Update 43 - Thursday February 27, 2025

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Update 43 Release Notes

Here are the Release Notes for Update 43: Secrets of Utug-bûr, released on Thursday, February 27th, 2025.

The Inner Sanctum of Utug-bûr opens its gates, Dark forces gather, and a ritual nears completion—one that could change Middle-earth forever. Only those with courage can stand against Azagath and what lurks beyond. Will you rise to the challenge before it’s too late?

Of Special Note

Tier 1 of the new raid "Temple of Utug-bûr" releases 12:00 PM Eastern on Thursday February 27th!

The Dagor Carlanthir, the Battle of the Red Waterfall, is over. Scouts searching for any sign of Azagath Sea-shadow or his evil masters have discovered a hidden passage along the cliffside overlooking the valley: an unsealed passage into Utug-bûr! Braving both their own unease and the stench of death, the advance scouts discovered a vestibule within the crumbling structure. Establishing a small outpost at this intersection among the ruins, they wait for their heroic allies to press further into the darkness and confront an evil from out of time…

To access the Vestibule of Utug-bûr, travel North East of Nêruzig along the banks of Sûr Akil. A small outpost has been established in a cavern beneath one of the waterfalls. We have released Tier 1 of the new raid "Temple of Utug-bûr", available to players who have reached level 150 and who have access to the "Legacy of Morgoth" expansion content. Tier 2 will open at Noon Eastern on March 13th, and 3 will open at Noon Eastern on March 20th. The Leading the Charge Deed for "Temple of Utug-bûr" is available to earn until 3:00 AM Eastern (-4 GMT) on April 30th, 2025.

Birding has been updated!

There are more than one hundred new birds to find and nine new territories to search! Birding is now available in:

  • Fangorn
  • Lorien
  • Mirkwood
  • The Croftlands
  • The Eastfold
  • The Entwash
  • The Great River
  • The Westfold
  • The Wold

Combined across all the new regions there are over 100 new birds for you to find and add to your Collection, with each region having accomplishments for finding the various birds, and a title to be granted if you find the rarest bird in each of the new regions! In addition, birds in these new regions are more difficult to spot, and only experienced birders will be able to find the

The 13th Legendary Items Reward Track Begins!

The 13th Season of the Legendary Items Reward Track launches with the release of Update 43, and includes numerous rewards to claim including the Incomparable Coffer of the Dragon's Hoard housing item, the Legendary Coffer of the Glorious Memory of Gondor housing item, the Legendary Coffer of the Emerald Drakeling pet, and the Legendary Coffer of the Water Buffalo Family! The 13th Legendary Items Reward Track runs through May 20th, 2025. Additionally, the Legendary Item level cap goes up to 530 with Update 43. Don't forget to reforge your legendary items!

The Deed Log has received a visual update!

We have made significant visual updates to the Deed Log, which is accessible through the main game menu or by pressing Shift+L, For a short time the old Deed Log is also available by pressing Ctrl+L,

The user interface has received a redesign. Tabs are gone, and we now use a tree format. Select your Deed group and subgroup in the left panel, then select the Deed to view to the right. There is also a basic Search feature that currently searches Deed titles for exact string matches.

News and Notes

  • Three new heritage options are now available when creating characters of the Race of Man: Harad/Ordâkh, Rhûn, and Umbar.
  • Characters can now select an alternate heritage title appropriate to their race by speaking to a notary and completing the corresponding quest. Dwarves and Stout-axe dwarves should visit Wárr Ink-sleeve in Thorin's Hall. Hobbits and River-hobbit should visit Wistan Whitfoot in Michel Delving. Race of Man characters should visit Bonnie Milkweed in Bree. And Elf and High Elf characters should visit Lubathred in Duillond or one of the notaries in Rivendell.
  • To facilitate character transfers to our upcoming new 64-bit worlds, premium homes will return 100% of their writ cost when sold. This applies to all worlds, and will remain in effect through the end of the free transfer period, August 31st, 2025. Foreclosed premium houses will continue to refund 80% of their writ cost.


  • Updated the Forester Event to correctly consume the axe you collect to engage with the quest.
  • Veil of the Nine:
    • Ringwraith arena space radar is now just black
    • There are now items available through Amelia that can prevent event spawns for the player when equipped.

