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As of Update 30.3 Small and Large Wall Hooks are now just "Wall Hooks".

Wall Items

Item Source Source Acquisition
 'Above Weathertop' Painting Recipe Atharbain in Imlad Gelair
 'Durin's Bane' Painting Barter
Random Drop
Quartermaster (Fall of Khazad-dûm Rewards) at Amdân, the Threshold
or the Fall of Khazad-dûm raid instance
 'Harvest Time' Painting Rambi in the Thorin's Hall Homesteads
 'Heraldry' Painting Rambi in the Thorin's Hall Homesteads
 'Playful Children' Painting Rambi in the Thorin's Hall Homesteads
 'Shore Glimpse' Painting Recipe Atharbain in Imlad Gelair
 10-pound Salmon Trophy Barter Elmo Whitbread in Whitethorn's Taxidermy
 15-pound Salmon Trophy Barter Elmo Whitbread in Whitethorn's Taxidermy
 2-pound Salmon Trophy Barter Elmo Whitbread in Whitethorn's Taxidermy
 20-pound Salmon Trophy Barter Elmo Whitbread in Whitethorn's Taxidermy
 30-pound Salmon Trophy Barter Elmo Whitbread in Whitethorn's Taxidermy
 4-pound Salmon Trophy Barter Elmo Whitbread in Whitethorn's Taxidermy
 40-pound Salmon Trophy Barter Elmo Whitbread in Whitethorn's Taxidermy
 50-pound Salmon Trophy Barter Elmo Whitbread in Whitethorn's Taxidermy
 6-pound Salmon Trophy Barter Elmo Whitbread in Whitethorn's Taxidermy
 Academic's Bentwood Bookshelf Rolf Bracegirdle in the Shire Homesteads
 Agate Trophy - Wall-mounted Barter Geode Hunter in Zidir-nesad, the Steepset
 Alchemist's Book-case Store Available in the LOTRO Store
 Amethyst Trophy - Wall-mounted Barter Geode Hunter in Zidir-nesad, the Steepset
 Angmarim Landing Hafgrím in Gath Forthnír, Angmar.
 Angmarim Ramp Hafgrím in Gath Forthnír, Angmar.
 Angmarim Stairs Hafgrím in Gath Forthnír, Angmar.
 Angmarim Steps Hafgrím in Gath Forthnír, Angmar.
 Annúminas Landing Galiana Squibb in Tinnudir, Evendim.
 Annúminas Stairs Galiana Squibb in Tinnudir, Evendim.
 Aqueduct Drain Kettil, Son of Athils, Dalwin and Fengur the Iron Garrison Miners in Moria
 Arm of Lagmas Barter Stev Whitethorn in Whitethorn's Taxidermy
 Arnorian Arch-wall Pillar Barter Dúnedain of Cardolan Quartermaster in Cardolan
 Arnorian Bench Random Drop Delving Box of Housing Items
 Arnorian Debris Barter Dúnedain of Cardolan Quartermaster in Cardolan
 Arnorian Entryway Barter Spring Rewards Vendors during Spring Festival
 Arnorian Stool Barter Before the Shadow Mission-giver Barterers in Cardolan & Swanfleet.
 Auction House Banner Barter Quartermasters in The Yonder-watch
 Banner of Dale Barter Quartermaster (Men of Dale Rewards) in Dale
 Banner of Erebor Barter Quartermaster (Dwarves of Erebor Rewards) in Erebor
 Banner of Laketown Barter Quartermaster (Men of Dale Rewards) in Dale
 Banner of the Paths of the Dead Quest
Waldo Rumble at the Party Tree during Anniversary Celebration
or Odilla Rumble at the Party Tree during Anniversary Celebration
 Barbarous Barbel Trophy Barter Elmo Whitbread in Whitethorn's Taxidermy
 Big Mouth Bass Trophy Barter Elmo Whitbread in Whitethorn's Taxidermy
 Blazon of the Great Alliance Reward Ordering Minas Morgul Ultimate Fan Bundle
 Blue Dwarf-made Foyer Steps Rambi in the Thorin's Hall Homesteads.
 Blue Wall Banner Barter Quartermaster (Housing Decorations) during Hobnanigans
 Boar's Afternoon Barter
Quartermaster (March on Gundabad)
or Quartermaster (The Gabil'akkâ) at Elderslade in Annâk-khurfu (War Room)
 Bountiful Red Poinsettia Wreath Barter Jeffrey Bloomer or Alex Grey during Yule Festival
 Bountiful White Poinsettia Wreath Barter Jeffrey Bloomer or Alex Grey during Yule Festival
 Brawny Bullhead Trophy Barter Elmo Whitbread in Whitethorn's Taxidermy
 Bright Bitterling Trophy Barter Elmo Whitbread in Whitethorn's Taxidermy
 Broken Curved Arnorian Bench Barter Before the Shadow Mission-giver Barterers in Cardolan & Swanfleet.
 Broken Long Arnorian Bench Barter Dúnedain of Cardolan Quartermaster in Cardolan
 Candlelit Wreath of Shire Holly Barter Alex Grey at Winter-home in Frostbluff
 Caras Galadhon Coat of Arms Barter Orelleth, Lothlórien reputation barterer on the second level of Telain Galadhrim in Caras Galadhon
 Caras Galadhon Tapestry Barter
Tharnelleth, Lothlórien reputation barterer in Cerin Amroth
or available in the LOTRO Store
 Cardolan Wall Map Barter Rowan Raspberry in various places.
 Cave Troll Trophy Barter Clar Whitethorn in Whitethorn's Taxidermy
 Celebratory Red Banner Wall Hanging Barter Games-masters during the LOTRO Anniversary Celebration
 Celebratory Yellow Long Banner Wall Hanging Barter Games-masters during the LOTRO Anniversary Celebration
 Centre-arched Gondorian Bookshelf Barter Quartermaster (Housing Decorations) in Dol Amroth
 Cloak Rack Quest
Waldo Rumble at the Party Tree during Anniversary Celebration
or Odilla Rumble at the Party Tree during Anniversary Celebration
 Cluttered Shelf of Gondorian Platters and Dishes Barter Quartermaster (Housing Decorations) in Dol Amroth
 Cluttered Shelf of Rohirric Platters and Dishes Barter Rinwald in Hytbold after repairing House of the Entwash Vale
 Coat Hooks Barter Quartermasters in The Yonder-watch
 Cold Drake Trophy Barter Quartermaster (Gundabad Missions) in the Hall of Vérnozal
 Colourful Charr Trophy Barter Elmo Whitbread in Whitethorn's Taxidermy
 Courageous Carp Trophy Barter Elmo Whitbread in Whitethorn's Taxidermy
 Cozy Yule Fireplace Hobbit Gifts Morale Potions + Gold Winter Gift: Fireplace
Restoration Potion + Gold Winter Gift: Fireplace
 Crescent Standard Barter Quartermaster (Conquest of Gorgoroth Rewards)
 Cunning Catfish Trophy Barter Elmo Whitbread in Whitethorn's Taxidermy
 Curved Arnorian Bench Barter Before the Shadow Mission-giver Barterers in Cardolan & Swanfleet.
 Curved Elven Stairs (Left) Barthavron in the Falathlorn Homesteads.
 Curved Elven Stairs (Right) Barthavron in the Falathlorn Homesteads.
 Darter Group Trophy Deed Catch all 9 types of darter fish
 Decorative Abandoned Smial Floor Barter Quartermasters in the Yondershire
 Decorative Angmarim Cobblestone Floor Hafgrím in Gath Forthnír, Angmar.
 Decorative Autumnal Carpet Floor Rolf Bracegirdle in the Shire Homesteads.
 Decorative Blue Carpet Floor Bill Twiggins in the Bree-land Homesteads.
 Decorative Dark Grass Floor Seleflad and Burginda, in Snowbourn, Edoras, and the Rohan Premium Housing neighbourhoods.
 Decorative Dense Gravel Floor Seleflad and Burginda, in Snowbourn, Edoras, and the Rohan Premium Housing neighbourhoods.
 Decorative Dry Grass Floor Seleflad and Burginda, in Snowbourn, Edoras, and the Rohan Premium Housing neighbourhoods.
 Decorative Dwarf-styled Stone Floor (Flooded Deeps) Kettil, Son of Athils, Dalwin and Fengur the Iron Garrison Miners in Moria
 Decorative Dwarf-styled Stone Floor (Gundabad) Barter Quartermasters in Gundabad
 Decorative Dwarf-styled Stone Floor (Mazarbul) Kettil, Son of Athils, Dalwin and Fengur the Iron Garrison Miners in Moria
 Decorative Dwarf-styled Stone Floor (Moria) Kettil, Son of Athils, Dalwin and Fengur the Iron Garrison Miners in Moria
 Decorative Dwarf-styled Stone Floor (Redhorn) Kettil, Son of Athils, Dalwin and Fengur the Iron Garrison Miners in Moria
 Decorative Dwarf-styled Stone Floor (Thorin's Hall) Rambi in the Thorin's Hall Homesteads.
 Decorative Fancy Blue Carpet Floor, First Style Galiana Squibb in Tinnudir, Evendim.
 Decorative Fancy Blue Carpet Floor, Second Style Galiana Squibb in Tinnudir, Evendim.
 Decorative Fancy Purple Carpet Floor, First Style Galiana Squibb in Tinnudir, Evendim.
 Decorative Fancy Purple Carpet Floor, Second Style Galiana Squibb in Tinnudir, Evendim.
