Inn League Challenge

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Deed Lore

To truly become a respected member of the Inn League, you must sample all the local beers, ales and wines found throughout Eriador. Seek out all of these beverages to earn the respect of the League.

To complete this deed perform the following objective(s)


   <name>, Inn League Sage of Fine Spirits
   Increased Reputation with The Inn League ( 1,200 )

Addition Information

The Inn League Challenge is a Social deed that is available after a player has successfully completed the Inn League Initiation quest series. The Inn League Challenge requires players to drink 23 special wines, beers, and ales from throughout Eriador. Successful completion of the Inn League Challenge grants the player increased standing with the Inn League and a title.

The Inn League Challenge deed will appear in the "Race & Social" tab of the Deed Log (Shift+L) once one of the required drinks has been consumed.

Player Tips

The following ales, wines, and beers are required for the Inn League Challenge deed.

Beverage Vendor Location Settlement
The Shire
Wooly-foot Stout Halson Tubwort The Plough and Stars Brockenborings
Brandy Wine Gunderic Grubb The Golden Perch Stock
Old Withywindle Gunderic Grubb The Golden Perch Stock
Toad's Tongue Ale Ponto Hopsbloom The Floating Log Inn Frogmorton
1404 Vintage Reserve Barmy Rootknot The Green Dragon Bywater
Green Dragon's Breath Ale Barmy Rootknot The Green Dragon Bywater
Thistlebelly Brew Hereward Loamsdown The Ivy Bush Hobbiton
Whitebranch Hereward Loamsdown The Ivy Bush Hobbiton
Blagrove's Brown Carlo Blagrove The Bird and Baby Inn Michel Delving
Old Winyards Carlo Blagrove The Bird and Baby Inn Michel Delving
Beakbreaker Ale Lizbeth Honeymeade The Comb and Wattle Inn Combe
Barliman's Best Barliman Butterbur The Prancing Pony Bree
Blind Troll Stout Barliman Butterbur The Prancing Pony Bree
Moor-boar Beer Barliman Butterbur The Prancing Pony Bree
Stars of Old Cider Barliman Butterbur The Prancing Pony Bree
Isenwine Barliman Butterbur The Prancing Pony Bree
Forsaken Ale Anlaf the Forlorn The Forsaken Inn The Forsaken Inn
Forsaken Cider Anlaf the Forlorn The Forsaken Inn The Forsaken Inn
Swill Anlaf the Forlorn The Forsaken Inn The Forsaken Inn
Ered Luin
Bombur's Beard Lager Rúnulf Thorin's Hall Inn Thorin's Hall
Limael's Vintage Brethilwen Limael's Vineyard [26.7S, 94.9W]
Dorwinion Red Sogadan The Hall of Fire Rivendell
Dorwinion White Sogadan The Hall of Fire Rivendell