Update 37 - Tuesday August 29, 2023
Previous patch: Update 36.2 - Wednesday August 2, 2023
Next patch: Update 37.0.1 - Wednesday September 6, 2023 |

Update 37 Release Notes
Here are the release notes for Update 37, released on Tuesday, August 29th, 2023.
Of Special Note
Introducing the River Hobbit
A new starting race is now available! The last of their kind remaining east of the Misty Mountains, River Hobbits are a lithe and silvan folk, steeped in wood-lore and attuned to the mountains where they remain hidden. Dwelling among the dells of the Misty Mountains, the River Hobbits of Misthallow are a rustic folk, quick-tongued and nimble-fingered. Known mainly in old tales and songs, they seldom venture outside their secret vales.
River Hobbits are now available to purchase in the LOTRO Store! When creating a new River Hobbit, you may select any class to play except Beorning. River Hobbits may start their journey in a new unique tutorial by selecting the "Shadows of Angmar" tutorial option during character creation, or River Hobbits may choose to start "Before the Shadow" in the town of Mossward. Access to quests and deeds in Swanfleet as well as the Before the Shadow Prologue, Book 1, Book 2, Book 3, and Afterword will be included with any River Hobbit Bundles for those who do not already own the Expansion: Before the Shadow.
Read more about the River Hobbit bundles on LOTRO.com!
The Humble Homes of the Holbytlan
For what seems like ages, the speculation on what lies behind the closed gates south of Lyndelby has been wild. Many of those speculations have been on the mark! Since its creation, we have always planned to introduce a neighborhood beyond the gate and were just waiting for the right time to do so. That time is now!

Each Lyndelby Homestead neighborhood includes:
- Four Base Premium Smials
- Six Deluxe Premium Smials
- One Stately Base Premium Smial
- One Stately Deluxe Premium Smial
- One Premium Kinship smial.
This valley will also be supported by a suite of town services and a handful of social spaces to gather as a community (as the Holbytlan love to do!). Decorative fencing debuts alongside this neighborhood, allowing you to pick and choose what you want your property bounds to look like. This feature joins ambient environment and music hooks to round out the yards of your home. Learn more about player housing and tour or purchase a home by visiting the Housing Broker's Office in Bree-land! Speak to Almetha Sitchel to get started.
Forester Crafting Event - Begins September 1st!
We have added our first Crafting Event to the game! The event takes place at the Combe Lumber Camp and, when active, the Camp is decorated by flags, new hide stretchers, craft tables, wood piles, and bears for skinning. If you are in Breeland, you will get an announcement alerting you that the event will begin in 15 minutes. Contestants can make their way to the lumber camp and acquire the quest from Wilkin Thorne, Mason Thorne's son. As the event coordinator, Wilkin will bestow the quest to any forester, regardless of their proficiency. Read more about the Forester Crafting Event on LOTRO.com.
Get the quest and then register with the Judge, Aldith Bauman, Old Bauman's daughter. The first contestant to register with Aldith begins a hidden count that provides a failsafe for when there are not enough players around to normally kick off the contest. If three players register for the event, there is another announcement that alert all players that there are 2 minutes before the event begins. Players then follow the quest, as normal, and complete the tasks to place, 1st, 2nd, and consolation in the event. All participants who complete the "race" portion of the event will get wither a 1st place, 2nd place, or participation award. All players who complete the quest receive a participation award and advance the competition based deeds! Old Bauman has a new role in the camp as a barterer! you can see the list of the many, many, rewards available through the event by looking through his wares.
The event will begin at 10:00 AM Eastern (-4 GMT) on September 1st and run until 3:00 AM Eastern (-4 GMT) on September 11th. Once the event is closed it will remain off-line for about 2 weeks and then return for 10 days and continue in that cadence for the immediate future. While active, the event is on a standard daily reset timer that you can bypass with Mitrhil.
News and Notes
Stat Adjustments
- Adjustments have been made to statistics across the game. Numbers have gone down largely across the board. Mostly by about a factor of 10, in order to improve readability and reduce stat bloat.
- The balance of the game level over level has been smoothed out to reduce some of the more severe spikes and troughs in difficulty.
- Monster damage has gone up a bit overall, as has player healing - both relative to the player's overall morale pool.
- The level slighting tables have been updated to be a little more aggressive, to adjust to the fact that level over level differences in stats across the game are now smaller. This means that fighting mobs above your level now results in a small bonus to their damage and mitigation for each level of difference. However, we've reduced the 'automatic miss chance' that those tables applied, so that mechanic only kicks in once monsters are considerably (6+) levels above you. None of this has any effect when you are fighting enemies at or below your level.
- Figured stats gained from vitality and fate have both been reduced for all classes, as these stats now operate at a higher ratio compared to the other mainstats and they were over-contributing to figured characteristics. This should generally just keep their overall contribution similar to what it was.
- PvMP
- Free Players now gain +50% Morale from having full Audacity equipment worn. This is because the stat crunch lowers player damage more than it lowers monster player damage, so this 50% morale bonus keeps the ratio of monster player damage to Freep morale where it was pre-crunch.
- Monster Player morale and healing values have been adjusted as part of the stat squish.
