The Ford
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Region: | East Rohan |
Area: | The Wold |

The Ford is a repeatable public quest instance within the Wold, in East Rohan.
The Ford is the site of the Easterling crossing of the Anduin.
The location can only be reached by quests granted by Wulfin in Harwick, and only after the prerequisite quest Aiding the Eastemnet has been started.
- Horse - quick travel to return to Harwick.
- [85] The Ford: An Army from the East - repeatable
- [85] The Ford: Defiled Runes - repeatable
These mobs are encountered within this location:
Carangam on level seem unbeatable, since they have a LOT of health and they deal above the amount of the player character's morale in damage in one shot. There are six of them in the instance and they make a fast circuit around the area, stopping only to drop Cargul Runes, which are necessary items for the quest The Ford: Defiled Runes. There are three set paths, and taking note of these paths is a good idea in order to easily avoid them and also quickly find the dropped runes. The shortest and longest path only have one Carangam that patrol them but the middle-length path has four, and because of irregular stops it is possible to encounter several in quick succession. In close proximity they increase Dread by 3, alerting the player to the possibility of coming into contact with one.
- The Easterlings have setup a camp across the river north-east of here. This would not normally be troubling, as the rivers current is swift and unforgiving, but this one is placed near a safe crossing. My scouts have also reported seeing several Cargûl amongst the warriors. These foul creatures follow and serve the darkest and most powerful of the Enemies leader. Their presence troubles me greatly
Settlements and Landmarks of The Wold
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Settlements: | Langhold • Harwick • Floodwend • Feldburg | |
Landmarks: | Cracabor • Dwolung Hole • Eastmund's Lair • Eorl's Hallow • Fang Point • Feldburg • the Howling Wood • Jóshkin Orda • Nîn-stazg • North-torr • Olghakhósh • The Seething Mire • The Stinging Bog • South Undeep • Súth-torr • Twickenburg • Undeep Watch • Wakenflood • Wódscrafen | |
Instances: | Aiding the Eastemnet: Defence of Harwick • Dígelon • Gerngarth • The Ford |