Power of Destruction
General Information
Class: Lore-master
Armour Set: Umbari Armour of the Sudden Squall
This skill replaces Power of Knowledge.
While channeling this skill, the enemy target gains Power of Destruction.
Skill Interactions
When specialized in Keeper of Animals, using this skill reduces the active cooldown of Sign of the Wild: Rage by 2 seconds.
Trait Interactions
- The trait
Power of Knowledge in the Ancient Master trait tree increases the damage of this skill by 15%.
- The set bonus
Master of the Elements in the Master of Nature's Fury trait tree makes a Frost skill used right after this skill apply Flash Frozen to the enemy target(s). The damage of this skill is increased by 10%.
- The trait
Master of Storms in the Master of Nature's Fury trait tree increases the damage of this skill by up to 25%.
Armour Set Interactions
Equipping 6 pieces of the Umbari Armour of the Sudden Squall armour set acquired from the Depths of Mâkhda Khorbo Raid makes each pulse of this skill have a 25% chance to reset the active cooldown of Ents go to War.
Tactical Information
Power of Destruction does considerable AoE damage. Use this skill on cooldown when fighting a group of enemies. You can also use this skill to proc the reset of Ents go to War, in which case the skill should be canceled after proccing it.