The Inn League (Reputation)
Originally founded by spirit-loving Hobbits, The Inn League has since opened its membership to any who enjoy the pleasures of strong drink.
The Inn League is headquartered in the Bird and Baby Inn in Michel Delving in the Shire, though there are Inn League members throughout Eriador. The Inn League rooms are only available to those of Friend reputation or better.
Gaining Reputation
Reputation quests are only available during Festivals.
Introductory Quest
To achieve Acquaintance status with The Inn League, players must complete the Inn League Initiation quest-series at the Party Tree, in the Shire.
- [...] Inn League Initiation -- Party Tree
- [...] Inn League Initiation -- Plough and Stars
- [...] Inn League Initiation -- Golden Perch
- [...] Inn League Initiation -- Floating Log
- [...] Inn League Initiation -- Green Dragon
- [...] Inn League Initiation -- Ivy Bush
- [...] Inn League Initiation -- Bird and Baby
Inn League Trial (repeatable once a day)
- [5] Inn League -- Party Tree Trial at the Hill
- [5] Inn League -- Plough and Stars Trial at Brockenborings
- [5] Inn League -- Golden Perch Trial at Stock
- [5] Inn League -- Floating Log Trial at Frogmorton
- [5] Inn League -- Green Dragon Trial at Bywater
- [5] Inn League -- Ivy Bush Trial at Hobbiton
- [5] Inn League -- Bird and Baby Trial at Michel Delving
General Quests
The final quest, Inn League Initiation -- Bird and Baby, gives 10,000 reputation thus reaching Acquaintance.
After completing the Initiation quests and becoming an Inn League Member, players can repeatedly do the Inn League Initiation quest series since it is repeatable once a day and grants 1200 reputation with the Inn League each time the series is completed.
Each beverage needs a different time for drinking. At every station, your hero needs 3, 5, 7, or 9 sips for a beverage. Since time is limited, you will run in time trouble if choosing the slowest beverage. The following table shows this:
Location | Station | 3 sips | 5 sips | 7 sips | 9 sips |
The Hill | Party Tree | Gunderic's Ale | Fern Beer | Rootknot’s Cider | Perry's Porter |
Greenfields | Plough and Stars | Rootknot’s Cider | Gunderic's Ale | Perry's Porter | Fern Beer |
Stock | Golden Perch | Fern Beer | Perry's Porter | Gunderic's Ale | Rootknot's Cider |
Frogmorton | Floating Log | Perry's Porter | Rootknot's Cider | Fern Beer | Gunderic's Ale |
Bywater | Green Dragon | Gunderic's Ale | Fern Beer | Rootknot's Cider | Perry's Porter |
Hobbiton | Ivy Bush | Rootknot’s Cider | Gunderic's Ale | Perry's Porter | Fern Beer |
Michel Delving | Bird and Baby | Perry's Porter | Rootknot's Cider | Fern Beer | Gunderic's Ale |
Also, after finishing the first initiation quest series, several other single quests become available from Inn League Member NPCs throughout Eriador. These repeatable (once a day) single quests are timed quests that require the player to get the NPC in question a certain kind of beer, wine, or ale within an hour.
Delivery Quests
There are several quests that ask you to fetch an Inn League member a drink from far away within a time limit. It is possible to pick up the drink first, travel to the delivery location, acquire the quest, and complete it immediately. It also goes well with The Inn League Challenge. Quests can be repeated daily; after finishing a quest, selecting the Inn League member again will tell you how many hours you must wait. Each completion gives +900 reputation for the Inn League, -500 reputation for the Ale Association, and a Badge of Taste.
You can also take all 11 quests from one of the Inn League Tavern Keeps.
Recommended Strategy and Route
- Purchase one or more of each of the drinks listed in the table above.
- Verify that you have quick-travel to Thorin's Gate and to Bree using traits or maps, and/or bind your milestone to either location.
- Verify that you have swift-travel available between the various locations listed in the route.
