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Stable tables

Playing with stable tables from Stable-master These are transcludes:

Bree-land Horse Routes

Adso's Camp

Destination Region Cost Prereqs
Buckland Bree-land 1 Silver 
West Bree Bree-land 1 Silver 

Bree - South Gate

Destination Region Cost Prerequisites
Lond Cirion (Swift) Anfalas 180 Silver  Min. Level: 130
Anórien (After Battle)
Minas Tirith (Mid) (Swift) Anórien 1 Silver 
Osgiliath (Swift) Anórien 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Bree-land Homes. (Swift) Bree-land 5 Silver 
Bree-land Homes. Bree-land 1 Silver 
Combe Bree-land 1 Silver 
West Bree (Swift) Bree-land 1 Silver 
Rohan - Croftlands
Snowbourn (Swift) East Rohan 71 Silver 50 Copper  Min. Level: 75
Galtrev (Swift) Dunland 45 Silver  Min. Level: 65
Aldburg (Swift) West Rohan 71 Silver 50 Copper  Min. Level: 85
Annâk-khurfu (Swift) Elderslade 147 Silver 50 Copper  Min. Level: 115
Lhanuch (Swift) Enedwaith 45 Silver  Min. Level: 50 and completed deed Mysteries of E. (Inter.)
Ered Luin
Celondim (Swift) Ered Luin 1 Silver 
Thorin's Gate (Swift) Ered Luin 1 Silver 
Great River
Stangard (Swift) The Great River 45 Silver  Min. Level: 70
Zidir-nesad, the Steepset (Swift) Máttugard 150 Silver  Min. Level: 130
King's Gondor
Linhir (Swift) Lower Lebennin 150 Silver  Min. Level: 130
Pelargir East Gate (Swift) Lower Lebennin 150 Silver  Min. Level: 130
Pelargir East Gate (Swift) Upper Lebennin 150 Silver  Min. Level: 130
Magh Ashtu (Swift) Mordor 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Old Anórien
Minas Tirith (Swift) Old Anórien 115 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Strongholds of the North
Dale (Swift) Eryn Lasgalen & the Dale-lands 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Lake-town (Swift) Eryn Lasgalen & the Dale-lands 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90
The Dwarf-holds
Járnfast (Swift) Iron Hills 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Skarháld (Swift) Ered Mithrin and Withered Heath 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90
The Ettenmoors
Ettenmoors (Swift) Ettenmoors 1 Silver  Min. Level: 20 and either VIP or travel pass from Lotro Store
The Lone-lands
The Forsaken Inn Lone-lands 5 Silver 
Ost Guruth (Swift) Lone-lands 20 Silver  Min. Level: 15
The Shire
Michel Delving (Swift) The Shire 1 Silver 
The Trollshaws
Rivendell (Swift) Trollshaws 35 Silver  Min. Level: 40
The Vales of Anduin
Hultvís (Swift) Vales of Anduin 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Western Gondor
Dol Amroth (Swift) Western Gondor 115 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Helm's Deep (Swift) West Rohan 71 Silver 50 Copper  Min. Level: 85
Forlaw (Swift) Wildermore 71 Silver 50 Copper  Min. Level: 75

Bree - West Gate

Destination Region Cost Prerequisites
Adso's Camp Bree-land 1 Silver 
Buckland Bree-land 1 Silver 
Hengstacer Farm Bree-land 1 Silver 
South Bree (Swift) Bree-land 1 Silver 
Andrath (Swift) Cardolan 25 Silver  Min. level 10
Andrath Cardolan 15 Silver  Min. level 10
Herne (Swift) Cardolan 25 Silver  Min. level 10
Herne Cardolan 15 Silver  Min. level 10
Ered Luin
Celondim (Swift) Ered Luin 1 Silver 
Thorin's Gate (Swift) Ered Luin 1 Silver 
Ost Forod (Swift) Evendim 35 Silver  Min. Level: 30
Tinnudir (Swift) Evendim 35 Silver 
Sûri-kylä (Swift) Forochel 35 Silver  Min. Level: 40 and Acq. w. Lossoth of Forochel
Mossward (Swift) Swanfleet 5 Silver  None
The North Downs
Esteldín (Swift) North Downs 35 Silver  Min. Level: 25
Trestlebridge North Downs 5 Silver 
The Shire
Hobbiton The Shire 5 Silver 
Michel Delving (Swift) The Shire 1 Silver 