Hobbit Gifts

  • The minimum level required to open the Universal Solvent packages from Hobbit Presents and the LOTRO Store has been reduced from 50 down to 15.
  • The Virtue XP awarded by Hobbit Presents now has updated icons to differentiate between the VXP values.
  • In Hobbit Presents, the Decorated Heritage Runes with a level 85 requirement have been replaced with Plain Heritage Runes that can be used as soon as the reward track is available (as low as level 45). These can be found in Uncommon and Incomparable Silver gifts and Common Gold gifts.
  • The Large Box of Festival Tokens, Fall Injury immunities, Marks, Medallions, and +100% Mark Acquisition (90 min) boosts have been removed from Hobbit Presents.
  • Silver Hobbit Presents will no longer drop Scrolls of Universal Crafting Lore and instead have a chance to drop a Universal Optional Ingredient.
  • Gold Hobbit Presents will give three Battle Potions of Restoration rather than one.
  • Power potions will drop less frequently than Morale potions from Hobbit Presents.
  • Rally Horns and Landscape Soldier tokens will drop somewhat less frequently from Hobbit Presents.

Classes & Skills

  • Classes
    • Brawlers, Burglars, Captains, and Mariners should now correctly be able to remove Fear effects with their CC-break skills: Slip Free, Find Footing, Withdrawal, and Sea Legs.
    • The offensive buffs To Arms and The West Wind (including that applied by Keeper of Animals' Major skill) will now lock each other out from being used, and can no longer be stacked before their Exhaustion lockout period.
    • Many skills across classes with cooldowns longer than 60 seconds have been updated so that they are reset by raid boss cooldown resets.
  • Brawler
    • When specialized in the Fulcrum, Brawlers can now block incoming attacks.
  • Burglar
    • When traited into 'The Quiet Knife' Knives Out will now correctly be reset by Call to Greatness, rather than Coup de Grace.
    • The trait 'Focused Strikes' will now grant you a toggle skill rather than applying its effects directly. This toggle can be used to more flexibly apply or remove the effect of this trait.
    • Back Stab's potency has been reduced, and now grants +7.5% Positional Damage at max rank. Burglar Damage overall has been increased by 7.5% to compensate for this.
  • Captain
    • Armour of the Brazen Call now correctly reduces the cooldown of your yellow-line Standard of Valour rather than the blue-line Standard of Honour.
    • The To Arms skill reset granted by the Umbari Armour of the Commander 6-set bonus should now correctly reset the cooldown of Gallant Display.
  • Champion
    • When specialized in The Martial Champion, you can now block incoming attacks even while dual-wielding.
    • The Deep Strikes bleed no longer deals initial damage, but will apply partial pulse damage if a new application of Deep Strikes overwrites an existing instance of it on your target.
    • Deep Strikes Damage reduced by 5%.
    • Blade Storm Damage increased by 15%.
    • Fury of Blades Damage increased by 5%.
    • Essence of the Red Storm no longer deals trivial damage.
  • Guardian
    • Guardians now benefit from 5% bonus damage when wielding hammers after level 5.
    • Armour of Durin's Guard now correctly reduces the cooldown of Juggernaut.
  • Hunter
    • All Hunter Damage has been increased by 8% (Penetrating Shot by 15%, Rain of Arrows by 15%, Swift Bow by 10%).
    • Bleeds applied by Barbed Arrow and Penetrating Shot will now apply partial pulses when overwritten.
    • The Insignia of the Shagâni Hawks' bonus bleed (applied by Penetrating shot) will no longer remove your target's Barbed Arrow bleed when it is applied.
    • The Insignia of the Shagâni Hawks' bonus bleed (applied by Penetrating shot) now has one additional pulse.
  • Lore-master
    • Staff Strike's bonus damage from consuming a flank now correctly scales based off of single-target critical magnitude rather than AoE critical magnitude.
    • Flanked Strike's bonus damage now correctly deals Frost Damage.
    • Corrected an issue with Flanked Strike dealing trivial damage while wearing the Stone-reader's armour set.
  • Mariner
    • The Dol Amroth Armour of the Sea-tamer now gives appropriate Mariner set bonuses.
    • Duellist's Honour potency has been reduced, and now grants +7.5% Positional Damage at max rank. Mariner Damage overall has been increased by 7.5% to compensate for this.
  • Minstrel
    • Several healing skills can now target NPCs, including Triumphant Spirit, Perfect Ending, and Coda of Resonance.
    • The expiration heal from Legend of the Hammerhand no longer heals a percentage of the target's maximum morale. It now uses a standard healing potency regardless of the target's max morale value.
  • Rune-keeper
    • Mystifying Flame's debuff is now an additive modifier rather than a multiplicate modifier.
    • The trait 'Fire Affinity' now reduces your Lightning Damage bonus by 10%.