 Decorative Flagstone Floor Seleflad and Burginda, in Snowbourn, Edoras, and the Rohan Premium Housing neighbourhoods.
 Decorative Floral Tile Floor Barthavron in the Falathlorn Homesteads.
 Decorative Frosted Dwarf-styled Stone Floor (Gundabad) Barter Quartermasters in Gundabad
 Decorative Frosted Dwarf-styled Stone Floor (Mazarbul) Kettil, Son of Athils, Dalwin and Fengur the Iron Garrison Miners in Moria
 Decorative Glittering Stone Floor Barter Spring Rewards Vendors during Spring Festival
 Decorative Gondorian Marble Floor Housing Furnisher (Belfalas) in the Cape of Belfalas Homesteads.
 Decorative Gondorian Stone Floor Housing Furnisher (Belfalas) in the Cape of Belfalas Homesteads.
 Decorative Grass Floor Seleflad and Burginda, in Snowbourn, Edoras, and the Rohan Premium Housing neighbourhoods.
 Decorative Gravel Floor Seleflad and Burginda, in Snowbourn, Edoras, and the Rohan Premium Housing neighbourhoods.
 Decorative Green Carpet Floor Bill Twiggins in the Bree-land Homesteads.
 Decorative Grey Diamond Stone Floor Rambi in the Thorin's Hall Homesteads.
 Decorative Grey Flagstone Floor Seleflad and Burginda, in Snowbourn, Edoras, and the Rohan Premium Housing neighbourhoods.
 Decorative Hardwood Floor Bill Twiggins in the Bree-land Homesteads.
 Decorative Interlocking Wood Floor Rolf Bracegirdle in the Shire Homesteads.
 Decorative Intricate Flagstone Floor Seleflad and Burginda, in Snowbourn, Edoras, and the Rohan Premium Housing neighbourhoods.
 Decorative Intricate Tile Floor Barthavron in the Falathlorn Homesteads.
 Decorative Intricate Wood Floor Housing Furnisher (Belfalas) in the Cape of Belfalas Homesteads.
 Decorative Lava Floor Barter Keeper of Mysteries in Mordor or Allegiance Halls
 Decorative Light Grass Floor Seleflad and Burginda, in Snowbourn, Edoras, and the Rohan Premium Housing neighbourhoods.
 Decorative Mordor Stone Floor Barter Quartermaster (Conquest of Gorgoroth Rewards) in the following places: Udûn Foothold, Ruins of Dingarth, Magh Ashtu, Agarnaith Ranger Camp.
 Decorative Muddy Floor Seleflad and Burginda, in Snowbourn, Edoras, and the Rohan Premium Housing neighbourhoods.
 Decorative Multi-coloured Stone Floor Rambi in the Thorin's Hall Homesteads.
 Decorative Orange Carpet Floor Bill Twiggins in the Bree-land Homesteads.
 Decorative Pink Carpet Floor Bill Twiggins in the Bree-land Homesteads.
 Decorative Pristine Dwarf-styled Stone Floor (Mazarbul) Kettil, Son of Athils, Dalwin and Fengur the Iron Garrison Miners in Moria
 Decorative Purple Carpet Floor Bill Twiggins in the Bree-land Homesteads.
 Decorative Red Carpet Floor Bill Twiggins in the Bree-land Homesteads.
 Decorative Rohirric Tiled Floor Seleflad and Burginda, in Snowbourn, Edoras, and the Rohan Premium Housing neighbourhoods.
 Decorative Small Cut Stone Floor Bill Twiggins in the Bree-land Homesteads.
 Decorative Square Tile Floor Rolf Bracegirdle in the Shire Homesteads.
 Decorative Tiled Smial Floor Barter Quartermasters in the Yondershire
 Decorative Wall (Abandoned Plastered Smial)
Has 10m & 20m Standard and Tall variants
Barter Quartermasters in the Yondershire
 Decorative Wall (Abandoned Stone Smial)
Has 10m & 20m Standard and Tall variants
Barter Quartermasters in the Yondershire
 Decorative Wall (Angmarim)
Has 10m & 20m Standard and Tall variants
Hafgrím in Angmar
 Decorative Wall (Arnorian Brick)
Has 10m & 20m Standard and Tall variants
Barter Dúnedain of Cardolan Quartermaster in Cardolan
 Decorative Wall (Brick Smial)
Has 10m & 20m Standard and Tall variants
Barter Quartermasters in the Yondershire
 Decorative Wall (Decorated Winter)
Has 10m & 20m Standard and Tall variants
Random Gift Selectable reward from the Yule gold Hobbit Gift Bubble Potion + Gold or Silver Gift of Yules Past since Yule Festival 2022.
 Decorative Wall (Detailed Plaster)
Has 10m & 20m Standard and Tall variants
Barthavron in the Falathlorn Homesteads
 Decorative Wall (Dwarf Summerfest)
Has 10m & 20m Standard and Tall variants
Barter Ernwyd Brandybuck during the Farmers Faire
 Decorative Wall (Dwarf Yule-fest)
Has 10m & 20m Standard and Tall variants
Barter Available during Yule Festival from Jeffrey Bloomer.
 Decorative Wall (Erebor)
Has 10m & 20m Standard and Tall variants
Housing Furnisher (Erebor) in The Abodes of Erebor
 Decorative Wall (Ered Mithrin)
Has 10m & 20m Standard and Tall variants
Barter Quartermaster (Dwarf-holds Rewards) in Skarháld
 Decorative Wall (Festival of Enedhin)
Has 10m & 20m Standard and Tall variants
Barter Ernwyd Brandybuck during the Farmers Faire
 Decorative Wall (Fieldstone)
Has 10m & 20m Standard and Tall variants
Seleflad and Burginda, located in Snowbourn, Edoras, and the Rohan Premium Housing neighbourhoods.
 Decorative Wall (Flooded Deeps)
Has 10m & 20m Standard and Tall variants
Kettil, Son of Athils, Dalwin and Fengur the Iron Garrison Miners in Moria
 Decorative Wall (Floral)
Has 10m & 20m Standard and Tall variants
Rolf Bracegirdle in the Shire Homesteads
 Decorative Wall (Frosted Ered Mithrin)
Has 10m & 20m Standard and Tall variants
Barter Quartermaster in Ered Mithrin and Withered Heath
 Decorative Wall (Frosted Gundabad)
Has 10m & 20m Standard and Tall variants
Barter Quartermasters in Gundabad
 Decorative Wall (Frosted Mazarbul)
Has 10m & 20m Standard and Tall variants
Kettil, Son of Athils, Dalwin and Fengur the Iron Garrison Miners in Moria
 Decorative Wall (Gem Bordered)
Has 10m & 20m Standard and Tall variants
Barter Quartermaster in Ered Mithrin and Withered Heath
 Decorative Wall (Gold-flecked Second Hall)
Has 10m & 20m Standard and Tall variants
Barter Quartermaster in Amdân, the Threshold
 Decorative Wall (Gondorian)
Has 10m & 20m Standard and Tall variants
Housing Furnisher in Cape of Belfalas Homesteads
 Decorative Wall (Gundabad)
Has 10m & 20m Standard and Tall variants
Barter Quartermasters in Gundabad
 Decorative Wall (Ice)
Has 10m & 20m Standard and Tall variants
Barter Quartermaster in Ered Mithrin and Withered Heath
 Decorative Wall (Ironfold)
Has 10m & 20m Standard and Tall variants
Barter Quartermaster in Ered Mithrin and Withered Heath
 Decorative Wall (Leaf Plaster)
Has 10m & 20m Standard and Tall variants
Barthavron in Falathlorn Homesteads
 Decorative Wall (Leafless Second Hall)
Has 10m & 20m Standard and Tall variants
Barter Quartermaster in Amdân, the Threshold
 Decorative Wall (Lined Stone)
Has 10m & 20m Standard and Tall variants
Rambi in Thorin's Hall Homesteads
 Decorative Wall (Lithe Days)
Has 10m & 20m Standard and Tall variants
Barter Ernwyd Brandybuck during the Farmers Faire
 Decorative Wall (Marbled Stone)
Has 10m & 20m Standard and Tall variants
Rambi in Thorin's Hall Homesteads
 Decorative Wall (Mazarbul)
Has 10m & 20m Standard and Tall variants
Kettil, Son of Athils, Dalwin and Fengur the Iron Garrison Miners in Moria
 Decorative Wall (Mordor Stone)
Has 10m & 20m Standard and Tall variants
Barter Quartermaster in Udûn Foothold
 Decorative Wall (Moria)
Has 10m & 20m Standard and Tall variants
Kettil, Son of Athils, Dalwin and Fengur the Iron Garrison Miners in Moria
 Decorative Wall (Ornate Stone Wall)
Has 10m & 20m Standard and Tall variants
Seleflad and Burginda, located in Snowbourn, Edoras, and the Rohan Premium Housing neighbourhoods.
 Decorative Wall (Plastered Smial)
Has 10m & 20m Standard and Tall variants
Barter Quartermasters in the Yondershire
 Decorative Wall (Pristine Mazarbul)
Has 10m & 20m Standard and Tall variants
Kettil, Son of Athils, Dalwin and Fengur the Iron Garrison Miners in Moria
 Decorative Wall (Redhorn)
Has 10m & 20m Standard and Tall variants
Kettil, Son of Athils, Dalwin and Fengur the Iron Garrison Miners in Moria
 Decorative Wall (Rohirrim Panel)
Has 10m & 20m Standard and Tall variants
Seleflad and Burginda, located in Snowbourn, Edoras, and the Rohan Premium Housing neighbourhoods.
