Reputation Deeds

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Reputation Deeds are Deeds related to Faction Reputation

  • found on the "Reputation" tab of the in-game Deed Log
  • Reputation Deeds are split in subcategories per region

Table of Reputation Title Deeds

[hide][hide]Deed Category Sub-Cat Type Title(s) LP(r) Loc Details
The Up-and-Comer Class/Race/Epic Reputation Task Up and Comer 5 Complete 100 tasks at any Task Bulletin Board
The Go-getter Class/Race/Epic Reputation Task Go-getter 5 Complete 200 tasks at any Task Bulletin Board
The Busy Bee Class/Race/Epic Reputation Task Busy Bee 5 Complete 300 tasks at any Task Bulletin Board
The Eager Beaver Class/Race/Epic Reputation Task Eager Beaver 5 Complete 400 tasks at any Task Bulletin Board
The Hot Shot Class/Race/Epic Reputation Task Hot Shot 5 Complete 500 tasks at any Task Bulletin Board
World Renowned Class/Race/Epic Reputation Meta World Renowned 50 Become kindred with the peoples of Eriador
Ambassador to the Elves Class/Race/Epic Reputation Meta Ambassador to the Elves 20 Become kindred with the Elves of Middle Earth
Known to the Men of Bree Class/Race/Epic Reputation Known Through Bree 5 Bree-land Gain 10000 reputation
Friend to the Men of Bree Class/Race/Epic Reputation Bree Friend 10 Bree-land Gain 20000 reputation, Travel Discount earned
Ally to the Men of Bree Class/Race/Epic Reputation Bree Defender 15 Bree-land Gain 25000 reputation, Merchant Discount earned
Kindred to the Men of Bree Class/Race/Epic Reputation Bree-land Rover 20 Bree-land Gain 30000 reputation
Known to the Mathom Society Class/Race/Epic Reputation Known to the Mathom House 5 The Shire Gain 10000 reputation
Friend to the Mathom Society Class/Race/Epic Reputation Mathom Seeker 10 The Shire Gain 20000 reputation, Travel Discount earned
Ally of the Mathom Society Class/Race/Epic Reputation Mathom Provider 15 The Shire Gain 25000 reputation, Merchant Discount earned
Kindred with the Mathom Society Class/Race/Epic Reputation Purveyor of Odd Things 20 The Shire Gain 30000 reputation
Known to Thorin's Hall Class/Race/Epic Reputation Known to Thorin's Hall 5 Ered Luin Gain 10000 reputation
Friend to Thorin's Hall Class/Race/Epic Reputation Friend to the Hall 10 Ered Luin Gain 20000 reputation, Travel Discount earned
Ally of Thorin's Hall Class/Race/Epic Reputation Ally to the Hall 15 Ered Luin Gain 25000 reputation, Merchant Discount earned
Kindred to Thorin's Hall Class/Race/Epic Reputation Thorin's Hall Monitor 20 Ered Luin Gain 30000 reputation
Known to the Rangers of Esteldín Class/Race/Epic Reputation Known to the Rangers 5 North Downs Gain 10000 reputation
Friend to the Rangers of Esteldín Class/Race/Epic Reputation Esteldin-friend 10 North Downs Gain 20000 reputation, Travel Discount earned
Ally to the Rangers of Esteldín Class/Race/Epic Reputation Ally to Esteldin 15 North Downs Gain 25000 reputation, Merchant Discount earned
Kindred with the Rangers of Esteldín Class/Race/Epic Reputation Honourary Ranger 20 North Downs Gain 30000 reputation
Known to the Eglain Class/Race/Epic Reputation Known to the Eglain 5 Lone Lands Gain 10000 reputation
Friend of the Eglain Class/Race/Epic Reputation Friend of the Eglain 10 Lone Lands Gain 20000 reputation, Travel Discount earned
Ally of the Eglain Class/Race/Epic Reputation Ally of the Eglain 15 Lone Lands Gain 25000 reputation, Merchant Discount earned