Combat & Monsters

  • Wolves in the Weather Hills of the Lone-lands will no longer stand around in a very large group.
  • The rare monsters inside Sarnur will now respawn one hour after they have been defeated.


  • 'Tattered Langflood Parchment' and 'Langflood Sealed Wax' are now using the proper icons.
  • The crafted Elegant Mariner's Flute and Exquisite Elegant Mariner's Flute have been corrected to no longer require clarinet use or Galadhrim reputation. The min use requirement has been lowered from 60 to 40.
  • The crafted Elegant Ilex Mariner's Flute and Exquisite Ilex Elegant Mariner's Flute have been corrected to no longer require clarinet use or Galadhrim reputation.
  • Addressed an issue with recipes offered by Old Bauman.
  • Adjusted the names of the recipes offerings from Old Bauman to call out the recipes which are modifiable.

Quests, Deeds, and Adventure Areas

  • Quests - Umbar - Catacombs - Temple - Bits and Baubles - Induction bar now says "Collecting" when recovering 'valuable goods
  • Defacing the Ruins no longer references ruins in the bestowal or the induction.
  • Adjusted VO on several quests to have them conform with standards for general quests and instance spaces.
  • Updated directions in the following quests in Khud Zagin: To Be His Eyes, A Vengeance of Sight, Ration, Recovery and Retribution, Shelters for the Road.
  • Updated quest directions for Awkward First Steps.
  • Updated Intercept the Courier to ensure that the courier spawns when you reach the hiding location. Also added the defeat of the courier as an objective in the quest.
  • Silirtas should now have her correct appearance during her visit to Urmakh.
  • The Western Gondor dailies in Tarlang's Crown, Kêr Izel, and Kêr Bras can now be reset using Mithril Coins.
  • Corrupt Wolves associated with the Eryn Lasgalen quest Along the Rhachló are now classified as Beasts to be consistent with the other enemies in this quest.
  • Reputation earned from completing Survivors of Wildermore dailies has been increased to 900 points. Wildermore's Recovery, the daily wrapper for these quests, now awards 1200 reputation points.
  • The unusual physics in the Caves of Ghalburu have been corrected, so now it should be easier to pass through.
  • Players will no longer see a quest ring where there is no NPC inside Girhazi's Lodge.
  • Due to popular demand, the ladder up to Ashagir in Urash Dar no longer has a quest requirement on it, so you can now use it whenever you like!
  • The quest 'Voice on the Wind' now rewards Ikorbani Faction Experience.
  • The quest 'Intercept the Courier' had its quest guide location radius increased to make it appear clearer on the map.
  • The instance version of the quest 'Across the Ikorban' now has a level of 150 associated with it.
  • The quest 'Respite at Shonith' now grants Kintai Faction experience.
  • The counter for total number of Ordakhai to eliminate in the quest 'Flowers of the Floodplain' now correctly reflects the 12 eliminations needed to advance when announcing the number of kills.
  • Elendil now has VO when turning in the Mordor Besieged quest Lost Lore of the Great Alliance.
  • In Elderslade, the name of the interior of the cave Tithzagáf on the island of Grytholm will now display correctly. Two quests, Striking Grytholm and Assisted Research, which have objectives inside the cave have been versioned. Players who logged out with these quests in progress will need to return to the quest-givers to have them re-bestowed.
  • An issue has been resolved that would cause invisible physics to be present in the Stout-axe Intro.
  • Updated the Umbar-môkh catacombs quest "Stolen Mementos" to flow better narratively. Note: this quest will be versioned upon release.
  • Floating footprints in Instance: The Great Goblin in Exile have been grounded.
  • Urash Dâr tortoise and sandstorm enemies now correctly drop trophy items.
  • In the hobbit tutorial instance Bounder Boffin is no longer holding two weapons in the same hand.
  • In the Wildwood quest The Tomb of Haudh Eglan, the quest guide now directs you to the Writhenset entrance closest to the objective.
  • In the Udûn instance The Fatal Prize, it should be more apparent that it is Captain Lachír's men who are attacking you.
  • In the Bree-land quest By Axe and Fire, Walt Whitrose now recalls directions more accurately.
  • Scraps of Paper associated with The Secret Stone quest The Lost Pages will now disappear momentarily after you pick them up. They will reappear a short time later, should you want to view the clue again.
  • In the Welkin-lofts Instance: The Giant's Den the dialogue and VO has been adjusted so that it does overlap or get cut off during the scene with Hórin and Chieftain Hrungrod.