 Decorative Wall (Summerdays)
Has 10m & 20m Standard and Tall variants
Barter Ernwyd Brandybuck during the Farmers Faire
 Decorative Wall (Textured Plaster)
Has 10m & 20m Standard and Tall variants
Bill Twiggins in Bree-land Homesteads
 Decorative Wall (Thorin's Hall)
Has 10m & 20m Standard and Tall variants
Rambi in Thorin's Hall Homesteads
 Decorative Wall (Walls of Memory, First Style)
Has 10m & 20m Standard and Tall variants
Barter Quartermaster (The White Company) in Estolad Lân
 Decorative Wall (Walls of Memory, Second Style)
Has 10m & 20m Standard and Tall variants
Barter Quartermaster (The White Company) in Estolad Lân
 Decorative Wall (Wood-plank Stone)
Has 10m & 20m Standard and Tall variants
Bill Twiggins in Bree-land Homesteads
 Decorative Wall (Wooden Smial)
Has 10m & 20m Standard and Tall variants
Barter Quartermasters in the Yondershire
 Decorative Wall (Woodpanel Plaster)
Has 10m & 20m Standard and Tall variants
Rolf Bracegirdle in the Shire Homesteads
 Decorative Wood Catwalk (Rohan) Seleflad and Burginda, in Snowbourn, Edoras, and the Rohan Premium Housing neighbourhoods.
 Decorative Wood Floor (Rohan) Seleflad and Burginda, in Snowbourn, Edoras, and the Rohan Premium Housing neighbourhoods.
 Decorative Wood Smial Floor Barter Quartermasters in the Yondershire
 Decorative Yellow Carpet Floor Bill Twiggins in the Bree-land Homesteads.
 Decorative Yellow Grass Floor Seleflad and Burginda, in Snowbourn, Edoras, and the Rohan Premium Housing neighbourhoods.
 Delightful Dace Trophy Barter Elmo Whitbread in Whitethorn's Taxidermy
 Dol Guldur Landing Barter Eregriel at Mithechad in Mirkwood.
 Dol Guldur Stairs Barter Eregriel at Mithechad in Mirkwood.
 Dol Guldur Steps Barter Eregriel at Mithechad in Mirkwood.
 Door to Mazarbul Replica Barter Filbert Fig
 Hanging Bell Barter Quartermasters in The Yonder-watch
 Double Dragon Wall Carving Barter Quartermaster (Men of Dale Rewards) in Dale
 Dragon Painting Barter Bounder's Token Rewards Vendor or Bounder's Bounty Vendor during Bounder's Bounty event
Note: This event does not recur
 Dragon Wall Carving Barter Quartermaster (Men of Dale Rewards) in Dale
 Draigoch's Fireplace Barter Bill Whitethorn in Whitethorn's Taxidermy
 Drake Head Trophy Barter Quartermaster (Reclaimers of the Mountain-hold) in Zidir-nesad, the Steepset
 Drake Skull Barter Quartermaster (Reclaimers of the Mountain-hold) in Zidir-nesad, the Steepset
 Dresser Bill Twiggins in the Bree-land Homesteads
 Dwarf-made Arch Relief Barter Quartermaster (Reclaimers of the Mountain-hold) in Zidir-nesad, the Steepset
 Dwarf-made Landing (Flooded Deeps) Kettil, Son of Athils, Dalwin and Fengur the Iron Garrison Miners in Moria
 Dwarf-made Landing (Mazarbul) Kettil, Son of Athils, Dalwin and Fengur the Iron Garrison Miners in Moria
 Dwarf-made Landing (Moria) Kettil, Son of Athils, Dalwin and Fengur the Iron Garrison Miners in Moria
 Dwarf-made Landing (Redhorn) Kettil, Son of Athils, Dalwin and Fengur the Iron Garrison Miners in Moria
 Dwarf-made Landing (Thorin's Hall) Rambi in the Thorin's Hall Homesteads.
 Dwarf-made Mountain Relief Barter Quartermaster (Reclaimers of the Mountain-hold) in Zidir-nesad, the Steepset
 Dwarf-made Stairs (Flooded Deeps) Kettil, Son of Athils, Dalwin and Fengur the Iron Garrison Miners in Moria
 Dwarf-made Stairs (Mazarbul) Kettil, Son of Athils, Dalwin and Fengur the Iron Garrison Miners in Moria
 Dwarf-made Stairs (Moria) Kettil, Son of Athils, Dalwin and Fengur the Iron Garrison Miners in Moria
 Dwarf-made Stairs (Redhorn) Kettil, Son of Athils, Dalwin and Fengur the Iron Garrison Miners in Moria
 Dwarf-made Stairs (Thorin's Hall) Rambi in the Thorin's Hall Homesteads.
 Dwarf-made Steps (Flooded Deeps) Kettil, Son of Athils, Dalwin and Fengur the Iron Garrison Miners in Moria
 Dwarf-made Steps (Mazarbul) Kettil, Son of Athils, Dalwin and Fengur the Iron Garrison Miners in Moria
 Dwarf-made Steps (Moria) Kettil, Son of Athils, Dalwin and Fengur the Iron Garrison Miners in Moria
 Dwarf-made Steps (Redhorn) Kettil, Son of Athils, Dalwin and Fengur the Iron Garrison Miners in Moria
 Dwarf-made Steps (Thorin's Hall) Rambi in the Thorin's Hall Homesteads.
 Dwarf-made Throne Barter Quartermaster (Dwarf-holds Rewards) at Skarháld in Ered Mithrin
 Dwarrowgleam Shadowbox Recipe Quartermaster (Wilderfolk Rewards)
 Elegant Green Burning Sconce Barter Spring Rewards Vendors during Spring Festival
 Elven Stairs Barthavron in the Falathlorn Homesteads.
 Elven Steps Barthavron in the Falathlorn Homesteads.
 Esteldín Stairs Bordhreg in the Craft-hall of Esteldín, North Downs.
 Esteldín Steps Bordhreg in the Craft-hall of Esteldín, North Downs.
 Evergreen Yule Garland Hobbit Gifts Evergreen Wall Decorations - Selection Box
 Evergreen Yule Sconce Hobbit Gifts Evergreen Wall Decorations - Selection Box
 Fancy-shuttered Rohirric Double-swing Window Barter Rinwald in Hytbold after repairing Cottage of the Wold
 Fantastic Flounder Trophy Barter Elmo Whitbread in Whitethorn's Taxidermy
 Felegoth Wall Sconce Barter Quartermaster (Elves of Felegoth Rewards) in Felegoth
 Felegoth Wall Sconce Single Barter Quartermaster (Elves of Felegoth Rewards) in Felegoth
 Fell Beast Trophy Barter Herbalist (Host of the West) in Henneth Annûn or Camp of the Host
 Fine Portrait of a Shrew Barter Spring Rewards Vendors during Spring Festival
 Fireplace of the Dragon's Hoard Barter Games-masters during the LOTRO Anniversary Celebration
 Framed Rohirric Double-swing Window Barter Rinwald in Hytbold after repairing House of the Wold
 Frost-antler Head Trophy Barter Clar Whitethorn in Whitethorn's Taxidermy
 Frost-antler Head with Pipe Barter Alric Banks in the Inn League section of the Bird and Baby Inn
 Frosted Dwarf-made Landing (Mazarbul) Kettil, Son of Athils, Dalwin and Fengur the Iron Garrison Miners in Moria
 Frosted Dwarf-made Stairs (Mazarbul) Kettil, Son of Athils, Dalwin and Fengur the Iron Garrison Miners in Moria
 Frosted Dwarf-made Steps (Mazarbul) Kettil, Son of Athils, Dalwin and Fengur the Iron Garrison Miners in Moria
 Frozen Ice Flow Barter Quartermaster (Dwarf-holds Rewards) at Skarháld in Ered Mithrin
 Full Rohirric Tapestry Barter Rinwald in Hytbold after repairing the Mead Hall interior
 Full Shelf of Gondorian Mugs Barter Quartermaster (Housing Decorations) in Dol Amroth
 Full Shelf of Rohirric Mugs Barter Rinwald in Hytbold after repairing House of the Norcrofts
 Fur and Shields Barter Cosmetics Barterer at any Skirmish Camp
 Furnace Barthavron in the Falathlorn Homesteads
 Garland - Wall Barter Quartermaster (Conquest of Gorgoroth Rewards)
 Gate to Moria Painting Barter Games-master during Anniversary Celebration
 Giant Goldfish Trophy Barter Elmo Whitbread in Whitethorn's Taxidermy
 Gleaming Grayling Trophy Barter Elmo Whitbread in Whitethorn's Taxidermy
 Goblin-town Stairs Atharbain within Imlad Gelair in Rivendell.
 Goblin-town Stairs with Landing (Left) Atharbain within Imlad Gelair in Rivendell.
 Goblin-town Stairs with Landing (Right) Atharbain within Imlad Gelair in Rivendell.
 Golden Yule-wreath Hobbit Gifts Yule Wreath - Selection Box
 Gondorian Armoire Barter Quartermaster (Housing Decorations) in Dol Amroth
 Gondorian Bookcase Barter Quartermaster (Housing Decorations) in Dol Amroth
 Gondorian Bookshelf Barter Quartermaster (Housing Decorations) in Dol Amroth
 Gondorian Knight and Stars Tapestry Quest Halbarad in Lhanuch
 Gondorian Ladder Barter Quartermaster (Housing Decorations) in Dol Amroth
 Gondorian Landing Housing Furnisher (Belfalas) in the Cape of Belfalas Homesteads.
