

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Cosmetic Pets are summoned to accompany characters throughout Middle-earth.

They are similar to non-combat pets (Lore-master only), with the exception that characters of any class can earn them.

These pets can be active alongside Captain and Lore-master pets and remain visible during combat.

Cosmetic Pet Management

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Cosmetic pets exist in your game client rather than on the server, and other players can hide pets under the Options menu.

Check out the Collections panel to see which pets you are missing! Windows: < ctrl + C > Mac: < cmnd + C >

Console commands:
/help cpet
/cpet rename <newname>


/cpet rename snoopy

There is also a good Pet Plugin located here; [Galuhad - Pets U23.3]

How to Begin

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There are a few ways to obtain Cosmetic Pets

Festivals / Events

A sure way to start collecting cosmetic pets would be to pick a Festival or Event and start quests and play the games available. You are sure to gather the appropriate barter items to trade!

See: Cosmetic Pet Acquisition - Festivals / Events below for more details on which barterers to look for and where!

Bingo Boffin - The Ballad of Bingo Boffin

One of the easiest, though longer, ways of starting on your collection journey is to start the long quest chain with Bingo Boffin. In order to find Bingo along his journey you can speak with Bert Bartleby as he follows along moving from place to place around Middle-earth tracking down Bingo - giving us clues as to his whereabouts.

Each quest gives us a chance to earn 5x  Bingo Badge in which we can trade Bert Bartleby for our cosmetic pets.

Reputation Grind

Not for the faint of heart, characters can also seek out various NPCs and groups in an attempt to earn reputation and standing with each faction. Along the way, you will earn barter items in which you can then trade with various barter NPCs for more coveted pets!

See: Cosmetic Pet Acquisition - Barterers below for more details on which barterers to look for and where!

Cosmetic Pet Master Index

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Opening the respective Tome grants a toggle skill which allows the cosmetic pet to be summoned.
Cosmetic Pet Index
Item Skill Acquired from Barter Cost
Tome of the Aurochs Calf Aurochs Calf Men of Ringló Vale Barter (Kindred) 8 Weathered Gondorian Relics
4 Pristine Wood-carvings
Tome of the Frost Aurochs Frost Aurochs This item can be found in Item:Heritage Rune + Silver Winter Gift: Pet Frost Aurochs
Tome of the Slate Aurochs Slate Aurochs Delving Quartermaster 2500 Delving Writs
Tome of the Snow-covered Aurochs Snow-covered Aurochs This item can be claimed from the Legendary Item Reward Track upon completing tier 25. (Season 5)
Item Skill Acquired from Barter Cost
Tome of the Badger Badger Fall Festival Trader 60 Fall Festival Tokens
Tome of the Silverback Badger Silverback Badger LOTRO Store 595 LOTRO Point LOTRO Points
Item Skill Acquired from Barter Cost
Tome of the Bat of Azanulbizar Bat of Azanulbizar Quartermaster (Haban'akkâ of Thráin) 50 Zakaf-beshêk
Tome of the Black Bat Black Bat This item can be claimed from Tier 75 of the Season 3 Legendary Item Reward Track.
Tome of the Blood-red Bat Blood-red Bat Nedda Pinleaf 40 Tokens of Ill Omens
Tome of the Brown Bat Brown Bat Fall Festival Trader 40 Fall Festival Tokens
Tome of the Flying Fox Flying Fox Myrtle Mint 2000 Figments of Splendour
Tome of the Golden Bat Golden Bat Radagast 20 Rhosgobel Oak Leaves
Tome of the Injured Bat Injured Bat Adúrhid Quartermaster, Alidal
(Kindred - The Adúrhid Standing)
30 Shagâni Ghín
Tome of the Tame Gundabad Bat Tame Gundabad Bat Quartermaster (Reclaimers of the Mountain-hold) 50 Silver Coins of Gundabad
Tome of the Tattered Bat Tattered Bat Nedda Pinleaf 40 Tokens of Ill Omens
Item Skill Acquired from Barter Cost
Tome of the Black Bear Cub Black Bear Cub Celeblír 120 Tokens of Further Adventure
Tome of the Brown Bear Cub Brown Bear Cub Yule Festivity Token Vendor 75 Festivity Tokens
Tome of the Friendly Bear Cub Friendly Bear Cub Celeblír 120 Tokens of Further Adventure
Tome of the Little Tundra Cub Little Tundra Cub 2014 Extra Life Fundraiser (no longer available)
Tome of the Spirit Bear Spirit Bear 2014 Extra Life Fundraiser
This item is also dropped by +Cordovan as a reward during the LOTRO Anniversary Celebration Live Events.
Item Skill Acquired from Barter Cost
Tome of the Beaver Beaver Anniversary Celebration since 2018 15 Anniversary Tokens
Tome of the Eager Beaver Eager Beaver Curator
 Gorgoroth Steel-bound Lootbox
1000 Figments of Splendour
Item Skill Acquired from Barter Cost
Tome of the Big Blue Carpenter Bee Big Blue Carpenter Bee Rowan Raspberry 2500 Figments of Splendour
Tome of the Bumblebee Big Bumblebee Quartermaster (Wilderfolk Rewards) 50 Gúlmarks
Big Honey Bee Big Honey Bee Deeds of the Vales
Tome of the Swarm of Bees Swarm of Bees Quartermaster (Protectors of Wilderland) 50 Northern Gúlmarks
Item Skill Acquired from Barter Cost
Tome of the Blue Beetle Blue Beetle Bert Bartleby 5 Bingo Badges
Tome of the Fiery Blue Beetle Fiery Blue Beetle This item can be claimed from the Legendary Item Reward Track upon completing tier 75. (Season 5)
Tome of the Fiery Red Beetle Fiery Red Beetle Quartermaster (Dwarves of Erebor Rewards) 90 Tokens of the Lake and Rivers
Tome of the Fiery Yellow Beetle Fiery Yellow Beetle Nedda Pinleaf 40 Tokens of Ill Omens
Tome of the Golden Crystal Beetle Golden Crystal Beetle Games-master, Henry Peartree or Will Peartree 20 Anniversary Tokens
Tome of the Green Beetle Green Beetle Heledon 30 Minas Tirith - Burgsmen's Tokens
Tome of the Red Beetle Red Beetle Bert Bartleby 5 Bingo Badges
Item Skill Acquired from Barter Cost
Ashen Eagle's Nest Ashen Eagle Quartermaster (March on Gundabad)
(Minas Ithil Tailor Recipe)
50 Copper Coins of Gundabad
Tome of the Black Peahen Black Peahen Caltha Tunnelly 60 Farmers Faire Tokens
Tome of the Black Peacock Black Peacock Caltha Tunnelly 60 Farmers Faire Tokens
Tome of the Black Swan Black Swan Dol Amroth Quartermaster 40 Gold Tokens
40 Silver Tokens
20 Swan-knight Tokens
Tome of the Blood Craban Blood Craban Theodore Gorse 15 Coins of the Bugan
Tome of the Blue Peacock Blue Peacock Summer Rewards Vendor 60 Farmers Faire Tokens
Tome of the Blue Peahen Blue Peahen Summer Rewards Vendor 60 Farmers Faire Tokens
Tome of the Cinder Hawk Cinder Hawk Quartermaster (Defenders of the Angle) 30 Mark of the Angle
Tome of the Corrupted Craban Corrupted Craban Nedda Pinleaf 40 Tokens of Ill Omens
Tome of the Decorated Goose Decorated Goose Myrtle Mint 4000 Figments of Splendour
Tome of the Friendly Egret Friendly Egret Rowan Raspberry 4500 Figments of Splendour
Tome of the Friendly Heron Friendly Heron Before the Shadow Collector's Edition - Bonus Items!
Tome of the Friendly Stork Friendly Stork Summer Festivity Token Vendor 40 Iron Coins of Cardolan
Tome of the Green Peacock Green Peacock Summer Festivity Token Vendor 20 Festivity Tokens
Tome of the Green Peahen Green Peahen Summer Festivity Token Vendor 20 Festivity Tokens
Tome of the Harbinger of the Sage's Storm Harbinger of the Sage's Storm Fall Festival Trader NPCs 40 Fall Festival Tokens
Tome of the Harmonious Falcon Harmonious Falcon Rowan Raspberry 3500 Figments of Splendour
Mottled Craban's Favourite Shiny Thing Mottled Craban Quartermaster (March on Gundabad)
(Minas Ithil Jeweller Recipe)
50 Copper Coins of Gundabad
Tome of the Night Sky Craban Night Sky Craban Fall Festival Trader 40 Fall Festival Tokens
Tome of the Night Swan Night Swan LOTRO Store 595 LOTRO Point  LOTRO Point
Tome of the Noble Starling Noble Starling Rivendell Themed Supporter Packs
Tome of the Parrot Parrot Corsairs of Umbar Ultimate Fan Bundle - Bonus Items!
Tome of the Parrot of Darkness Parrot of Darkness This item can be claimed from the Legendary Item Reward Track upon completing tier 75. (Season 11)
Tome of the Parrot of the Fiery Sands Parrot of the Fiery Sands This item can be claimed from the Legendary Item Reward Track upon completing tier 100 (Season 12)
Tome of the Parrot of Light Parrot of Light  XP Boost + Silver Winter Gift: Parrot Pet
Tome of the Parrot of Umbar Baharbêl Parrot of Umbar Baharbêl Light in the Umbar-môkh
Tome of the Pure Seagull Pure Seagull Legendary Item Reward Track (Tier 25, Season 6)
Tome of the Raven Raven The Anniversary Scavenger Hunt -- Year Eight
Tome of the Red Eagle Red Eagle Bert Bartleby  5 Bingo Badges
Tome of the Silly Goose Goose Spring Rewards Vendor 25 Spring Leaves
Tome of the Shadow Raven Shadow Raven The Veil of the Nine Legendary Server
Tome of the Snowy Mountain Eagle Snowy Mountain Eagle Vorthur Smokebreath 75 Tokens of the Kharum-ubnâr
Tome of the Songbird Songbird Quartermaster (Featured Challenge Rewards Vendor) 20 Newfound Coins
Tome of the Soot-feathered Crow Soot-feathered Crow Fall Festival Trader NPCs 40 Fall Festival Tokens
Tome of the Sparrow Bird-speech Drop or Lore-master Trainer 25 Mithril Coins
Tome of the Spooky Jackdaw Spooky Jackdaw Fall Festival Trader NPCs 40 Fall Festival Tokens
Tome of the Spring Pheasant - Female Spring Pheasant - Female Spring Rewards Vendor 30 Spring Leaves
Tome of the Spring Pheasant- Male Spring Pheasant - Male Spring Rewards Vendor 30 Spring Leaves
Tome of the Sophisticated Chaffinch Sophisticated Chaffinch Filbert Fig 2500 Figments of Splendour
 Adventurer's Steel-bound Lootbox
 Traveller's Steel-Bound Lootbox
Tome of the Sophisticated Magpie Sophisticated Magpie  Adventurer's Steel-bound Lootbox
 Traveller's Steel-Bound Lootbox
Tome of the Thrush Thrush Quartermaster (Dwarves of Erebor Rewards) 75 Tokens of the Lake and Rivers
Tome of the White Goosee White Goose Quartermaster (Yonder-watch) 40 Copper Bounder's Coins
Tome of the White-headed Hawk White-headed Hawk Spring Rewards Vendor 25 Spring Leaves
Tome of the White Peacock White Peacock Keeper of Mysteries or

