Item:Bombur's Beard Lager

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Bombur's Beard Lager
  • Item Level: 30
  • Consumed On Use
  • "A brew to slake the grandest of thirsts."
  • Vendor's Price: 3 Silver 4 Copper 
  • Worth: 80 Copper 
  • Stacks to 50

Vendor Information

Vendors: Rúnulf, Tavern-keep

Locations: Thorin's Hall Inn, Jarnfast, Erebor

Price: 3 Silver 4 Copper 

Quest Information

This item is involved in the following quest:

Múli at Othrikar, in the North Downs requests that players bring him one Bombur's Beard Lager within an hour.

Deed Involvement

Consuming this item is a requirement for the deed, Inn League Challenge, which requires players to consume 23 local beers, wines, and ales.