The Tome of Swords

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Written in a neatly defined Sindarin script, The Tome of Swords has long been renowned as one of the finest manuals on the art of swordsmanship and battle. Originally written in the early ages of Middle-earth, many copies exist -- but sometime shortly after the end of the Second age, most of them either vanished or had important passages edited, meaning that most of the copies that exist today are incomplete.

The copy you have found appears to be mostly intact, but time and wear have done the duty of whomever wished to limit the knowledge contained therein. There are a few pages that are either missing or too badly weathered to read. Perhaps the dwarf Gimli, son of Glóin of the Lonely Mountain, could tell you more about this ancient tome.

To complete this deed perform the following objective(s)

  • The Tome of Swords, Page 1
    This is the opening page to The Tome of Swords. It is inscribed with the title and a dedication: In memory of Beleriand that was and fell beneath the Sea.
  • The Tome of Swords, Page 4
    This page continues the tale of some of the great Elf-heroes of old, such as those who fought in the Goblin Wars, defending Gondolin against the ravaging Orc-hosts.
  • The Tome of Swords, Page 7
    Here, the Elf-lords who wrote the Tome took the time to record a few ballads relating the glory of those who have long since perished from Beleriand and Middle-earth. Perhaps they hoped the old songs would encourage the reader to greater deeds.
  • The Tome of Swords, Page 12
    This page begins an exhortation to the reader never show fear and never recoil in the face of evil.
  • The Tome of Swords, Page 13
    This page continues a treatise on courage in the face of direst evil. The true champion will always be found in the thick of battle, no matter how dire the straits.
  • The Tome of Swords, Page 17
    This page begins in earnest instruction in the art of armed warfare. It contains mostly a list of common techniques used by the great warriors of the past.
  • The Tome of Swords, Page 21
    This page contains mostly detailed diagrams and portraits of Elven masters. The diagrams are not easy to comprehend without the full context of the Tome.
  • The Tome of Swords, Page 25
    This page summarizes The Tome of Swords and finally ties together most of its finer points.


   10 LOTRO Points

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