Update 41.2.1 - Wednesday September 4, 2024

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Update 41.2.1 Release Notes

Here are the Release Notes for Update 41.2.1 : Year of the Dragon, Hotfix 1 released on Wednesday, September 4, 2024.

News and Notes

Veil of the Nine

  • Nameless wraiths can once again spawn in solo instances, but only for players with Landscape Difficulty turned on.
    • This will take effect regardless of whether difficulty has any effect in the instance otherwise.
    • Inside instances, wraiths will not start to appear until level 20, to ensure that players have access to corruption removal.
    • Wraiths will not appear in raids regardless, as they cannot grant rewards, and some raids have complex boss mechanics that the wraiths can disrupt.
    • Open landscape spawns remain unchanged.
  • The Nazgul's dread aura stacks faster on their enemies.
  • The Nazgul now properly build up their Corruption of Strength during combat.
  • The Nazgul's teleport anti-crowding mechanics should now themselves be more lag-tolerant, allowing the Nazgul to disperse the rabble more effectively.
  • There is now a higher enemy count threshold at which the Nazgul banish will no longer respect marks or rings (~100 players). This condition should hopefully only arise if there is a very sudden rush early in the fight, such as when a Nazgul appears close to a fast-travel point, allowing large numbers of players to reach it quickly.
  • Nazgul vitality increased 50%. The fights were running somewhat shorter than intended, which was making it hard for more players to be able to engage with it.
  • Shadowy and Mournful Wraiths will now despawn after 5 minutes if not defeated, rather than 10.
  • Harrowing Wraiths still persist for 10 minutes.


  • The red-line trait bonus 'Flame of Anor' causes Wizard's Fire to fix Burning Embers in place on its target. This effect now correctly respects the status of your 'Dry Kindling' trait, and will no longer tier up Burning Embers on your target without the necessary ranks in Dry Kindling.
  • 'Call To' (pet) skills in red-line no longer benefit from bonuses to your Frost Damage.