Gorgoroth Steel-bound Lootbox

1000 Motes of Enchantment

Tome of the White Peahen White Peahen Keeper of Mysteries or

Gorgoroth Steel-bound Lootbox

1000 Motes of Enchantment

Tome of the White Swan White Swan Dol Amroth Quartermaster 10 Gold Tokens
10 Silver Tokens
Item Skill Acquired from Barter Cost
Tome of the Black Bull Black Bull Quartermaster (The Renewal of Gondor)
Kindred Standing required
45 Mark of Renewal
Tome of the Brown Cow Brown Cow Quartermaster (The Renewal of Gondor)
Friend Standing required
25 Mark of Renewal
Tome of the Dale Calf Dale Calf Quartermaster (Elves of Felegoth Rewards) 75 Tokens of the Lake and Rivers
Tome of the Potato Farmer's Fine Cow Potato Farmer's Fine Cow Caltha Tunnelly 60 Farmers Faire Tokens
Tome of the Quiet Cow Quiet Cow Quest:The Anniversary Scavenger Hunt -- Year Seven
Tome of the Rohan Aurochs Rohan Aurochs Theodore Gorse 15 Coins of the Bugan
Tome of the Water Buffalo Bull Water Buffalo Bull This item can be claimed from the Legendary Item Reward Track upon completing tier 100. (Season 13)
Tome of the Water Buffalo Calf Water Buffalo Calf This item can be claimed from the Legendary Item Reward Track upon completing tier 100. (Season 13)
Tome of the Water Buffalo Cow Water Buffalo Cow This item can be claimed from the Legendary Item Reward Track upon completing tier 100. (Season 13)
Item Skill Acquired from Barter Cost
Tome of Butterflies Butterflies Obtainable as part of the Superior River Hobbit Cosmetics bundle.
Item Skill Acquired from Barter Cost
Tome of the Black Cat Black Cat Fall Festival Trader NPCs 60 Fall Festival Tokens
Tome of the Cat Cat-speech Drop or Lore-master Trainer 25 Mithril Coins
Tome of the Charming Feline Charming Feline Rakish Patron Coffers
Tome of the Cozy Grey Cat Cozy Grey Cat Games-master, Henry Peartree or Will Peartree 20 Anniversary Tokens
Tome of the Cozy Tabby Cat Cozy Tabby Cat Cadell 150 Greyflood Marks
Tome of the Dappled Tri-colour Cat Dappled Tri-colour Cat LOTRO Store 595 LOTRO Point LOTRO Points
Tome of the Dashing Feline Dashing Feline Rakish Patron Coffers
Tome of the Ferocious Battle-kitten Ferocious Battle-kitten Quartermaster, Dol Amroth and Pelargir 45 Marks of Renewal
Tome of the Ghostly Cat Ghostly Cat Fall Festival Trader NPCs 40 Fall Festival Tokens
30 Mithril Coins
Tome of the Ginger Cat Ginger Cat Rangers of Ithilien Barter (Kindred) 100 East Gondor Silver Pieces
Tome of the Lion Cub Lion Cub Achardis, Umbar Baharbêl 60 Eagle Bits
Tome of the Maned Lion Maned Lion This item can be claimed from the Legendary Item Reward Track upon completing tier 100. (Season 10)
Tome of the Mirkwood Sabre-cat Mirkwood Sabre-cat  Mirkwood Patron's Luxuriant Coffer
Tome of the Proud Lioness Proud Lioness Quartermaster, Cape of Umbar and Umbar Baharbêl - 150 Umbari Tâm

This item can also be claimed from the Legendary Item Reward Track upon completing tier 50 (Season 12)

