The Barrow of Ringdor

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Barrow of Ringdor
Region: Bree-land
Area: Northern Barrow-downs
Location: [31.3S, 54.7W]

The Barrow of Ringdor is a dungeon in the Northern Barrow-downs, in Bree-land. [31.3S, 54.7W]

The Exterior of Barrow of Ringdor
Map of The Barrow of Ringdor

This tomb is located between the Barrow of Taradan and the Barrow of Orron, along the eastern mountain side. This tomb is much larger than the others found in the northern barrow-downs, consisting of large flooded chambers and damp winding tunnels held together structurally by old scaffolding.

Fell creatures such as the Darkwater, Umnen, spread the corruption through the waters of the barrow.




These mobs are encountered within this location:


"Umnen is a fell spirit who dwells deep within the Barrow of Ringdor, poisoning the very air and water around him as he wanders through its dark corridors." — Deed