- Toxin's power drain is no longer increased by a Weaver's tactical damage or venom multiplier. Post stat-crunch, power is too tightly bound for toxin to have that degree of variance while being balanced.
- Creep base ICMR has been adjusted, and Racial Traits which improve ICMR have been adjusted to match their pre-stat-crunch potency.
- Creep max power has been adjusted, and should now match the reduced power costs of skills with the stat crunch.
Beorning Update
- General:
- Update 37 includes an extensive update to the Beorning. Note that all Beorning traits and skills will version as part of this update, so you will need to re-select your Traits and Skills.
- Beornings are now able to change into Bear Form with 0 Wrath.
- Claw Swipe is now available in all three trait lines. Claw Swipe is granted at level 16. Claw Swipe has additional traits in each line that enhance its abilities; “Opposing Presence” in blue, “Rake” in red and “Raging Blows” in yellow.
- Relentless, Brutal and Menacing Maul now allow movement while channeling.
- Vicious Claws has been streamlined. Vicious Claws is necessary as an interrupt, so ancillary abilities overcomplicated its design. Vicious Claws now gives increased threat in blue, increased damage in red, and decreased Wrath cost in yellow. Its additional effects are being removed. Its current yellow line trait “Raging Blows”, will instead affect Claw Swipe.
- Vicious Claws now costs 10 Wrath in blue and red lines, and costs 5 Wrath in yellow.
- Wanderlust's Peaceful Movement Speed has increased from 62% to 68%.
- The Lothlorien Survival Guide no longer works with Wanderlust.
- "Rush" can no longer stack or be used with "Wanderlust".
- Nature's Vengeance cost has increased from zero to five Wrath.
- Icons have been updated for new and changed traits and skills.
- Power potions now display a warning and are barred from use by Beornings, as using them as a Beorning has no effect.
- Ferocious Roar’s Wrath generation now takes place over 5 seconds, rather than 10. It restores the same Wrath amount.
- Increased “Hearten” initial heal.
- “Rush” now costs 5 Wrath instead of adding 5 Wrath.
- Bee Swarm, Grisly Cry, Nature’s Vengeance and Vigilant Roar now use Melee bonuses, rather than Tactical bonuses, though they still apply Tactical effects.
- Slam now builds 15, rather than 10, Wrath.
- Cleanse cooldown has been reduced in 'The Hide' by 5 seconds and 'The Roar' by 8 seconds. The Cleanse cooldown reduction from Mark of Grimbeorn has been adjusted to -5 seconds.
- Rush now has a base speed boost of 40% and a base duration of 6s. Stampede will reduce the max duration by 2s when the skill becomes a group buff, but the following two ranks add 4 seconds of duration back (in addition to duration gained from the tracery).
- Bee Swarm now applies a -1% Mitigation Reduction effect by default, and the traits 'Debilitating Bees' and 'Sluggish Stings' will both add to this effect. In conjunction with the crit defence tracery shift from Bee Swarm to Trample detailed below, this has allowed us to consolidate several debuff effects/icons, especially when using Bees.
- The Hide:
- The trait "Vitality Increase" has been renamed "Nature's Bounty".
- The traits "Physical Mitigation Increase" and "Tactical Mitigation Increase" have been combined and renamed "Armoured Hide".
- The Hide skill "Guarded Attack" can now be used in any form.
- Armour Crush's max Incoming Damage debuff has been reduced from 15% to 12%.
- Armour Crush no longer interrupts your target.
- The Hide trait tree traits "Recuperate" and "Quick Recovery" have been moved shallower in the trait tree.
- The Hide trait tree trait "Weakening Blow" has been moved to The Claw trait tree.
- The Hide set trait bonus "Down But Not Out" now reads: When morale goes below 30%, in any form: Heal +20% Max Morale and gain +20 Wrath. Cooldown is now 1.5 minutes.
- The following skills now have increased threat generation when used: Grisly Cry, Vigilant Roar, Thrash, Thunderous Roar, Trample, Counterattack, Rending Blow, Armour Crush, and Claw Swipe.
- The Hide set trait “Rake” has moved to The Claw.
- The Hide set trait “Animalistic” has moved to replace “Rake”. Its effect has changed and now grants a version of the skill "Hearten" that can be used in any form.
- A new set trait “Cultivate” has been added at the position “Animalistic” occupied. Cultivate retains Animalistic’s original effect (Wrath generation in combat) and now also gives an any form version of Ferocious Roar. Ferocious Roar now restores 10% morale on use.
- Added The Hide tracery - “Thorned Armour Duration and Cooldown”.
- Added The Hide trait tree trait “Dancing Bear”. Dancing Bear increases your Evade chance per rank. At max rank: successful Evasion grants +5% Incoming Healing for 12s. 5 ranks.
- Added The Hide trait tree trait and skill “Thorned Armour”. The trait unlocks the skill Thorned Armour, which reduces all damage taken for a duration. During this time, the Beorning will redirect 10% of damage taken back to the source. Additional ranks increase redirect damage up to a max of 30%. Costs 30 Wrath.
