Mark of Grimbeorn
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General Information
Class: Beorning
Trait Tree: The Roar
Rank Needed: 0
Using this skill applies Mark of Grimbeorn to a friendly target.
Skill Interactions
Below is an overview of skills and effects that interact with this effect:
- Upon healing any target, Grimbeorn's Spirit is tiered up on the marked target.
Encouraging Roar tiers up the Encouraging Roar HoT if used on the marked target.
Sacrifice negates 25% of the redirected damage if used on the marked target (requires the set bonus Grimbeorn's Strength).
Sacrifice also applies Grimbeorn's Bubble to the marked target (requires the second rank of the trait Shake Free).
Hearten applies Hearten - Grimbeorn's Strength instead of its normal HoT and refunds its wrath cost if used on the marked target (requires the set bonus Grimbeorn's Strength).
Cleanse's cooldown is reduced by 5 seconds if used on the marked target (requires the set bonus Grimbeorn's Strength).
Claw Swipe applies Raging Blow to the marked target (requires the trait Raging Blow).
- Your healing skills have a 20% chance to restore 5% of the marked target's max Morale (requires the set bonus Bond of Trust).
Tracery Interactions
- Bond of Trust Heal Chance increases the proc chance of the Bond of Trust heal by up to 22%.
Tactical Information
Mark of Grimbeorn is most commonly used on the fellowship's Tank. In a Raid, this is swapped between tanks, depending on which one needs more help from the Healer. There are some situations where the Beorning will swap around the mark between people who need healing, but this is a high-risk-high-reward strategy, and should only be performed by experienced Beorning healers.