 Gondorian Shelf Barter Quartermaster (Housing Decorations) in Dol Amroth
 Gondorian Stairs Housing Furnisher (Belfalas) in the Cape of Belfalas Homesteads.
 Gondorian Steps Housing Furnisher (Belfalas) in the Cape of Belfalas Homesteads.
 Gondorian Wall Lamp Available in the LOTRO Store
 Grand Annúminas Stairs Galiana Squibb in Tinnudir, Evendim.
 Grand Curved Elven Stairs (Left) Barthavron in the Falathlorn Homesteads.
 Grand Curved Elven Stairs (Right) Barthavron in the Falathlorn Homesteads.
 Grand Elven Stairs Barthavron in the Falathlorn Homesteads.
 Grand Isengard Stairs Rohirrim Quartermaster in Dunland or Heathfells.
 Grasping Maw Trophy Quest Gandalf at Grimbeorn's House
 Great Golden Mullet Trophy Barter Elmo Whitbread in Whitethorn's Taxidermy
 Green Midsummer Wreath Hobbit Gifts Midsummer Wreath - Selection Box
 Grey Dwarf-made Foyer Steps Rambi in the Thorin's Hall Homesteads.
 Grey Hammer Replica Barter Quartermaster (Reclaimers of the Mountain-hold) in Zidir-nesad, the Steepset
 Group of Rohirric Antlers Barter Rinwald in Hytbold after repairing Tower of the Norcrofts
 Gurvand's Head Barter Rori, taxidermist in the Twenty-first Hall
 Gypsum Trophy - Wall-mounted Barter Geode Hunter in Zidir-nesad, the Steepset
 Hanging Banner of Gil-galad Exclusive Legendary Item Reward Track Season 2 Reward
 Head of Bogbereth Barter Stev Whitethorn in Whitethorn's Taxidermy
 Heavy Armour of the Vales Recipe Quartermaster (Wilderfolk Rewards)
 Hobbit Cupboard Quest
Waldo Rumble at the Party Tree during Anniversary Celebration
or Odilla Rumble at the Party Tree during Anniversary Celebration
 Hobbit Homes Barter Quartermasters in The Yonder-watch
 Hobbit Landing Rolf Bracegirdle in the Shire Homesteads.
 Hobbit With a Pipe Barter Quartermasters in The Yonder-watch
 Holbytla Landing Barter Quartermaster (Wilderfolk Rewards) in the Vales of Anduin.
 Hollin Gate Stairs Kettil, Son of Athils, Dalwin and Fengur the Iron Garrison Miners in Moria
 Hollin Gate Wall Engraving Store Available in the LOTRO Store
 Homestead Horseshoe LOTRO Store Limited-time Event
 Homes upon Homes Barter Quartermasters in The Yonder-watch
 Hrímil Frost-heart in Effigy Random Drop Can drop from a chest within The Hiddenhoard of Abnankâra raid
 Huge Houting Trophy Barter Elmo Whitbread in Whitethorn's Taxidermy
 Intricate Rohirric Antlers Barter Rinwald in Hytbold after repairing Tower of the Wold
 Iron Sconce Bill Twiggins in the Bree-land Homesteads
 Isengard Landing Rohirrim Quartermaster in Dunland or Heathfells.
 Isengard Stairs Rohirrim Quartermaster in Dunland or Heathfells.
 Jasper Trophy - Wall-mounted Barter Geode Hunter in Zidir-nesad, the Steepset
 Joyous Wedding Wreath Hobbit Gifts Midsummer Wreath - Selection Box
 Ketill's Large Map of Bingo in Moria Barter Bert Bartleby in Caras Galadhon
 Ketill's Small Map of Bingo in Moria Barter Bert Bartleby in Caras Galadhon
 Laketown Stairs Barter Quartermaster (Men of Dale Rewards) in the city of Dale.
 Laketown Steps Barter Quartermaster (Men of Dale Rewards) in the city of Dale.
 Large Annúminas Stairs Galiana Squibb in Tinnudir, Evendim.
 Large Dwarf-made Painting Barter Quartermaster (Dwarves of Erebor Rewards) in Erebor
 Large Framed Map of Eriador Barter Quartermasters in The Yonder-watch
 Large Frozen Ice Flow Barter Quartermaster (Dwarf-holds Rewards) at Skarháld in Ered Mithrin
 Large Gondorian Bookshelf Barter Quartermaster (Housing Decorations) in Dol Amroth
 Large Isengard Stairs Rohirrim Quartermaster in Dunland or Heathfells.
 Large Map of Bingo in Bree-land Barter Bert Bartleby outside of Ost Guruth
 Large Map of Bingo in Dunland Barter Bert Bartleby in Lhanuch
 Large Map of Bingo in East Rohan Barter Bert Bartleby in Forlaw in Wildermore
 Large Map of Bingo in Enedwaith Barter Bert Bartleby at Andrath, in southern Bree-land
 Large Map of Bingo in Eregion Barter Bert Bartleby in the Dolven-view in Moria
 Large Map of Bingo in Lothlórien Barter Bert Bartleby at the Haunted Inn in Mirkwood
 Large Map of Bingo in Middle-earth Barter Bert Bartleby at Boffin Manor in Michel Delving
 Large Map of Bingo in Mirkwood Barter Bert Bartleby in Haldirith in Enedwaith
 Large Map of Bingo in Moria Barter Bert Bartleby in Caras Galadhon
 Large Map of Bingo in The Great River Barter Bert Bartleby in Harwick in the Wold
 Large Map of Bingo in the Lone-lands Barter Bert Bartleby in Rivendell
 Large Map of Bingo in the Misty Mountains Barter Bert Bartleby in Gwingris in Eregion
 Large Map of Bingo in the Shire Barter Bert Bartleby at the West Gate in Bree
 Large Map of Bingo in the Trollshaws Barter Bert Bartleby in Glóin's Camp
 Large Map of Bingo in West Rohan Barter Bert Bartleby in Avardin in Dunland
 Large Map of Bingo in Wildermore Barter Bert Bartleby in Woodhurst in the Stonedeans
 Large Map of Central Gondor Barter Quartermaster (Defenders of Minas Tirith) in Minas Tirith (before and after battle)
 Large Map of East Rohan Barter Quartermaster (Riders of Rohan) at the War-stead of the Rohirrim in Taur Drúadan
 Large Map of Eastern Gondor Barter Quartermaster (Defenders of Minas Tirith) in Minas Tirith (before and after battle)
 Large Map of Eriador (2nd Edition) Barter The Curator
 Large Map of Northern Mirkwood Barter Quartermaster (Dwarves of Erebor Rewards) in Erebor
 Large Map of Old Anórien Barter Quartermaster (Host of the West)
 Large Map of West Rohan Barter Quartermaster (Riders of Rohan) at the War-stead of the Rohirrim in Taur Drúadan
 Large Map of Western Gondor Barter Quartermaster (Defenders of Minas Tirith) in Minas Tirith (before and after battle)
 Large Map of Wildermore Barter Quartermaster (Riders of Rohan) at the War-stead of the Rohirrim in Taur Drúadan
 Large Rich Rohirric Bureau Premium Rohan Housing brokers Seleflad or Burginda
 Large Rich Rohirric Credenza Premium Rohan Housing brokers Seleflad or Burginda
 Large Rohirric Antlers Barter Rinwald in Hytbold after repairing Tower of the Sutcrofts
 Large Stained Glass - Blue Barter Quartermaster (Conquest of Gorgoroth Rewards)
 Large Stained Glass - Red Barter Quartermaster (Conquest of Gorgoroth Rewards)
 Left-sloped Gondorian Bookshelf Barter Quartermaster (Housing Decorations) in Dol Amroth
 Light Armour of the Vales Recipe Quartermaster (Wilderfolk Rewards)
 Long Goblin-town Stairs Atharbain within Imlad Gelair in Rivendell.
 Long Laketown Stairs Barter Quartermaster (Men of Dale Rewards) in the city of Dale.
 Long Laketown Steps Barter Quartermaster (Men of Dale Rewards) in the city of Dale.
 Long Old Wooden Stairs Bill Twiggins in the Bree-land Homesteads.
 Long Rohirric Tapestry Barter Rinwald in Hytbold after repairing the Mead Hall interior
 Long Set of Coat Hooks Barter Quartermasters in The Yonder-watch
 Long Stairs of Thorin's Hall Rambi in the Thorin's Hall Homesteads.
 Long Wide Laketown Stairs Barter Quartermaster (Men of Dale Rewards) in the city of Dale.