- Added The Hide trait tree trait and skill “Hurricane”. The trait unlocks the skill Hurricane, which grants the Beorning 100% Evade chance and +50% Threat from Damage for 15 seconds. 2 minute cooldown, costs 20 Wrath.
- The Hide trait tree trait “Opposing Presence” no longer affects Biting Edge. Instead it affects Claw Swipe. Max rank increased cooldown and force taunt has been removed.
- Guarded Attack now costs 5 Wrath instead of giving 10 Wrath.
- Counter now costs 10 Wrath instead of adding 5 to Wrath.
- Counterattack now adds 5 to Wrath instead of 10.
- The Hide set trait “Defensively Minded” no longer builds stacks of Guarded. Instead, parrying increases threat and evading increases Wrath by 1.
- Assertive Roar’s max morale tiers have been reduced to +3, +6 and +10% Max Morale. The duration of the Max Morale effect has increased from 10 to 45 seconds. Using Ferocious Roar before the duration has completed will overwrite the existing effect.
- “Recuperate” initial healing has been increased.
- Reduced the potency of the damage redirection modifier from the trait 'On the Line' (from 30% max to 20%).
- Fixed bonus threat effects from being traited in 'The Hide' tree. When traited into blue-line, you should now generate additional threat when using damaging abilities, with more threat generated by Wrath-spending skills, and especially by stronger skills.
- The Claw:
- The Claw trait “Turn the Tides” trait now has 1 rank, down from 5.
- The Claw trait “Critical Chance” has been renamed “Quick Claws”.
- The Claw trait “Melee Damage” has been renamed “Savage Blows”.
- The Claw trait tree trait “Enraging Sacrifice” has been removed.
- The Claw trait tree trait “Composure” has been reduced to 3 ranks. Max effect remains the same.
- The Claw trait tree trait “Crippling Stings” now increases Bee Swarm damage on each rank as well as providing a snare effect.
- The Claw trait tree trait “Bleed Damage” now increases damage for all bleeds.
- Gained “Weakening Blows” trait from The Hide. Now has 3 ranks instead of 5. No change in max Slam Damage. Removed outgoing debuff.
- Removed “Festering Wounds” set trait.
- The Hide set bonus “Rake” has moved to The Claw to replace "Festering Wounds".
- The Claw set bonus "Wrathful" has been changed. It no longer increases Critical Chance linearly from 3-15%. Instead, it now reads: “Gain 4% Critical Chance for every 20 Wrath, up to 16% at 80 Wrath, then Critical Chance declines to 12% at 81-100 Wrath.”
- Added a new trait and skill, "Blood Prize". Unlocks the skill Blood Prize, which increases all Bleed Damage and Wrath Builder Damage for a duration. Builders include Slash, Slam, Biting Edge, Serrated Edge, Thrash and Expose. Increased damage during Blood Prize per rank. Generates 5 Wrath. 1.5 minute cooldown.
- Removing The Claw trait tree trait “Any Advantage”.
- Added a new trait and skill, “Nature’s Wrath”, which is a Wrath generating attack skill in Bear Form. Additional ranks in Nature’s Wrath trait grant increased damage:
- Rank 2: +7% Nature’s Wrath Damage
- Rank 3: +15% Nature’s Wrath Damage
- Added a new trait and skill in “Trample”. Trample is an attack skill in Bear Form that generates Wrath. With the Improved Trample trait, it also lowers the target’s Block, Parry and Evade chance. Costs 5 Wrath.
- Improved Trample:
- Rank 1: Increased damage 5%, reduces target’s BPE chance by 3%.
- Rank 2: Increased damage 10%, Reduces target’s BPE by 5%.
- The tracery which formerly added a critical defence debuff to Bee Swarm now applies that critical defence value to the Trample debuff.
- Reworked “Execute” trait and skill. Execute now reads: Unlock Execute - a high powered single target attack skill that consumes all Wrath. Requires at least 50 Wrath. Offensive Single Target Finisher. Bear Form. 1 rank.
- Reworked The Claw trait tree trait “Moment of Opportunity”. Now grants increased damage to Finisher abilities. Finishers are Execute, Savage Knockdown and Final Strike. Putting at least two points into Moment of Opportunity unlocks two new finisher skills: Savage Knockdown and Final Strike. 3 ranks. Additional ranks grant increased Finisher Damage.
- Added The Claw Trait tree trait and skill - “Savage Knockdown”. The Savage Knockdown trait earns the Savage Knockdown skill. 1 rank.
- Savage Knockdown skill: Spend all Wrath (at least 50 Wrath). Applies a damaging skill and AoE knockdown effect. Defensive AoE Finisher. Bear Form.
- Added The Claw Trait tree trait and skill - “Final Strike”. The Final Strike trait earns the Final Strike skill. 1 rank.
- Final Strike skill: Spend all Wrath (at least 50 Wrath). Deals a large cone of damage to anything within the cone. Offensive AoE Finisher. Bear Form.
- Added The Claw traceries - “Final Strike Damage” and “Savage Knockdown Damage and Duration”.
- The Beorning Thrash skill animations for Tier 2 and 3 have been switched, so that the new Tier 3 is the most impressive.
- Execute can now critically strike.
- Execute damage has increased.
- Execute no longer has any health threshold requirement.