Tome of the Rakish Feline Rakish Feline Rakish Patron Coffers
Tome of the Rat-catcher Cat Rat-catcher Cat LOTRO Store 495 LOTRO Point LOTRO Points
Tome of the Shadow Cat Shadow Cat The Veil of the Nine Legendary Server
Tome of the Sitaka Harmonious Falcon Myrtle Mint - 4000 Figments of Splendour
 Adventurer's Steel-bound Lootbox
 Traveller's Steel-Bound Lootbox
Tome of the Smoky-grey Cat Smoky-grey Cat Myrtle Mint 3500 Figments of Splendour
Tome of the Very Fancy Cat Very Fancy Cat Rangers of Ithilien Barter (Kindred) 100 East Gondor Silver Pieces
Tome of Willem Whisker Willem Whisker Bert Bartleby  5 Bingo Badges
Tome of Willem's Cub Willem's Cub Bert Bartleby  5 Bingo Badges
Item Skill Acquired from Barter Cost
Tome of the Black-beak Cave-claw Black-beak Cave-claw Maris (Reward Vendor) 500 Buried Treasure Token
Tome of the Golden Cave-claw Golden Cave-claw Theodore Gorse 15 Coins of the Bugan
Tome of the Green-back Cave-claw Green-back Cave-claw Maris (Reward Vendor) 500 Buried Treasure Token
Tome of the Green-beak Cave-claw Green-beak Cave-claw Maris (Reward Vendor) 500 Buried Treasure Token
Tome of the Pink-beak Cave-claw Pink-beak Cave-claw Maris (Reward Vendor) 500 Buried Treasure Token
Tome of the Tan-back Cave-claw Tan-back Cave-claw Maris (Reward Vendor) 500 Buried Treasure Token
Tome of the Treasure-seeking Cave-claw Treasure-seeking Cave-claw Maris (Reward Vendor) 500 Buried Treasure Token
Item Skill Acquired from Barter Cost
Tome of the Black-foot Chicken Black-foot Chicken Quartermaster (Pets) 2160 Hobnanigans Tokens
Tome of the Dorking Chicken Dorking Chicken Quartermaster (Pets) 1440 Hobnanigans Tokens
Tome of the Orange Wyandotte Chicken Orange Wyandotte Chicken Quartermaster (Pets) 2160 Hobnanigans Tokens
Tome of the Red Chicken Red Chicken Quartermaster (Pets) 720 Hobnanigans Tokens
Tome of the Scrapper Chicken Scrapper Chicken Quartermaster (Pets) 1800 Hobnanigans Tokens
Tome of the White Chicken White Chicken Quartermaster (Pets) 150 Hobnanigans Tokens  White Chicken Token
Item Skill Acquired from Barter Cost
Chipmunk Chipmunk Feredis (Midsummer Barter Matron) 20 Midsummer Tokens
Silver Chipmunk Silver Chipmunk Feredis (Midsummer Barter Matron) 20 Midsummer Tokens
Item Skill Acquired from Barter Cost
Tome of the Agarnaith Crawler Agarnaith Crawler Gorgoroth Steel-bound Lootbox
Tome of the Gorgoroth Crawler Gorgoroth Crawler Gorgoroth Steel-bound Lootbox
Tome of the Ill Omened Crawler Ill Omened Crawler Nedda Pinleaf 40 Tokens of Ill Omens
Tome of the Lhingris Crawler Lhingris Crawler Conquest of Gorgoroth Barter 50 Silver Signets of the Thandrim
Critter Groups
Item Skill Acquired from Barter Cost
Tome of the Whimsical Woodland Critters Whimsical Woodland Critters Contained within the  Whimsical Luxuriant Mithril Coffer
Item Skill Acquired from Barter Cost
Tome of the Grabby Crab Grabby Crab Delving Quartermaster 3000 Delving Writs
Tome of the Ill Omened Crab Ill Omened Crab Nedda Pinleaf 40 Tokens of Ill Omens
Item Skill Acquired from Barter Cost
Tome of the Autumn Heartwood Stag Autumn Heartwood Stag Myrtle Mint 2500 Figments of Splendour
Tome of the Friendly Deer Friendly Deer Quest reward (only available during LOTRO Anniversary
Tome of the Majestic White Stag Majestic White Stag Deed completion
Tome of the Spotted Woodland Fawn Spotted Woodland Fawn Caltha Tunnelly 60 Farmers Faire Tokens
Tome of the White Heartwood Fawn White Heartwood Fawn Myrtle Mint 3500 Figments of Splendour
Tome of the Wild Young Moose Wild Young Moose Quartermaster (The League of the Axe) 30 League of the Axe Tokens
Tome of the Woodland Doe Woodland Doe Caltha Tunnelly 60 Farmers Faire Tokens
Tome of the Woodland Hart Woodland Hart Summer Festivity Token Vendor 20 Festivity Tokens
Tome of the Young Moose Young Moose This item can be claimed from the Legendary Item Reward Track upon completing tier 50. (Season 8)
Item Skill Acquired from Barter Cost
Tome of the Anniversary Celebration Corgi Anniversary Celebration Corgi 2023 Extra Life Fundraiser
This item is also dropped by +Cordovan as a reward during the LOTRO Anniversary Celebration Live Events.
Tome of the Black Marble Wolf-dog Black Marble Wolf-dog Fall Festival Trader NPCs 40 Fall Festival Tokens
Tome of the Black Mastiff Black Mastiff Curator 7500 Figments of Splendour
Tome of the Black Wolf-dog Black Wolf-dog Quartermaster (The White Company) (Celebrated Standing) 350 Sigil of Imlad Ithil
Tome of the Blonde Corgi Blonde Corgi This item can be claimed from the Legendary Item Reward Track upon completing tier 50. (Season 12)
Tome of the Brick Corgi Brick Corgi Delving Quartermaster 3000 Delving Writs
Tome of the Brown Marble Wolf-dog Brown Marble Wolf-dog Quartermaster (Defenders of the Angle) 20 Mark of the Angle
Tome of the Brown Wolf-dog Brown Wolf-dog Ereblen 15 Pristine Relic of Minas Ithil
Tome of the Chestnut Corgi Chestnut Corgi LOTRO 15th Anniversary Celebration
Tome of the Copper Nether-hound Copper Nether-hound Filbert Fig 6000 Figments of Splendour
Tome of the Delving Nether-hound Delving Nether-hound Rowan Raspberry 6000 Figments of Splendour
Tome of the Dog Dog-speech Drop or Lore-master Trainer 25 Mithril Coins
Tome of the Dusky Nether-hound Dusky Nether-hound Delving Quartermaster 2000 Delving Writs
Tome of Farmer Maggot's Dog Farmer Maggot's Dog The Anniversary Scavenger Hunt -- Year One
Tome of Faroth Faroth A New Friend (Faroth)
Tome of the Fireworks Corgi Fireworks Corgi Games-master, Henry Peartree or Will Peartree 30 Mithril Coins
Tome of the Formal Corgi Formal Corgi Theodore Gorse 15 Coins of the Bugan
Tome of the Harnessed Shepherd Dog Harnessed Shepherd Dog Minas Morgul Ultimate Fan Bundle - Bonus Items!
Tome of the Helpful Hound Helpful Hound Host of the West Barter (Kindred) 40 Salt 10 Provisions
Tome of the Herding Dog of the Rohirrim Herding Dog of the Rohirrim Patron's Luxuriant Cosmetics Coffer of the Rohirrim
Tome of the Husky Wolf-dog Husky Wolf-dog Myrtle Mint 3500 Figments of Splendour
Tome of the Ill Omened Hound Ill Omened Hound Nedda Pinleaf 40 Tokens of Ill Omens
Tome of the Ill Omened Jackal Ill Omened Jackal Nedda Pinleaf 40 Tokens of Ill Omens
Tome of the Mushroom Hunter's Corgi Mushroom Hunter's Corgi  Adventurer's Steel-bound Lootbox
 Traveller's Steel-Bound Lootbox
Tome of the Mushroom Nether-hound Mushroom Nether-hound Caltha Tunnelly 60 Farmers Faire Tokens
Tome of the Nether-hound Nether-hound Rowan Raspberry 6000 Figments of Splendour
Tome of the Prepared Corgi Prepared Corgi  Ingredient Packs + Gold Winter Gift: Pet Prepared Corgi
Tome of the Rust Corgi Rust Corgi Myrtle Mint 7500 Figments of Splendour
Tome of the Shadow Nether-hound Shadow Nether-hound The Veil of the Nine Legendary Server
Tome of the Shepherd Dog Shepherd Dog Minas Morgul Ultimate Fan Bundle - Bonus Items!
Minas Morgul Collector's Edition - Bonus Items!
Tome of the Spotted Corgi Spotted Corgi Community Event
Tome of the Tamed Variag Hound Tamed Variag Hound Throne of the Dread Terror T2
Tome of the Treasured Jackal Treasured Jackal Ultimate Fan Edition of the Legacy of Morgoth expansion  Legacy of Morgoth Ultimate Fan Bundle - Bonus Items!
Tome of the Tri-colour Corgi Tri-colour Corgi Games-master, Henry Peartree or Will Peartree 30 Festivity Tokens
Tome of the Well-supplied Hound Well-supplied Hound Host of the West Barter (Kindred) 40 Salt 10 Provisions
White Puppy White Puppy Spring Rewards Vendor (only available at Spring Festival) 25 Spring Leaves
White Wolf-dog White Wolf-dog Alex Grey (only available at Yule Festival) 75 Yule Festival Token
Item Skill Acquired from Barter Cost
Tome of the Alabaster Donkey Alabaster Donkey Yule Festivity Token Vendor 20 Festivity Tokens
Tome of the Buff Donkey Buff Donkey Filbert Fig 4000 Figments of Splendour
Tome of the Cask-laden Donkey Cask-laden Donkey Filbert Fig 4000 Figments of Splendour
Tome of the Feed-laden Donkey Feed-laden Donkey Caltha Tunnelly (Farmer's Faire) 30 Mithril Coin 
Tome of the Mountaineering Donkey Mountaineering Donkey This item can be claimed from the Legendary Item Reward Track upon completing tier 100. (Season 2)
Tome of the Silver Donkey Silver Donkey Quartermaster (The City of Umbar Rewards) 50 Ledger-keeper Marks
Tome of the Treasure-laden Donkey Treasure-laden Donkey War of Three Peaks Ultimate Fan Bundle - Bonus Items!
Tome of the Wild Black Donkey Wild Black Donkey Ikorbâni Quartermaster
(Ally - The Ikorbâni Standing)
30 Shagâni Ghín
Tome of the Wild Chocolate Donkey Wild Chocolate Donkey Feredis 20 Midsummer Tokens
Tome of the Wild Cinnamon Donkey Wild Cinnamon Donkey  Scrolls + Gold Winter Gift: Pet Cinnamon Donkey
Tome of the Wild Grey Donkey Wild Grey Donkey Complete the Bringer of Good Cheer Deed
Tome of the Wild Spotted Donkey Wild Spotted Donkey Spring Rewards Vendor 25 Spring Leaves
Item Skill Acquired from Barter Cost
Tome of the Ametrine Drakeling Ametrine Drakeling  Rune + Gold Winter Gift: Drakeling Pet obtained as a Gold Hobbit gift during the Yule Festival.
Tome of the Emerald Drakeling Emerald Drakeling This item can be claimed from the Legendary Item Reward Track upon completing tier 50. (Season 13)
Tome of the Golden Drakeling Golden Drakeling This item was granted as part of the Year of the Dragon update in 2024.
Tome of the Moonstone Drakeling Moonstone Drakeling Rare instance drop from The Dragon and the Storm, Tier 1 - Tier 3.
Tome of the Ruby Drakeling Ruby Drakeling Rare instance drop from The Dragon and the Storm, Tier 3.
Item Skill Acquired from Barter Cost
Tome of the Rain-cloud Rain-cloud Summer Festivity Token Vendor 20 Festivity Tokens
Tome of the Storm-cloud Storm-cloud Gorgoroth Steel-bound Lootbox or
Keeper of Mysteries
2500 Motes of Enchantment
Rustflake Dust Devil Rustflake Dust Devil Quartermaster (Dwarves of Erebor Rewards) 90 Tokens of the Lake and Rivers
Item Skill Acquired from Barter Cost
Amber Fire-fly Amber Fire-fly Muirál 50 Sárskillins
Blue Firefly Blue Firefly Feredis (Midsummer Barter Matron) 20 Midsummer Tokens
Green Firefly Green Firefly Available from Hobbit Gifts as a special Midsummer Wedding Gift.
Purple Firefly Purple Firefly Feredis (Midsummer Barter Matron) 20 Midsummer Tokens
Red Firefly Red Firefly Feredis (Midsummer Barter Matron) 20 Midsummer Tokens
Summer Concert Firefly Summer Concert Firefly Feredis (Midsummer Barter Matron) 25 Midsummer Tokens
Twilight Fire-fly Twilight Fire-fly Muirál 50 Sárskillins
Item Skill Acquired from Barter Cost
Tome of the Brown Fox Brown Fox Rangers of Ithilien Barter (Kindred) 100 East Gondor Silver Pieces
Tome of the Fennec Fox Fennec Fox  Corsairs of Umbar Ultimate Fan Bundle - Bonus Items!
 Corsairs of Umbar Collector's Edition - Bonus Items!
Tome of the Fire-fox Bandit Fire-fox Bandit Caltha Tunnelly
Verbena Greenhand
20 Festivity Tokens
30 Mithril Coins
Tome of the Fox Fox-speech Drop or Lore-master Trainer 25 Mithril Coins
Tome of the Ithilien Fox Ithilien Fox Host of the West Barter (Kindred)  Phial of Amber Extract
Tome of the Red Fox Red Fox Host of the West Barter (Kindred) 80 Host of the West Silver Pieces
Tome of the Sleek Fox Sleek Fox Bert Bartleby 5 Bingo Badges
Tome of the Tan Fox Tan Fox Radagast 20 Rhosgobel Oak Leaves
Tome of the White Fox White Fox Featured Challenge Rewards Vendor 20 Newfound Coins
Item Skill Acquired from Barter Cost
Tome of the Ash Frog Ash Frog Gorgoroth Steel-bound Lootbox
Tome of the Blight Frog Blight Frog Gorgoroth Steel-bound Lootbox
Tome of the Copper-back Frog Copper-back Frog Rangers of Ithilien Barter (Kindred) 100 East Gondor Silver Pieces
Tome of the Fog Frog Fog Frog Rangers of Ithilien Barter (Kindred) 100 East Gondor Silver Pieces
Tome of the Frog Frog-speech Drop or Lore-master Trainer 25 Mithril Coins
Tome of the Frog Frog Rangers of Ithilien Barter (Kindred) 100 East Gondor Silver Pieces
Tome of the Little Deep Toad Little Deep Toad Possible drop from Chest in Den of Pughlak
Tome of the Marsh Frog Marsh Frog Blue Box of Dead Marsh Orc Spoils (Drop / Quest reward)
Tome of the Mushroom Hunter's Frog Mushroom Hunter's Frog Rowan Raspberry 1500 Figments of Splendour
 Adventurer's Steel-bound Lootbox
 Traveller's Steel-Bound Lootbox
Tome of the Pond Frog Pond Frog Roving Threat Barter 30 Gift-giver's Brands
Tome of the Toxic Frogling Toxic Frogling Conquest of Gorgoroth Barter 50 Silver Signets of the Thandrim
Glow Worms
Item Skill Acquired from Barter Cost
Tome of the Adorable Sand Worm Adorable Sand Worm Delving Quartermaster 3000 Delving Writs
Tome of the Green Glow Worm Green Glow Worm Filbert Fig 2000 Figments of Splendours
Tome of the Ill Omened Worm Ill Omened Worm Nedda Pinleaf 40 Tokens of Ill Omens
Tome of the Orange Glow Worm Orange Glow Worm Filbert Fig 2000 Figments of Splendours
Tome of the Ruby Sand Worm [[Ruby Sand Worm] Delving Quartermaster 4000 Delving Writs
Item Skill Acquired from Barter Cost
Tome of the Anniversary Celebration Goat Anniversary Celebration Goat Games-master, Henry Peartree or Will Peartree 20 Anniversary Tokens
Tome of the Big Goat Kid Big Goat Kid Caltha Tunnelly 60 Farmers Faire Tokens
Burgundy Goat Burgundy Goat Quartermaster (March on Gundabad) 135 Copper Coin of Gundabads

