Quest:Stolen Sweets

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Stolen Sweets
Level ...
Type Solo
Starts with Festival Announcer
Starts at Winter-home
Start Region Frostbluff
Map Ref [11.9N, 95.1W]
Ends with Child
Ends at Winter-home
End Region Frostbluff
Map Ref [12.0N, 95.7W]
Quest Group Frostbluff
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'Good traveller, I must enlist your aid. One of the Great Eagles was bearing a sack of sweets from far-off Gondor hither to Winter-home. Alas! The bag was rent, and the sweets fell from it as she flew.

'She realized her mistake only as the last sweet fell, and with her keen eyes watched as wintry beasts seized it and ran off into the snow. She had flown among the cold and snowy regions of Middle-earth, she told us, to avoid the sun's great heat and to keep the sweets from spoiling.

'It is much to ask, I know, but those sweets were destined for the poor children of Winter-home. Will you visit the frozen regions of Middle-earth and recover them? I fear they may all have been seized by the creatures of those parts. The sweets that were lost, you should know, were Hot Cross Buns, Plum Pudding, Gingerbread, Peppermint Treats, a Flask of Wassail, and Fruit Cake.'


A sack-full of sweets, destined for poor children of Winter-home, were dropped among the snowy regions of the Middle-earth and seized by wintry beasts.

NOTE: This quest will be removed from your quest log when the current festival ends.

Objective 1

You should recover the sweets.

Festival Announcer: 'Please, good traveller. Visit the snowy realms of Middle-earth and recover the treats. They are Hot Cross Buns, Plum Pudding, Gingerbread, Peppermint Treats, a Flask of Wassail, and Fruit Cake.'
Recovered Hot Cross Buns
Recovered Plum Pudding
Recovered Gingerbread
Recovered Peppermint Treats
Recovered a Flask of Wassail
Recovered Fruit Cake

Objective 2

  • Return to Winter-home

You should return to the Festival Announcer in Frostbluff with the treats.

Festival Announcer: 'You have the sweets? Why look, they are all in once piece. The artisans of Gondor wrapped their gifts well!
'Quickly, will you deliver them to the children? They have been waiting and it is you who should see the joy on their faces, by all rights.'

Objective 3

You should deliver the sweets to the children of Winter-home.

Child: 'Why, this is my favourite! Oh, thank you. Thank you!'
Child: 'I have never had one of these. Is it as delicious as it looks? Well, if I do not like it, perhaps I can trade it with one of the others.'
Child: 'Thank you so much!'
Child: 'Is that for me? It is? Hurrah!'
Child: 'Oh, thank you, <class>.'
Child: 'A warm drink! I will share this with the others. Perhaps they will share their sweets with me.'

Objective 4

  • Talk to the child

One of the children in Winter-home wishes to talk with you.

Child: 'We heard all about it, traveller. About the Eagle as great as a horse, and someone was going to find all the sweets and bring them back. I am sorry, we did not believe it was true.
'But look, we were mistaken, and now I am so happy!'