- Call to Wild no longer provides Wrath Generation or lessens Wrath cost. Call to Wild now gives increased Melee damage over a period of time. The Call to Wild Tracery gives additional damage and increases the duration of Call to Wild.
- “Expose” now grants 5 Wrath instead of 10.
- Reduced Incoming Damage Debuff from 'Expose.' Both versions of the skill now give 5% incoming melee damage and a lesser bonus (3/4%) to the other damage types, with potency depending on the form of the skill.
- Composure can no longer crit (it has a 1x multiplier when it does, anyway, so this is sort of incidental)
- The Roar:
- The "Fate" trait has been renamed "Torrent" and now grants increased Fate and Critical Healing Magnitude.
- The Roar trait tree trait Stampede now has 3 ranks down from 5. Stampede now reduces the duration of Rush by 2 seconds in exchange for making it a group effect. Ranks 2 and 3 will add 4 seconds, for a max duration of 2 seconds longer than the baseline.
- The Roar trait tree trait Crippling Roar now has 1 rank. Same max effect.
- The Roar trait tree trait Imposing Presence now has 2 ranks down from 3. Same max effect.
- The Roar trait tree traits "Raging Blow" and "Debilitating Bees" have switched places.
- The Mark of Beorn trait and skill have been removed. In its place, you will gain the Nature's Salve skill grant. The only Mark of Beorn effect removed is the miss chance from Vicious Claws; grisly cry AoE fear will still be accessible, and Piercing Roar will still reduce an enemy's outgoing damage.
- Grisly Cry is now usable in both man and bear form. When specialized in 'The Roar' it will apply its AoE fear if you are in bear form, and retain its single-target fear if you are in man form. In red- and blue-line it will always be a single-target fear.
- With Mark of Beorn gone, the yellow-line passive trait 'Greater Swarm' will cause your Bee Swarm skill to always apply the Greater Bees effect for the first half of its duration.
- Added Nature’s Salve trait and skill, a raid-wide 8m area bear form heal. The trait has 4 ranks, increasing heal potency. Generates 10 Wrath with a 45s cooldown.
- Added "To Your Aid" trait and skill, a single target man form heal. Generates 20 Wrath with a 20s cooldown. Trait has 3 ranks, increasing heal potency.
- Debilitating Bees max physical mitigation debuff has been reduced to 5%.
- Changed how “Rejuvenating Bellow” works. When Rejuvenating Bellow is cast on a target, all members of that target's fellowship will also get healed. Cooldown reduced to 6 seconds.
- Relentless Maul now has a 45s cooldown.
- "Nature’s Mend" is now a tiered heal, with 4 tiers unlockable by traiting full points into the “Quick Mend” trait.
- “Encouraging Roar's” HoT now stacks per caster on a target with Mark of Grimbeorn, rather than a maximum of one application.
- Added The Roar traceries - “To Your Aid Healing and Duration” and “Nature’s Salve Cooldown and Healing”.
- The Roar trait tree trait “Healing Increase” has been renamed “Nature’s Favour”.
- The Roar trait tree trait “Raging Blow” has changed. Now affects Claw Swipe rather than Vicious Claws. Instead of giving an increased damage buff on the Mark of Grimbeorn target, it now gives a multiplicative Incoming Damage Reduction.
- Halved Nature’s Mend induction time.
- “Sacrifice”, rather than “Shake Free”, applies the second rank Grimbeorn’s Bubble in the Shake Free trait tree trait.
- Piercing Roar is now correctly a damage multiplier mod, rather than an additive mod - this is part of a broader effort to remove additive (+/-) outgoing damage effects from monsters across the game. While the potency may appear lower, the -20% before was often a much, much smaller 'real' value in the places where it was most important, such as on raid bosses. It is now a x0.95 'real' multiplicative damage reduction.
- Relentless Maul healing is now a group (raid) effect, rather than an area effect (this basically gives raid members priority for receiving the heal, and prevents out-of-group healing if you happen to have a large number of players both in- and out-of-group around you; otherwise, this change has no impact).
- Bug Fixes:
- The “Encouraging Strike” trait no longer gives Tactical Damage in addition to Outgoing Healing.
- When Dual Wielding, traiting into Levelling Roar gives you the skill of the same name, instead of Takedown.
- Off-hand hits now receive the correct base critical multipliers (1.5x base, 2.0x devastate + bonuses).
- The 'Wrath Return' tracery now correctly applies to all wrath-spending skills.
- Bellow and Nature's salve are now set up correctly as targeted skills, which can be cast on nearby players, rather than self-targeted skills centering the AoE on the Beorning. As a reminder, Nature's Salve will heal anyone in the raid in a small radius around your target, while bellow will heal any fellowship members of your target with a much larger radius.
Guardian Update
- Orion has put together a Developer Diary looking into the Guardian update, which you can read on LOTRO.com.
- General Information
- Update 37 includes an extensive update to the Guardian. Note that all Guardian traits and skills will version as part of this update, so you will need to re-select your Traits and Skills.
- The Skill Turn the Tables no longer requires the Guardian to suffer from a combat state effect to use. Instead, the skill can now be used without a target and affects up to three targets within a thin cone (45 deg) within 6m of the Guardian. This still breaks combat state effects, including root, and provides protection from combat states for a period of time after use.