Coffee Goat Coffee Goat Quartermaster (The Gabil'akkâ) 80 Gabil'akkâ War-marks
Copper Goat's Bell Copper Goat Quartermaster (March on Gundabad)
(Minas Ithil Metalsmith Recipe)
50 Copper Coins of Gundabad
Tome of the Cozy Yule Goat Kid Cozy Yule Goat Kid Hobbit Gifts during the Yule Festival
Tome of the Festive Yule Goat Kid Festive Yule Goat Kid Alex Grey (Barter Vendor) 30 Festivity Tokens
Tome of the Forest-spirit Goat Goat of the Forest-spirit Fall Festival Trader 40 Fall Festival Tokens
Tome of the Light Brown Goat Light Brown Goat Bert Bartleby 5 Bingo Badges
Light Grey Goat Light Grey Goat Quartermaster (The Gabil'akkâ) 80 Gabil'akkâ War-marks
Tome of the Little Goat Kid Little Kid Keeper of Mysteries 2500 Motes of Enchantment
Tome of the Mottled Goat Kid Mottled Goat Kid Curator 7500 Figments of Splendour
Sentinel-in-training Sentinel-in-training Part of the Reclaim Moria Bundle
Sienna Goat Sienna Goat Nedda Pinleaf 40 Tokens of Ill Omens
Tome of the Silver Goat Kid Silver Goat Kid Quartermaster (Dwarf-holds Rewards) 100 Mark of the Longbeards
Tome of the Teacup Goat Kid Teacup Goat Kid Theodore Gorse 15 Coins of the Bugan
Bed for a Toffee Goat Kid Toffee Goat Kid Quartermaster (March on Gundabad)
(Minas Ithil Woodworker Recipe)
50 Copper Coins of Gundabad
Tome of the Umber Goat Umber Goat Bert Bartleby 5 Bingo Badges
Tome of the Warm Winter Goat Kid Warm Winter Goat Kid This item can be claimed from the Legendary Item Reward Track upon completing tier 100. (Season 4)
Item Skill Acquired from Barter Cost
Tome of the Fire Grim Fire Grim Alex Grey (only available at Yule Festival) 75 Yule Festival Tokens
Tome of the Grim Grim Alex Grey (only available at Yule Festival) 75 Yule Festival Tokens
Tome of the Shadow Grim Shadow Grim Alex Grey (only available at Yule Festival) 75 Yule Festival Tokens
Tome of the Snow Not-so-grim Snow Not-so-grim Yule Festivity Token Vendor 20 Festivity Tokens
Tome of the Crystal Grim Crystal Grim Fate of Gundabad Ultimate Fan Bundle - Bonus Items!
Item Skill Acquired from Barter Cost
Tome of the Miniature Grodbog Warrior Miniature Grodbog Warrior Bert Bartleby 5 Bingo Badges
Item Skill Acquired from Barter Cost
Tome of the Hedgehog Hedgehog Spring Rewards Vendor 30 Spring Leaves
Tome of the Russet Hedgehog Russet Hedgehog Gorgoroth Steel-bound Lootbox or
2500 Figments of Splendour
Item Skill Acquired from Barter Cost
Black Draught Horse Black Draught Horse Available from LOTRO Store Homesteads and Harvests Coffers.
Tome of Bill the Pony Bill the Pony The Anniversary Scavenger Hunt -- Year Two
Tome of the Cart Pony Cart Pony Vorthur Smokebreath 75 Tokens of the Kharum-ubnâr
Dappled Grey Draught Horse Dappled Grey Draught Horse Available from LOTRO Store Homesteads and Harvests Coffers.
Homesteader's Draught Horse Homesteader's Draught Horse Available from LOTRO Store Homesteads and Harvests Coffers.
Tome of Old Rattlepacks Old Rattlepacks Bert Bartleby 5 Bingo Badges
Tome of the Picnic Pony Picnic Pony Summer Festivity Token Vendor 20 Festivity Tokens
Present-bearing Pony Present-bearing Pet Pony Loot from Hobbit Gifts during Yule Festival (Silver Presents)
Tome of the Skittish Black Horse Skittish Black Horse Bert Bartleby 5 Bingo Badges
Tome of Tanglemane Tanglemane Bert Bartleby 20 Bingo Badges
Tome of the The King's Pony The King's Pony Chapter 1.10: Inside Every Shadow
Wedding Celebration Pony Wedding Celebration Pony Available from Hobbit Gifts as a special Midsummer Wedding Gift.
Item Skill Acquired from Barter Cost
Tome of the Black Huorn with Honeycomb Black Huorn with Honeycomb Quest Reward OR Quickbeam 375 Fangorn Leaves
Tome of the Fangorn Huorn Fangorn Huorn Quest Reward OR Quickbeam 375 Fangorn Leaves
Tome of the Snowy Fangorn Huorn Snowy Fangorn Huorn Quest Reward OR Quickbeam 375 Fangorn Leaves
Tome of the White Huorn White Huorn Nedda Pinleaf 40 Tokens of Ill Omens
Tome of the Poinsettia Huorn Poinsettia-wreathed Huorn Yule Festivity Token Vendor 75 Festivity Tokens
Tome of the Yule Tree Huorn Yule Tree Huorn Hobbit Gifts during the Yule Festival
Tome of the Umbari Huorn Umbari Huorn Achardis, Umbar Baharbêl 150 Ledger-keeper Marks
Tome of the Tame Wildwood Huorn Tame Wildwood Huorn Radhril 150 Bree-land Wood-mark
Item Skill Acquired from Barter Cost
Tome of the Beer-loving Badgers Kite Beer-loving Badgers Kite LOTRO Store 495 LOTRO Point LOTRO Points
Tome of the Bumblebee Kite Bumblebee Kite LOTRO Store 495 LOTRO Point LOTRO Points
Tome of the Crimson Dragon Kite Crimson Dragon Kite LOTRO Store 595 LOTRO Point LOTRO Points
Tome of the Floral Kite Floral Kite Spring Rewards Vendor 30 Spring Leaves
Tome of the Frosty Kite Frosty Kite LOTRO Store 595 LOTRO Point LOTRO Points
Tome of the Golden Dragon Kite Golden Dragon Kite Games-master 15 Anniversary Tokens
Tome of the Golden Grain Kite Golden Grain Kite Caltha Tunnelly 60 Farmers Faire Tokens
Tome of the Hallows-eve Kite Hallows-eve Kite LOTRO Store 595 LOTRO Point LOTRO Points
Tome of the Harvest Revelry Kite Harvest Revelry Kite Caltha Tunnelly 60 Farmers Faire Tokens
Tome of the Hopeful Swan Kite Hopeful Swan Kite Mordor Ultimate Fan Bundle - Bonus Items
Tome of the Kite of the Sickle Kite of the Sickle Alex Grey 75 Yule Festival Tokens
Tome of the Leaf-fall Kite Leaf-fall Kite Fall Festival Trader 40 Fall Festival Tokens
Tome of the Maple Kite Maple Kite This item can be claimed from the Legendary Item Reward Track upon completing tier 50. (Season 7)
Tome of the Midnight Dragon Kite Midnight Dragon Kite LOTRO Store 595 LOTRO Point LOTRO Points
Tome of the Midsummer's Comet Kite Midsummer's Comet Kite Summer Rewards Vendor 40 Fall Festival Tokens
Tome of the Moth Kite Moth Kite Spring Rewards Vendor 30 Spring Leaves
Tome of the Noble Eagle Kite Noble Eagle Kite Mordor Ultimate Fan Bundle - Bonus Items
Tome of the Oaken Kite Oaken Kite Fall Festival Trader 40 Fall Festival Tokens
Tome of the Silver Dragon Kite Silver Dragon Kite Games-master 15 Anniversary Tokens
Tome of the Smaug Kite Smaug Kite Quartermaster (Men of Dale Rewards) 75 Tokens of the Lake and Rivers
Tome of the Soaring Bird Kite Soaring Bird Kite Summer Rewards Vendor 30 Mithril Coins
Tome of the Storm-wing Kite Storm-wing Kite LOTRO Store 595 LOTRO Point LOTRO Points
Tome of the Summer Flower Kite Summer Flower Kite Summer Rewards Vendor 60 Farmers Faire Tokens
Tome of the Sunflower Kite Sunflower Kite LOTRO Store 495 LOTRO Point LOTRO Points
Tome of the Sunny Summer Kite Sunny Summer Kite Summer Rewards Vendor 35 Farmers Faire Tokens
Tome of the Trout Kite Trout Kite LOTRO Store 495 LOTRO Point LOTRO Points
Tome of the Wildfowl Kite Wildfowl Kite LOTRO Store 495 LOTRO Point LOTRO Points
Tome of the Winter Dove Kite Winter Dove Kite LOTRO Store 595 LOTRO Point LOTRO Points
Tome of the Winter's Flower Winter's Flower Alex Grey 75 Yule Festival Tokens
Tome of the Sky of a Perfect Day Kite Sky of a Perfect Day Kite Games-master 20 Anniversary Tokens
Tome of the Gondor Midsummer Kite Gondor Midsummer Kite Feredis 20 Midsummer Tokens
Tome of the Large Gondorian Kite Large Gondorian Kite Available from Hobbit Gifts as a special Midsummer Wedding Gift.
Tome of the Gloaming Kite Gloaming Kite Caltha Tunnelly 60 Farmers Faire Tokens
Item Skill Acquired from Barter Cost
Tome of the Adventurous Lurker Adventurous Lurker Celeblír 120 Token of Further Adventure
Tome of the Bog-lurker Buddy Bog-lurker Buddy Celeblír 120 Token of Further Adventure
Tome of the Gourd-lurker Gourd-lurker Fall Festival Trader 40 Fall Festival Tokens
Tome of the Lantern Gourd-lurker Lantern Gourd-lurker Fall Festival Trader 40 Fall Festival Tokens
Sea-side Sand-lurker Sea-side Sand-lurker Rowan Raspberry 3000 Figments of Splendour
Tome of the Spooky Barrow-lurker Spooky Barrow-lurker Boss chest drop from Sarch Vorn instance
Tome of the Tidal Dune-lurker Tidal Dune-lurker Achardis, Umbar Baharbêl 150 Eagle Bits
Item Skill Acquired from Barter Cost
Tome of the Wily Macaque Wily Macaque Boss chest drop from The Isle of Storms 3-man instance
Item Skill Acquired from Barter Cost
Tome of the Amethyst Neekerbreeker Amethyst Neekerbreeker Filbert Fig 4000 Figments of Splendour
Tome of the Sapphire Neekerbreeker Sapphire Neekerbreeker Filbert Fig 2500 Figments of Splendour
Tome of the Topaz Neekerbreeker Topaz Neekerbreeker Filbert Fig 2500 Figments of Splendour
Item Skill Acquired from Barter Cost
Tome of the Frost-tusk Youngling Frost-tusk Youngling Legendary Item Reward Track Season 8 - tier 75
Tome of the Little Mûmak Little Mûmak Throne of the Dread Terror T2
Tome of the Little Mûmak Shobdo the Little Mûmak LOTRO store 595 LOTRO Points
Item Skill Acquired from Barter Cost
Tome of the Lasgalen Owl Lasgalen Grey Owl Gorgoroth Steel-bound Lootbox
Tome of the Snow Owl Snow Owl Alex Grey 75 Yule Festival Tokens
Tome of the Snowy Barn Owl Snowy Barn Owl Alex Grey 75 Yule Festival Tokens
Tome of the Golden Barn Owl Golden Barn Owl Curator 2500 Figments of Splendour
Tome of the Windfell Owl Windfell Owl Fall Festival Traders 40 Fall Festival Tokens
Peoples of Middle-earth
Item Skill Acquired from Barter Cost
Tome of the Distant Cousin Distant Cousin Bert Bartleby 5 Bingo Badges
Tome of the Loyal Swan-knight Loyal Swan-knight Throne of the Dread Terror T2
Tome of the Rohirric Follower Rohirric Follower Riders of Rohan Barter (Kindred) 40 Wood-carvings
