Reptiles (Cosmetic)

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Cosmetic Pet Index

A list of Reptile cosmetic pets available and how to obtain them.

Item Skill Acquired from Barter Cost
Tome of the Blue Lizard Blue Lizard Burgsmen's Fellowship Barterer 50 Burgsmen's Tokens
Tome of the Crocodile Hatchling Crocodile Hatchling Quartermaster, Umbar Baharbêl 75 Marks of Renewal
Tome of the Loyal Turtle Loyal Turtle Before the Shadow Collector's Edition - Bonus Items!
Before the Shadow Ultimate Fan Bundle - Bonus Items!
Tome of the Red Gecko Red Gecko Quartermaster (March on Gundabad)
(Minas Ithil Scholar Recipe)
50 Copper Coins of Gundabad
Tome of the Well-travelled Turtle Well-travelled Turtle Red Box of Dead Marsh Orc Spoils
