Meta Deeds
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Meta-deeds are deeds containing clusters of deeds. To finish a meta-deed, you need to finish these clusters first. Completing meta-deeds takes a lot of effort. Final rewards include a good looking horse or goat.
Meta-deeds were introduced in the spring of 2010.
Meta-deeds are activated upon completion of several other deeds, Meta-deeds are hidden until some or all of the pre-requisite deeds are complete.
- This category holds regional meta deeds
- Instances are categorized into sub-categories. These sub-categories match the LOTRO deed log Instance tab bookmarks. So they are grouped by LOTRO expansions rather than by region.
Short List of Meta-deeds Granting Mounts
- The Armies of Isengard for Steed from the White Wizard's Tower
- World Renowned for Steed of Eriador
- Ambassador to the Elves for Steed of the Elf-lords
- Saviour of Eriador for Dúnedain Great-steed
- Tempest of Dol Guldur for Galadhrim War-steed
- Saviour of Khazad-dûm for Nimble Black Goat
- Saviour of Lothlórien for Wild Mountain-goat
- In Your Presence for Prized Ost Dunhoth Great-steed
- The Armies of Isengard for Steed of Many Colours
- Gwion for Prized Isengard War-steed
- The Road to Erebor for Steed of the Dale-lands
- The Road to Mordor for Steed of Elessar's Host
- A Journey Through Middle-earth for Steed of the Reminiscing Dragon
- Deeds of Gundabad for Steed of the Reclaimed Mountain
- Conqueror of the Dead City for Steed of the Morgul Victor
- Conqueror of the Three Peaks for Gundabad Vanquisher Steed
- Deeds of Carn Dûm Resurgent for Steed of Angmar Reborn
- Deeds of the Arena of Conflict for Steed of Mâkhda Khorbo
- Mounts Acquired by Meta-deeds
Steed from the White Wizard's Tower
Steed of Eriador
Steed of the Elf-lords
Dúnedain Great-steed
Galadhrim War-steed
Nimble Black Goat
Wild Mountain-goat
Prized Ost Dunhoth War-steed
Steed of Many Colours
Prized Isengard War-steed
Steed of the Dale-lands
Steed of Elessar's Host
Steed of the Reminiscing Dragon
Steed of the Reclaimed Mountain
Steed of the Morgul Victor
Gundabad Vanquisher Steed
Steed of Angmar Reborn
Steed of Mâkhda Khorbo