Eglan Class/Race/Epic Reputation Eglan-<provider> 20 Lone Lands Gain 30000 reputation
Known to the Elves of Rivendell Class/Race/Epic Reputation Known to Rivendell 5 Trollshaws Gain 10000 reputation
Friend to the Elves of Rivendell Class/Race/Epic Reputation Rivendell Friend 10 Trollshaws Gain 20000 reputation, Travel Discount earned
Ally to the Elves of Rivendell Class/Race/Epic Reputation Ally of Rivendell 15 Trollshaws Gain 25000 reputation, Merchant Discount earned
Kindred with the Elves of Rivendell Class/Race/Epic Reputation Elf-friend 20 Trollshaws Gain 30000 reputation
Known to the Wardens of Annúminas Class/Race/Epic Reputation Known to the Wardens 5 Evendim Gain 10000 reputation
Friend to the Wardens of Annúminas Class/Race/Epic Reputation Friend to the Wardens 10 Evendim Gain 20000 reputation, Travel Discount earned
Ally to the Wardens of Annúminas Class/Race/Epic Reputation Ally to the Wardens 15 Evendim Gain 25000 reputation, Merchant Discount earned
Kindred with the Wardens of Annúminas Class/Race/Epic Reputation Warden of Annúminas 20 Evendim Gain 30000 reputation
Known to the Council of the North Class/Race/Epic Reputation Known to Gath Forthnir 5 Angmar Gain 10000 reputation
Friend of the Council of the North Class/Race/Epic Reputation Friend to the Council 10 Angmar Gain 20000 reputation, Travel Discount earned
Ally of the Council of the North Class/Race/Epic Reputation Agent of Gath Forthnir 15 Angmar Gain 25000 reputation, Merchant Discount earned
Kindred of the Council of the North Class/Race/Epic Reputation Ardent of Freedom 20 Angmar Gain 30000 reputation
Known to the Eldgang Class/Race/Epic Reputation Known to the Eldgang 5 Angmar Gain 10000 reputation
Friend to the Eldgang Class/Race/Epic Reputation Friend to the Eldgang 10 Angmar Gain 20000 reputation, Travel Discount earned
Ally to the Eldgang Class/Race/Epic Reputation Ally to the Eldgang 15 Angmar Gain 25000 reputation, Merchant Discount earned
Kindred with the Eldgang Class/Race/Epic Reputation 20 Angmar Gain 30000 reputation
Known to the Lossoth Class/Race/Epic Reputation Known to the Lossoth 5 Forochel Gain 10000 reputation
Friend to the Lossoth Class/Race/Epic Reputation Lossoth Friend 10 Forochel Gain 20000 reputation, Travel Discount earned
Ally to the Lossoth Class/Race/Epic Reputation Ally to the Lossoth 15 Forochel Gain 25000 reputation, Merchant Discount earned
Kindred with the Lossoth Class/Race/Epic Reputation Lossoth 20 Forochel Gain 30000 reputation
Known to the Algraig Class/Race/Epic Reputation Known to the Algraig 5 Enedwaith Gain 10000 reputation
Friend to the Algraig Class/Race/Epic Reputation Friend to the Algraig 10 Enedwaith Gain 20000 reputation, Travel Discount earned
Ally to the Algraig Class/Race/Epic Reputation Ally to the Algraig 15 Enedwaith Gain 25000 reputation, Merchant Discount earned
Kindred with the Algraig Class/Race/Epic Reputation Honourary Algraig 20 Enedwaith Gain 30000 reputation
Known to the Grey Company Class/Race/Epic Reputation Known to the Grey Company 5 Enedwaith Gain 10000 reputation
Friend to the Grey Company Class/Race/Epic Reputation Friend of the Grey Company 10 Enedwaith Gain 20000 reputation, Travel Discount earned
Ally to the Grey Company Class/Race/Epic Reputation Ally of the Grey Company 15 Enedwaith Gain 25000 reputation, Merchant Discount earned
