Weapons and Armour Shop (West)

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Weapons and Armour Shop
Region: Bree-land
Settlement: Bree
Location: [30.3S, 52.5W]

Weapons and Armour Shop is an arming shop in western Bree. [30.3S, 52.5W]

The Exterior of Weapons and Armour Shop

This well assorted shop is found at the western side of the street between the Stone Quarter and the West Gate. Here are vendors who sell armour and weapons for the levels 24 to 32.

There is a southern armaments shop for the levels 15 - 23, by the town hall square.




NPC Function
James Clover Light Armoursmith
Wystan Milkweed Medium Armoursmith
Bail Threespot Heavy Armoursmith
Edwin Miller Bowyer
Windle Moorneedle One-handed Weaponsmith
Githa Hawkweed Two-handed Weaponsmith
Thomas Thistlewool Quest
