Bird (Cosmetic)

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Cosmetic Pet Index

A list of Bird cosmetic pets available and how to obtain them.

Item Skill Acquired from Barter Cost
Ashen Eagle's Nest Ashen Eagle Quartermaster (March on Gundabad)
(Minas Ithil Tailor Recipe)
50 Copper Coins of Gundabad
Tome of the Black Peahen Black Peahen Caltha Tunnelly 60 Farmers Faire Tokens
Tome of the Black Peacock Black Peacock Caltha Tunnelly 60 Farmers Faire Tokens
Tome of the Black Swan Black Swan Dol Amroth Quartermaster 40 Gold Tokens
40 Silver Tokens
20 Swan-knight Tokens
Tome of the Blood Craban Blood Craban Theodore Gorse 15 Coins of the Bugan
Tome of the Blue Peacock Blue Peacock Summer Rewards Vendor 60 Farmers Faire Tokens
Tome of the Blue Peahen Blue Peahen Summer Rewards Vendor 60 Farmers Faire Tokens
Tome of the Cinder Hawk Cinder Hawk Quartermaster (Defenders of the Angle) 30 Mark of the Angle
Tome of the Corrupted Craban Corrupted Craban Nedda Pinleaf 40 Tokens of Ill Omens
Tome of the Decorated Goose Decorated Goose Myrtle Mint 4000 Figments of Splendour
Tome of the Friendly Egret Friendly Egret Rowan Raspberry 4500 Figments of Splendour
Tome of the Friendly Heron Friendly Heron Before the Shadow Collector's Edition - Bonus Items!
Tome of the Friendly Stork Friendly Stork Summer Festivity Token Vendor 40 Iron Coins of Cardolan
Tome of the Green Peacock Green Peacock Summer Festivity Token Vendor 20 Festivity Tokens
Tome of the Green Peahen Green Peahen Summer Festivity Token Vendor 20 Festivity Tokens
Tome of the Harbinger of the Sage's Storm Harbinger of the Sage's Storm Fall Festival Trader NPCs 40 Fall Festival Tokens
Tome of the Harmonious Falcon Harmonious Falcon Rowan Raspberry 3500 Figments of Splendour
Mottled Craban's Favourite Shiny Thing Mottled Craban Quartermaster (March on Gundabad)
(Minas Ithil Jeweller Recipe)
50 Copper Coins of Gundabad
Tome of the Night Sky Craban Night Sky Craban Fall Festival Trader 40 Fall Festival Tokens
Tome of the Night Swan Night Swan LOTRO Store 595 LOTRO Point  LOTRO Point
Tome of the Noble Starling Noble Starling Rivendell Themed Supporter Packs
Tome of the Parrot Parrot Corsairs of Umbar Ultimate Fan Bundle - Bonus Items!
Tome of the Parrot of Darkness Parrot of Darkness This item can be claimed from the Legendary Item Reward Track upon completing tier 75. (Season 11)
Tome of the Parrot of the Fiery Sands Parrot of the Fiery Sands This item can be claimed from the Legendary Item Reward Track upon completing tier 100 (Season 12)
Tome of the Parrot of Light Parrot of Light  XP Boost + Silver Winter Gift: Parrot Pet
Tome of the Parrot of Umbar Baharbêl Parrot of Umbar Baharbêl Light in the Umbar-môkh
Tome of the Pure Seagull Pure Seagull Legendary Item Reward Track (Tier 25, Season 6)
Tome of the Raven Raven The Anniversary Scavenger Hunt -- Year Eight
Tome of the Red Eagle Red Eagle Bert Bartleby  5 Bingo Badges
Tome of the Silly Goose Goose Spring Rewards Vendor 25 Spring Leaves
Tome of the Shadow Raven Shadow Raven The Veil of the Nine Legendary Server
Tome of the Snowy Mountain Eagle Snowy Mountain Eagle Vorthur Smokebreath 75 Tokens of the Kharum-ubnâr
Tome of the Songbird Songbird Quartermaster (Featured Challenge Rewards Vendor) 20 Newfound Coins
Tome of the Soot-feathered Crow Soot-feathered Crow Fall Festival Trader NPCs 40 Fall Festival Tokens
Tome of the Sparrow Bird-speech Drop or Lore-master Trainer 25 Mithril Coins
Tome of the Spooky Jackdaw Spooky Jackdaw Fall Festival Trader NPCs 40 Fall Festival Tokens
Tome of the Spring Pheasant - Female Spring Pheasant - Female Spring Rewards Vendor 30 Spring Leaves
Tome of the Spring Pheasant- Male Spring Pheasant - Male Spring Rewards Vendor 30 Spring Leaves
Tome of the Sophisticated Chaffinch Sophisticated Chaffinch Filbert Fig 2500 Figments of Splendour
 Adventurer's Steel-bound Lootbox
 Traveller's Steel-Bound Lootbox
Tome of the Sophisticated Magpie Sophisticated Magpie  Adventurer's Steel-bound Lootbox
 Traveller's Steel-Bound Lootbox
Tome of the Thrush Thrush Quartermaster (Dwarves of Erebor Rewards) 75 Tokens of the Lake and Rivers
Tome of the White Goosee White Goose Quartermaster (Yonder-watch) 40 Copper Bounder's Coins
Tome of the White-headed Hawk White-headed Hawk Spring Rewards Vendor 25 Spring Leaves
Tome of the White Peacock White Peacock Keeper of Mysteries or

Gorgoroth Steel-bound Lootbox

1000 Motes of Enchantment

Tome of the White Peahen White Peahen Keeper of Mysteries or

Gorgoroth Steel-bound Lootbox

1000 Motes of Enchantment

Tome of the White Swan White Swan Dol Amroth Quartermaster 10 Gold Tokens
10 Silver Tokens