32 Polished Marble Trinket
Item Skill Acquired from Barter Cost
Tome of the Battle-adorned Pig Battle-adorned Pig War of Three Peaks Ultimate Fan Bundle - Bonus Items!
Tome of the Brown Pig Brown Pig Radagast 20 Rhosgobel Oak Leaves
Tome of the Grey Pig Grey Pig Caltha Tunnelly 60 Farmers Faire Tokens
Tome of the Happy Pig Happy Pig The Anniversary Scavenger Hunt -- Year Eight
Tome of the Little Black Pig Little Black Pig Rowan Raspberry 2500 Figments of Splendour
Tome of the Little Brown Pig Little Brown Pig Hithril (Protector of the Vales) 45 Vales - Elf Tokens
Tome of the Little Pink Pig Pink Pig Rowan Raspberry 1500 Figments of Splendour
Tome of the Mysterious Celebration Pig Mysterious Celebration Pig Anniversary Celebrations reward contained within the 13-year Giftbox
Tome of the Snowy Evening Pig Snowy Evening Pig Alex Grey
Verbena Greenhand
30 Festivity Tokens
30 Mithril Coins
Tome of the Spotted Pig Spotted Pig Quartermaster (Wilderfolk Rewards) (Acquaintance standing) 50 Gúlmarks
Spotted Pig's Luxurious Kitchen Scraps Spotted Pig Crafting
Tome of the Striped Pelennor Pig Striped Pelennor Pig Quartermaster (Defenders of Minas Tirith) (Friend standing) 50 Minas Tirith Silver Pieces
Tome of the Sublime Boar Sublime Boar Contained within the  Sublime Patron's Luxuriant Cosmetics Coffer
Tome of the Sublime Piglet Sublime Piglet Contained within the  Sublime Patron's Luxuriant Cosmetics Coffer
Tome of the Tame Wildwood Tusker Tame Wildwood Tusker Quartermaster (Woodcutter's Brotherhood) 30 Woodcutter's Brotherhood Token
Tome of the Winter Celebration Pig Winter Celebration Pig Hobbit Gifts during the Yule Festival
Item Skill Acquired from Barter Cost
Tome of the Black Rabbit Black Rabbit Radagast 20 Rhosgobel Oak Leaves
Tome of the Brown Rabbit Brown Rabbit Bert Bartleby 5 Bingo Badges
Tome of the Hare Rabbit-speech Quest or Lore-master Trainer 25 Mithril Coins
Tome of the Pinto Rabbit Pinto Rabbit Quartermaster (Rangers of Ithilien) (Kindred standing) 100 East Gondor Silver Pieces
Tome of the White Hare White Hare Alex Grey 75 Yule Festival Tokens
Tome of the Yule Rabbit Yule Rabbit Stolen Sweets quest.
Tome of the Yule Princess Bunny Yule Princess Bunny Alex Grey 30 Festivity Tokens
Tome of the Woodland Rabbit Woodland Rabbit Spring Rewards Vendor 25 Spring Leaves
Item Skill Acquired from Barter Cost
Tome of the Blue Lizard Blue Lizard Burgsmen's Fellowship Barterer 50 Burgsmen's Tokens
Tome of the Crocodile Hatchling Crocodile Hatchling Quartermaster, Umbar Baharbêl 75 Marks of Renewal
Tome of the Loyal Turtle Loyal Turtle Before the Shadow Collector's Edition - Bonus Items!
Before the Shadow Ultimate Fan Bundle - Bonus Items!
Tome of the Red Gecko Red Gecko Quartermaster (March on Gundabad)
(Minas Ithil Scholar Recipe)
50 Copper Coins of Gundabad
Tome of the Well-travelled Turtle Well-travelled Turtle Red Box of Dead Marsh Orc Spoils
Item Skill Acquired from Barter Cost
Tome of the Albino Jerboa Albino Jerboa Quartermaster, Cape of Umbar and Umbar Baharbêl 100 Umbari Tâm
Tome of the Heather Hamster Heather Hamster Caltha Tunnelly
Verbena Greenhand
20 Festivity Tokens
30 Mithril Coins
Tome of the Jerboa Jerboa Phetekâri Quartermaster
(Respected - The Ikorbâni Standing)
30 Shagâni Ghín
Tome of the Merrymaking Hamster Merrymaking Hamster Games-master 20 Festivity Tokens
30 Mithril Coins
Tome of the Plateau Mole-rat Plateau Mole-rat Gorgoroth Steel-bound Lootbox
Tome of the Rat King Rat King Muirál 50 Sárskillins
Tome of the Sewer Rat Sewer Rat Muirál 50 Sárskillins
Tome of the Sienna Hamster Sienna Hamster Games-master 20 Anniversary Tokens
30 Mithril Coins
Tome of the Slate Jerboa Slate Jerboa This item can be claimed from the Legendary Item Reward Track upon completing tier 50. (Season 10)
Tome of the Spotted Jerboa Spotted Jerboa  Adventurer's Steel-bound Lootbox
 Traveller's Steel-Bound Lootbox
Tome of the Stowaway Rat Stowaway Rat Quartermaster (Men of Lebennin) 15 Gold-studded Staves
4 Worn Medallions of Castamir
Tome of the Thicket Mole-rat Thicket Mole-rat Quartermaster (Conquest of Gorgoroth Rewards) 50 Silver Signets of the Thandrim
Tome of the White Hamster White Hamster Delving Quartermaster 4000 Delving Writs
Item Skill Acquired from Barter Cost
Tome of the Ice Salamander Ice Salamander Bert Bartleby 5 Bingo Badges
Tome of the Red Salamander Red Salamander This item can be claimed from the Legendary Item Reward Track upon completing tier 50. (Season 4)
Item Skill Acquired from Barter Cost
Tome of the Sand-flies Sand-flies Quartermaster (Men of Dor-en-Ernil) (Kindred) 15 Jewel-encrusted Scimitars
4 Unblemished Swan Statues
Item Skill Acquired from Barter Cost
Tome of the Adorable Sickle-fly Adorable Sickle-fly Verbena Greenhand & Spring Rewards Vendor 20 Spring Leaves
Item Skill Acquired from Barter Cost
Tome of the Brown Sheep Brown Sheep Quartermaster (Rangers of Ithilien) (Kindred) 100 East Gondor Silver Pieces
Tome of the Puffy Sheep Puffy Sheep The Anniversary Scavenger Hunt -- Year Six
Tome of the Icy Expeditions Sheep Tan Sheep Alex Grey 75 Yule Festival Tokens
Tome of the Tan Sheep Tan Sheep Bert Bartleby 5 Bingo Badges
Bell for a Two-toned Sheep Two-toned Sheep Quartermaster (March on Gundabad)
(Minas Ithil Weaponsmith Recipe)
50 Copper Coins of Gundabad
Tome of the Golden Sheep Golden Sheep Radagast 20 Rhosgobel Oak Leaves
Item Skill Acquired from Barter Cost
Tome of the Dusty Shrew Dusty Shrew Loot Box OR Spring Rewards Vendor 50 Spring Leaves
Tome of the Large Shrew Large Shrew Loot Box OR Spring Rewards Vendor 250 Spring Leaves
Tome of the Plain Shrew Plain Shrew Loot Box OR Spring Rewards Vendor 50 Spring Leaves
Tome of the Spotted Shrew Spotted Shrew Patch of Flowers OR Spring Rewards Vendor 50 Spring Leaves
Item Skill Acquired from Barter Cost
Tome of the Cave Slug Cave Slug This item can be claimed from the Legendary Item Reward Track upon completing tier 100. (Season 6)
Tome of the Craggy Slug Craggy Slug Reclaimers of the Mountain-hold 50 Silver Coins of Gundabad
Tome of the Curious Slug Curious Slug This item can be claimed from the Legendary Item Reward Track upon completing tier 25. (Season 9)
Tome of the Lively Slug Lively Slug Community Event
Item Skill Acquired from Barter Cost
Tome of the Agarnaith Snake Agarnaith Snake Quartermaster (Conquest of Gorgoroth Rewards) 50 Silver Signets of the Thandrim
Tome of the Banded Snake Banded Snake Gorgoroth Steel-bound Lootbox
Tome of the Brown Snake Brown Snake Bert Bartleby 5 Bingo Badges
Tome of the Cobra Cobra Collector's or Ultimate Fan Edition of the Legacy of Morgoth expansion  Legacy of Morgoth Collector's Edition - Bonus Items!
Tome of the Diamondback Snake Diamondback Snake Curator 2500 Figments of Splendour
Tome of the Ill Omened Snake Ill Omened Snake Nedda Pinleaf 40 Tokens of Ill Omens
Tome of the Mordor Snake Mordor Snake Quartermaster (Conquest of Gorgoroth Rewards) 50 Silver Signets of the Thandrim
Tome of the Red Snake Red Snake Curator 1000 Figments of Splendour
Tome of the Snake Snake-speech Drop or Lore-master Trainer 25 Mithril Coins
Tome of the Striped Snake Striped Snake Curator 1000 Figments of Splendour
Tome of the Vivid Green Snake Vivid Green Snake This item can be claimed from the Legendary Item Reward Track upon completing tier 75. (Season 9)
Tome of the Wine-red Snake Wine-red Snake Feredis 20 Midsummer Tokens
Tome of the Yellow Snake Yellow Snake Curator 1000 Figments of Splendour
Item Skill Acquired from Barter Cost
Tome of the Crystal Spider Crystal Spider Geode Hunter 150 Geodes - Quartz
Item Skill Acquired from Barter Cost
Tome of the Brown Squirrel Brown Squirrel Bert Bartleby 5 Bingo Badges
Tome of the Light Grey Squirrel Light Grey Squirrel Quartermaster (Defenders of the Angle) 30 Mark of the Angle
Tome of the Squirrel Squirrel-speech Drop or Lore-master Trainer 25 Mithril Coins
Tome of the Red Squirrel Red Squirrel Herbalist (Henneth Annûn) or Herbalist (Camp of the Host)  Phial of Amber Extract
Tome of the White Squirrel White Squirrel Bert Bartleby 5 Bingo Badges
Tome of the Night Squirrel Night Squirrel Radagast 20 Rhosgobel Oak Leaves
Dark Grey Squirrel Dark Grey Squirrel Quartermaster (March on Gundabad) 135 Copper Coin of Gundabads
Item Skill Acquired from Barter Cost
Tome of the Gundabad Ukhrash Gundabad Ukhrash Fate of Gundabad Ultimate Fan Bundle - Bonus Items!
Fate of Gundabad Collector's Edition - Bonus Items!
Item Skill Acquired from Barter Cost
Tome of the Enchanted Vessel Enchanted Vessel Quartermaster (The White Company) 500 Sigils of Imlad Ithil
Item Skill Acquired from Barter Cost
Tome of the Big Wasp Big Wasp Rowan Raspberry 4000 Figments of Splendour
Item Skill Acquired from Barter Cost
Tome of the Deep-claw Whelp Deep-claw Whelp This item can be claimed from the Legendary Item Reward Track upon completing tier 50. (Season 11)
Item Skill Acquired from Barter Cost
Tome of the Feisty Wolverine Feisty Wolverine This item can be claimed from the Legendary Item Reward Track upon completing tier 75. (Season 7)
Item Skill Acquired from Barter Cost
Tome of the Agarnaith Wormling Agarnaith Wormling Gorgoroth Steel-bound Lootbox
Tome of the Lhingris Wormling Lhingris Wormling Quartermaster (Conquest of Gorgoroth Rewards)
Tome of the Spiky Avanc Spiky Avanc Delving Quartermaster 4000 Delving Writs

