The Artisan Blade
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Deed Lore
- Given the title, you half expected that this book would have been written by an Elf -- and indeed the script is Sindarin -- but it seems that the author is a champion of some ancient Númenórean lineage from a time before the founding of Arnor. The text is so ancient that some of the pages threaten to crumble in your hands as you carefully peruse it. While the dialect is ancient and difficult to read, the author's approach to swordsmanship is rather unusual, placing a great deal of emphasis on grueling repetition and concentration around what appear to be the most basic motions of the form. It suggests a focus on absolute control and power, which then leads to the discovery of finesse and artistry.
If only several key passages and pages were not missing, it could be an invaluable training guide -- perhaps Gimli the Dwarf could tell you more?
To complete this deed perform the following objective(s)
- The Artisan Blade, Page 2
- The early sections of this book seem to focus on the importance of basic drills -- similar to many another warrior's guide. But the author goes into some depth on the purpose of these mindless activities and suggests some novel meditative techniques to be used before and after the drills to improve their efficacy.
- The Artisan Blade, Page 4
- This page proves to be more of a text on the healing arts, than on fighting. The author cautions that the strain of such rigorous drills may injure a warrior ere he ever reaches the field of battle and suggests a particular regimen of herbal compresses and heated cloths to help the muscles and joints heal more quickly after the grueling exercises.
- The Artisan Blade, Page 6
- Never have you seen such attention to detail in a warrior's treatise.
The author has gone so far as the measure of strength with which a blow must land to rend an enemy's armour, be it leather, chain, or tempered dwarf-steel. He then goes into how one may train himself to gauge the strength of his own blows to ensure that the blow lands truly each time, with no waste of strength or motion.
- Never have you seen such attention to detail in a warrior's treatise.
- The Artisan Blade, Page 9
- This page is covered in diagrams of the arm, displaying numerous positions of the shoulder, elbow, and wrist, as well as their ranges of motion.
It seems to be an exploration of the possible forms in which a weapon might be swung to its best effect.
- This page is covered in diagrams of the arm, displaying numerous positions of the shoulder, elbow, and wrist, as well as their ranges of motion.
- The Artisan Blade, Page 14
- This page lists a series of weights that may be attached to one's blade or mace to gradually increase its weight and further strengthen the arm during practice drills. The author suggests a slow but unwaveringly steady series of increases, up to the point where the weights seem impractical for anyone who is not a troll to manage.
You find yourself wondering a bit about the sincerity of the author, but so much of the book is gruelingly logical and methodical that you imagine he must really be serious. How many of his students actually survived this regimen may be a more pertinent question.
- This page lists a series of weights that may be attached to one's blade or mace to gradually increase its weight and further strengthen the arm during practice drills. The author suggests a slow but unwaveringly steady series of increases, up to the point where the weights seem impractical for anyone who is not a troll to manage.
- The Artisan Blade, Page 15
- This page is used to describe the training area that the author constructed for himself. It seems large and unsurprisingly spartan, focusing only on those necessities of the art of combat, forgoing virtually all other comforts and distractions.
You doubt that this fellow got around to many festivals or had a lot of friends.
- This page is used to describe the training area that the author constructed for himself. It seems large and unsurprisingly spartan, focusing only on those necessities of the art of combat, forgoing virtually all other comforts and distractions.
- The Artisan Blade, Page 17
- This page is the first to discuss technique beyond the most basic of motions. It discusses the momentum of the weapon, stating that the student -- who presumably had dutifully followed all that came before -- must now learn how to retain the speed and power of his strikes, whether they strike wood, metal, flesh, or air as the opponent moves and blocks in turn.
The warrior that is capable of keeping his weapon in motion throughout all these movements of battle will tire more slowly and retain the advantage as he forces his opponent to react again and again, rather than acting in turn.
- This page is the first to discuss technique beyond the most basic of motions. It discusses the momentum of the weapon, stating that the student -- who presumably had dutifully followed all that came before -- must now learn how to retain the speed and power of his strikes, whether they strike wood, metal, flesh, or air as the opponent moves and blocks in turn.
- The Artisan Blade, Page 26
- The author provides a summary of the training and drills offered throughout the book, tying them all together in the same clear and spartan fashion as all that came before.
You find yourself believing that even a child could learn to fight masterfully following these methods -- assuming that said child had some troll's blood in his veins and a fanatical devotion to swordsmanship that most would consider unhealthily obsessive....
- The author provides a summary of the training and drills offered throughout the book, tying them all together in the same clear and spartan fashion as all that came before.
- The Artisan Blade, Page 2
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Additional Information
- This deed is available for Champions at level 39.This deed starts by acquiring the legendary book The Artisan Blade, then pages need to be collected, see the Legendary Book Pages for more information on page locations.