  • The barrels in the Hytbold Armoury no longer try to kill players.
  • Snowdrifts in the Misty Mountains associated with the quest The Missing Fragments are now only present while that quest is underway.
  • In the level 30 Brawler instance, The Melee in the Square, Neighbor Ned has learned to chill out and stop swinging his sword once his enemy is defeated.
  • The Mirkwood quest "Scattered in the Forest" now properly shows Sterkist and Langhár at the Forest Gate for completion.
  • Fixed an issue with the Imhûlari Spider Shades in the Mûkh Bahora fight in Tûl Zakana not rendering properly.
  • Quest items in the Wildermore quest "The Deadly Freeze" are no longer buried.
  • Quest items in the Silkenhold quest "A Kindly Rescue" are no longer hidden.
  • A Cargûl-rune associated with the Wold quest The Ford: Defiled Runes is no longer inside a tent players cannot enter.
  • In the Seregost quest Banners of the Lady of Blight, the Banners of the Stained are nnow easier to click on.
  • In the Khutra quest "Healing Khutra, Part 3" the Good Fishing Spots now respawn properly while in a duo fellowship.
  • In the Anniversary Scavenger Hunt quest Year 5 Tales: Merry, players now carry a pack to the ponies instead of a bucket.
  • Gwin Curhonon will no longer be seen out and about in the Gloomglens of Enedwaith before he has been freed from captivity.
  • The Moria quest "Strange Creatures" now correctly lists multiple "Flesh Samples" when collected.
  • The Orc leader Hoital in Instance: In Defence of Eaworth will no longer have a ring over his head during his dialogue with Ingmar, son of Ingbert.
  • In the Osgiliath instance The Ruined City, players who are defeated after defeating Thrug will now be teleported to the correct checkpoint.
  • The quest guide is now easier to see on the map for several quests in Dunland.
  • The Ered Mithrin quests Trusted Tools and Crafts of Old will no longer remote bestow to qualifying characters while they are inside Mission: Area of Interest.
  • The catergory of the quest Instance: Dawn's Arrival has been corrected to Vales of Anduin: Duskenvale.
  • In the Ered Mithrin quest Expect the Unexpected, the wording of the first objective has been adjusted for clarity and an issue has been resolved where a Gundabad Black-arrow was in the wrong place causing it to not count toward quest advancement.
  • Corrected a typo in the name and related deed of the "Spirit of Remembrance" in the Limlight Gorge. Note: the deed "The Spirits of the Limlight" will version upon release.
  • The amount of Gaunt-men in the Song-house of Lindalire in Minas Morgul has been increased to speed completion of the quest Sigils of Sorrow.
  • Fixed multiple typos in quest Instance: A Captive Audience.
  • Tasks
    • The completion of tasks in Zigilgund in Forochel now awards reputation with Thorin's Hall.
    • The completion of tasks in Aughaire and Tyrn Lhuig in Angmar now awards reputation with the Council of the North.
    • The completion of tasks in Gabilshathûr in Angmar now awards reputation with Thorin's Hall.
    • The completion of tasks in Ost Forod in Evendim now awards reputation with the Wardens of Annúminas.
    • The bestowal text of the Eorlingas Tasks in West Rohan now specifies that the items are found in the Broadacres.
    • There are now five level 63 tasks in Southern Mirkwood that award reputation with the Malledhrim. The task board is located just outside of The Haunted Inn.
    • There are now five level 60 tasks in Lothlórien that award reputation with the Galadhrim. The task board is located near Rohiril, the Stable-master just outside Caras Galadhon.
    • The Ents of Fangorn Forest now offer four level 95 tasks. These can be acquired and turned in at Derndingle in Fangorn Forest and at Neighborhood Task Boards.
    • Tasks in East Rohan now award reputation with either Men of the Wold, Men of the Norcrofts, Men of the Entwash Vale, or Men of the Sutcrofts.
    • The completion of tasks in Eregion now awards reputation with the Elves of Rivendell.
    • Duplicate tasks for the Elves of Rivendell have been removed from the level 31-40 Neighborhood Task Boards
    • Housing neighborhood task collection boards have been updated to include Ikorbâni, Adúrhid, and Phetekâri faction task quests.
    • There is now a new task collection box for 141-cap task quests. This collection box has been added to Umbar, Ikorbân Valley and housing neighborhood locations.
    • Task collection boxes in the Ikorbân Valley now allow players to turn in quests acquired from housing neighborhood task boards.
    • Due to these changes, all 141-150 faction task quests will version upon release.

