Quest:Carnimírië's Seed

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Carnimírië's Seed
Level 95
Type Solo
Repeatable Yes
Starts with Quickbeam
Starts at Derndingle
Start Region Entwood
Map Ref [42.1S, 79.1W]
Quest Chain Fangorn
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'I have planted a seed from my fallen friend Carnimírië. He used to wander the forest, checking the soil to ensure the trees had what they needed to grow. I wish to bring the soils of the forest to his seed.'


Quickbeam has planted a seed to his fallen friend Carnimírië at the Easeful Mead. He wishes to honour the memory of his friend.

Objective 1

  • Gather Clumps of Sandy Soil (0/4)
  • Fertilize Carnimírië's Seed at the Easeful Mead

Quickbeam believes the seed needs to be covered with sandy soil in order to continue to grow.

Sandy soil can be found along the river in Fangorn Forest.

Gathered clumps of sandy soil (4/4)
Carnimírië's Seed has been fertilized with the sandy soil

Objective 2

Quickbeam needs to ponder how best to support the seed's growth.

Return to Quickbeam at Derndingle to hear what he has to say.

Quickbeam ponders what to do next. Time passes...
Quickbeam says, "Hrm... Hroom!"
Quickbeam says, "There, I've thought of it."

Objective 3

  • Speak to Quickbeam

Quickbeam has figured out what soil is next needed for the seed.

Quickbeam is ready to speak to you at Derndingle.

Quickbeam: 'The seed is ready to grow some more, but to do so, it needs soil filled with moss from the branches.'
Mossy soil can be found at Wellinghall

Objective 4

  • Gather clumps of mossy soil (0/6)
  • Fertilize Carnimírië's Seed at the Easeful Mead

Quickbeam believes the seed needs to be covered with mossy soil in order to continue to grow.

Mossy soil can be found at Wellinghall in Fangorn.

Gathered clumps of mossy soil (6/6)
Carnimírië's Seed has been fertilized with the mossy soil

Objective 5

  • Return to Quickbeam

Quickbeam needs to ponder how best to support the seed's growth.

Return to Quickbeam at Derndingle to hear what he has to say.

Quickbeam ponders what to do next. Time passes...
Quickbeam says, "That's done then? Let me think a moment."
Quickbeam says, "Yes, that's the thing!"

Objective 6

  • Speak to Quickbeam

Quickbeam has figured out what soil is next needed for the seed.

Quickbeam is ready to speak to you at Derndingle.

Quickbeam: 'The seed is ready to grow some more, but to do so, it needs soil filled with bark from the trees.'
Soil rich with bark can be found in the north-east of Fangorn

Objective 7

  • Gather clumps of chunky soil (0/4)
  • Fertilize Carnimírië's Seed at the Easeful Mead

Quickbeam believes the seed needs to be covered with chunky soil in order to continue to grow.

Chunky soil can be found in the north-east of Fangorn.

Gathered clumps of chunky soil (4/4)
Carnimírië's Seed has been fertilized with the chunky soil

Objective 8

  • Return to Quickbeam

Quickbeam needs to ponder how best to support the seed's growth.

Return to Quickbeam at Derndingle to hear what he has to say.

Quickbeam ponders what to do next. Time passes...
Quickbeam says, "Hrm... Hroom!"
Quickbeam says, "Yes, that's the thing!"

Objective 9

  • Speak to Quickbeam

Quickbeam has figured out what soil is next needed for the seed.

Quickbeam is ready to speak to you at Derndingle.

Quickbeam: 'The seed is ready to grow some more, but to do so, it needs soil filled with pebbles from the mountains.'
Rocky soil can be found in the north-west of Fangorn

Objective 10

  • Gather clumps of rocky soil (0/4)
  • Fertilize Carnimírië's Seed at the Easeful Mead

Quickbeam believes the seed needs to be covered with rocky soil in order to continue to grow.

Rocky soil can be found along the mountains north-east of Derndingle.

Gathered clumps of rocky soil (4/4)
Carnimírië's Seed has been fertilized with the rocky soil

Objective 11

  • Return to Quickbeam

Quickbeam needs to ponder how best to support the seed's growth.

Return to Quickbeam at Derndingle to hear what he has to say.

Quickbeam ponders what to do next. Time passes...
Quickbeam says, "Hrm... Hroom!"
Quickbeam says, "Hoom! Yes, I think I've got it."

Objective 12

  • Speak to Quickbeam

Quickbeam has figured out what soil is next needed for the seed.

Quickbeam is ready to speak to you at Derndingle.

Quickbeam: 'The seed is ready to grow some more, but to do so, it needs soil chilled from the mountain air.'
Cold Soil can be found in the south-west of Fangorn

Objective 13

  • Gather clumps of cold soil (0/4)
  • Fertilize Carnimírië's Seed at the Easeful Mead

Quickbeam believes the seed needs to be covered with cold soil in order to continue to grow.

Cold soil can be found along the mountains in the south-west of Fangorn.

Gathered clumps of cold soil (4/4)
Carnimírië's Seed has been fertilized with the cold soil

Objective 14

  • Return to Quickbeam

Quickbeam wishes to speak with you about the seed you have been growing.

Quickbeam is at Derndingle.

Quickbeam: 'We have done all we can. Now, all it needs to grow is time.'