Quest:Instance: A Guardian's Duty

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Instance: A Guardian's Duty
Level 30
Type Solo only
Starts with Severin Wheeler
Starts at A Guardian's Duty
Start Region North Downs
Map Ref [17.5S, 54.2W]
Quest Group Guardian
Class Guardian
Reflecting Pool North Downs Reflecting Pool
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

"The town of Trestlebridge is under siege by Orcs out of Angmar. One of the guardians of Trestlebridge, Severin Wheeler, has assembled the townsfolk and their southern allies to defend the town against the marauding hordes...."


Severin Wheeler has enlisted your help in the defence of Trestlebridge. The town is hard-pressed by the Orcs, and guardians are needed to keep them from crossing into Bree-land.

Objective 1

Severin Wheeler is standing by the Trestlebridge.

Severin Wheeler is waiting to assign you your position in the defence of the town.

Severin Wheeler: 'I received word that some farmers on the North Downs have holed up in a small cave and are requesting assistance from Trestlebridge. Before your arrival, I feared they would be lost, for I could not leave the town with so few defenders -- but with your timely arrival, I see now a chance to save those farmers.
'I will ride to their defence, <name>, and I entrust the safety of Trestlebridge to you. If any Orcs attack while I am away, you must keep them away from the bridge at any cost! If the bridge is taken, we lose what small advantage we have. Do not let them reach the bridge!
'A few men have pledged to aid in the defence. Speak to these hardy few and assign them their position. I will see you again, if both our tasks lead to victory!'
Severin Wheeler says, "Stand firm, and I will return when I can!"

Objective 2

  • Talk to defenders of Trestlebridge

Severin Wheeler told you that several men have come to aid in the defence of Trestlebridge.

Before he left to aid a group of farmers trapped in the North Downs, Severin Wheeler charged you with keeping any marauding Orcs away from the bridge. You should speak with the men nearby to assign them their positions.

Burle Pierson: 'We meet once again, <name>, and I must tell you that my spirits are raised by your presence! After you helped me fight off the Blackwold brigands that threatened my farm, I got to thinking. It isn't right for good people to live in fear. It was time for me to repay the favour you did me.
'Travellers passing through Bree spoke of the Orc-raids against Trestlebridge, and I realized that this was where I was needed. If the Orcs dare show their ugly faces again, we'll turn them away and send them howling back across the Downs, I don't doubt it!
'My son is here, too. He has a keen eye and is handy with his bow, if you remember. I'll stand over in the shade of that tower and keep my weapon ready!'
Burle Pierson says, "Stay alert!"
Pierson's Son: 'You might not remember me, <name>, but I remember you! You helped my dad and me fight off the Blackwolds at our farm not so long ago. Cole Culvert would have been easting off our dishes and enjoying the fruits of our labours by now if it hadn't been for you...and don't think we don't appreciate it!'
'My dad got to thinking, and one day he just up and asked if I wanted to go with him to fight the Orcs. The way I see it, I'd rather fight Orcs up north, Trestlebridge way, if it means we can avoid fighting them in the streets of Bree-town, or in our own fields! Everyone's got to do his own part.
'I've been practicing with this bow since I was just a boy, and I reckon I can fell a few Orcs before they get too close. I'll call out their positions from that rise over there, if they're so bold as to attack the town while we're here.'
Pierson's Son says, "I will call out the position of any Orcs I see!"
Hilton Harper says, "What news of the Orcs?"

Objective 3

Hilton Harper is standing in front of the Trestlespan.

Hilton Harper is waiting to speak with you about organizing the defence of Trestlebridge.

Burle Pierson: 'A guardian like yourself has also come to aid in the defence. His name is Hilton Harper, and I saw him checking the structure of the bridge not long ago. You should speak with him about the plan for defending this place, should the Orcs attack.'
Pierson's son: 'My dad was talking to another guardian a short time ago -- Harper, his name was. He's probably aroudn here somewhere. You should speak to him about the plan for defending the town, should the Orcs choose to attack while Severin Wheeler is away.'
Hilton Harper: 'It is a pleasure to meet a fellow guardian, <name>, and the defences will be stronger for your presence here!
'I am ashamed to admit that not long ago I had given up hope -- the darkness that presses in on us seemed to great, and I was filled with despair. But a young captain showed me that hope always remains, even in situations most dire.
'So I took up my sword once more and vowed to fight on in the defence of good people, even when all others have failed. I have come to Trestlebridge, last bulwark between Bree-land and the marauding Orcs of the north; I will defend this place until I can defend it no more. We will prevail, <name>, but we must remain alert. The Orcs could attack at any time, and if any reach the bridge, it is lost. Keep them away from the bridge at any cost!'

Objective 4

  • Prevent any orcs from reaching the bridge

Hilton Harper is outside Trestlebridge.

Hilton Harper is waiting to speak with you about your defence of the town.

Pierson's Son says, "I see them! the northwest!"
Burle Pierson says, "You will not get by me!"
Pierson's Son says, "It's a raiding party!"
Tarkrîp Fire-eater says, "Death to all!"
Tarkrîp Fire-eater says, "Take the bridge!"
Tarkrîp Pillager says, "Is this a trap? Why so few defenders?"
Tarkrîp Raider says, "Death to all!"
Tarkrîp Pillager says, "Destroy them!"
Hilton Harper says, "Don't let them reach the bridge!"
Hilton Harper says, "You have failed, beast!"
Pierson's Son says, "You will not triumph!"
Pierson's Son says, "My wounds are too great! I'm sorry, father!"
'Hilton Harper says, "Do not let them pass!"
You have defended Trestlebridge from the marauding Orcs
  • Talk to Hilton Harper
Pierson's Son: 'We have repelled the Orcs, for now, and we will repel them again if needed! I hope it is not for a while yet -- I need a good night's sleep!
'My dad may be able to fight tirelessly, but I do not yet have his endurance, though I hope to claim I have his courage!'
Burle Pierson: pending
Hilton Harper: 'We have done it, <name>, and Trestlebridge is safe, for the moment. I do not think the Orcs will launch another attack for some time -- it is hard to remember, sometimes, that they, too, have need of rest. Though their masters may press them onward with whips and threats, even an Orc can succumb to exhaustion if pressed for long in service of war.
'Tell me when you are ready to return to the town, and we can await the return of Severin Wheeler. I hope his task went as well, and the farmers he left to save have survived their dangers.
'Some of us were wounded this day, but still we stand against the Orcs, and will continue to do so for as long as it is necessary!'
Hilton Harper: 'Are you ready to return to the town? We will await the return of Severin Wheeler and recount to him the great deeds that were done today!'