Cosmetic Pet Deeds / Titles

Top of Page

Pets must be summoned in order to earn credit toward the following Deeds / Titles.

Deeds are hidden until any of the requirements has been met (at least one cosmetic pet has been summoned); otherwise you will not see them listed.

Collection Titles that existed before collections became deeds can be earned without summoning the pet, as was the case before collections became deeds, but the deed will not complete unless the required pets are summoned.

Fowl Collection

Title: Houser of Hens

 White Chicken
 Dorking Chicken
 Black-foot Chicken
 Scrapper Chicken
 Red Chicken
 Orange Wyandotte Chicken

Friendly Frogs

Title: Lady/Lord of the Croaking Host

 Pond Frog
 Copper-back Frog
 Marsh Frog
 Fog Frog

Grim Friends

Title: Keeper of Grim Company

 Fire Grim
 Shadow Grim

Huorns of Fangorn

Title: Tender of the Shifting Woods

 Black Huorn with Honeycomb
 Snowy Fangorn Huorn
 Fangorn Huorn

Shrewd Companions

Title: The Merciful Boot

 Plain Shrew
 Dusty Shrew
 Spotted Shrew
 Large Shrew

Swans of West Gondor

Title: Honourary Swan-knight

 White Swan
 Black Swan

Treasure Hunters

Title: Foreman/Forewoman

 Treasure-seeking Cave-claw
 Green-beak Cave-claw
 Black-beak Cave-claw
 Tan-back Cave-claw
 Pink-beak Cave-claw
 Green-back Cave-claw

Cosmetic Pet Acquisition

Top of Page



Various Locations

Rohan Locations

Rhovanion Locations

Gondor Locations

Mordor - Gorgoroth Locations



Harvest Festival

Yule Festival

Spring Festival

Farmers Faire

Drops / Lootboxes



Cosmetic Pet Master Gallery

Top of Page
















Critter Groups











Glow Worms












Peoples of Middle-earth




















Chronological History

Top of Page

The introduction of Cosmetic Pets into Middle-earth:

