Improved Sure Strike

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Improved Sure Strike
  • 4m Range
  • Fast
  • Melee Skill
  • Skill Type: Melee
  • A melee attack that cannot be blocked or parried.

    Reduces the active cooldown of Battle-shout.
  • ... (Main-hand) Damage
  • -1s Battle-shout Cooldown
  • Cost: [17 at Level 150] Power
  • Cooldown: 3s

General Information

Class: Captain

Level: 52

This skill replaces  Sure Strike.


Depending on the Captain's specialization, this skill will apply one of the following effects to the raid when used with  Enemy Defeat Response:

Skill Interactions

Using this skill reduces the active cooldown of  Battle-shout by 1s.

Trait Interactions

  • Specializing in the Lead the Charge trait tree makes this skill apply Relentless Attack to the raid.
  • Specializing in the Leader of Men trait tree makes this skill apply On Guard to the raid.
  • Specializing in the Hands of Healing trait tree makes this skill apply Focus to the raid, and heals by 2% of their maximum Morale.
  • The trait  Valour in the Hands of Healing trait tree makes this skill heal the Captain's  Shield-brother for an amount based on the damage.
  • The set bonus  Gift of Spirit in the Hands of Healing trait tree makes this skill apply a stack of Inspirited to the Captain, up to 5.
  • Specializing in the Lead the Charge trait tree makes this skill apply Lead the Charge to the target upon a critical hit.
  • The trait  Reversal in the Hands of Healing trait tree makes this skill apply Reversal Melee Damage to the Captain upon a critical hit.

Tracery Interactions

Armour Set Interactions

Equipping 6 pieces of the Umbari Armour of the Commander armour set acquired from the Depths of Mâkhda Khorbo Raid makes  To Arms (Blade-brother) reset the active cooldown of this skill.

Tactical Information

Sure Strike is used by all Captains for their tactics buffs. This skill doesn't give any additional major effects, so this skill isn't used much outside of that purpose. If both Defensive Strike and Battle-shout are on cooldown, this skill can be used to speed up the rotation.