Item:Motes of Enchantment
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- Bind to Account on Acquire
- Barter Item
- "These motes contain remnants of the enchantment that once enveloped gear of magical provenance. Talented Elf-smiths can make use of these, and will accept them in exchange for valuable equipment."
- Stacks to 10,000
Item Information
Motes of Enchantment appear in the bottom of your wallet as "Currency," marked "Account Shared".
Note: Currency Cap Alert: Motes of Enchantment has a Currency Cap of 10,000.
See Motes of Enchantment for information on how to obtain these by using the Flame of Ancalamír.
This item is a possible reward from any tier Delving reward boxes.
Quest Information
This item is a reward for the following repeatable quests:
- [...] Certain Mission quests
- [...] On a Mission (Weekly)
- [...] On a Continuing Mission (Weekly)
- [...] The War Effort: Missions for the Cause (Weekly)
- [30] Craft for Motes
- [115] Restoring the Three Kingdoms
- [120] Protecting the Beornings
- [120] Protecting the Woodmen
- [120] Protecting the Elves
- [120] Gúlmarks for Motes
- [120] Longbeard Marks for Motes
- [120] Reclaiming the Grey
- [130] Imlad Morgul: Vale of Sorcery
- [130] Imlad Morgul: The Reclamation
- [130] Imlad Morgul: Continued Threats
- [130] Sigils of Imlad Ithil for Motes
- [130] Protectors of Wilderland: Bounties
- [130] Copper Coins of Gundabad for Motes
- [140] Silver Coins of Gundabad for Motes
- [140] Challenges of Gundabad
- [140] Reclaiming the Mountain-hold
- [140] Raid: The Hiddenhoard of Abnankâra
- [140] Challenger of the Iron Crown
- [140] Raid: Gwathrenost, the Witch-king's Citadel
Deed Information
Motes of Enchantment can be obtained by completing the following deeds:
Class/Race/Epic | Eriador | Rhovanion | Gondor | Mordor |
Barter Information
- Traveller's Quartermaster
- Trade for Figments of Splendour
- Trade mostly for gear with Minimum Level 115
- Trade mostly for gear with Minimum Level 120
- Trade for gear with Minimum Level 130
- Trade for gear with Minimum Level 140