Bat (Cosmetic)

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Cosmetic Pet Index

A list of Bat cosmetic pets available and how to obtain them.

Item Skill Acquired from Barter Cost
Tome of the Bat of Azanulbizar Bat of Azanulbizar Quartermaster (Haban'akkâ of Thráin) 50 Zakaf-beshêk
Tome of the Black Bat Black Bat This item can be claimed from Tier 75 of the Season 3 Legendary Item Reward Track.
Tome of the Blood-red Bat Blood-red Bat Nedda Pinleaf 40 Tokens of Ill Omens
Tome of the Brown Bat Brown Bat Fall Festival Trader 40 Fall Festival Tokens
Tome of the Flying Fox Flying Fox Myrtle Mint 2000 Figments of Splendour
Tome of the Golden Bat Golden Bat Radagast 20 Rhosgobel Oak Leaves
Tome of the Injured Bat Injured Bat Adúrhid Quartermaster, Alidal
(Kindred - The Adúrhid Standing)
30 Shagâni Ghín
Tome of the Tame Gundabad Bat Tame Gundabad Bat Quartermaster (Reclaimers of the Mountain-hold) 50 Silver Coins of Gundabad
Tome of the Tattered Bat Tattered Bat Nedda Pinleaf 40 Tokens of Ill Omens