Instances and Skirmishes

  • The Depths of Makhda Korbo: Menacing Tentacles can now drop on tier 3, and have improved drop rates on tier 4 and tier 5 soft locks.
  • Skirmish NPCs had become a bit fragile over successive general balance updates. They've been made someone more resilient to compensate.
  • Barad Gularan Castellan's Chest Key will now be deleted from your inventory when you exit Barad Gularan.
  • When running instances on Solo/Duo difficulty, the "Enhancement -- Solo/Duo" buff no longer incorrectly suggests that it reduces Target Mitigation Ratings.
  • In the instance Eithel Gwaur, the Filth-well, the final boss will now wait until after she says 'You have been warned! to attack you.
  • An issue has been addressed in the Minas Morgul instance Ghashan-kútot, the Halls of Black Lore that could cause npc's to get stuck
  • Ikorban Instances
    • The Ikorban Instances quartermaster will now allow you to barter Sand-worn Copper Tokens and a few rare instance barter items in exchange for an incomparable instance barter item (Impenetrable Scorpion Carapace, Phial of Glistering Well-water, or Fallen Burial Ward).
    • Instances in the Ikorban valley should now correctly be able to drop any type of jewelry, regardless of your class.
    • Tul Zakana, the Well of Forgetting
      • The dual cursed hotspots in the Hands of Forgetting fight now extend their visual effects to the entire hotspot.
      • Bahadring's Blessing of Rising Strength/Crescendo of Strength now correctly repeats regularly in the Hands of Forgetting fight.
      • The Ordâkhai Sorcerer ability "Consuming Shadow" now shows a countdown tooltip when standing in the hotspot before the damaging pulse effect of the same name fires. Updated the Consuming Shadow hotspot to have more vivid visual effects.

Missions and Delvings

  • A change has been made to make consistent that all enemies inside missions, including the Legacy of Morgoth missions, will drop trophies except for enemies that respawn and enemies that are summoned by another enemy.
  • The Mission Twist "Crushing" now includes a 4 second induction. Monster animations for "Crushing" have been updated.
  • The Ice Pillars in Mission: Drive a Wedge no longer shimmer after they are destroyed.
  • The explosive barrels in Mission: The Gate Captain now have more boom! The barrels are also no longer visible post-explosion.
  • The Mission Twist "Crushing" now includes a 4 second induction. Monster animations for "Crushing" have been updated.
  • The Elderslade mission "Abandoned Supplies" no longer incorrectly announces "You have bested the goblin leader!" on mission conclusion.
  • Clarified the wording in the Swanfleet mission "Patrol the Township" to indicate that (and how many) brigands must be defeated before the scout spawns. Note: The mission "Patrol the Township" will version upon release.
  • The Cardolan quest "Unlikely Friends" has been updated to clarify that Rendal needs to be summoned within the ruins of Gaervarad to advance the quest. Note: "Unlikely Friends" will be versioned upon release.
  • In the Ikorbân Valley mission "Securing Kûr Anzar", several barricades no longer float and Barkhûshim no longer patrol through barricades.
  • In the Elderslade Mission "Collapsing the Old Paths", a duo fellowship can no longer have their progress blocked by having the non-channeling player trigger a tunnel explosion without advancing the quest objective.
  • On the Umbar Mission "The Beast of Belfalas", only Tarasâd will now return to the middle of the cave if drawn out.
  • Two new cosmetic pets are now available for Delving barter, the Tome of the White Hamster and the Tome of the Ruby Sand Worm.
  • Delving pets are now arranged in barter by price.
  • Delving pets and housing items have been split into two separate barters.
  • The Extraordinary Delving Chest, found in tier 7 and higher Delving Chests, now drops a level 150 portent as an additional reward.
  • In Mission: The Zhelruka Clan: Chapter 1 the Cave Rats and Scavenging Gredbyg will now appear on the radar.
  • In the Gundabad mission "Hall of Ice", impassable ice blockades now reset if players are defeated by Hartung.