 Magnificent Minnow Trophy Barter Elmo Whitbread in Whitethorn's Taxidermy
 Mail Sorter Barter Quartermasters in The Yonder-watch
 Map of Angmar Barter Games-master during Anniversary Celebration
 Map of Annúminas Barter Spring Rewards Vendors during Spring Festival
 Map of Archet Barter Spring Rewards Vendors during Spring Festival
 Map of Bree-land Barter Games-master during Anniversary Celebration
 Map of Bree-town Barter Spring Rewards Vendors during Spring Festival
 Map of Caras Galadhon Barter Summer Rewards Vendors during Farmers Faire
 Map of Clovengap Barter Quartermaster (Reclaimers of the Mountain-hold) in Zidir-nesad, the Steepset
 Map of Câr Bronach Barter Quartermaster (Reclaimers of the Mountain-hold) in Zidir-nesad, the Steepset
 Map of Deepscrave Barter Quartermaster (Reclaimers of the Mountain-hold) in Zidir-nesad, the Steepset
 Map of Delvings of Gundabad Barter Quartermaster (Reclaimers of the Mountain-hold) in Zidir-nesad, the Steepset
 Map of Durin's Way Barter Games-master during Anniversary Celebration
 Map of Elderslade Barter
Quartermaster (March on Gundabad)
or Quartermaster (The Gabil'akkâ) at Elderslade in Annâk-khurfu (War Room)
 Map of Enedwaith Barter Fall Festival Traders during Harvest Festival
 Map of Ered Luin Barter Games-master during Anniversary Celebration
 Map of Eregion Barter Fall Festival Traders during Harvest Festival
 Map of Eriador Deed Collect all 21 maps of Eriador regions
 Map of Forochel Barter Jeffrey Bloomer during Yule Festival
 Map of Frostbluff Barter Jeffrey Bloomer during Yule Festival
 Map of Gloomingtarn Barter Quartermaster (Reclaimers of the Mountain-hold) in Zidir-nesad, the Steepset
 Map of Gundabad Barter
Quartermaster (March on Gundabad)
or Quartermaster (The Gabil'akkâ) at Elderslade in Annâk-khurfu (War Room)
 Map of Lothlórien Barter Summer Rewards Vendors during Farmers Faire
 Map of Mirkwood Barter Fall Festival Traders during Harvest Festival
 Map of Moria Deed Collect all 11 maps of Moria regions
 Map of Mount Gundabad Barter Quartermaster (Reclaimers of the Mountain-hold) in Zidir-nesad, the Steepset
 Map of Máttugard Barter Quartermaster (Reclaimers of the Mountain-hold) in Zidir-nesad, the Steepset
 Map of Nud-melek Barter Games-master during Anniversary Celebration
 Map of Pit of Stonejaws Barter Quartermaster (Reclaimers of the Mountain-hold) in Zidir-nesad, the Steepset
 Map of Rivendell Barter Fall Festival Traders during Harvest Festival
 Map of the Ettenmoors Barter Summer Rewards Vendors during Farmers Faire
 Map of the Flaming Deeps Barter Games-master during Anniversary Celebration
 Map of the Foundations of Stone Barter Games-master during Anniversary Celebration
 Map of The Grand Stair Barter Games-master during Anniversary Celebration
 Map of the Lone-lands Barter Games-master during Anniversary Celebration
 Map of the Misty Mountains Barter Games-master during Anniversary Celebration
 Map of the North Downs Barter Games-master during Anniversary Celebration
 Map of the Northern Barrow-downs Barter Summer Rewards Vendors during Farmers Faire
 Map of The Old Forest Barter Spring Rewards Vendors during Spring Festival
 Map of the Redhorn Lodes Barter Games-master during Anniversary Celebration
 Map of The Shire Barter Games-master during Anniversary Celebration
 Map of The Silvertine Lodes Barter Games-master during Anniversary Celebration
 Map of the Southern Barrow-downs Barter Jeffrey Bloomer during Yule Festival
 Map of the Trollshaws Barter Games-master during Anniversary Celebration
 Map of The Walls of Moria Barter Games-master during Anniversary Celebration
 Map of The Water-works Barter Games-master during Anniversary Celebration
 Map of Thorin's Gate Barter Jeffrey Bloomer during Yule Festival
 Map of Welkin-lofts Barter Quartermaster (Reclaimers of the Mountain-hold) in Zidir-nesad, the Steepset
 Map of Zelem-melek Barter Games-master during Anniversary Celebration
 Map of Zirakzigil Barter Games-master during Anniversary Celebration
 Medium Armour of the Vales Recipe Quartermaster (Wilderfolk Rewards)
 Medium Set of Coat Hooks Barter Quartermasters in The Yonder-watch
 Melted Beeswax Candle Recipe Quartermaster (Wilderfolk Rewards)
 Midsummer Wedding Wreath Hobbit Gifts Midsummer Wreath - Selection Box
 Minas Tirith Landing Housing Furnisher (Belfalas) in the Cape of Belfalas Homesteads.
 Minas Tirith Stairs Housing Furnisher (Belfalas) in the Cape of Belfalas Homesteads.
 Minas Tirith Steps Housing Furnisher (Belfalas) in the Cape of Belfalas Homesteads.
 Minas Morgul at Night Recipe Any Woodworker's Guild Improved Recipes vendor
 Mordor Landing Barter Quartermaster (Conquest of Gorgoroth Rewards) in the following places: Udûn Foothold, Ruins of Dingarth, Magh Ashtu, Agarnaith Ranger Camp.
 Mordor Lost Lore Bookcase Deed Complete the deed The Lost Lore of Mordor
 Mordor Stairs Barter Quartermaster (Conquest of Gorgoroth Rewards) in the following places: Udûn Foothold, Ruins of Dingarth, Magh Ashtu, Agarnaith Ranger Camp.
 Mordor Steps Barter Quartermaster (Conquest of Gorgoroth Rewards) in the following places: Udûn Foothold, Ruins of Dingarth, Magh Ashtu, Agarnaith Ranger Camp.
 Morgul Blade Trophy Quest Tom Bombadil
 Morhûn's Gemstone Barter Rori, taxidermist in the Twenty-first Hall
 Moria Crown Column Barter Filbert Fig
 Mosaic - Durin and Motsog Mail Reward mailed upon completing Quest:Epilogue: Endings and Beginnings
 Mosaic - The King's Justice Barter Quartermaster (Reclaimers of the Mountain-hold) in Zidir-nesad, the Steepset
 Mounted Warg with Candle Barter Fall Festival Traders during Harvest Festival
 Myrtle Midsummer Wreath Hobbit Gifts Midsummer Wreath - Selection Box
 Mysterious Door Reward Pre-ordering Mordor Ultimate Fan Bundle
 Narrow Angmarim Landing Hafgrím in Gath Forthnír, Angmar.
 Narrow Angmarim Ramp Hafgrím in Gath Forthnír, Angmar.
 Narrow Annúminas Landing Galiana Squibb in Tinnudir, Evendim.
 Narrow Annúminas Stairs Galiana Squibb in Tinnudir, Evendim.
 Narrow Dol Guldur Landing Barter Eregriel at Mithechad in Mirkwood.
 Narrow Dol Guldur Stairs Barter Eregriel at Mithechad in Mirkwood.
 Narrow Dol Guldur Steps Barter Eregriel at Mithechad in Mirkwood.
 Narrow Dwarf-made Landing (Flooded Deeps) Kettil, Son of Athils, Dalwin and Fengur the Iron Garrison Miners in Moria
 Narrow Dwarf-made Landing (Mazarbul) Kettil, Son of Athils, Dalwin and Fengur the Iron Garrison Miners in Moria
 Narrow Dwarf-made Landing (Moria) Kettil, Son of Athils, Dalwin and Fengur the Iron Garrison Miners in Moria
 Narrow Dwarf-made Landing (Redhorn) Kettil, Son of Athils, Dalwin and Fengur the Iron Garrison Miners in Moria
 Narrow Dwarf-made Landing (Thorin's Hall) Rambi in the Thorin's Hall Homesteads.
 Narrow Frosted Dwarf-made Landing (Mazarbul) Kettil, Son of Athils, Dalwin and Fengur the Iron Garrison Miners in Moria
 Narrow Gondorian Landing Housing Furnisher (Belfalas) in the Cape of Belfalas Homesteads.
 Narrow Gondorian Stairs Housing Furnisher (Belfalas) in the Cape of Belfalas Homesteads.
 Narrow Gondorian Steps Housing Furnisher (Belfalas) in the Cape of Belfalas Homesteads.
 Narrow Hobbit Landing Rolf Bracegirdle in the Shire Homesteads.
 Narrow Isengard Landing Rohirrim Quartermaster in Dunland or Heathfells.
 Narrow Isengard Stairs Rohirrim Quartermaster in Dunland or Heathfells.
 Narrow Minas Tirith Landing Housing Furnisher (Belfalas) in the Cape of Belfalas Homesteads.
 Narrow Minas Tirith Stairs Housing Furnisher (Belfalas) in the Cape of Belfalas Homesteads.
 Narrow Minas Tirith Steps Housing Furnisher (Belfalas) in the Cape of Belfalas Homesteads.
 Narrow Mordor Landing Barter Quartermaster (Conquest of Gorgoroth Rewards) in the following places: Udûn Foothold, Ruins of Dingarth, Magh Ashtu, Agarnaith Ranger Camp.
 Narrow Mordor Stairs Barter Quartermaster (Conquest of Gorgoroth Rewards) in the following places: Udûn Foothold, Ruins of Dingarth, Magh Ashtu, Agarnaith Ranger Camp.
 Narrow Mordor Steps Barter Quartermaster (Conquest of Gorgoroth Rewards) in the following places: Udûn Foothold, Ruins of Dingarth, Magh Ashtu, Agarnaith Ranger Camp.
 Narrow Osgiliath Landing Barter Quartermaster (Rangers of Ithilien) in Bâr Húrin the Osgiliath Culverts or Arnach.
 Narrow Osgiliath Stairs Barter Quartermaster (Rangers of Ithilien) in Bâr Húrin the Osgiliath Culverts or Arnach.
 Narrow Osgiliath Steps Barter Quartermaster (Rangers of Ithilien) in Bâr Húrin the Osgiliath Culverts or Arnach.
 Narrow Pristine Dwarf-made Landing (Mazarbul) Kettil, Son of Athils, Dalwin and Fengur the Iron Garrison Miners in Moria
 Narrow Short Angmarim Ramp Hafgrím in Gath Forthnír, Angmar.
