Trestlebridge Gate (South)

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This page is about the gate towards Bree-land. For the gate towards the Wildwood, see Trestlebridge Gate (West)
Trestlebridge Gate
Type: Gate
Region: North Downs
Area: Trestlebridge
Location: [18.2S, 53.7W]

Trestlebridge Gate is a landmark within Trestlebridge, in the North Downs. [18.2S, 53.7W]

This is one of two gates into Trestlebridge, specifically the southern gate where it stands athwart the North-South Road that since ancient times served as the royal road, connecting the northern part of the Arnorian Kingdom with Gondor far to the south. Now this road connects Bree-land with the North Downs.

Somehow this gate withstood the recent fierce attack when Orcs managed to overrun the town of which much now is burnt to ashes.




Giles Chadwick
Guard - Free Peoples
