Interrupt Skills

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Interrupt skills can be used to stop enemy inductions. Most of these skills are immediate, and can be used to cancel other skill animations.

The following skills interrupt the induction of an enemy target:

Class Skills Targets Cooldown Notes
Beorning  Vicious Claws 1 12s
 Rending Blow 1 12s Skill replaced with  Armour Crush
Brawler  Fulgurant Strike 1 30-15.6s
Burglar  Improved Addle 1 10s
Captain  Kick 1 10s
Champion  Clobber 1 10s
Guardian  Stamp 1 20-9s
 Bash 1 5s
 Shield-smash 1* 5s Affects 3-7+ Targets with trait  Follow Through
Hunter  Blindside 1 18s
 Explosive Arrow Infinite 1m 15s Requires equipping 6 pieces of the Umbari Armour of the Jungle Ghost armour set
Lore-master  Light of the Rising Dawn 1 15s
 Blinding Flash 1 30-15s
Mariner  Flick 1 20s
 Smoking Stones 7+ 1m
Minstrel  Dissonant Piercing Cry
 Piercing Cry
 Resonant Piercing Cry
1 10s CD reset by Ballad Crits when  Sharing a Story is traited
Rune-keeper  Improved Final Word 1 20s
Warden  Shield-slam 1 20s
 The Boot 1 0.8s Gambit