- Guardian Specialization trees have been altered:
- You can no longer specialize in Fighter of Shadow, this is transformed into a utility line.
- Traits in Yellow will cost a base of 1 trait point when specialized in either Defender of the Free or The Keen Blade; there are some traits that have an increased cost.
- Defender of the Free Changes
- Trait Set Bonuses
- Guardian's Defence: +10% to Armour, +10% to Critical Defence, +2.5% to partial Block, Increases Block Rating Points by 2.5% and -25% to Shield Wear when Blocking
- Adaptablity: -1% Incoming Damage from All sources
- Protection by the Shield: Grants the New skill Protection by the Shield
- Challenge the Darkness
- Strengthen the Bulwark
- Bolstering Blocks
- Shield the People
- Tier 1
- Relentless Assault
- Tireless Defender
- Guardian's Reward: Tactics
- Tier 2
- Guardian's Pledge
- Bellow: Unchanged
- Tier 3
- Shield-smash
- Reversal
- Smashing-stab
- Tier 4
- Follow-through
- Shield Wall: Now a trainable trait; should be usable on a friendly target.
- Shield of Light*: New trait with 5 tiers; Increases Perceived threat, Increases targets of Shield-taunt, and efficacy of Protection by the Shield
- Tier 5
- High-Spirited*: Moved from Fighter of Shadow
- Disorientation: Shield-smash and Shield-blow now have a chance to reduce the critical defence rating of targets hit by these attacks
- Tier 6
- Warrior's Fortitude: +1% to Physical Mitigation, +1% Incoming Healing Modifier, +1% to Block Chance, +1.25% to partial Block Chance
- Stoic
- Tier 7
- Juggernaut: Unchanged
- Break Ranks: Unchanged
- Trait Set Bonuses
- The Keen Blade
- The Keen Blade specialization grants the skills: Overwhelm and Breach when chosen as the specialization.
- The Keen Blade specialization changes Whirling Retaliation to Whirling Breach.
- Breach and Whirling Breach immediately unlock the next skill in the Parry and Block response chains.
- Self-healing is reduced by 50% when in the Keen Blade specialization.
- Parry and Block response skill deal 15% more damage.
- Trait Set Bonuses
- Valorous Strength
- Bleed them Dry: Increases bleed damage potency, Increases bleed pulse counts by 2
- Protection by the Sword: Grants the New skill Protection by the Sword
- Battle-fury: Grants the New skill Battle Fury
- Brutal Charge: Charge becomes Brutal Charge. Increase melee damage for a short time. Will attempt to known down your next target(s) +5s Charge Duration
- Heavy Blows
- Prey on the Weak: Successful attacks against an opponent suffer from your bleeds take extra damage.
- Tier 1
- Thill of Battle: Successful melee attack increase your chance to critical to a max stack size of 5. Scoring a critical strike resets this effect.
- Heavy Weapons Training: +1% Skill damage and +1% Two-handed weapon damage per rank
- Tier 2
- Broad Strokes
- Thrust
- Tier 3
- Brutal Assault
- Tireless Blows
- Invigourating Response: Critical hits with your response skills restore 1% of your power per rank
- Tier 4
- Deeper Wounds
- To the King
- Tier 5
- Haemorrhage: Unchanged, but fixed a bug where all Bleeds were not affected by the bonus Bleed damage.
- Into the Fray: +2% Charge run speed, +1 charge duration per rank; rank 6 your next melee attack has a 100% chance to critical
- Tier 6
- Warrior's Advantage: Increases Physical Mastery, +1% Melee Critical Chance, +1% Parry Chance, +1.25% to Partial Parry Chance
- Blind Rage
- Tier 7
- Hammer Down
- Rupture: Successful strikes with Hammer Down now remove all active bleeds on the target. Each bleed removed applies a 2.5% Incoming Damage Debuff on the target for 5 seconds. Applies the new bleed Ruptured Artery.
- The Fighter of Shadow
- Tier 1
- Force Opening: Grants the skill Force Opening
- Insult to Injury: +3% per rank to refresh any debuffs on targets struck by guardian skills
- Bastion of Light*: Creates a 6m area beneath the Guardian's feet increasing the miss chance of all enemies within the area +5% Miss Chance. Adds a 5% chance to spread debuffs to enemies affected by Bastion of Light.
