Update 19.3 - February 6, 2017
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Update 19.3 Release Notes
Here are the Release Notes for Update 19.3, released on Monday, February 6th.
Of Special Note:
Player Housing - Players can now adjust the location of their interior housing decorations! See the notes below for more information.
News and Notes:
Chat Channels
- Four additional user defined chat channels have been added, for a total 8 user defined chat channels per player.
- There are now 3 global channels: /world, /trade, and /lff. Trade and Looking-for-Fellowship are now global channels accessible via /trade and /lff. Please restrict trading/selling to the /trade channel and grouping requests to the /lff channel.
- The advice regional chat channel has been removed.
- The eight user chat channels have been added to the Output Channels context menu of the bubble icon on the chat input field.
- Corrected an issue with /say. In addition, the range of /say has been increased from 15 meters to 25. Use /shout to double that range.
- The global Looking For Fellowship chat channel now shows as LFF instead of LFG in chat.
- Fixed a problem with chat was that causing server issues on Bullroarer.
- When your avatar is hit when holding a shield, your weapon should now remain in your hand.
- Guardian bleeds for higher tiers can crit.
- Guardian's Heavy Strike bleed stacks will no longer fall off enemies when the applied bleed is resisted, and will instead simply not increase. The stack will instead fall off on timeout or removal.
- Hunter - Archer's Mark now properly reduces a target's critical defense.
- Hunter - Blood Arrow has had its skill/trait descriptions updated, and now applies its blue line trait bonus heal as HoTs of the correct magnitude per rank.
- Hunter's Exanguinate skill now properly appears in your skill menu, and on the hotbar when unlocked.
- Captain's Grave Wound Damage-Over-Time element now scales properly with its IA legacy.
- Warden's Marked Target IA proc duration now benefits properly from the Shield-Splinterer set bonus.
- Flora - Phials of Extract now bind to account instead of character.
- The North Ithilien Wilds frame should now display on your selected target portrait and fellowship member's portrait (when they have selected the flora frame).
- Return to Arnach's travel skill scroll now properly requires Friend standing with Rangers of Ithilien, not Kindred.
- The boxes of Worn Armor available for Throne of the Dread Terror lesser armour token trade-in no longer require completion of the Tier 2 raid. Tarnished jewellery continues to require deed completion.
- The Steed of the White City and the Battle-worn Steed of the White City should now appear in the exclusive section of the mounts panel.
Player Housing
- Players can now adjust the precise location of interior housing decorations once they are placed in a hook. The decoration hook UI includes 4 scroll bars that allow decorations to be rotated as before, but also to be moved east/west, north/south, and up/down. Exterior housing decorations continue to only allow rotation.
- Interior housing decorations can be moved +/- 10 meters along the x, y, or z axis once they are placed.
- Clicking the decoration icon to the left of each rotation and translation scrollbar will rotate or move the decoration back to the default position in that axis.
- Large Wall housing decorations can now be rotated around their vertical axis.
- In decoration mode, hook outlines are now color coded by type.
- Premium houses can be purchased using Premium Housing Writs. These writs are given when a player gives up their premium house, or when a character with a premium house transfers to another server. You can also purchase these housing writs on the LOTRO store.
- Kin leaders who "sell" their premium house will now properly receive premium housing writs.
- Some Belfalas premium housing has been polished, including column gaps and door frames.
Questing and Adventure Areas
- The exterior of the Lecture Hall has been removed in Bree.
- Guards in Tumladen now walk normally.
- Haul should no longer get stuck in a tree in the instance Missing Persons.
- North Ithilien - Fixed some flowers that were in unreachable locations.
- North Ithilien - Quest: Worts, Weeds, and Wastes - The quest guide now points to the correct location.
- North Ithilien - Quest: Mastering the Wilds - Rangers will no longer report gibberish.
- Central Gondor - Quest: Looking for Pebble - Balangyl will no longer slide instead of walking.
- Central Gondor - Dore-en-ernil - Tungobel - The Corsair Sniper south of town will no longer slide along his path.
- West Rohan - Westfold - Grimslade - Manv Rohan guards will no longer slide along paths.
- Jagger Jack is no longer T-posing in Chetwood.
- The maximum possible coin capacity for any player is 9999 gold, 999 silver, 99 copper. To prevent players from inadvertently losing coin exceeding this maximum:
- Players can no longer detach coin from emails if the transaction exceeds the maximum coin capacity.
- Players can no longer sell an item to a vendor if the transaction exceeds the maximum coin capacity. When using Sell All, any item whose value exceeds the maximum coin capacity will not be sold.
- Players can no longer trade coin if the transaction exceeds the maximum coin capacity on the recipient.
- When a player fails to receive coin as a mob reward or quest reward, the error message "Transaction exceeds maximum coin capacity." is displayed, but the extra coinage is lost.