Item:Tome of the Hedgehog and Hare Parade

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Tome of the Hedgehog and Hare Parade
  • Item Level: 5
  • Consumed On Use
  • Barring Skill: Hedgehog and Hare Parade
  • "Using this item will teach you to summon a hedgehog pulling a hare in a cart."
  • Worth: 23 Silver 44 Copper 

Festival Information

Tome of the Hedgehog and Hare Parade has been available since Spring Festival 2025.

Barter Information

Verbena Greenhand is at the Festival Grounds during the Spring Festival [24.6S, 51.5W],
Spring Rewards Vendors during the Spring Festival are at, Festival Grounds, Thorin's Hall Inn, The Festival Garden, and the The Party Tree

Item(s) to Receive Item(s) to Trade

 Tome of the Hedgehog and Hare Parade 25 Festivity Token
 Tome of the Hedgehog and Hare Parade 30 Mithril Coin

Skill Information

Using this item will teach you the skill to summon a  Hedgehog and Hare Parade.