- Radiate: Provides a 10% chance to spread debuffs on a target within Bastion of Light to up to 3 nearby targets and increases the range of Bastion of Light by 2m per rank (Requires Bastion of Light)
- Tier 2
- Tenderize: Using Combat Response Skills increases Critical Rating
- Warrior's Guile: +1% Tactical Mitigation, Increases Critical Defence, +1% Evade Chance, and +1.25% Evade Chance
- Flash of Light: Bastion of Light now deals a small amount of damage to all enemies within its range, increases the duration of Bastion of Light by 5s (Requires Bastion of Light)
- Defensive Expertise: +1% to Block and +1% to Parry per rank
- Tier 3
- Singular Focus: Now reduces the Physical and Tactical mitigation of the target by 3%
- Light-touched: +.5% Melee Damage and Incoming healing per rank; you can block with Two-Handed weapons
- Numbed Senses
- Bolster
- Tier 4
- War-chant
- Thrill of Danger
- Redirect
- Disabling Strikes: Increases the efficacy of Movement, Attack Speed, Outgoing Damage, Miss Chance, and Critical Defence debuffs the guardian controls
- Tier 5
- Demoralizing Anthem: Increases maximum number of targets affected by War-chant by 1 per rank, -1s Block and Parry Response skill cooldown per rank, +20 War-chant range per rank (Requires War-chant)
- Bring on the Pain (Requires Thrill of Danger)
- Vicious Rebuttal (Requires Redirect)
- Tier 6
- Strong Bursts
- Protected by the Light*: +2% Incoming Healing from Protection by the Shield; Adds a reflective damage shield to Protection by the Sword
- Tier 7
- Cataclysmic Shout: Now Applies nearly all available Guardian debuffs, and two Guardian bleeds to targets up to 5 targets within 7m of the guardian
- Tier 1
Classes and Skills
- Skill animation speeds for many skills were being incorrectly affected by the type of weapon you had equipped. This made some weapons, such as clubs and swords, faster than other weapons, like axes and hammers. Weapon types should not impact the speed at which your skills are executed, so this disparity has been corrected, and all weapons should now have a speed equivalent to that of existing swords and bows.
- Burglar:
- Crafted consumable items such as marbles and caltrops can now be used while moving.
- Skill delay has been removed from all consumable items and Burglar signals.
- Mischievous Glee is now a ratings-based, rather than percentage-based, heal.
- The debuff 'Bust' has had it's Finesse decrease changed to match the increase from the Burglar skill 'All In'.
- Captain:
- At the Fore should no longer loop around to 10 stacks when you consume your last stack of Melee Healing.
- Champion:
- Champions can now wield Two-handed Clubs beginning at level 10.
- Wild Attack once again uses the correct dual-wield animation.
- Wild Attack now has 2 strikes even when wielding a 2-handed weapon. It should deal damage equivalent to its dual-wield variant, while also giving two chances to apply its critical buff, and having the same animation duration as its dual-wield version.
- Lore-master:
- Air-lore now lasts 20 seconds and has a 90 second cooldown, but is much more likely to reduce and reflect damage.
- Wisdom of the Council's reflect now has a 50% chance to trigger on all damage types and lasts 10 seconds.
- Wisdom of the Council's cooldown has been reduced to 3 minutes.
- Pet damage has been increased across the board, so pets should now deal a significant amount of damage through level 140.
- Minstrel:
- The trait 'Cacophonous Echoes' now correctly improves the damage of Coda of Fury's echo.
- Warden:
- Passive Critical Defence bonus now gives the correct post-stat-crunch value.
- Rune-keeper
- The Power Cost reduction from Steady Hands now lasts 10 seconds and reduces Power costs by 50%
Quests, Deeds, & Adventure Areas
- Quests with Hobbit-specific text have been updated for River Hobbits. You may need to pick up such quests again from their bestowers if they were currently underway.
- The text for 'Men, Elves, Dwarves, and Hobbits' has been revised to more accurately describe the location of the Allegiances panel.
- For the weekly mission quests, "On A Mission (Weekly)" and "On A Continuing Mission (Weekly)", the "1,000 Virtue XP" consumable item reward has been replaced by a direct 1,500 Virtue XP grant when you complete the quest. You can still choose a "1,000 Virtue XP" consumable item from the "Missions: Bonus Character Boosts" package selectable reward offered by these quests.
- Added new deeds for completing 3 and 6-person Delving instances on Tiers 8, 10, and 12; which reward Delving Barter Writs and Virtue XP.
- King's Gondor - The Deed Log page for Update 36: Gondor Renewed has been renamed from "Renewal of Gondor" to "Eastern King's Gondor".
- King's Gondor - Quest Log sorting has been updated for quests included with Update 36: Gondor Renewed. For example, "Lossarnach" has been changed to "King's Gondor: Lossarnach".
- Fixed some text timing issues within 'Instance: Memories of Mithrandir' so the dialogue of several characters will appear properly.
- Implemented a fix to keep players from falling through the physics during 'Interlude: A Secret Return'.
- A number of NPCs will no longer float above the ground during the 'Instance: The Melee in the Square'.
- Fixed some bad punctuation in IV.1.2, 'The Ruthless Dead'.
- Fixed the double animation for picking up the torch in 'Instance: Mists of Anduin'.
- War of Three Peaks - Quest: March on Gundabad: Additional Steps (Daily) - This quest will no longer credit the incorrect quests as being completed.
- Deeds - Wells of Langflood - Slayer of the Wells of Langflood - This Deed now properly requires completion of the Advanced Slayer Deeds in this region.
- Mordor - Talath Urui - Quest: Drakes of the Ghashghurm - Dragon-kind involved in this quest now properly display that information on their mouse-over panel.
- Farmer's Faire - Thrâng's Challenge - Tier 2 - This quest no longer refers to the level cap being Level 120.
