Quest:Lassemista's Seed

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Lassemista's Seed
Level 95
Type Solo
Repeatable Yes
Starts with Quickbeam
Starts at Derndingle
Start Region Entwood
Map Ref [42.1S, 79.1W]
Quest Chain Fangorn
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'I left Lassemista's Seed at Isengard. It will grow and watch the tower, ensuring no evil will come to it again. Lassemista loved to walk the forest though, and I wish to honour his memory.'


Quickbeam has planted a seed to his fallen friend Lassemista at Isengard. He wishes to honour the memory of his friend.

Objective 1

  • Find the ancient tree
  • Bow before the ancient tree

One of Lassemista's favourite places was a great tree. Quickbeam believes bowing before it will honour his memory.

The tree can be found in the north-east of Fangorn.

Bow before the tree to honour Lassemista

Objective 2

Quickbeam needs to ponder what else would honour Lassemista's memory.

Return to Quickbeam at Derndingle to hear what he has to say.

Quickbeam ponders what to do next. Time passes...
Quickbeam says, "That's done then? Let me think a moment."
Quickbeam says, "There, I've thought of it."

Objective 3

  • Speak to Quickbeam

Quickbeam has thought of how he next wishes to honour Lassemista's memory.

Quickbeam is ready to speak to you at Derndingle.

Quickbeam: 'On many occasions, Lassemista enjoyed long conversations with Treebeard. To next honour him, I think we should say goodbye to Wellinghall.'

Objective 4

  • Find Wellinghall
  • Say bye to Wellinghall

Lassemista enjoyed long talks with Treebeard. Quickbeam believes saying goodbye to Wellinghall will honour his memory.

Wellinghall can be found in west Fangorn.

Say bye to Wellinghall

Objective 5

  • Return to Quickbeam to hear what he has to say

Quickbeam needs to ponder what else would honour Lassemista's memory.

Return to Quickbeam at Derndingle to hear what he has to say.

Quickbeam ponders what to do next. Time passes...
Quickbeam says, "That's done then? Let me think a moment."
Quickbeam says, "Hoom! Yes, I think I've got it."

Objective 6

  • Speak to Quickbeam

Quickbeam has remembered how he next wishes to honour Lassemista's memory.

Quickbeam is ready to speak to you at Derndingle.

Quickbeam: 'I spent many hours with Lassemista watching the river that feeds the forest. There is a small island; having a good look around there feels right.'

Objective 7

  • Find the small island
  • Look around at the small island

Quickbeam and Lassemista used to watch the river from a small island. Quickbeam asked you to go there and have a look around.

The island is in the river in the centre of Fangorn.

Look around at the small island

Objective 8

  • Return to Quickbeam

Quickbeam needs to ponder what else would honour Lassemista's memory.

Return to Quickbeam at Derndingle to hear what he has to say.

Quickbeam ponders what to do next. Time passes...
Quickbeam says, "Hrm... Hroom!"
Quickbeam says, "Yes, that's the thing!"

Objective 9

  • Speak to Quickbeam

Quickbeam has remembered how he next wishes to honour Lassemista's memory.

Quickbeam is ready to speak to you at Derndingle.

Quickbeam: 'There is one more thing I can think of. Lassemista trusted Saruman, and I know he was deeply wounded by the betrayal. I have planted a seed for Lassemista at Orthanc. To show my sadness, please visit it and let Lassemista know I remember him with a tear.'

Objective 10

  • Lassemista's Seed is at Isengard
  • Shed a tear at Lassemista's Seed

Quickbeam wishes to honour Lassemista by showing he misses him with a single tear.

Lassemista's seed has been planted at Isengard.

Shed a tear at Lassemista's Seed

Objective 11

  • Speak to Quickbeam

Quickbeam will wish to speak to you about Lassemista.

Quickbeam is at Derndingle.

Quickbeam: 'Lassemista was my closest friend. He loved the forest more than most others. I will miss him for a very long time.'