Destination Region Cost Prereqs
Adso's Camp Bree-land 1 Silver 
West Bree Bree-land 1 Silver 
Ered Luin
Duillond (Swift) Ered Luin 5 Silver  Min. Level: 35
Oatbarton (Swift) Evendim 5 Silver  20
The Shire
Brockenborings (Swift) The Shire 5 Silver  Min. Level: 20
Bullroarer's Way (Swift) The Shire 5 Silver  Min. Level: 20
Foxden Road (Swift) The Shire 5 Silver  Min. Level: 20
Gamwich (Swift) The Shire 5 Silver  Min. Level: 20
Hobbiton (Swift) The Shire 5 Silver  Min. Level: 20
Long Cleeve (Swift) The Shire 5 Silver  Min. Level: 20
Michel Delving (Swift) The Shire 5 Silver  Min. Level: 20
Needlehole (Swift) The Shire 5 Silver  Min. Level: 20
Nobottle (Swift) The Shire 5 Silver  Min. Level: 20
Stock (Swift) The Shire 5 Silver  Min. Level: 15
Stock The Shire 1 Silver 
Tighfield (Swift) The Shire 5 Silver  Min. Level: 20


Destination Region Cost Prereqs
South Bree Bree-land 1 Silver 
Ered Luin
Celondim (Swift) Ered Luin 1 Silver 
Thorin's Gate (Swift) Ered Luin 1 Silver 
The Shire
Michel Delving (Swift) The Shire 1 Silver 

Hengstacer Farm

Destination Region Cost Prereqs
West Bree Bree-land 1 Silver 
North Downs
Trestlebridge North Downs 1 Silver 

Saeradan's Cabin

Destination Region Cost Prerequisites
Candaith's Camp Lone-lands Free Accepted quest Vol I, Book 2, Foreword: Aiding the Order

The Great River

Limlight Gatehouse

Stable-master sells travel to the following stables:
Destination Swift Travel Region Cost Discounted Cost Min Level Prerequisites
Stangard The Great River 20 Silver  75
Parth Celebrant The Great River 20 Silver  75
Thinglad Yes The Great River 28 Silver  75
Stangard Yes The Great River 28 Silver  75
Parth Celebrant Yes The Great River 28 Silver  75
Rushgore Yes The Great River 28 Silver  75
Brown Lands Yes The Great River 28 Silver  75

Brown Lands

Stable-master sells travel to the following stables:
Destination Swift Travel Region Cost Discounted Cost Min Level Prerequisites
Rushgore The Great River 20 Silver  75
Stangard The Great River 20 Silver  75
Thinglad Yes The Great River 28 Silver  75
Stangard Yes The Great River 28 Silver  75
Wailing Hills Yes The Great River 28 Silver  75
Parth Celebrant Yes The Great River 28 Silver  75
Rushgore Yes The Great River 28 Silver  75

Parth Celbrant

Stable-master sells travel to the following stables:
Destination Swift Travel Region Cost Discounted Cost Min Level Prerequisites
Rushgore The Great River 20 Silver  75
Wailing Hills The Great River 20 Silver  75
Stangard The Great River 20 Silver  75
Thinglad Yes The Great River 28 Silver  75
Stangard Yes The Great River 28 Silver  75
Wailing Hills Yes The Great River 28 Silver  75
Rushgore Yes The Great River 28 Silver  75
Brown Lands Yes The Great River 28 Silver  75


Stable-master sells travel to the following stables:
Destination Swift Travel Region Cost Discounted Cost Min Level Prerequisites
Brown Lands The Great River 20 Silver  75
Parth Celebrant The Great River 20 Silver  75
Stangard The Great River 20 Silver  75
Thinglad Yes The Great River 28 Silver  75
Stangard Yes The Great River 28 Silver  75
Wailing Hills Yes The Great River 28 Silver  75
Parth Celebrant Yes The Great River 28 Silver  75
Brown Lands Yes The Great River 28 Silver  75