- Eregion - Quest: The Worm-keeper - The quest item involved in this quest is now automatically added to your inventory.
- Far Anorien - Quest: Instance: Honour and Treachery - Crumgam no longers steals a line of dialogue from Reeve Fastred. Various visual effects in this instance have been polished.
- Elderslade - Quest: The Necklace of Undoing - Thrain I now has his proper appearance, and a missing line has been re-added to his dialogue.
- Archet - Quest: Instance: The Assault on Archet - Atli Spider-bane now has an appearance consistent with his other appearances elsewhere in-game.
- Western Gondor - Quest: The Roving Threats of Western Gondor - This quest is no longer overly insistent that you "Speak with Aelnir", instead only suggesting (once) that you "Talk to Aelnir".
- Made some adjustments to clear up confusing objectives in III.11.9, 'Seeds of Treachery'.
- Quest "Toss a Coin" - Fixed a string that was showing up in the wrong place.
- The Temámir Dwarves in King's Gondor now use the appropriate appearances
- The Lute Dance can now be used in the dancing competition for 'Boffins On The Loose' in Yondershire.
- Elda in Wildermore couldn't decide if he had long hair or not. He does, for the record, and now he will also have it in 'Instance: The Bloom.'
- One of the Loose Rock quest items for 'Legacy of Durin Chapter 4.3: Think Like a Goblin' was stuck on an inaccessible cliff. It has been moved to a better location.
- Removed Celeborn's accidental kicking animation in 'The Further Adventures of Elladan and Elrohir, Chapter 5'.
- Gwynna's location in Tal Methedras has been adjusted so he isn't trying to spawn inside a boulder.
- Fixed the placement of a hotspot for Bingo Week 16, 'A Hospitable Home'.
- Unearthed a Loose Rock quest item from where it was buried in a cliff for Legacy of Durin Chapter 4.3, 'Think Like A Goblin'.
- Mission: The Sacrificial Tower -- Duirith can no longer become unattackable and prevent completion of this Mission.
- Rosalinda will no longer tell you the basket is on the table next to her in "Delivery to Meregrot North-took".
- Physics have been removed from Orkish Weapon Caches in Tharbad.
- The location for Sterkist has been corrected for the turn in for the quest "Scattered in the Forest"
Housing & Decorations
- Doormats can now be used on Furniture Hooks.
- Small Rug decorations can now be used on Doormat hooks.
- Floor hooks have been consolidated with Furniture Hooks.
- Firepits now accept Furniture and Yard deco items.
- Yard Hooks now accept all Furniture Decorations.
- Furniture Hooks now accept all Yard Decorations.
Items & Rewards
- Power potions now display a warning and are barred from use by Beornings, as using them as a Beorning has no effect.
- 16th Anniversary Festival Violet Explosion and Incandescent Lightning Fireworks have had their plural names and descriptions corrected.
- Dummies labeled 'No Mitigations' were erroneously still mitigating Orc-craft, Fell-wrought, and Morgul-forged damage types. This has been fixed, so these dummies should truly have no mitigations now, regardless of what damage types your skills deal.
- The Elderslade travel skills are now available from the delving barter.
- Beorning Armour and Jewellery is now correctly on the heavy armour vendor in Dor Amarth in Mordor.
- The Beorning Armour Set of the Forest Bounder and Brawler Armour of the Peerless Hand-fighter both now have correct armour values for each armour piece.
- Beorning armour rewards in the quest "Sworn to Secrecy" have been corrected to heavy armour, rather than medium.
- Enemies in Moria no longer drop obsolete Legendary Item rewards.
- Items from the Ettenmoors that were placed into players banks were throwing a string table error when added to bank inventories. This has been fixed.
- The Forochel reputation items Ajokoira Shoes, Leijona Boots, and Mammutti Boots now have a max level of 75.
- 'Steel Boots of the Mighty Warrior' has had its item level increased to 86.
- 'Dwarf-made Treasure' will now no longer drop from Chests, Backpacks, or Corpses within King's Gondor.
- Small and Medium Essence and Tracery Carry-alls can now hold up to 400 of any given essence, tracery, or enhancement rune.
- Large Essence and Tracery Carry-alls can now hold up to 1000 of any given essence, tracery, or enhancement rune.
- Rohan barter vendors for Maelstrom and Fulcrum Brawler gear now properly barter for their respective sets.
- Replaced Tactical Mastery on Carn Dûm Vigorous Boots and Gages with Outgoing Healing and Tactical Mitigation.
- The legendary item item level cap for characters at level 140 will increase from 490 to 495 on August 30th, 2023. Don't forget to reforge your legendary items.
- Dusty, the Forgotten Box Vendor, has finally sold her last old box and moved on to new adventures. She can no longer be found in Lalia's Market. Sturdy Steel Keys to open these boxes are no longer available from the LOTRO Store.
- The old 'Return to Gramsfoot' map now has a 1 minute cooldown, matching the newer version available from the updated intro quest.
- Updated the Ettenmoors quest to auto-bestow correctly.
- Players are now directed to head north to the Captain-General in Glan Vraig as part of the new player tutorial in the Ettenmoors.
- The Tarkrip blessing now correctly gives you +7.5% Max Morale (it was previously giving you +10%, despite stating 7.5% on its tooltip).
