Rune of Restoration
General Information
Class: Rune-keeper
Trait Tree: Benediction of Peace
Rank Needed: 5 (trait Rune of Restoration)
Using this skill summons a stone of restoration in the ground and applies the effect Rune of Restoration while the stone exists.
Trait Information
The trait Rune of Endurance in the Benediction of Peace trait tree increases the heal by up to 30% and makes the skill ground targeted at max rank.
Specializing in the Benediction of Peace trait tree makes this skill have a 20% chance to apply the Frost Armour effect.
The set bonus Master of Allusion in the Benediction of Peace trait tree makes this skill apply the Master of Allusion effect to the Rune-keeper when the heal crits.
Tracery Information
Rune-stone Healing & Damage increases the healing of this skill by up to 38.5%.
Tactical Information
Rune of Restoration is a passive heal that affects all allies. It should be kept up as much as possible. This skill creates an ally, and can thus take aggro from enemies, and be targets for their attacks.