Kindred with the Grey Company Class/Race/Epic Reputation Grey Company 20 Enedwaith Gain 30000 reputation
Known to the Men of Dunland Class/Race/Epic Reputation Known to the Men of Dunland 5 Dunland Gain 10000 reputation
Friend to the Men of Dunland Class/Race/Epic Reputation Friend to the Men of Dunland 10 Dunland Gain 20000 reputation, Travel Discount earned
Ally to the Men of Dunland Class/Race/Epic Reputation Ally to the Men of Dunland 15 Dunland Gain 25000 reputation, Merchant Discount earned
Kindred to the Men of Dunland Class/Race/Epic Reputation Kindred to the Men of Dunland 20 Dunland Gain 30000 reputation
Known to Théodred's Riders Class/Race/Epic Reputation Known to Theodred's Riders 5 Dunland Gain 10000 reputation
Friend to Théodred's Riders Class/Race/Epic Reputation Friend to Theodred's Riders 10 Dunland Gain 20000 reputation, Travel Discount earned
Ally to the Riders of Théodred Class/Race/Epic Reputation Ally to the Riders of Theodred 15 Dunland Gain 25000 reputation, Merchant Discount earned
Kindred to Théodred's Riders Class/Race/Epic Reputation Kindred to Theodred's Riders 20 Dunland Gain 30000 reputation
Known to the Iron Garrison Guards Class/Race/Epic Reputation Known to the Iron Garrison Gaurds 5 Mines of Moria Gain 10000 reputation
Friend to the Iron Garrison Guards Class/Race/Epic Reputation Friend to the Iron Garrison Guards 10 Mines of Moria Gain 20000 reputation, Travel Discount earned
Ally to the Iron Garrison Guards Class/Race/Epic Reputation Ally to the Iron Garrison Guards 15 Mines of Moria Gain 25000 reputation, Merchant Discount earned
Kindred with the Iron Garrison Guards Class/Race/Epic Reputation Iron Garrison Guard 20 Mines of Moria Gain 30000 reputation
Known to the Iron Garrison Miners Class/Race/Epic Reputation Known to the Iron Garrison Miners 5 Mines of Moria Gain 10000 reputation
Friend to the Iron Garrison Miners Class/Race/Epic Reputation Friend to the Iron Garrison Miners 10 Mines of Moria Gain 20000 reputation, Travel Discount earned
Ally to the Iron Garrison Miners Class/Race/Epic Reputation Ally to the Iron Garrison Miners 15 Mines of Moria Gain 25000 reputation, Merchant Discount earned
Kindred with the Iron Garrison Miners Class/Race/Epic Reputation Iron Garrison Miner 20 Mines of Moria Gain 30000 reputation
Known to the Galadhrim Class/Race/Epic Reputation Known to the Galadhrim 5 Lothlorien Gain 10000 reputation
Friend to the Galadhrim Class/Race/Epic Reputation Friend to the Galadhrim 10 Lothlorien Gain 20000 reputation, Travel Discount earned
Ally to the Galadhrim Class/Race/Epic Reputation Ally to the Galadhrim 15 Lothlorien Gain 25000 reputation, Merchant Discount earned
Kindred with the Galadhrim Class/Race/Epic Reputation Honoured of the White Lady 20 Lothlorien Gain 30000 reputation
Known to the Malledhrim Class/Race/Epic Reputation Known to the Malledrim 5 Mirkwood Gain 10000 reputation
Friend to the Malledhrim Class/Race/Epic Reputation Friend to the Malledrim 10 Mirkwood Gain 20000 reputation, Travel Discount earned
Ally to the Malledhrim Class/Race/Epic Reputation Ally to the Malledrim 15 Mirkwood Gain 25000 reputation, Merchant Discount earned
Kindred with the Malledhrim Class/Race/Epic Reputation Liege of the Lord 20 Mirkwood Gain 30000 reputation
Known to the Riders of Stangard Class/Race/Epic Reputation Known to the Riders of Stangard 5 Great River Gain 10000 reputation