  1. Update 13.1 introduced the following pets:
    1. Chickens - Hobnanigans
    2. Shrews - Spring Festival 2014.
    3. Grims - Yule Festival.
    4. Bears - 2014 Extra Life fundraiser.
  2. Update 14 and Update 14.1 introduced the following pets:
    1. Swans
    2. Cave-claws - Treasure Hunt event.
  3. Update 14.2 introduced the following pets:
    1. Marsh Frog
    2. Well-travelled Turtle
    3. Black Huorn with Honeycomb
    4. Fangorn Huorn
    5. Snowy Fangorn Huorn
  4. Update 15 introduced the following pets:
    1. Aurochs Calf
    2. Sand-flies
    3. Stowaway Rat
  5. Update 16 introduced the following pets:
    1. Ginger Cat
    2. Pinto Rabbit
    3. Very Fancy Cat
    4. Brown Fox
    5. Frog
    6. Copper-back Frog
    7. Fog Frog
  6. Update 16.2 introduced a lot of new pets with The Ballad of Bingo Boffin
    1. Update 17:
    2. Striped Pelennor Pig
    3. Green Beetle
    4. Blue Lizard
    5. Rat-catcher Cat
  7. Update 18.1 introduced even more pets:
    1. Rohirric Follower
    2. Tamed Variag Hound
    3. Little Mûmak
  8. Update 18.2 introduced a lot of different pets:
    1. Shobdo the Little Mûmak
    2. Loyal Swan-knight
    3. Sunny Summer Kite
    4. Soaring Bird Kite
    5. Storm-wing Kite
    6. Brown Bat
    7. Leaf-fall Kite
    8. Oaken Kite
    9. Ithilien Fox
    10. Red Squirrel
    11. Red Fox
    12. Kite of the Sickle
    13. Winter's Flower
  9. Update 19.1 introduced 1 new pet:
    1. Hallows-eve Kite
  10. Update 19.3 introduced a couple new winter pets:
    1. Frosty Kite
    2. Winter Dove Kite
  11. Update 20 introduced even more pets:
    1. Bumblebee Kite
    2. Faroth
    3. Well-supplied Hound
    4. Helpful Hound
    5. Moth Kite
    6. Floral Kite
    7. Golden Dragon Kite
    8. Silver Dragon Kite
    9. Crimson Dragon Kite
    10. Midnight Dragon Kite
    11. Farmer Maggot's Dog
    12. Bill the Pony
    13. Raven
    14. Friendly Deer
    15. Puffy Sheep
    16. Quiet Cow
    17. Happy Pig
    18. Majestic White Stag
    19. Midsummer's Comet Kite
    20. Summer Flower Kite
    21. Trout Kite
    22. Sunflower Kite
  12. Update 21 introduced the Mordor Ultimate Fan Bundle - Bonus Items with 2 more pets:
    1. Noble Eagle Kite
    2. Hopeful Swan Kite
    3. Harvest Revelry Kite
    4. Golden Grain Kite
    5. Beer-loving Badgers Kite
    6. Gourd-lurker
  13. Update 21.2 introduced more pets:
    1. Wildfowl Kite
    2. Agarnaith Crawler
    3. Agarnaith Wormling
    4. Ash Frog
    5. Banded Snake
    6. Blight Frog
    7. Diamondback Snake
    8. Gorgoroth Crawler
    9. Plateau Mole-rat
    10. Red Snake
    11. Striped Snake
    12. Yellow Snake
    13. Mordor Snake
    14. Agarnaith Snake
    15. Lhingris Crawler
    16. Lhingris Wormling
    17. Toxic Frogling
    18. Thicket Mole-rat
    19. Snow Owl
    20. White Hare
  14. Update 21.3.3 introduced 1 new pet:
    1. Lasgalen Grey Owl
  15. Spring Festival 2018 introduced 3 new pets:
    1. Hedgehog
    2. Spring Pheasant - Male
    3. Spring Pheasant - Female
  16. Update 22 introduced 2 new pets:
    1. Eager Beaver
    2. Russet Hedgehog
  17. Update 22.2 introduced 2 new pets:
    1. Songbird
    2. White Fox
  18. Update 22.3 introduced 9 new pets:
    1. Blue Peacock
    2. Blue Peahen
    3. Green Peacock
    4. Green Peahen
    5. Picnic Pony
    6. Rain-cloud
    7. Storm-cloud
    8. White Peacock
    9. White Peahen
  19. Update 22.4 introduced 1 new pets:
    1. Little Kid
  20. Update 22.5 introduced 1 new pet:
    1. Big Goat Kid
    2. Yule Rabbit
  21. Update 23.0 introduced 4 new pets:
    1. Silver Goat Kid
    2. Mottled Goat Kid
    3. Fiery Red Beetle
    4. Rustflake Dust Devil
  22. Harvest Festival 2018 introduced 1 new pet:
    1. Black Cat
  23. Update 23.1.2 introduced 1 new pet:
    1. Black Mastiff
  24. Update 23.1.7 introduced 2 new pets:
    1. Snowy Barn Owl
    2. Snow Not-so-grim
  25. Update 23.3 introduced 4 new pets:
    1. Golden Barn Owl
    2. Corrupted Craban
    3. Fiery Yellow Beetle
    4. Sienna Goat
  26. Update 23.4 introduced 1 new pet:
    1. Sentinel-in-training
  27. Update 23.4.1 introduced 2 new pets:
    1. Green Glow Worm
    2. Orange Glow Worm
  28. Update 23.5.1 introduced 1 new pet:
    1. Sky of a Perfect Day Kite
  29. Update 23.6 introduced 3 new pets:
    1. Sapphire Neekerbreeker
    2. Amethyst Neekerbreeker
    3. Topaz Neekerbreeker
  30. Update 24 introduced 8 new pets:
    1. Spotted Pig
    2. Brown Pig
    3. Golden Sheep
    4. Night Squirrel
    5. Black Rabbit
    6. Tan Fox
    7. Golden Bat
    8. Big Honey Bee
  31. Update 24.1.2 introduced 2 new pets:
    1. Big Blue Carpenter Bee
    2. Big Wasp
  32. Update 24.2.1 introduced 2 new pets:
    1. Pink Pig
    2. Little Black Pig
  33. Farmer's Faire 2019 introduced 2 new pets:
    1. Black Peahen
    2. Black Peacock
  34. Update 24.3 introduced 2 new pets:
    1. Little Brown Pig
    2. Big Bumblebee
  35. Fall Festival 2019 introduced 1 new pets:
    1. Badger
  36. Update 25 - Minas Morgul introduced 4 new pets:
    1. Black Wolf-dog
    2. Brown Wolf-dog
    3. Shepherd Dog
    4. Harnessed Shepherd Dog
  37. Update 25.1 introduced the following pet:
    1. White Wolf-dog - Yule Festival.
  38. Yule Festival 2019 introduced 2 new pets:
    1. Present-bearing Pet Pony - Hobbit Gifts.
    2. Winter Celebration Pig - Yule Festival 2019.
  39. Update 25.3.1 introduced the following 3 new pets:
    1. Husky Wolf-dog
    2. Smoky-grey Cat
    3. Flying Fox
  40. Update 25.3.4 introduced the following 3 new pets:
    1. White Huorn
    2. Tattered Bat
    3. Blood-red Bat
  41. Update 25.4 introduced the following 1 new pet:
    1. Enchanted Vessel
  42. Fall Festival 2020 introduced 3 new pets:
    1. Silly Goose
    2. White-headed Hawk
    3. Woodland Rabbit
  43. Update 26 - Mists of Wilderland introduced the following 2 new pets:
    1. Mysterious Celebration Pig
    2. Swarm of Bees
  44. Update 27 - The Great Wedding introduced the following 7 new pets:
    1. Blue Firefly
    2. Green Firefly
    3. Purple Firefly
    4. Red Firefly
    5. Gondor Midsummer Kite
    6. Large Gondorian Kite - Yule Festival 2020.
    7. Wedding Celebration Pony
  45. Update 27.2.1 introduced the following 1 new pet:
    1. Decorated Goose
  46. Farmer's Faire 2020 introduced 2 new pets:
    1. Grey Pig
    2. Gloaming Kite
  47. Update 28 introduced the following 7 new pets:
    1. Burgundy Goat
    2. Coffee Goat
    3. Light Grey Goat
    4. Dark Grey Squirrel
    5. Treasure-laden Donkey
    6. Battle-adorned Pig
    7. Lively Slug
  48. Harvest Festival 2020 introduced 3 new pets:
    1. Spooky Jackdaw
    2. Harbinger of the Sage's Storm
    3. Soot-feathered Crow
  49. Update 28.2 introduced the following 5 new pets:
    1. Alabaster Donkey
    2. Cask-laden Donkey
    3. Cozy Yule Goat Kid - Yule Festival 2020, 2021, 2022.
    4. Wild Grey Donkey
    5. Brown Bear Cub
    6. Poinsettia-wreathed Huorn
    7. Yule Tree Huorn
  50. Update 28.4 introduced the following 2 new pets:
    1. Ill Omened Hound
    2. Ill Omened Worm
  51. Update 29 introduced the following new pets:
    1. Ashen Eagle
    2. Copper Goat
    3. Mottled Craban
    4. Red Gecko
    5. Spotted Pig
    6. Tame Wildwood Huorn
    7. Tame Wildwood Tusker
    8. Toffee Goat Kid
    9. Two-toned Sheep
    10. Wild Young Moose
  52. Update 29.5 introduced the following new pets:
    1. Bog-lurker Buddy
    2. Adventurous Lurker
    3. Dappled Tri-colour Cat
  53. LOTRO 14th Anniversary Celebration introduced the following new pet:
    1. Cozy Grey Cat
  54. Update 30 introduced the following 5 new pets:
    1. Bat of Azanulbizar
    2. Cart Pony
    3. Delving Nether-hound
    4. Nether-hound
    5. Snowy Mountain Eagle
  55. Midsummer Festival 2021 introduced 2 new pets:
    1. Chipmunk
    2. Silver Chipmunk
  56. Update 30.1.2 introduced the following 2 new pets:
    1. Teacup Goat Kid
    2. Golden Cave-claw
  57. Farmer's Faire 2021 introduced 3 new pets:
    1. Woodland Doe
    2. Spotted Woodland Fawn
    3. Woodland Hart
  58. Update 30.3 introduced the following 2 new pets:
    1. Crystal Grim
    2. Gundabad Ukhrash
  59. Update 31.0 introduced the following 6 new pets:
