Quest:Orofarnë's Seed

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Orofarnë's Seed
Level 95
Type Solo
Repeatable Yes
Starts with Quickbeam
Starts at Derndingle
Start Region Entwood
Map Ref [42.1S, 79.1W]
Quest Chain Fangorn
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'I have planted a seed in memory of my fallen friend Orofarnë. He was a guardian of the forest, tending the trees by keeping them clear of the insects. I wish to honour his memory.'


Quickbeam has planted a seed to his fallen friend Orofarnë at the Easeful Mead. He wishes to honour the memory of his friend.

Objective 1

  • Acquire Handfuls of Moss from Bog-lurkers (0/6)
  • Fertilize Orofarnë's Seed at the Easeful Mead

Moss was once used to protect growing trees from insects.

Moss can be found along the river.

Acquired Handfuls of Moss from Bog-lurkers (6/6)
Orofarnë's Seed has been fertilized with the moss

Objective 2

Quickbeam needs to ponder how best to support the seed's growth.

Return to Quickbeam at Derndingle to hear what he has to say.

Quickbeam ponders what to do next. Time passes...
Quickbeam says, "Good, good. And now what? Hurm..."
Quickbeam says, "There, I've thought of it."

Objective 3

  • Speak to Quickbeam

Quickbeam has figured out what mulch is next needed for the seed.

Quickbeam is ready to speak to you at Derndingle.

Quickbeam: 'Nerbyg would often try to come and nest in the forest, but were routinely driven away.'

Objective 4

  • Acquire Norbog-mulch (0/6)
  • Fertilize Orofarnë's Seed at the Easeful Mead

Quickbeam wishes to next honour his friend by treating his seed with mulch made from Nerbyg.

Nerbyg can be found in the northern area of Fangorn.

Acquired Norbog-mulch (6/6)
Orofarnë's Seed has been fertilized with the Norbog-mulch

Objective 5

  • Return to Quickbeam

Quickbeam needs to ponder how best to support the seed's growth.

Return to Quickbeam at Derndingle to hear what he has to say.

Quickbeam ponders what to do next. Time passes...
Quickbeam says, "That's done then? Let me think a moment."
Quickbeam says, "Hoom! Yes, I think I've got it."

Objective 6

  • Speak to Quickbeam

Quickbeam has figured out what mulch is next needed for the seed.

Quickbeam is ready to speak to you at Derndingle.

Quickbeam: 'Sickleflies would constantly attack the trees, keeping them from growing. With the forest disturbed, they have returned.'

Objective 7

  • Acquire Sicklefly Mulch (0/6)
  • Fertilize Orofarnë's Seed at the Easeful Mead

Quickbeam wishes to next honour his friend by treating his seed with mulch made from Sickleflies.

Sickleflies can be found in the southern area of Fangorn.

Acquired Sicklefly Mulch (6/6)
Orofarnë's Seed has been fertilized with the sickle mulch

Objective 8

  • Return to Quickbeam

Quickbeam needs to ponder how best to support the seed's growth.

Return to Quickbeam at Derndingle to hear what he has to say.

Quickbeam ponders what to do next. Time passes...
Quickbeam says, "Good, good. And now what? Hurm..."
Quickbeam says, "There, I've thought of it."

Objective 9

  • Speak to Quickbeam

Quickbeam has figured out what mulch is next needed for the seed.

Quickbeam is ready to speak to you at Derndingle.

Quickbeam: 'A blend of the moss and both mulches is what is needed to truly honour my friend. With that, the seed will be ready to grow on its own.'

Objective 10

  • Acquire Handfuls of Moss (0/1)
  • Acquire Norbog-mulch (0/1)
  • Acquire Sicklefly Mulch (0/1)
  • Fertilize Orofarnë's Seed at the Easeful Mead

Quickbeam wishes to finally honour his friend by treating his seed with moss and both mulches.

Moss can be found along the river. Nerbyg can be found in northern Fangorn. Sickleflies can be found in the southern area of Fangorn.

Acquired Handfuls of Moss (1/1)
Acquired Norbog-mulch (1/1)
Acquired Sicklefly Mulch (1/1)
Orofarnë's Seed has been fertilized with the blend of moss and mulch

Objective 11

  • Speak to Quickbeam

Quickbeam is at Derndingle.

Quickbeam: 'We have honoured Orofarnë well. His seed will now grow on its own. We only have to give it time.'