Rodents (Cosmetic)

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Cosmetic Pet Index

A list of Rodents cosmetic pets available and how to obtain them.

Item Skill Acquired from Barter Cost
Tome of the Albino Jerboa Albino Jerboa Quartermaster, Cape of Umbar and Umbar Baharbêl 100 Umbari Tâm
Tome of the Heather Hamster Heather Hamster Caltha Tunnelly
Verbena Greenhand
20 Festivity Tokens
30 Mithril Coins
Tome of the Jerboa Jerboa Phetekâri Quartermaster
(Respected - The Ikorbâni Standing)
30 Shagâni Ghín
Tome of the Merrymaking Hamster Merrymaking Hamster Games-master 20 Festivity Tokens
30 Mithril Coins
Tome of the Plateau Mole-rat Plateau Mole-rat Gorgoroth Steel-bound Lootbox
Tome of the Rat King Rat King Muirál 50 Sárskillins
Tome of the Sewer Rat Sewer Rat Muirál 50 Sárskillins
Tome of the Sienna Hamster Sienna Hamster Games-master 20 Anniversary Tokens
30 Mithril Coins
Tome of the Slate Jerboa Slate Jerboa This item can be claimed from the Legendary Item Reward Track upon completing tier 50. (Season 10)
Tome of the Spotted Jerboa Spotted Jerboa  Adventurer's Steel-bound Lootbox
 Traveller's Steel-Bound Lootbox
Tome of the Stowaway Rat Stowaway Rat Quartermaster (Men of Lebennin) 15 Gold-studded Staves
4 Worn Medallions of Castamir
Tome of the Thicket Mole-rat Thicket Mole-rat Quartermaster (Conquest of Gorgoroth Rewards) 50 Silver Signets of the Thandrim
Tome of the White Hamster White Hamster Delving Quartermaster 4000 Delving Writs