Stable-master sells travel to the following stables:
Destination Swift Travel Region Cost Discounted Cost Min Level Prerequisites
The Vineyards of Lórien Lothlórien 17 Silver 50 Copper  75
Stangard The Great River 17 Silver 50 Copper  75
The Vineyards of Lórien Yes Lothlórien 24 Silver 50 Copper  75
Stangard Yes The Great River 24 Silver 50 Copper  75
Wailing Hills Yes The Great River 24 Silver 50 Copper  75
Parth Celebrant Yes The Great River 24 Silver 50 Copper  75
Brown Lands Yes The Great River 24 Silver 50 Copper  75


Stable-master sells travel to the following stables:
Destination Swift Travel Region Cost Discounted Cost Min Level Prerequisites
Thinglad Yes The Great River 28 Silver  75
Wailing Hills Yes The Great River 28 Silver  75
Parth Celebrant Yes The Great River 28 Silver  75
Rushgore Yes The Great River 28 Silver  75
Brown Lands Yes The Great River 28 Silver  75
South Bree Yes Bree-land 36 Silver  65
Twenty-first Hall Yes Moria 36 Silver  65
Inner Caras Galadhon Yes Lothlórien 36 Silver  65

Inner Caras Galadhon

Santhiriel sells travel to the following stables:
Destination Swift Travel Region Cost Discounted Cost Min Level Prerequisites
Twenty-first Hall Yes Moria 17 Silver 50 Copper  65
Rivendell Yes Trollshaws 31 Silver 50 Copper  50
Ost Galadh Yes Mirkwood 17 Silver 50 Copper  50
Lhanuch Yes Enedwaith 31 Silver 50 Copper  50
Galtrev Yes Dunland 31 Silver 50 Copper  65
Stangard Yes The Great River 31 Silver 50 Copper  75



Barri sells travel to the following stables:
Destination Swift Travel Region Cost Discounted Cost Min Level Prerequisites
Echad Dagoras Enedwaith 17 Silver 50 Copper  50
Maur Tulhau Enedwaith 17 Silver 50 Copper  50
Harndirion Enedwaith 17 Silver 50 Copper  50
Echad Daervunn Enedwaith 17 Silver 50 Copper  50
Echad Dagoras Yes Enedwaith 24 Silver 50 Copper  50
Maur Tulhau Yes Enedwaith 24 Silver 50 Copper  50
Harndirion Yes Enedwaith 24 Silver 50 Copper  50
Echad Daervunn Yes Enedwaith 24 Silver 50 Copper  50
Rivendell Yes Trollshaws 24 Silver 50 Copper  50
South Bree Yes Bree-land 24 Silver 50 Copper  50
Inner Caras Galadhon Yes Lothlórien 31 Silver 50 Copper  50


Celenath sells travel to the following stables:
Destination Swift Travel Region Cost Discounted Cost Min Level Prerequisites
Echad Dagoras Enedwaith 17 Silver 50 Copper  50
Maur Tulhau Enedwaith 17 Silver 50 Copper  50
Lhanuch Enedwaith 17 Silver 50 Copper  50
Echad Daervunn Enedwaith 17 Silver 50 Copper  50
Maur Tulhau Yes Enedwaith 24 Silver 50 Copper  50
Lhanuch Yes Enedwaith 24 Silver 50 Copper  50
Echad Daervunn Yes Enedwaith 24 Silver 50 Copper  50
Echad Naeglanc Dunland 24 Silver 50 Copper  65
Echad Naeglanc Yes Dunland 24 Silver 50 Copper  65


Echad Naeglanc

Stable-master sells travel to the following stables:
Destination Swift Travel Region Cost Discounted Cost Min Level Prerequisites
Lhan Tarren Dunland 17 Silver 50 Copper  65
Galtrev Dunland 17 Silver 50 Copper  65
Harndirion Dunland 17 Silver 50 Copper  65
Lhan Tarren Yes Dunland 24 Silver 50 Copper  65
Galtrev Yes Dunland 24 Silver 50 Copper  65
Harndirion Yes Enedwaith 24 Silver 50 Copper  65