 Naruhel's Dress Barter Stev Whitethorn in Whitethorn's Taxidermy
 Nasty Nine-spined Stickleback Trophy Barter Elmo Whitbread in Whitethorn's Taxidermy
 Nornúan's Head Barter Rori, taxidermist in the Twenty-first Hall
 Obsidian Wall Carving Barter Filbert Fig
 Old Wooden Stairs Bill Twiggins in the Bree-land Homesteads.
 Old Wooden Stairs with Landing (Left) Bill Twiggins in the Bree-land Homesteads.
 Old Wooden Stairs with Landing (Right) Bill Twiggins in the Bree-land Homesteads.
 Ornate Gondorian Wall Brazier Quest Falastír, Lighthouse Keeper inside Narvindon in the Cape of Belfalas
 Osgiliath Landing Barter Quartermaster (Rangers of Ithilien) in Bâr Húrin the Osgiliath Culverts or Arnach.
 Osgiliath Stairs Barter Quartermaster (Rangers of Ithilien) in Bâr Húrin the Osgiliath Culverts or Arnach.
 Osgiliath Steps Barter Quartermaster (Rangers of Ithilien) in Bâr Húrin the Osgiliath Culverts or Arnach.
 Painting - Abkân'aban Barter Quartermaster (The Zhélruka Clan) in the Hall of Vérnozal
 Painting - Ibdêkh-buzru Barter Quartermaster (The Zhélruka Clan) in the Hall of Vérnozal
 Painting - Zidir-nesad Barter Quartermaster (The Zhélruka Clan) in the Hall of Vérnozal
 Painting of a Watchful Goblin Barter
Random Drop
Fall Festival Traders during Harvest Festival
or any chest in the Haunted Burrow
 Painting of a Watchful Warg Barter
Random Drop
Fall Festival Traders during Harvest Festival
or any chest in the Haunted Burrow
 Painting of Mitheithel Obtained from:Quest:The Lasting Friendship
 Path to Moria Painting Barter Games-master during Anniversary Celebration
 Perfect Perch Trophy Barter Elmo Whitbread in Whitethorn's Taxidermy
 Perfect Pike Trophy Barter Elmo Whitbread in Whitethorn's Taxidermy
 Pesky Dormouse Quest Pre-ordering Mines of Moria
 Pheasant Wall Trophy Barter Myrtle Mint
 Portrait of a Hobbit in Red Barter Quartermasters in The Yonder-watch
 Portrait of Narmeleth Quest Contained in Laerdan's Parcel obtained upon completing Epic Volume I
 Portrait of The Grey Company Deed Contained in Volume III Giftbox obtained upon completing the deed Allies of the King
 Pristine Dwarf-made Landing (Mazarbul) Kettil, Son of Athils, Dalwin and Fengur the Iron Garrison Miners in Moria
 Pristine Dwarf-made Stairs (Mazarbul) Kettil, Son of Athils, Dalwin and Fengur the Iron Garrison Miners in Moria
 Pristine Dwarf-made Steps (Mazarbul) Kettil, Son of Athils, Dalwin and Fengur the Iron Garrison Miners in Moria
 Pumpkinseed Trophy Deed Visit Lake-town and catch all 20 types of fish
 Purple Wedding Wreath Hobbit Gifts Midsummer Wreath - Selection Box
 Quartz Trophy - Wall-mounted Barter Geode Hunter in Zidir-nesad, the Steepset
 Raised Goblin-town Stairs Atharbain within Imlad Gelair in Rivendell.
 Raised Old Wooden Stairs Bill Twiggins in the Bree-land Homesteads.
 Rearing Horses Tapestry Deed Complete the deed Ally to the Townsfolk of the Kingstead Neighbourhoods
 Red Dresser Barthavron in the Falathlorn Homesteads
 Red Poinsettia Wreath Barter Jeffrey Bloomer or Alex Grey during Yule Festival
 Red Scholar's Bookshelf Recipe Barthavron in the Falathlorn Homesteads
 Red Wall Banner Barter Quartermaster (Housing Decorations) during Hobnanigans
 Relief from Gondamon Barter Cosmetics Barterer at any Skirmish Camp
 Replica of a Dwarf-made Callbox Barter Quartermaster (Reclaimers of the Mountain-hold) in Zidir-nesad, the Steepset
 Replica of Dúnachar Random Drop The Throne of the Dread Terror 12-man raid
 Rhovanion Lost Lore Bookcase Deed Complete the deed The Lost Lore of Rhovanion
 Rich Rohirric Bookcase Barter Rinwald in Hytbold after repairing Cottage of the Wold
 Rich Rohirric Bureau Barter Rinwald in Hytbold after repairing House of the Norcrofts
 Rich Rohirric Credenza Barter Rinwald in Hytbold after repairing House of the Sutcrofts
 Rich Rohirric Cupboard Barter Rinwald in Hytbold after repairing House of the Norcrofts
 Rich Rohirric Stilted Credenza Barter Rinwald in Hytbold after repairing Cottage of the Wold
 Right-sloped Gondorian Bookshelf Barter Quartermaster (Housing Decorations) in Dol Amroth
 Rohirric Antlers Barter Rinwald in Hytbold after repairing Tower of the Entwash Vale
 Rohirric Double-swing Window Barter Rinwald in Hytbold after repairing The Library
 Rohirric Five Shield Set Barter Rinwald in Hytbold after repairing The Armoury
 Rohirric Moose Antlers Barter Rinwald in Hytbold after repairing Tower of the Entwash Vale
 Rohirric Mounted Deer Barter Rinwald in Hytbold after repairing Tower of the Wold
 Rohirric Mounted Longhorn Barter Rinwald in Hytbold after repairing Tower of the Sutcrofts
 Rohirric Mounted Stag Barter Rinwald in Hytbold after repairing Tower of the Norcrofts
 Rohirric Shelf Barter Rinwald in Hytbold after repairing Cottage of the Wold
 Rohirric Three Shield Set Barter Rinwald in Hytbold after repairing The Armoury
 Rough Rohirric Bookcase Barter Rinwald in Hytbold after repairing House of the Wold
 Rough Rohirric Bureau Barter Rinwald in Hytbold after repairing Cottage of the Norcrofts
 Rough Rohirric Credenza Barter Rinwald in Hytbold after repairing House of the Entwash Vale
 Rough Rohirric Cupboard Barter Rinwald in Hytbold after repairing House of the Entwash Vale
 Rough Rohirric Stilted Credenza Barter Rinwald in Hytbold after repairing House of the Sutcrofts
 Ruined Steps of Nûrz Ghâshu Hafgrím in Gath Forthnír, Angmar.
 Rustic Shelf Barter Quartermaster (Protectors of Wilderland) at Limlók in Wells of Langflood
 Ruthless Rudd Trophy Barter Elmo Whitbread in Whitethorn's Taxidermy
 Sambrog's Helm Barter Stev Whitethorn in Whitethorn's Taxidermy
 Saw-blade Axe Barter Arcil in Stangard
 Scholar's Bentwood Bookshelf Recipe Rolf Bracegirdle in the Shire Homesteads
 Scholar's Cupboard Recipe Tully Hopwood in the Bree-town Hunting Lodge
 Scholar's Pointed Bookshelf Recipe Bill Twiggins in the Bree-land Homesteads
 Scholar's Small Bentwood Bookshelf Recipe Rolf Bracegirdle in the Shire Homesteads
 Secret Keyhole Barter Quartermaster (Dwarves of Erebor Rewards) in Erebor
 Shelf of Gondorian Pans and Platters Barter Quartermaster (Housing Decorations) in Dol Amroth
 Shelf of Gondorian Platters and Dishes Barter Quartermaster (Housing Decorations) in Dol Amroth
 Shelf of Gondorian Pots Barter Quartermaster (Housing Decorations) in Dol Amroth
 Shelf of Rohirric Pans and Platters Barter Rinwald in Hytbold after repairing House of the Sutcrofts
 Shelf of Rohirric Platters and Dishes Barter Rinwald in Hytbold after repairing Cottage of the Wold
 Shelf of Rohirric Pots Barter Rinwald in Hytbold after repairing House of the Norcrofts
 Shelf of Stacked Gondorian Mugs Barter Quartermaster (Housing Decorations) in Dol Amroth
 Shelf of Stacked Rohirric Mugs Barter Rinwald in Hytbold after repairing House of the Wold
 Shield of Anfalas Barter Quartermaster (Host of the West)
 Shield of Anórien Barter
Quartermaster (Host of the West)
or available in the LOTRO Store
 Shield of Belfalas Barter Quartermaster (Host of the West)
 Shield of Blackroot Vale Barter Quartermaster (Host of the West)
 Shield of Gondor Barter
Quartermaster (Defenders of Minas Tirith) in Minas Tirith (before and after battle)
or Quartermaster (Host of the West)
 Shield of Imrahil Barter Quartermaster (Host of the West)
 Shield of Ithilien Barter Quartermaster (Host of the West)
 Shield of Lamedon Barter Quartermaster (Host of the West)
 Shield of Lebennin Barter Quartermaster (Host of the West)
 Shield of Lossarnach Barter Quartermaster (Host of the West)
 Shield of Minas Tirith Barter
Heledon in Minas Tirith
or Quartermaster (Host of the West)
 Shield of Osgiliath Barter
Heledon in Minas Tirith
or Quartermaster (Host of the West)
 Shield of Pelargir Barter Quartermaster (Host of the West)
 Shield of Pinnath Gelin Barter Quartermaster (Host of the West)
 Shield of Ringló Vale Barter Quartermaster (Host of the West)
 Shield of Stangard Barter Ordlaf in Stangard
 Shield of the Wold Barter Bert Bartleby in Forlaw in Wildermore
 Shire Fireplace Barter Quartermasters in The Yonder-watch
 Shire Wall Support Barter Quartermasters in The Yonder-watch
 Short Angmarim Ramp Hafgrím in Gath Forthnír, Angmar.
