Broker's Office (Bree)

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Broker's Office
Region: Bree-land
Settlement: Bree
Location: [31.4S, 51.2W]

The Broker's Office in Bree is found in the southern part of the city. [31.4S, 51.2W]

If is found across the street from the Bree-town Hall. Here adventurers can tour or purchase houses in any of the Housing areas throughout Middle Earth.




NPC Housing Broker for
Nan Henwood Bree-land Homesteads
Barchiril Falathlorn Homesteads
Andy Brockhouse The Shire Homesteads
Rúni Thorin's Hall Homesteads
Nothwen Cape of Belfalas Homesteads
Seleflad Eastfold Hills Homesteads
Burginda Kingstead Meadows Homesteads
Gárthi Lockwarden The Abodes of Erebor
Almetha Ditchel Lyndelby Homesteads