Hobby Master
A Hobby Master holds the secrets to learning various hobbies.
Fishing Hobby
Have you always wanted to relax by a stream or pond, cast your lure into the sparkling waters, and catch a fantastic flounder or a perfect pike? With the Fishing hobby, now you can! Just find an ideal fishing spot - any body of water will do, but some will be more bountiful than others - and equip your fishing rod. Cast your line with the Fishing Action button, wait until something takes the bait, and push the Fishing Action button again to reel in your catch. Hopefully it's the fish of your dreams, and not the one that got away!
Minimum Level: 5
Birding Hobby
Have you always wondered what birds would call these lands theirs? From snowy mountain tops to the lowest wetlands, there are many birds ready to be discovered! With the Birding hobby, you can explore the lands to record which birds can be found in the various regions. Equip your Birding Kit and travel to any regions scouted for birds by Middle-earth Explorers.
When you arrive, you can begin to search for birds using your Birding Action button. You will have several opportunities to spot birds with each attempt and will need to press your birding action button again each time you catch sight of a possible bird (when the spyglass is held up to your eye). For each time you successfully press the birding action button during these windows, you will open yourself to finding a rarer bird from that region. Keep looking for birds until you have found all the birds of each region, just be aware that after a while of attempts in one region the birds will have grown wary of your presence, and you will need to come back later to be able to spot more birds in that area. Each successful bird you have spotted will be recorded in the birding section of your Collections Panel, so go out and spot them all!
Minimum Level: 5
Current regions scouted: Forochel, Angmar, Ered Luin, Evendim, North Downs, Misty Mountains, the Shire, Bree-land, Lone-lands, Cardolan, Trollshaws, Swanfleet, Eregion, Enedwaith, Dunland, Lórien, Mirkwood, Great River, Wold, Fangorn, Croftlands, Entwash, Westfold, and Eastfold.