- Use Reputation Acceleration Tomes to increase the reputation gained.
- Start at West Gate
- Travel from West Bree to Hengstacer Farm, but dismount at Thornley's Work Site
- Complete Never Far From Home
- Ride back to West Bree
- Swift travel to Esteldín
- Travel from Esteldín to Othrikar
- Complete A Member in Need
- Travel from Othrikar to Esteldín
- Swift travel from Esteldín to Rivendell
- Swift travel from Rivendell to Gloin's Camp
- Swift travel from Gloin's Camp to Hrimbarg
- Complete Atli's Favourite
- Swift travel from Hrimbarg to Gloin's Camp
- Swift travel from Gloin's Camp to Rivendell
- Swift travel from Rivendell to Echad Candelleth
- Complete A Simple Wine
- Swift travel from Echad Candelleth to Rivendell
- Swift travel from Rivendell to to Gath Forthnír
- Swift travel from Gath Forthnír to Aughaire
- Complete A Drink of the Worst Character
- Swift travel from Aughaire to Gath Forthnír
- Swift travel from Gath Forthnír to Sûri-kylä
- Swift travel from Sûri-kylä to Zigilgund
- Complete A Dark Day
- Swift travel from Zigilund to Sûri-kylä
- Swift travel from Sûri-kylä to Ost Forod
- Swift travel from Ost Forod to Oatbarton
- Complete A Bit of Brown
- Swift travel from Oatbarton to Brockenborings
- Complete All But the Cider
- Map or port to Bree and go to South Bree (or direct to Ost Guruth if you have Return to Ost Guruth)
- Swift travel from South Bree to Ost Guruth
- Ride to Ost Haer
- Complete Quite a Pickle
- Map or port to Bree, Thorin's Gate (if you go to Thorin's Gate, go to step 40 before continuing here), or Michel Delving
- Swift travel to Celondim
- Travel from Celondim to Duillond
- Travel from Duillond to Thrasi's Lodge
- Complete One Drink Too Many
- Travel from Thrasi's Lodge to Gondamon
- Travel from Gondamon to Thorin's Gate
- Ride to the Refuge of Edhelion
- Complete A Reminder of Rivendell
Total time 30-35 minutes depending on your porting abilities.
Recommended Route for Hunters (condensed)
- Port to West Gate, ride northwest to Thornley's Work Site, complete Never Far From Home
- Port to Esteldín, ride to Othrikar, complete A Member in Need
- Port to Hrimbarg (Misty Mountains), complete Atli's Favourite
- Port or Swift Travel to Rivendell, swift travel to Echad Candelleth, complete A Simple Wine
- Port to Aughaire (West Angmar), complete A Drink of the Worst Character
- Port to Sûri-kylä (Forochel), swift travel to Zigilgund, complete A Dark Day
- Port to Tinnudir (Evendim), swift travel to Oatbarton, complete A Bit of Brown
- Swift travel to Brockenborings, complete All But the Cider
- Port to campsite at Ost Haer (or port to Ost Guruth and ride south), complete Quite a Pickle
- Port to Thorin's Gate, ride east to the Refuge of Edhelion, complete A Reminder of Rivendell
- Port to Michel Delving, swift travel to Duillond, travel to Thrasi's Lodge, complete One Drink Too Many
Recommended Route for Wardens (condensed)
- Start at Bree's West Gate, ride northwest to Thornley's Work Site, complete Never Far From Home
- Muster in Esteldín, stable to Othrikar, complete A Member in Need
- Muster in the Misty Mountains (Hrimbarg), complete Atli's Favourite
- Swift Travel to (or muster in) Rivendell, swift travel to Echad Candelleth, complete A Simple Wine
- Swift Travel to Rivendell, then to Gath Forthnír, then to Aughaire (West Angmar) (set a milestone in Aughaire; see note below), complete A Drink of the Worst Character
- Muster in Sûri-kylä (Forochel), swift travel to Zigilgund, complete A Dark Day
- Muster in Evendim (Tinnudir), swift travel to Oatbarton, complete A Bit of Brown
- Swift travel to Brockenborings, complete All But the Cider
- Muster in Ost Guruth (Lone-lands), ride SSE to Ost Haer, complete Quite a Pickle
- Muster in Thorin's Gate, ride ESE to the Refuge of Edhelion, complete A Reminder of Rivendell
- Swift travel to Celondim, stable to Duillond (set a milestone in Duillond; see note below), stable to Thrasi's Lodge, complete One Drink Too Many
Note: Setting milestones in Aughaire and in Duillond during your first trip will make later trips faster. The milestone in Duillond also allows you to port to the elves' main festival area.