Housing and Decorations

  • The Mushroom Hunter's Hearth has been made a bit larger to better fit various homes

Items and Rewards

  • Added new cosmetic weapon inventories for the Utugi adds and Utugi-phase Mukh Bahora boss in Tul Zakana.
  • Herbalist's Shoes from the Fane of the Accursed now have a classic essence slot they were intended to have.
  • The following skill/emote granting items received from the Treasure Hunt event will now disenchant into Buried Treasure Tokens for those who have already earned the skills/emotes: Cave-claw Steed, Rich!, Treasure Laden Goat, Treasure Laden Steed, Counterfeit, Gem Inspection, Coin Flip, Dowse, and Gold Panning.
  • There is now a Mariner Armourer in the Court of the Fount at Dol Amroth who will barter for minimum level 100 Mariner armour with a set bonus.
  • Portents from the Ill Omens event now share a cooldown.
  • 'Further Adventures of Elladan & Elrohir' Themes is now available for barter from Celeblír in Rivendell.
  • The Ikorbân Valley Instance Reward Vendor now has music boxes available featuring music from the IkorbânValley Instance Cluster.
  • Characters who already completed the Quest The Secrets of Sarch Vorn will receive the updated quest rewards including a small statue housing decoration.
  • Fixed some tooltips in the Collections Bauble Page which erroneously referenced Mounts.
  • Trophy items collected from enemies now have a line in their description detailing whether those items can be collected into task or junk carry-alls to prevent confusion.


  • The War-leader tutorial has been updated to allow for using the Brawler stance or normal version of the Cleave skill.
  • The quest Cultivation: Selfish Request is now listed as a small fellowship quest.


  • An Anduin Moss associated with the Duskenvale quest The River Provides has been moved from inside of a rock to on top of it.
  • A floating Treasure Cache at Zamarzîr in the Shield Isles has been grounded.
  • Combined multiple structures in the Tor Gardens to help improve physics performance.
  • Floating objects in Ikorban Valley have been grounded
  • Stuck spots in Nirgambar have been resolved
  • Fixed radar in Dil-irmiz
  • Fixed painting floating off the wall in Hubo Clayhanger's house
  • Enemies and Pets should now path correctly in the Vault of Celebrian's Legacy.
  • The Iron Garrison Guards giving directions to the Chamber of the Crossroads are now more specific.
  • Task boards for the Adúrhid, the Ikorbâni, and the Phetekâri are now marked on the map.
  • Task boards for the Adúrhid, the Ikorbâni, and the Phetekâri are now marked on the map.
  • Misc boulder issues in Wildermore have been resolved
  • Misc floating objects have been grounded
  • The Mission Stable-master in Annak-kurfu will now automatically discover all other mission stable-master locations.
  • Housing neighborhood task collection boards have been updated to include Ikorbâni, Adúrhid, and Phetekâri faction task quests.
  • There is now a new task collection box for 141-cap task quests. This collection box has been added to Umbar, Ikorbân Valley and housing neighborhood locations.
  • Ikorbân Valley task quests have been updated to accept paper task quests from housing neighborhoods.
  • Due to these changes, all 141-150 faction task quests will version upon release.
  • Misc deco issues in Khud Zagin have been resolved.
  • Misc deco issues in Khutra have been resolved.
  • The marsh mud that slows you in Southern Mirkwood was unintentionally giving you a bonus to your evasion, which doesn't really make sense. So now it won't!
  • Misc floating or improperly intersecting deco has been resolved.
  • The giant intersecting foliage of Telain Bangad has been removed.
  • Candur's Hideout is no longer accessible in King's Gondor.
  • Misc terrain texture and landscape seam issues have been resolved.
  • Cross-server physics issues between Lone-lands/Cardolan.
  • The travel route from Zaduru to Jirush will no longer get stuck on a rock.
  • Umbari Housing Stable-masters and Dock-masters will no longer wander.
  • Misc placement and terrain issues in the following areas have been fixed: Ambarul, Khud Zagin, Imhular, Umbar Baharbel, Gundabad, Forochel, Wildwood, Anfalas.


