Category:Quest Instances

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List of location instances (private instances) only accessible once you have the Quest. If you ever wondered what that cave or door led to but were denied access, this category will tell you. Just about every instance or interior that uses the special gate mechanic in LOTRO has a quest associated with it but some are only accessible after the quest is accepted.

  • Usually denied access without the required quest
  • All the quests have the word Instances in them.

Quest Instances (Locations)

Name Area Region level Access Quest
The Haunted Burrow Hobbiton The Shire 1 - 150 Instance: A Riddle in a Bottle
Blackwold Camp Chetwood Bree-land 1 Instance: Jail Break / Instance: A Road Through the Dark
Silver Deep Thorin's Gate Ered Luin 1 Instance: Into the Silver Deep
Old Odo's Leaf-farm Green Hill Country The Shire 1 Instance: A Road Through the Dark
Skorgrím's Tomb Thorin's Gate Ered Luin 5 Instance: Skorgrím's Tomb
Pinglade Rushock Bog The Shire 8 Instance: A Gift for the North
Greenfields Warren Greenfields The Shire 12 Instance: Beneath the Greenfields
Crookdell Rath Teraig Ered Luin 12 Instance: Assault on Rath Teraig
Reniolind's Hideout Midgewater Marshes Bree-land 14 Instance: To a Ranger's Aid
Brigand Cave (Chetwood) Chetwood Bree-land 15 Instance: Blackwolds Broken
Ost Baranor Chetwood Bree-land 15 Instance: Unravelling the Thread
Holt Adderson's Grotto Bree Bree-land 15 Instance: A Song for the Company
Brigand Cave (Cirith Nûr Encampment) Northern Bree-fields Bree-land 19 Instance: Broken Alliance
The Great Barrow Southern Barrow-downs Bree-land 21 Instance: Othrongroth
Catacombs of Dol Ernil Tyrn Gorthad Cardolan 30 Instance: Spectre of the Grey Fear
The Trestlespan Trestlebridge North Downs 30 Instance: The Defence of Trestlebridge
Instance: A Guardian's Duty
Ost Galumar Kingsfell North Downs 30 Instance: A Captain's Standard
Forsaken Smial Bullroarer's Sward Evendim 32 Instance: A Formal Complaint
Barad Tharsír Storeroom Barandalf Evendim 33 Instance:Treasures of Barad Tharsír
Lighthouse Barandalf Evendim 33 Lighthouse on the Baranduin
Rantost Tyrn Fornech Evendim 36 Instance: Thief-taker's Bane
The Twisted Grove Southern Emyn Uial Evendim 37 Instance: The Twisted Heart
Garbert's Cottage Tâl Bruinen Trollshaws 38 Instance: A Trap for the Creature
Ost Brandras Nan Tornaeth Trollshaws 39 Instance: Laying to Rest the Evil Dead
Vault of Celebrían's Legacy High Moor Trollshaws 39 The Riddle-master
Gladdalf North Trollshaws Trollshaws 40 Instance: The Unmarked Trail
Haudh Elendil Men Erain Evendim 40 Instance: The Tomb of Elendil
Gabilazan Giant Halls Misty Mountains 43 Instance: The Last Refuge
Helegrod Treasury Bruinen Source North Misty Mountains 43 Instance: Fire and Ice
Ologfil Western Malenhad Angmar 44 Instance: Ancient Lair
Skorgrím's Tomb Thorin's Gate Ered Luin 48 Instance: Thrór's Hammer
Delossad Tâl Bruinen Trollshaws 50 Instance: Prisoner of the Free Peoples
Barad Tironn Parth Aduial Evendim 50 Instance: Barad Tironn
Instance: The Eye of Angmar
Barad Rath Tyrn Fornech Evendim 50 Instance: Remembrance
Sammath Baul Carn Dûm Angmar 50 Instance: Laerdan's Escape
Gador Gúlaran Gath Forthnír Angmar 50 Instance: One Hope Remains
Barad Dúrgul Carn Dûm Angmar 50 Instance: Weapons of the Enemy
Dolendath Imlad Balchorth Angmar 50 Instance: The Heraldry of Lindon
Barad Tironn Annúminas Evendim 50 Instance: Barad Tironn
Tinnudir Keep Parth Aduial Evendim 50 Instance: Mordrambor
Bregmor's Den Länsi-mâ Forochel 50 Instance: Skin of Bregmor
Halla-kolo Talvi-mûri Forochel 50 Instance: The Path of Aearil
Glâd Ereg Glâd Ereg Eregion 50 Instance: Daughter of Strife
The Cooling Chamber the Great Delving Moria 51 Instance: The Cooling Chamber
Tunzul-menem the Silvertine Lodes Moria 53 Instance: They Mined Too Fast
The Mithril-slaves The Great Delving Moria 54 Instance:The Mithril-slaves
The Training Hall The Great Delving Moria 54 The Training Hall
The Ghost-forge The Great Delving Moria 57 The Ghost-forge
The Morroval-outcasts The Great Delving Moria 57 The Morroval-outcasts
The Drowned Treasury Durin's Way Moria 59 Instance: The Drowned Treasury
Azanarukâr Foundations of Stone Moria 60 Instance: The Fall of Moria
The Library of Steel The Great Delving Moria 60 The Library of Steel
The Spider-nest The Great Delving Moria 60 Instance: The Spider-nest
Zurr-thurkh Durin's Way Moria 60 Instance: The Secret Road
The Battle of Lórien Fanuidhol Lothlórien 60 Instance: The Battle of Lórien
Kolo-hampât Sûri-kylä Forochel 65 Instance: Lothrandir of the Frozen Wastes
Lhaid Ogo Lich Bluffs Enedwaith 65 Instance: Lhaid Ogo
The Flooded Ward Annúminas Evendim 65 Instance: Farewell to Evendim
Tham Úmdúr Nan Amlug East North Downs 65 Volume III, Book 1, Chapter 5: Loose Ends in the North Downs
The Defence of Galtrev Galtrev Dunland 75 Instance: The Defence of Galtrev
Glinting in Forgotten Pools Dunbog Dunland 75 Instance: Glinting in Forgotten Pools
Venom-bite Cave Wailing Hills The Great River 75 Finding Meneldor


Pages in category "Quest Instances"

The following 89 pages are in this category, out of 89 total.