Friend to the Riders of Stangard Class/Race/Epic Reputation Friend to the Riders of Stangard 10 Great River Gain 20000 reputation, Travel Discount earned
Ally to the Riders of Stangard Class/Race/Epic Reputation Ally to the Riders of Stangard 15 Great River Gain 25000 reputation, Merchant Discount earned
Kindred with the Riders of Stangard Class/Race/Epic Reputation Kindred to Riders of Stangard 20 Great River Gain 30000 reputation
Known to the Heroes of Limlight Gorge Class/Race/Epic Reputation Known to the Heroes of the Limlight Gorge 5 Great River Gain 10000 reputation
Friend to the Heroes of Limlight Gorge Class/Race/Epic Reputation Friend to the Heroes of the Limlight Gorge 10 Great River Gain 20000 reputation, Travel Discount earned
Ally to the Heroes of Limlight Gorge Class/Race/Epic Reputation Ally to the Heroes of the Limlight Gorge 15 Great River Gain 25000 reputation, Merchant Discount earned
Kindred with the Heroes of Limlight Gorge Class/Race/Epic Reputation Kindred with the Heroes of Limlight Gorge 20 Great River Gain 30000 reputation
Known to the Wold Class/Race/Epic Reputation Known to the Wold 5 Eastemnet Gain 10000 reputation
Friend to the Wold Class/Race/Epic Reputation Friend to the Wold 10 Eastemnet Gain 20000 reputation, Travel Discount earned
Ally to the Wold Class/Race/Epic Reputation Ally of the Wold 15 Eastemnet Gain 25000 reputation, Merchant Discount earned
Kindred to the Wold Class/Race/Epic Reputation Kin of the Wold 20 Eastemnet Gain 30000 reputation
Known to the Norcrofts Class/Race/Epic Reputation Known to the Norcrofts 5 Eastemnet Gain 10000 reputation
Friend to the Norcrofts Class/Race/Epic Reputation Friend to the Norcrofts 10 Eastemnet Gain 20000 reputation, Travel Discount earned
Ally to the Norcrofts Class/Race/Epic Reputation Ally of the Norcrofts 15 Eastemnet Gain 25000 reputation, Merchant Discount earned
Kindred to the Norcrofts Class/Race/Epic Reputation Kin of the Norcrofts 20 Eastemnet Gain 30000 reputation
Known to the Sutcrofts Class/Race/Epic Reputation Known to the Sutcrofts 5 Eastemnet Gain 10000 reputation
Friend to the Sutcrofts Class/Race/Epic Reputation Friend to the Sutcrofts 10 Eastemnet Gain 20000 reputation, Travel Discount earned
Ally to the Sutcrofts Class/Race/Epic Reputation Ally of the Sutcrofts 15 Eastemnet Gain 25000 reputation, Merchant Discount earned
Kindred to the Sutcrofts Class/Race/Epic Reputation Kin of the Sutcrofts 20 Eastemnet Gain 30000 reputation
Known to the Entwash Vale Class/Race/Epic Reputation Known to the Entwash Vale 5 Eastemnet Gain 10000 reputation
Friend to the Entwash Vale Class/Race/Epic Reputation Friend to the Entwash Vale 10 Eastemnet Gain 20000 reputation, Travel Discount earned
Ally to the Entwash Vale Class/Race/Epic Reputation Ally of the Entwash Vale 15 Eastemnet Gain 25000 reputation, Merchant Discount earned
Kindred to the Entwash Vale Class/Race/Epic Reputation Kin of the Entwash Vale 20 Eastemnet Gain 30000 reputation
Known to the People of Wildermore Class/Race/Epic Reputation Known to the People of Wildemore 5 Wildermore Gain 10000 reputation
Friend to the People of Wildermore Class/Race/Epic Reputation Friend to the People of Wildemore 10 Wildermore Gain 20000 reputation, Travel Discount earned
Ally to the People of Wildermore Class/Race/Epic Reputation Ally to the People of Wildemore 15 Wildermore Gain 25000 reputation, Merchant Discount earned