  • For those selling Kinship houses in German, please use Ess-Zett and umlaut forms of street names.
  • Voice Over - Several characters from Update 42 now have German VO that's been altered to more closely match the English VO in tone
    • The Sangemekh - turn-in dialogue with Turah now displays properly
    • The Dialogue with Erna during the quest "A Stern Lesson" in the Dale-lands now displays properly
    • Corrects text to make French text respond correctly when using /jdr oui.
    • Secure the Landing of Kur Anzar - turn-in dialogue now displays properly
    • The Quest bestowal dialogue for the 'Finding Blue' Quest in Blackroot Vale (renewed) now displays properly in English.
    • The character sheet tooltip for Burglar for the Might stat now properly refers to Burgler.
    • Corrected extraneous space after character name in the title "The Wary"
    • In the quest "Beauty of the Land" Ravaedron now describes the correct direction in his dialogue.
    • In the quest "Crafting: The Maker's Hall" dialogue with Egil Altbart now displays properly
    • The translations for "Wandalb Grayhame" in German have been updated.
    • Text for the Frerin's Court intro quest, "Silver-lined Cure" has fixed.
    • Updates the translation for the "Bledu" crop, for the "Aldburg - Quick the Crops! "quest.

Art & Avatars

  • High-elf have received a visual update, including new avatar creation flexibility and options. All High-elf characters will automatically utilize their new looks when they log in, and many players will find their new look very similar to their old look. However, players who wish to further adjust the look of their characters can visit a Barber, located in many major settlements including Bree, Thorin's Hall, The Dale-Lands, Erebor, Minas Tirith, and Rivendell.
  • Elves now have softer head model variants, a new softer face complexion, and a new mouth.
  • Fixed many more Human and Elf female animations that had head movement and shape errors. This pass includes many emotes and combat weapon types.
  • Generic skin tone palette, used by Race of Man and Elves, now supports more olive tone variants.
  • Elves and High Elves once more have sneezing SFX when performing the /sneeze emote
  • Elves and High Elves have had their unique sheathing animations restored.
  • Fixed a bug that caused Race of Man and Elf auto attack animations to play incorrectly
  • High Elf character selection scene now has a brighter light for better color matching


  • New UI Setting - "Show PvMP Rank Icon" allows you to turn on / off the PvMP Rank Icon on the Nameplate UI.
  • Updated Yondershire Reputation Barter to include Yondershire Music Boxes
  • Updated Cardolan Reputation Barter to include additional deco options
  • An Auctioneer and a Master of Crafting Guilds have been added to the Swain's Guild-hall in Umbar Baharbêl.
  • Bashem, an NPC found at The Pot and Quill in Umbar Baharbêl now has feet.
  • Fixed an issue where Foreman Otur in the dwarf introduction Instance: Into the Silver Deep would randomly start kicking during his drama.
  • Two NPC's in Galtrev, Dunland, who were kicking the air for no reason are now instead having a conversation.

Known Issues

  • Deed Log:
    • The Deed panel's search bar is title-only and does not search other parts of the Deed nor rewards for text matches.
    • Text matches must be exact matches to the text entered including spaces.
    • Autocomplete features are not available in the Deed Log's search bar.
    • Deed categories and subcategories in which the character has no Deeds remain shown.
    • Opening the Deed Log prevents the Escape key from closing the panel.
    • Plus and Minus arrow indicators for collapsing and expanding categories and subcategories animate incorrectly when opening and closing other UI panels.
  • Minstrel:
    • The heal on expiration for the blue line Minstrel skill 'Legend of Helm Hammerhand' is not working properly.