Stable-master sells travel to the following stables:
Destination Swift Travel Region Cost Discounted Cost Min Level Prerequisites
Echad Naeglanc Dunland 17 Silver 50 Copper  65
Lhan Tarren Dunland 17 Silver 50 Copper  65
Tâl Methedras Gate Dunland 17 Silver 50 Copper  65
Rohirrim Scout-camp Dunland 17 Silver 50 Copper  65
Avardin Dunland 17 Silver 50 Copper  65
Lhan Rhos Dunland 17 Silver 50 Copper  65
Barnavon Dunland 17 Silver 50 Copper  65
Forthbrond Dunland 17 Silver 50 Copper  65
Grimbold's Camp Dunland 17 Silver 50 Copper  65
Dagoras' Camp Dunland 17 Silver 50 Copper  65
Echad Naeglanc Yes Dunland 24 Silver 50 Copper  65
Lhan Tarren Yes Dunland 24 Silver 50 Copper  65
Tâl Methedras Gate Yes Dunland 24 Silver 50 Copper  65
Rohirrim Scout-camp Yes Dunland 24 Silver 50 Copper  65
Avardin Yes Dunland 24 Silver 50 Copper  65
Lhan Rhos Yes Dunland 24 Silver 50 Copper  65
Barnavon Yes Dunland 24 Silver 50 Copper  65
Forthbrond Yes Dunland 24 Silver 50 Copper  65
Grimbold's Camp Yes Dunland 24 Silver 50 Copper  65
Dagoras' Camp Yes Dunland 24 Silver 50 Copper  65
Twenty-first Hall Yes Moria 31 Silver 50 Copper  65
South Bree Yes Bree-land 31 Silver 50 Copper  65
Inner Caras Galadhon Yes Lothlórien 31 Silver 50 Copper  65

Lhan Rhos

Stable-master sells travel to the following stables:
Destination Swift Travel Region Cost Discounted Cost Min Level Prerequisites
Avardin Dunland 17 Silver 50 Copper  65
Galtrev Dunland 17 Silver 50 Copper  65
Barnavon Dunland 17 Silver 50 Copper  65
Avardin Yes Dunland 24 Silver 50 Copper  65
Galtrev Yes Dunland 24 Silver 50 Copper  65
Barnavon Yes Enedwaith 24 Silver 50 Copper  65

Misty Mountains

Glóin's Camp

Leiknir [24.9S, 4.0E] sells travel to the following stables:
Destination Swift Travel Region Cost Discounted Cost Min Level Prerequisites
Rivendell Trollshaws 12 Silver  None
Hrimbarg Yes Misty Mountains 20 Silver  Discovery


Sigbert [24.4S, 7.0E] sells travel to the following stables:
Destination Swift Travel Region Cost Discounted Cost Min Level Prerequisites
Glóin's Camp Yes Misty Mountains 20 Silver  None
Rivendell Yes Trollshaws 28 Silver  None



Ladrochan [29.3S, 6.7E] sells trave to the following stables:
Destination Swift Travel Region Cost Discounted Cost Min Level Prerequisites
Thorenhad Trollshaws 20 Silver 
Ost Guruth Lone-lands 12 Silver 
Ost Guruth Yes Lone-lands 20 Silver 
South Bree Yes Bree-land 20 Silver  31 Silver 50 Copper  40
Esteldín Yes North Downs 16 Silver  40
Ettenmoors Yes Ettenmoors 80 Copper  40
Echad Candelleth Trollshaws 20 Silver  35
Gwingris Eregion 20 Silver  40
Gwingris Yes Eregion 20 Silver  40 Complete Deed: Silent and Restless
Echad Eregion Eregion 20 Silver  40
Echad Eregion Yes Eregion 20 Silver  40 Complete Deed: Silent and Restless (Intermediate)
Echad Dúnann Eregion 20 Silver  40
Echad Dúnann Yes Eregion 20 Silver  40 Complete Deed: Silent and Restless (Advanced)
Echad Mirobel Eregion 20 Silver  40
Echad Mirobel Yes Eregion 20 Silver  40 Complete Deed: Silent and Restless (Final)
Glóin's Camp Yes Misty Mountains 12 Silver 
Hrimbarg Yes Misty Mountains 28 Silver