 Short Rohirric Tapestry Barter Rinwald in Hytbold after repairing the Mead Hall interior
 Short Shelf of Gondorian Mugs Barter Quartermaster (Housing Decorations) in Dol Amroth
 Short Shelf of Gondorian Pots Barter Quartermaster (Housing Decorations) in Dol Amroth
 Short Shelf of Rohirric Mugs Barter Rinwald in Hytbold after repairing Cottage of the Norcrofts
 Short Shelf of Rohirric Pots Barter Rinwald in Hytbold after repairing House of the Sutcrofts
 Short Stairs of Thorin's Hall Rambi in the Thorin's Hall Homesteads.
 Shuttered Rohirric Double-swing Window Barter Rinwald in Hytbold after repairing House of the Norcrofts
 Sign of the Prancing Pony Barter Bert Bartleby at the West Gate in Bree
 Sign: Danger! Random Drop Any chest in the Haunted Burrow during Harvest Festival
 Sign: Roar! Random Drop Any chest in the Haunted Burrow during Harvest Festival
 Sign: Turn back... Random Drop Any chest in the Haunted Burrow during Harvest Festival
 Silver Drake Trophy Barter Quartermaster (The Zhélruka Clan) in the Hall of Vérnozal
 Silver Yule-wreath Hobbit Gifts Yule Wreath - Selection Box
 Small Cupboard Rolf Bracegirdle in the Shire Homesteads
 Small Curved Arnorian Bench Barter Before the Shadow Mission-giver Barterers in Cardolan & Swanfleet.
 Small Gondorian Shelf Barter Quartermaster (Housing Decorations) in Dol Amroth
 Small Map of Bingo in Bree-land Barter Bert Bartleby outside of Ost Guruth
 Small Map of Bingo in Dunland Barter Bert Bartleby in Lhanuch
 Small Map of Bingo in East Rohan Barter Bert Bartleby in Forlaw in Wildermore
 Small Map of Bingo in Enedwaith Barter Bert Bartleby at Andrath, in southern Bree-land
 Small Map of Bingo in Eregion Barter Bert Bartleby in the Dolven-view
 Small Map of Bingo in Lothlórien Barter Bert Bartleby at the Haunted Inn in Mirkwood
 Small Map of Bingo in Middle-earth Barter Bert Bartleby in Michel Delving
 Small Map of Bingo in Mirkwood Barter Bert Bartleby in Haldirith in Enedwaith
 Small Map of Bingo in Moria Barter Bert Bartleby in Caras Galadhon
 Small Map of Bingo in The Great River Barter Bert Bartleby in Harwick in the Wold
 Small Map of Bingo in the Lone-lands Barter Bert Bartleby in Rivendell
 Small Map of Bingo in the Misty Mountains Barter Bert Bartleby in Gwingris in Eregion
 Small Map of Bingo in the Shire Barter Bert Bartleby at the West Gate in Bree
 Small Map of Bingo in the Trollshaws Barter Bert Bartleby in Gloin's Camp
 Small Map of Bingo in West Rohan Barter Bert Bartleby in Avardin in Dunland
 Small Map of Bingo in Wildermore Barter Bert Bartleby in Woodhurst in the Stonedeans
 Small Map of Central Gondor Barter Quartermaster (Defenders of Minas Tirith) in Minas Tirith (before and after battle)
 Small Map of East Rohan Barter Quartermaster (Riders of Rohan) at the War-stead of the Rohirrim in Taur Drúadan
 Small Map of Eastern Gondor Barter Quartermaster (Defenders of Minas Tirith) in Minas Tirith (before and after battle)
 Small Map of Lothlórien (2nd Edition) Barter Quartermaster (Elves of Felegoth Rewards) in Felegoth
Quartermaster (Dwarves of Erebor Rewards) in Erebor
Quartermaster (Men of Dale Rewards) in Dale
 Small Map of Northern Mirkwood Barter Quartermaster (Dwarves of Erebor Rewards)
 Small Map of Old Anórien Barter Quartermaster (Host of the West) in Henneth Annûn or Camp of the Host
 Small Map of Rhovanion (2nd Edition) Barter Quartermaster (Elves of Felegoth Rewards) in Felegoth
Quartermaster (Dwarves of Erebor Rewards) in Erebor
Quartermaster (Men of Dale Rewards) in Dale
 Small Map of Rohan (2nd Edition) Barter Quartermaster (Elves of Felegoth Rewards) in Felegoth
Quartermaster (Dwarves of Erebor Rewards) in Erebor
Quartermaster (Men of Dale Rewards) in Dale
 Small Map of West Rohan Barter Quartermaster (Riders of Rohan) at the War-stead of the Rohirrim in Taur Drúadan
 Small Map of Western Gondor Barter Quartermaster (Defenders of Minas Tirith) in Minas Tirith (before and after battle)
 Small Map of Wildermore Barter Quartermaster (Riders of Rohan) at the War-stead of the Rohirrim in Taur Drúadan
 Small Obsidian Wall Carving Barter Filbert Fig
 Small Rohirric Shelf Barter Rinwald in Hytbold after repairing House of the Entwash Vale
 Small Rohirric Tapestry Barter Rinwald in Hytbold after repairing the Mead Hall interior
 Small Stone Fireplace Rolf Bracegirdle in the Shire Homesteads
 Snow-strider's Mitten Shelf Barter Available during Yule Festival from Alex Grey & Jeffrey Bloomer
 Snow-strider's Wreath Barter Available during Yule Festival from Alex Grey & Jeffrey Bloomer
 Stained Glass - Blue Barter Quartermaster (Conquest of Gorgoroth Rewards)
 Stained Glass - Red Barter Quartermaster (Conquest of Gorgoroth Rewards)
 Stained Glass Swan Barter Celeblír in Rivendell
 Steps of Nûrz Ghâshu Hafgrím in Gath Forthnír, Angmar.
 Steps of Thorin's Hall Rambi in the Thorin's Hall Homesteads.
 Stinger of Brúmbereth Barter Rori, taxidermist in the Twenty-first Hall
 Stone Fireplace Bill Twiggins in the Bree-land Homesteads
 Study of a Tankard Barter Quartermasters in The Yonder-watch
 Sturgeon Group Trophy Deed Catch all 9 types of sturgeon fish
 Summerfest Painting Barter Summer Rewards Vendors during Farmers Faire
 Sunflower in Bloom Barter Quartermasters in The Yonder-watch
 Superb Smelt Trophy Barter Elmo Whitbread in Whitethorn's Taxidermy
 Swanfleet Wall Map Barter Rowan Raspberry in various places.
