Huorn (Cosmetic)

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Deed Information

Collecting all Huorn Cosmetic Pets will grant you the following deed:

Tender of the Shifting Woods

Cosmetic Pet Index

A list of Huorn cosmetic pets available and how to obtain them.

Item Skill Acquired from Barter Cost
Tome of the Black Huorn with Honeycomb Black Huorn with Honeycomb Quest Reward OR Quickbeam 375 Fangorn Leaves
Tome of the Fangorn Huorn Fangorn Huorn Quest Reward OR Quickbeam 375 Fangorn Leaves
Tome of the Snowy Fangorn Huorn Snowy Fangorn Huorn Quest Reward OR Quickbeam 375 Fangorn Leaves
Tome of the White Huorn White Huorn Nedda Pinleaf 40 Tokens of Ill Omens
Tome of the Poinsettia Huorn Poinsettia-wreathed Huorn Yule Festivity Token Vendor 75 Festivity Tokens
Tome of the Yule Tree Huorn Yule Tree Huorn Hobbit Gifts during the Yule Festival
Tome of the Umbari Huorn Umbari Huorn Achardis, Umbar Baharbêl 150 Ledger-keeper Marks
Tome of the Tame Wildwood Huorn Tame Wildwood Huorn Radhril 150 Bree-land Wood-mark
