North Downs

The North Downs are a region found within the land of Eriador.
Little is said about the North Downs but it has always been the realm of the noble Men of Arnor. It is always mentioned as lesser than Evendim and as the darker contrast to Gondor, connected to the struggles with the nearby Angmar and its Witch-king.
The hidden fortress of Esteldín serves as the capital of the North Downs, being the headquarters of the Rangers under Halbarad's command, kinsman of Aragorn. A very large war-party of orcs has recently come to the region where they have split their forces into two valleys: Nan Wathren and Dol Dínen. These sprawling encampments have put a real strain on the rangers as they desperately try to maintain control of the region.
Recently the town of Trestlebridge was under a fierce attack by grim orcs, but this turned out to be only a spur while the previously mentioned orc horde overran the region's long since unused ruins, Fornost specifically. Elves have always upheld a refuge in Lin Giliath and dwarves have mined silver in Othrikar, where the legendary Gildor Inglorion and Dori are met. A pact between these races will be necessary if the North Downs are to not be completely lost to the enemy.
- Levels: 24 - 30
- Factions: Rangers of Esteldín
- Crafting: Journeyman, Expert
- Neighbouring: Angmar, Bree-land, Evendim
- Introduced:
The Lord of the Rings Online: Shadows of Angmar, April 24th, 2007

(Ordered by main quest-level)
- Stable-master, Milestone, Outfitter, Mailbox, Reflecting Pool, Healer, Grocer, Provisioner, armament vendors
- Crafting: Forge, Oven, Workbench, Supplier, and trainers
- Quests: mainly 24 - 25, also camp for the Wildwood
- Camp: Amon Raith: Stable-master, Tasks Bulletin Board, quests
- Quests: mainly 24 - 26
- Treasure Hunters' Camp: Healer & Provisioner, Supplier
- Quests: mainly 24 - 26, also quests for Fornost
- Camp Site Fire
- Quests: mainly 25
- Camp Site Fire
- Quests: mainly 25 - 26, Instance: Stoneheight - Level 65+
- Camp: Ost Lagoros: Camp Site Fire
- Quests: mainly 26 - 29
- Village: Othrikar: Stable-master, Outfitter, Mailbox, Tasks Bulletin Board, Grocer, Provisioner, Supplier, Camp-fire
- Quests: mainly 27 - 28
- Village: Lin Giliath: Stable-master, Grocer, Lore-master Trainer, Tasks Bulletin Board
- Quests: mainly 28
- Dungeon: Etten Caves
- Quests: mainly 28
Esteldín — Capital of North Downs
- Stable-master, Milestone, Vault, Bard, , Mailbox, Reflecting Pool, Skirmish Camp, Tasks Bulletin Board, Healer, Provisioner, Class Trainers, armament vendors
- Craft-hall of Esteldín, Forge, Oven, Workbench, Camp-fires, and Expert trainers
- Crafting Guilds: Jeweller's, Tailor's, and Woodworker's Guild
- Factions: Rangers of Esteldín
- Quests: mainly 28 - 29
- Camp: Rusfold: Provisioner, Healer, quests
- Quests: mainly 29
- Camp Site Fire - Mustering Horn
- Quests: mainly 29 - 30
- Quests: mainly 30 - Fellowship