Pig (Cosmetic)

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Cosmetic Pet Index

A list of Pig cosmetic pets available and how to obtain them.

Item Skill Acquired from Barter Cost
Tome of the Battle-adorned Pig Battle-adorned Pig War of Three Peaks Ultimate Fan Bundle - Bonus Items!
Tome of the Brown Pig Brown Pig Radagast 20 Rhosgobel Oak Leaves
Tome of the Grey Pig Grey Pig Caltha Tunnelly 60 Farmers Faire Tokens
Tome of the Happy Pig Happy Pig The Anniversary Scavenger Hunt -- Year Eight
Tome of the Little Black Pig Little Black Pig Rowan Raspberry 2500 Figments of Splendour
Tome of the Little Brown Pig Little Brown Pig Hithril (Protector of the Vales) 45 Vales - Elf Tokens
Tome of the Little Pink Pig Pink Pig Rowan Raspberry 1500 Figments of Splendour
Tome of the Mysterious Celebration Pig Mysterious Celebration Pig Anniversary Celebrations reward contained within the 13-year Giftbox
Tome of the Snowy Evening Pig Snowy Evening Pig Alex Grey
Verbena Greenhand
30 Festivity Tokens
30 Mithril Coins
Tome of the Spotted Pig Spotted Pig Quartermaster (Wilderfolk Rewards) (Acquaintance standing) 50 Gúlmarks
Spotted Pig's Luxurious Kitchen Scraps Spotted Pig Crafting
Tome of the Striped Pelennor Pig Striped Pelennor Pig Quartermaster (Defenders of Minas Tirith) (Friend standing) 50 Minas Tirith Silver Pieces
Tome of the Sublime Boar Sublime Boar Contained within the  Sublime Patron's Luxuriant Cosmetics Coffer
Tome of the Sublime Piglet Sublime Piglet Contained within the  Sublime Patron's Luxuriant Cosmetics Coffer
Tome of the Tame Wildwood Tusker Tame Wildwood Tusker Quartermaster (Woodcutter's Brotherhood) 30 Woodcutter's Brotherhood Token
Tome of the Winter Celebration Pig Winter Celebration Pig Hobbit Gifts during the Yule Festival
