Enedwaith Deeds

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The following deeds are located under the Enedwaith tab of the Eriador page of the Deed Log.


Enedwaith Deeds Overview
Deed Type Virtue Experience Title LP Rep Faction Details
Fisher-king Explorer +1000 Fisher-king/Fisher-queen 5 500 Algraig, Men of Enedwaith Find The Fishing Hole [63.2S, 23.9W]
Exiles from the Lonely Mountain Explorer +1000 Exile of Erebor 5 500 Algraig, Men of Enedwaith Find the 6 dwarf markers
The Long Road of the Hobbits Explorer +1000 Follower of the Long Road 5 500 Algraig, Men of Enedwaith Find 4 Lamp-post markers of the Hobbits
Little Wonders Explorer +1000 Little Wonder 10 500 Algraig, Men of Enedwaith Find 6 Hobbit artifacts in Gloomglens
The Odiferous Lore The Odiferous 10 500 Algraig, Men of Enedwaith Complete Miraculous Growth quest 10 times
Master of Stairs Lore +1000 Master of Stairs/Mistress of Stairs 10 500 Algraig, Men of Enedwaith Climb Nar's Peak 5 times
Totals: +4000 45 2,500 Algraig, Men of Enedwaith
Deed Type Virtue Experience Title LP Rep Faction Details
Protector of Enedwaith Meta Protector of Enedwaith 10 900 The Grey Company Complete 11 deeds in Enedwaith
Path of the Grey Company Explorer +1000 Ambassador of the Grey Company 5 500 The Grey Company Find 5 locations of the Grey Company
The Cartrevs of Enedwaith Lore +1000 Homesteader of Enedwaith 5 500 The Grey Company Find 5 homesteads in Enedwaith
Mysteries of Enedwaith Quest +2000 Explorer of Enedwaith 10 300 The Grey Company Complete 10 quests in Enedwaith
Mysteries of Enedwaith (Intermediate) Quest +2000 Defender of Enedwaith 10 500 The Grey Company Complete 20 quests in Enedwaith
Mysteries of Enedwaith (Advanced) Quest +2000 Champion of Enedwaith 15 700 The Grey Company Complete 30 quests in Enedwaith
Mysteries of Enedwaith (Final) Quest +2000 Victor of Enedwaith 20 700 The Grey Company Complete 40 quests in Enedwaith
Cuthraul and Elhudan-slayer Slayer Banisher of Spirits 5 500 The Grey Company Defeat 90 Cuthraul or Elhudan in Enedwaith
Cuthraul and Elhudan-slayer (Advanced) Slayer +2000 Banisher of Dread 10 700 The Grey Company Defeat 180 Cuthraul or Elhudan in Enedwaith
Dunlending-slayer Slayer Foe of the White Hand 5 500 The Grey Company Defeat 100 Dunlendings in Enedwaith
Dunlending-slayer (Advanced) Slayer +2000 Bane of the Draig-lûth 10 700 The Grey Company Defeat 200 Dunlendings in Enedwaith
Giant-slayer Slayer Defender of Zudrugund 5 500 The Grey Company Defeat 40 Giants in Enedwaith
Giant-slayer (Advanced) Slayer Hero of Zudrugund 10 700 The Grey Company Defeat 80 Giants in Enedwaith
Gwiber-slayer Slayer Bane of the Gwiber 5 500 The Grey Company Defeat 40 Gwiber in Enedwaith
Gwiber-slayer (Advanced) Slayer Scourge of the Gwiber 10 700 The Grey Company Defeat 80 Gwiber in Enedwaith
Half-orc Slayer Slayer Enemy of the White Hand 5 500 The Grey Company Defeat 100 Half-orcs in Enedwaith
Half-orc Slayer (Advanced) Slayer +2000 Avenger of the Uch-lûth 10 700 The Grey Company Defeat 200 Half-orcs in Enedwaith
Wolf and Shadow-wolf Slayer Slayer Shadow-foe 5 500 The Grey Company Defeat 100 Wolves or Shadow-wolves in Enedwaith
Wolf and Shadow-wolf Slayer (Advanced) Slayer +2000 Dark Hunter 10 700 The Grey Company Defeat 200 Wolves or Shadow-wolves in Enedwaith
Wood-troll Slayer Slayer Wood-chipper 5 500 The Grey Company Defeat 50 Wood-trolls in Enedwaith
Wood-troll Slayer (Advanced) Slayer +2000 Clear-cutter 10 700 The Grey Company Defeat 100 Wood-trolls in Enedwaith
Totals: +20000 210 13,000 The Grey Company