Item:Umbari Tâm

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Umbari Tâm
  • Bind On Acquire
  • Item Level: 1
  • Barter Item
  • "A bronze coin that serves as the most common currency in Umbar Baharbêl. However, because of its unique components, it is often valued by mariners, artisans, and other collectors."
  • Stacks to 750

Item Information

This item is a reward for deeds and quests associated with the Citizens of Umbar Baharbêl.

NOTE:  Currency Cap Alert: Umbari Tâm have a Currency Cap of 750.

It appears in your Barter Wallet under "Landscape."

Barter Information

Umbari Tâmi can be bartered at the Umbar Quartermaster.

Barterer: Mâkhda Khorbo Quartermaster in Bej Mâgha, and Temple of Utug-bûr Quartermaster in the Vestibule of Utug-bûr

Rare Umbar Finds
Item to Receive Items to Trade
 Token of Umbar Recipe 5 Umbari Tâm
 Cloak of Mâkhda Khorbo Recipe 10 Umbari Tâm
 Petrified Essence Recipe 5 Umbari Tâm
 Return to Bej Mâghda 50 Umbari Tâm
 Muster in Bej Mâghda 15 Umbari Tâm
 Guide to Bej Mâghda 15 Umbari Tâm
 Sail to Bej Mâghda 15 Umbari Tâm