The Ivy Bush

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The Ivy Bush
Region: The Shire
Area: Hobbiton-Bywater
Settlement: Hobbiton
Location: [31.3S, 71.1W]

The Ivy Bush is the tavern and inn for Hobbiton. [31.3S, 71.1W]

The Exterior of the Ivy Bush Inn

Hereward Loamsdown is the proud Tavern Keep of this famous inn. It is centrally located in Hobbiton, where the Bywater Road crosses the Hill Road. In a corner there is a stage where dancers and musicians can perform for patrons and visitors.


The Sign of The Ivy Bush
NPC Function
Hereward Loamsdown Tavern Keep
Shirriff Robin Smallburrow Quest
Moonlight Sandheaver Inn League Member - Festival





This inn was favoured by Sam's father Hamfast Gamgee and his neighbour Daddy Twofoot, as well as many other Hobbits of the Hobbiton area. The Ivy Bush was a centre of gossip and story-telling, and it was here that the Hobbiton residents gathered to exchange fantastical tales of Elves, dragons and treasure-hunting, as well as (rather more usually) the latest doings in the Shire. — lorebook
"The history and character of Mr. Bilbo Baggins became once again the chief topic of conversation; and the older folk suddenly found their reminiscences in welcome demand. No one had a more attentive audience than old Ham Gamgee, commonly known as the Gaffer. He held forth at The Ivy Bush, a small inn on the Bywater road..." — The Fellowship of the Ring, by Tolkien


External References