    1. Crystal Spider
    2. Little Deep Toad
    3. Craggy Slug
    4. Tame Gundabad Bat
    5. Autumn Heartwood Stag
    6. White Heartwood Fawn
  60. Update 31.1 introduced 1 new pet:
    1. Yule Princess Bunny
  61. Update 32 introduced 3 new pets:
    1. Brown Marble Wolf-dog
    2. Cinder Hawk
    3. Light Grey Squirrel
  62. Spring Festival 2022 introduced 1 new pet:
    1. Wild Spotted Donkey.
  63. Update 33 introduced 2 new pets:
    1. Chestnut Corgi
    2. White Goose
  64. LOTRO 15th Anniversary Celebration introduced the following 3 new pets:
    1. Tri-colour Corgi
    2. Fireworks Corgi
    3. Golden Crystal Beetle
  65. Update 33.0.3 introduced 2 new pets which were added to Traveller's and Adventurer's Steel-bound Lootboxes for a limited time:
    1. Copper Nether-hound
    2. Buff Donkey
  66. Update 33.0.4 introduced 1 new pet as part of Legendary Item Reward Track (Season 3).
    1. Mountaineering Donkey - (Tier 100)
  67. Update 33.1 introduced 3 new pet
    1. Black Bear Cub
    2. Friendly Bear Cub
    3. Noble Starling
  68. Treasure Bugan Event (July 21 - 26, 2022) introduced the following 2 new pets:
    1. Formal Corgi
    2. Blood Craban
  69. Legendary Item Reward Track (Season 3), introduced 1 new pet:
    1. Black Bat - (Tier 100)
  70. Update 33.2 introduced 2 new pets;
    1. Loyal Turtle - Before the Shadow Collector's Edition - Bonus Items! & Before the Shadow Ultimate Fan Bundle - Bonus Items!
    2. Friendly Heron - Before the Shadow Collector's Edition - Bonus Items!
  71. Fall Festival 2022 introduced 3 new pets:
    1. Black Marble Wolf-dog
    2. Lantern Gourd-lurker
    3. Night Sky Craban
  72. Update 34 introduced 6 new pets
    1. Friendly Egret
    2. Cozy Tabby Cat
    3. Friendly Stork
    4. Dusky Nether-hound
    5. Brick Corgi
    6. Spooky Barrow-lurker
  73. Legendary Item Reward Track (Season 4), introduced 2 new pets:
    1. Red Salamander - (Tier 50)
    2. Warm Winter Goat Kid - (Tier 100)
  74. Yule Festival 2022 introduced 1 new pets:
    1. Festive Yule Goat Kid
  75. Rakish Patron Coffers released 2022 introduced 3 new pets:
    1. Charming Feline
    2. Dashing Feline
    3. Rakish Feline
  76. Update 34.2 introduced the following 2 new pets:
    1. Ill Omened Crawler
    2. Ill Omened Beast
  77. Legendary Item Reward Track (Season 5), introduced 2 new pets:
    1. Snow-covered Aurochs - (Tier 25)
    2. Fiery Blue Beetle - (Tier 75)
  78. Spring Festival 2023 introduced 2 new pets:
    1. Adorable Sickle-fly
    2. White Puppy
  79. Update 35 introduced the following 4 new pets:
    1. Rat King
    2. Sewer Rat
    3. Amber Fire-fly
    4. Twilight Fire-fly
  80. LOTRO 16th Anniversary Celebration introduced the following new pet:
    1. Anniversary Celebration Goat
  81. Community Event - May 2023
    1. Spotted Corgi
  82. Homesteads and Harvests Coffers
    1. Black Draught Horse
    2. Dappled Grey Draught Horse
    3. Homesteader's Draught Horse
  83. Legendary Item Reward Track (Season 6), introduced 2 new pets:
    1. Pure Seagull - (Tier 25)
    2. Cave Slug - (Tier 100)
  84. Update 36 introduced 4 new pets
    1. Slate Aurochs
    2. Spiky Avanc
    3. Spotted Jerboa
    4. The King's Pony
    5. Buffalo Cow
    6. Black Bull
  85. Midsummer Festival 2023 introduced 1 new pet:
    1. Summer Concert Firefly
  86. Legendary Item Reward Track (Season 7), introduced 2 new pets:
    1. Maple Kite - (Tier 50)
    2. Feisty Wolverine - (Tier 75)
  87. Farmer's Faire 2023 introduced 1 new pet:
    1. Fire-fox Bandit
  88. Update 37 introduced 1 new pet:
    1. Butterflies
  89. Corsairs of Umbar introduced the following 2 pets:
    1. Fennec Fox - Corsairs of Umbar Ultimate Fan Bundle - Bonus Items! and Corsairs of Umbar Collectors Edition - Bonus Items!
    2. Parrot - Corsairs of Umbar Ultimate Fan Bundle - Bonus Items!
  90. Extra Life Charity Drive 2023 introduced 1 new pet:
    1. Anniversary Celebration Corgi
  91. Harvest Festival 2023 introduced 1 new pet:
    1. Goat of the Forest-spirit
  92. Update 38 introduced the following pets:
    1. Ferocious Battle-kitten
    2. Crocodile Hatchling
    3. Lion Cub
    4. Silver Donkey
  93. Update 38.0.1 introduced the following pet:
    1. Harmonious Falcon
    2. Sea-side Sand-lurker
    3. Frost Aurochs - Yule Festival 2023.
    4. Icy Expeditions Sheep - Yule Festival 2023.
    5. Prepared Corgi - Yule Festival 2023.
    6. Wild Cinnamon Donkey - Yule Festival 2023.
  94. Legendary Item Reward Track (Season 8), introduced 2 new pets:
    1. Young Moose - (Tier 50)
    2. Frost-tusk Youngling - (Tier 75)
  95. Update 38.1 introduced the following 2 pets:
    1. Tidal Dune-lurker
    2. Umbari Huorn
  96. Update 38.2 introduced the following 3 pets:
    1. Ill Omened Crab - Ill Omens Event - 2024
    2. Ill Omened Jackal - Ill Omens Event - 2024
    3. Ill Omened Snake - Ill Omens Event - 2024
  97. Sublime Patron's Luxuriant Coffer introduced new pet;
    1. Sublime Boar - Sublime Patron's Luxuriant Coffer
    2. Sublime Piglet - Sublime Patron's Luxuriant Coffer
  98. Legendary Item Reward Track (Season 9), introduced 2 new pets:
    1. Curious Slug - (Tier 25)
    2. Vivid Green Snake - (Tier 75)
  99. Update 39, introduced 4 new pets:
    1. Grabby Crab - Delving Quartermaster
    2. Adorable Sand Worm - Delving Quartermaster
    3. Wily Macaque - The Isle of Storms instance
    4. Perfect Curl Garden Snail - Spring Festival 2024
  100. Update 39.1, introduced 1 new pet:
    1. Sitaka
  101. LOTRO 17th Anniversary Celebration introduced the following 2 new pets:
    1. Merrymaking Hamster
    2. Sienna Hamster
  102. Update 40, introduced 2 new pet:
    1. Albino Jerboa
    2. Proud Lioness
    3. Parrot of Umbar Baharbêl
  103. Legendary Item Reward Track Season 10, introduced 2 new pets:
    1. Slate Jerboa - (Tier 50)
    2. Maned Lion - (Tier 100)
  104. Whimsical Patron Coffers introduced 1 new pet;
    1. Whimsical Woodland Critters
  105. Midsummer Festival 2024 introduced 2 new pets:
    1. Wild Chocolate Donkey
    2. Wine-red Snake
  106. Mirkwood Patron Coffers released 2024 introduced 1 new pet:
    1. Mirkwood Sabre-cat
  107. The Veil of the Nine released 2024 introduced 2 new pets:
    1. Shadow Cat
    2. Shadow Nether-hound
  108. Legendary Item Reward Track Season 11, introduced 2 new pets:
    1. Deep-claw Whelp - (Tier 50)
    2. Parrot of Darkness - (Tier 75)
  109. Farmer's Faire 2024 introduced 2 new pets:
    1. Potato Farmer's Fine Cow
    2. Heather Hamster
  110. The Year of the Dragon update in 2024 granted 1 new pet:
    1. Golden Drakeling
  111. The The Dragon and the Storm update 41.2 introduced 4 new pets:
    1. Moonstone Drakeling
    2. Ruby Drakeling
    3. Sophisticated Chaffinch - Traveller's and Adventurer's Steel-bound Lootboxes
    4. Sophisticated Magpie - Traveller's and Adventurer's Steel-bound Lootboxes
  112. Treasure Bugan Event (Sept 12- 18, 2024) introduced the following 1 new pet:
    1. Rohan Aurochs
  113. August 2024 introduced 2 new pets which were added to Traveller's and Adventurer's Steel-bound Lootboxes:
    1. Sophisticated Chaffinch
    2. Sophisticated Magpie
  114. Legacy of Morgoth Expansion introduced 4 new pets:
    1. Cobra
    2. Injured Bat
    3. Jerboa
    4. Treasured Jackal
    5. Wild Black Donkey
    6. Parrot of Light - Yule Festival 2024.
  115. Fall Festival 2024 introduced 2 new pets:
    1. Ghostly Cat
    2. Windfell Owl
  116. Legendary Item Reward Track Season 12, introduced 2 new pets:
    1. Blonde Corgi - (Tier 50)
    2. Parrot of the Fiery Sands - (Tier 100)
  117. Patron's Luxuriant Cosmetics Coffer of the Rohirrim released in 2024 introduced 1 new pet:
    1. Herding Dog of the Rohirrim
  118. Yule Festival 2024 introduced 1 new pets:
    1. Snowy Evening Pig
    2. Ametrine Drakeling
  119. The Update 42.4 - Wednesday January 29, 2025 update 42.4 introduced 2 new pets:
    1. Mushroom Hunter's Corgi
    2. Mushroom Hunter's Frog
  120. The Update 43 - Thursday February 27, 2025 update 43 introduced 6 new pets:
    1. Emerald Drakeling
    2. Ruby Sand Worm
    3. Water Buffalo Bull
    4. Water Buffalo Calf
    5. Water Buffalo Cow
    6. White Hamster