Kindred to the People of Wildermore Class/Race/Epic Reputation Kindred with the People of Wildemore 20 Wildermore Gain 30000 reputation
Known to the Survivors of Wildermore Class/Race/Epic Reputation Known to the Survivors of Wildemore 5 Wildermore Gain 10000 reputation
Friend to the Survivors of Wildermore Class/Race/Epic Reputation Friend to the Survivors of Wildemore 10 Wildermore Gain 20000 reputation, Travel Discount earned
Ally to the Survivors of Wildermore Class/Race/Epic Reputation Ally to the Survivors of Wildemore 15 Wildermore Gain 25000 reputation, Merchant Discount earned
Kindred to the Survivors of Wildermore Class/Race/Epic Reputation Kindred with the Survivors of Wildemore 20 Wildermore Gain 30000 reputation
Known to the Eorlingas Class/Race/Epic Reputation Known to the Eorlingas 5 Westemnet Gain 10000 reputation
Friend to the Eorlingas Class/Race/Epic Reputation Friend to the Eorlingas 10 Westemnet Gain 20000 reputation, Travel Discount earned
Ally to the Eorlingas Class/Race/Epic Reputation Ally of the Eorlingas 15 Westemnet Gain 25000 reputation, Merchant Discount earned
Kindred to the Eorlingas Class/Race/Epic Reputation Eorling 20 Westemnet Gain 30000 reputation
Known to the Helmingas Class/Race/Epic Reputation Known to the Helmingas 5 Westemnet Gain 10000 reputation
Friend to the Helmingas Class/Race/Epic Reputation Friend to the Helmingas 10 Westemnet Gain 20000 reputation, Travel Discount earned
Ally to the Helmingas Class/Race/Epic Reputation Ally to the Helmingas 15 Westemnet Gain 25000 reputation, Merchant Discount earned
Kindred to the Helmingas Class/Race/Epic Reputation Helming 20 Westemnet Gain 30000 reputation
Known to the Ents of Fangorn Class/Race/Epic Reputation Known to the Ents 5 Westemnet Gain 10000 reputation
Friend to the Ents of Fangorn Class/Race/Epic Reputation Ent-friend 10 Westemnet Gain 20000 reputation
Ally to the Ents of Fangorn Class/Race/Epic Reputation Ally of the Ents 15 Westemnet Gain 25000 reputation
Kindred with the Ents of Fangorn Class/Race/Epic Reputation 20 Westemnet Gain 30000 reputation
Known to Ringló Vale Class/Race/Epic Reputation Known to Ringló Vale 0 Central Gondor Gain 10000 reputation
Friend to Ringló Vale Class/Race/Epic Reputation Friend to Ringló Vale 0 Central Gondor Gain 20000 reputation
Ally to Ringló Vale Class/Race/Epic Reputation Ally to Ringló Vale 0 Central Gondor Gain 25000 reputation
Kindred to Ringló Vale Class/Race/Epic Reputation Honoured in Ringló Vale 0 Central Gondor Gain 30000 reputation
Known to Dor-en-Ernil Class/Race/Epic Reputation Known to Dor-en-Ernil 0 Central Gondor Gain 10000 reputation
Friend to Dor-en-Ernil Class/Race/Epic Reputation Friend to Dor-en-Ernil 0 Central Gondor Gain 20000 reputation
Ally to Dor-en-Ernil Class/Race/Epic Reputation Ally to Dor-en-Ernil 0 Central Gondor Gain 25000 reputation
Kindred to Dor-en-Ernil Class/Race/Epic Reputation Honoured in Dor-en-Ernil 0 Central Gondor Gain 30000 reputation
Known to Lebennin Class/Race/Epic Reputation Known to Lebennin 0 Central Gondor Gain 10000 reputation
Friend to Lebennin Class/Race/Epic Reputation Friend to Lebennin 0 Central Gondor Gain 20000 reputation
Ally to Lebennin Class/Race/Epic Reputation Ally to Lebennin 0 Central Gondor Gain 25000 reputation
Kindred to Lebennin Class/Race/Epic Reputation Honoured in Lebennin 0 Central Gondor Gain 30000 reputation