Delivery Routes for both factions
Here are some ale deliveries routes if you intend to complete both factions (Inn League and Ale Association) at once:
F2p Guide (approx 35 min)
Optimized Guide (approx 25 min)
Harvest Festival Quest
During the Harvest Festival, Cora Brownlock asks you to bring her a rare bottle of Bilbo's treasured wine from within the Haunted Burrow, during The Inn League Excavation.
Spring Festival Quest
During the Spring Festival, Tob Sandyman asks you to search for an Inn League artifact within The Maze, during The Green Challenge.
Covert Reparations series
If you're playing both sides of the fence, and running quests for the Ale Association as well, you will unlock the Covert Reparations series after successfully completing An Irritating Initiation.
- [10] Covert Reparations - (Ailward Chubb at the Party Tree wants to know why four dwarves have quit the Inn League).
- [10] Covert Reparations I -- Sugary Sincerity - (Cheer up Óli in Thorin's Hall Inn)
- [10] Covert Reparations II -- A Gesture in Jest - (Cheer up Kópur in Noglond)
- [10] Covert Reparations III -- The Card - (Cheer up Grímar in Gondamon)
- [10] Covert Reparations IV -- Who Doesn't Like Flowers? - (Cheer up Herluf in Needlehole)
After completing the first time, you no longer visit Allward Chubb, just visit Oli, Kopur, Grimar and Herluf directly.
The Inn League deeds appear in the "Race & Social" tab of the Deed Log (Shift+L).
- Inn League Member
- Complete the Inn League Initiation
- Reward:
Increased Reputation with The Inn League (10,000) and Inn League Member title
- (Note: This Quest and Deed is the prerequisite for all other Inn League quests)
- Inn League Challenge
- Drink 23 Local Beers, Ales, Wine
- Reward:
Increased Reputation with The Inn League (1,200) and Inn League Sage of Fine Spirits title
- Senior Inn League Member
- Assist 5 Inn League Members (Complete 5 Inn League delivery quests)
- Reward:
Increased Reputation with The Inn League (1,200) and Inn League Senior Member title
- Inn League Notable
- Assist 11 Inn League Members (Complete 11 Inn League delivery quests)
- Reward:
Increased Reputation with The Inn League (1,200) and Inn League Notable title
- Inn League Delivery
- Complete all the deliveries ordered by the Inn League Members in need.
- Do-gooder title
Reputation Barter Items
There are currently no reputation barter items for the Inn League.
Mobs Defeated
There are currently no mobs that give reputation with the Inn League when defeated.
Crafting Quests
There are currently no crafting quests to gain reputation with the Inn League.

Upon reaching Friend status with the Inn League, players can enter the Inn League room inside the Bird and Baby Inn inn at Michel Delving in the Shire and barter for special items only available from the Inn League.
The Inn League Taxidermist Alric Banks and Inn League Trader Frago Sandheaver are seasonal NPCs who only appear during the Festivals. The Inn League Barmaid Ivy Tunnelly is found in the Inn League room year-round, along with other Inn League members.
There are currently no rewards for reaching Acquaintance status.
From Alric Banks |
From Frago Sandheaver |
Item to Receive | Items to Trade |
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From Ivy Tunnelly |
Inn League Member NPCs