- We fixed an issue where new spider appearances were not transferring over to their pets. These skins now apply to both the parent and pet.
- The Spider Clan Trident appearance that comes out of the lockboxes now is properly tradable.
- Implemented some additional safety nets to prevent Gloin and friends from sinking into the rocks behind Limlok.
- Increased the playable space for 'The Divided Loyalties of Glurkub the Goblin' to eliminate an inconvenient wall.
- Miscellaneous Travel Issues to and from King's Gondor have been resolved.
- Miscellaneous placement issues in King's Gondor have been resolved.
- Swift Travel Routes from various Stable-masters in The Shire no longer have level usage restrictions.
- Goats in Ost Norhir are now appropriately sturdy.
- Mithril Traders now properly display their names on the Radar.
- Players will no longer be able to fall through the wall/floor of The Last Homely House while in Instance: Messages from Lorien.
- Miscellaneous floating objects have been grounded in King's Gondor.
- Players should no longer fall through the floor when exiting The Splintered Shield in Minas Tirith (Midsummer).
- German: Bestowal text for Akshir the Unrelenting now displays properly in German .
- The Following Titles now display properly in German:
- Láoch
- Spinner of a Good Yarn
- Invader of Gwathrenost
- Ally to the League of the Axe
- Friend to the League of the Axe
- Known to the League of the Axe
- Neutral to the League of the Axe
- Scout of the Mighty Court
- German: The following Maps have had their translations updated: Elderslade, Wells of Langflud, Dol Guldur(razed), the Anvil of Winterstith, Thikil-Gundu, the Steel Keep, The Erebor Homesteads, Felegoth, Mount Gundabad, the Delvings of Gundabad, the Stonejaws, Erebor, the Broken Stair, Durin's Way, Eryn Lasgallan and the Dale-Lands, the Iron Hills, Ered Mithrin and the Withered Heath, The East Wall, Entwash Vale, Norcrofts, Sutcrofts, the Wold, Eastfold Hills Homesteads, Kingstead Meadows Homesteads, Westfold, Stangard, the Vales of Anduin, Wildermore, Lothlorian, Mirkwood, Moria, The Great River, Rhovanion, Rohan (regional), East Rohan and West Rohan.
- French: The following Maps have had their translations updated: Elderslade, Wells of Langflood, Dol Guldur(razed),Glimmerdeep, Thikil-Gundu, the Steel Keep, The Erebor Homesteads, Entwood, Felegoth,Câr Bronach, Mount Gundabad, the Delvings of Gundabad, the Stonejaws, Erebor, the Broken Stair, Nan Curunír (flooded), Nan Curunír, Eryn Lasgallan and the Dale-Lands, the Iron Hills, Ered Mithrin and the Withered Heath, The East Wall, Sutcrofts, Aglarond, Eastfold Hills Homesteads, Kingstead Meadows Homesteads, North Downs, Broadacres, Eastfold, Helm's Deep, Kingstead,Stonedeans, Westfold,Stangard, Vale of Anduin,Wildermore,Edoras, Lothlorian, Mirkwood, Moria, The Great River, Rohan (regional), East Rohan and West Rohan.
- Male and female human hairs have been updated to match the avatar update.
- The Illumination Garments - Gift-wrapped Selection Box now also includes the Hooded Cloak of Illumination as a selection option.
- Fixed an issue in the Before the Shadow Mission "The Jaws of Death" that allowed Wargs to travel outside the instance space but still use delving skills.
- Dummies labeled 'No Mitigations' were erroneously still mitigating Orc-craft, Fell-wrought, and Morgul-forged damage types. This has been fixed, so these dummies should truly have no mitigations now, regardless of what damage types your skills deal.
- Updated Strength of Morale to restore a value based on your current level.
- Stoop for a Stone, Head-butt, and Upper-cut have each been updated to deal more damage, but now have a 3 minute cooldown.
- All racial traits which modify your characters stats now give appropriate values. Traits which reduce a stat should always give smaller values than traits which increase a stat.
- Various Hobby Trout now specify that they can be used in crafting by Apprentice Cooks.
- Human female and Beorning female were playing a male laugh at the end of the /drinkboot emote - they now play a female laugh instead.
- Emotes - Many race/gender combos were incorrectly playing two burp sound effects during the /burp emote animation; the extraneous burp at the start of the animation has been removed.
- Emotes - the /attack emote now has sound effects for all races and genders.
- Emotes - Human females and Beorning females now play the correct sounds for the following emotes: /drinkboot, /sneeze, /stone, /paper, /scissors, and /wipesweat.
- The Dwarf-candle cosmetic consumables have been retired from the LOTRO Store.
- Delayed the embedded browser initialization until the first browser window is opened in the client. This will avoid game client crash on startup if the browser was causing your client to crash. If your client crashes when opening the store, find the "external store" option in the game and enable it to use your system browser instead.
- Disabled the right-click menu in the store, which was causing odd issues when used on Fullscreen clients.
- The Legendary Item item level cap for characters at level 140 will increase from 490 to 495 on August 30th, 2023. Don't forget to reforge your Legendary Items!