 Tapestry of Aldor the Old Barter Quartermaster (Riders of Rohan) at the War-stead of the Rohirrim in Taur Drúadan
 Tapestry of Brytta Barter Quartermaster (Riders of Rohan) at the War-stead of the Rohirrim in Taur Drúadan
 Tapestry of Eorl's Crossing Barter Quartermaster (Riders of Rohan) at the War-stead of the Rohirrim in Taur Drúadan
 Tapestry of Fear and Flame Barter Roving Threat Quartermaster
 Tapestry of Folca Barter Quartermaster (Riders of Rohan) at the War-stead of the Rohirrim in Taur Drúadan
 Tapestry of Folcred and Fastred Barter Quartermaster (Riders of Rohan) at the War-stead of the Rohirrim in Taur Drúadan
 Tapestry of Frealaf Barter Quartermaster (Riders of Rohan) at the War-stead of the Rohirrim in Taur Drúadan
 Tapestry of Hammerhand's Horn Barter Quartermaster (Riders of Rohan) at the War-stead of the Rohirrim in Taur Drúadan
 Tapestry of the Great Dragon Barter Roving Threat Quartermaster
 Tapestry of the Moon Barter Roving Threat Quartermaster
 Tapestry of the Nine Barter Roving Threat Quartermaster
 Tapestry of the Oath of Eorl Barter Quartermaster (Riders of Rohan) at the War-stead of the Rohirrim in Taur Drúadan
 Tapestry of the Seven Stars Barter Roving Threat Quartermaster
 Tapestry of the Ship-kings Barter Roving Threat Quartermaster
 Tapestry of the White Tree Barter Roving Threat Quartermaster
 The Humble Pony Barter Quartermasters in The Yonder-watch
 The Red Axe Drinks of Victory! Barter
Quartermaster (March on Gundabad)
or Quartermaster (The Gabil'akkâ) at Elderslade in Annâk-khurfu (War Room)
 The Tale of Elendil Barter Comestics Barterer at any Skirmish Camp
 The Wings of Ergoth Barter Rori, taxidermist in the Twenty-first Hall
 Throne of Isengard Barter Bill Whitethorn in Whitethorn's Taxidermy
 Tomb Marker Barter Dúnedain of Cardolan Quartermaster in Cardolan
 Tomb Marker - Trio Barter Dúnedain of Cardolan Quartermaster in Cardolan
 Tricky Three-spined Stickleback Trophy Barter Elmo Whitbread in Whitethorn's Taxidermy
 Trout Group Trophy Deed Catch all 9 types of trout fish
 Two-headed Troll Trophy - Green Barter Quartermaster (The Zhélruka Clan) in the Hall of Vérnozal
 Two-headed Troll Trophy - Grey Random Drop Can be in either chest in Assault on Dhúrstrok
 Two-headed Troll Trophy - Tan Barter Quartermaster (The Zhélruka Clan) in the Hall of Vérnozal
 Two-headed Troll Trophy - Yellow Barter Quartermaster (The Zhélruka Clan) in the Hall of Vérnozal
 Udunion's Swords Barter Stev Whitethorn in Whitethorn's Taxidermy
 Vivid Pheasant Wall Trophy Barter Myrtle Mint
 Wall Hanging Vines Barter Quartermaster (Haban'akkâ of Thráin) at Amdân, the Threshold
 Wall-mounted Axe Random Drop The Anvil of Winterstith raid instance
 Wall-mounted Axe of Minas Ithil Recipe Any Weaponsmith's Guild Improved Recipes vendor
 Wall-mounted Axe of the Remmorchant Recipe Any Weaponsmith's Guild Improved Recipes vendor
 Wall-mounted Bear-claw Club of the Vales Recipe Quartermaster (Wilderfolk Rewards)
 Wall-mounted Bow of Minas Ithil Recipe Any Woodworker's Guild Improved Recipes vendor
 Wall-mounted Bow of the Remmorchant Recipe Any Woodworker's Guild Improved Recipes vendor
 Wall-mounted Captain's Shield of the Vales Recipe Quartermaster (Wilderfolk Rewards)
 Wall-mounted Club Random Drop The Anvil of Winterstith raid instance
 Wall-mounted Club of Minas Ithil Recipe Any Woodworker's Guild Improved Recipes vendor
 Wall-mounted Club of the Remmorchant Recipe Any Woodworker's Guild Improved Recipes vendor
 Wall-mounted Crossbow of the Vales Recipe Quartermaster (Wilderfolk Rewards)
 Wall-mounted Dagger of Minas Ithil Recipe Any Weaponsmith's Guild Improved Recipes vendor
 Wall-mounted Dagger of the Remmorchant Recipe Any Weaponsmith's Guild Improved Recipes vendor
 Wall-mounted Great Axe of the Remmorchant Recipe Any Weaponsmith's Guild Improved Recipes vendor
 Wall-mounted Great Club of the Remmorchant Recipe Any Woodworker's Guild Improved Recipes vendor
 Wall-mounted Great-axe of the Vales Recipe Quartermaster (Wilderfolk Rewards)
 Wall-mounted Greatsword of the Remmorchant Recipe Any Weaponsmith's Guild Improved Recipes vendor
 Wall-mounted Greatsword of the Vales Recipe Quartermaster (Wilderfolk Rewards)
 Wall-mounted Guardian Shield of the Remmorchant Recipe Any Metalsmith's Guild Improved Recipes vendor
 Wall-mounted Guardian's Shield of the Vales Recipe Quartermaster (Wilderfolk Rewards)
 Wall-mounted Halberd Random Drop The Anvil of Winterstith raid instance
 Wall-mounted Halberd of the Vales Recipe Quartermaster (Wilderfolk Rewards)
 Wall-mounted Hammer Random Drop The Anvil of Winterstith raid instance
 Wall-mounted Hammer of Minas Ithil Recipe Any Woodworker's Guild Improved Recipes vendor
 Wall-mounted Hammer of the Remmorchant Recipe Any Woodworker's Guild Improved Recipes vendor
 Wall-mounted Hammer, Knife, and Axe of the Vales Recipe Quartermaster (Wilderfolk Rewards)
 Wall-mounted Heavy Shield of Minas Ithil Recipe Any Metalsmith's Guild Improved Recipes vendor
 Wall-mounted Light Shield of Minas Ithil Recipe Any Metalsmith's Guild Improved Recipes vendor
 Wall-mounted Light Shield of the Remmorchant Recipe Any Metalsmith's Guild Improved Recipes vendor
 Wall-mounted Mace Random Drop The Anvil of Winterstith raid instance
 Wall-mounted Mace of Minas Ithil Recipe Any Weaponsmith's Guild Improved Recipes vendor
 Wall-mounted Mace of the Remmorchant Recipe Any Weaponsmith's Guild Improved Recipes vendor
 Wall-mounted Mace of the Vales Recipe Quartermaster (Wilderfolk Rewards)
 Wall-mounted Minstrel's Shield of the Vales Recipe Quartermaster (Wilderfolk Rewards)
 Wall-mounted Oakenshield Barter Quartermaster (Haban'akkâ of Thráin) at Amdân, the Threshold
 Wall-mounted Rune-stone of the Vales Recipe Quartermaster (Wilderfolk Rewards)
 Wall-mounted Spear of the Vales Recipe Quartermaster (Wilderfolk Rewards)
 Wall-mounted Staff Random Drop The Anvil of Winterstith raid instance
 Wall-mounted Staff of the Remmorchant Recipe Any Woodworker's Guild Improved Recipes vendor
 Wall-mounted Staff of the Vales Recipe Quartermaster (Wilderfolk Rewards)
 Wall-mounted Stout-axe Axe Recipe Any Weaponsmith's Guild Improved Recipes vendor
 Wall-mounted Sword of Minas Ithil Recipe Any Weaponsmith's Guild Improved Recipes vendor
 Wall-mounted Sword of the Remmorchant Recipe Any Weaponsmith's Guild Improved Recipes vendor
 Wall-mounted Sword of the Vales Recipe Quartermaster (Wilderfolk Rewards)
 Wall-mounted Warden Arms of the Remmorchant Recipe Any Woodworker's Guild Improved Recipes vendor
 Wall-mounted Warden's Shield of Minas Ithil Recipe Any Metalsmith's Guild Improved Recipes vendor
 Wall-mounted Warden's Shield of the Vales Recipe Quartermaster (Wilderfolk Rewards)
 White Midsummer Floral Wreath Hobbit Gifts Midsummer Wreath - Selection Box
 White Poinsettia Wreath Barter Jeffrey Bloomer or Alex Grey during Yule Festival
 Wide Angmarim Stairs Hafgrím in Gath Forthnír, Angmar.
 Wide Angmarim Steps Hafgrím in Gath Forthnír, Angmar.
 Wide Annúminas Stairs Galiana Squibb in Tinnudir, Evendim.
 Wide Annúminas Steps Galiana Squibb in Tinnudir, Evendim.
 Wide Dwarf-made Stairs (Flooded Deeps) Kettil, Son of Athils, Dalwin and Fengur the Iron Garrison Miners in Moria
 Wide Dwarf-made Stairs (Mazarbul) Kettil, Son of Athils, Dalwin and Fengur the Iron Garrison Miners in Moria
 Wide Dwarf-made Stairs (Moria) Kettil, Son of Athils, Dalwin and Fengur the Iron Garrison Miners in Moria
 Wide Dwarf-made Stairs (Redhorn) Kettil, Son of Athils, Dalwin and Fengur the Iron Garrison Miners in Moria
 Wide Dwarf-made Stairs (Thorin's Hall) Rambi in the Thorin's Hall Homesteads.
 Wide Dwarf-made Steps (Flooded Deeps) Kettil, Son of Athils, Dalwin and Fengur the Iron Garrison Miners in Moria
 Wide Dwarf-made Steps (Mazarbul) Kettil, Son of Athils, Dalwin and Fengur the Iron Garrison Miners in Moria
 Wide Dwarf-made Steps (Moria) Kettil, Son of Athils, Dalwin and Fengur the Iron Garrison Miners in Moria
 Wide Dwarf-made Steps (Redhorn) Kettil, Son of Athils, Dalwin and Fengur the Iron Garrison Miners in Moria
 Wide Dwarf-made Steps (Thorin's Hall) Rambi in the Thorin's Hall Homesteads.
 Wide Frosted Dwarf-made Stairs (Mazarbul) Kettil, Son of Athils, Dalwin and Fengur the Iron Garrison Miners in Moria
 Wide Frosted Dwarf-made Steps (Mazarbul) Kettil, Son of Athils, Dalwin and Fengur the Iron Garrison Miners in Moria
 Wide Isengard Stairs Rohirrim Quartermaster in Dunland or Heathfells.
 Wide Isengard Steps Rohirrim Quartermaster in Dunland or Heathfells.
 Wide Laketown Stairs Barter Quartermaster (Men of Dale Rewards) in the city of Dale.
 Wide Long Stairs of Thorin's Hall Rambi in the Thorin's Hall Homesteads.
 Wide Pristine Dwarf-made Stairs (Mazarbul) Kettil, Son of Athils, Dalwin and Fengur the Iron Garrison Miners in Moria
 Wide Pristine Dwarf-made Steps (Mazarbul) Kettil, Son of Athils, Dalwin and Fengur the Iron Garrison Miners in Moria
 Wide Short Stairs of Thorin's Hall Rambi in the Thorin's Hall Homesteads.
 Wide Steps of Thorin's Hall Rambi in the Thorin's Hall Homesteads.
 Windowsill Planter Barter Quartermasters in The Yonder-watch
 Wooden-framed Rohirric Double-swing Window Barter Rinwald in Hytbold after repairing Cottage of the Wold
 Wose Light Globes Available in the LOTRO Store
 Wreath Random Drop Elf Gift Box bartered from Jeffrey Bloomer during Yule Festival
 Wreath of Shire Holly Barter Alex Grey at Winter-home in Frostbluff
 Yellow Midsummer Floral Wreath Hobbit Gifts Midsummer Wreath - Selection Box
 Yule-wreath Hobbit Gifts Yule Wreath - Selection Box
 Zander Trophy Deed Visit Lake-town and catch all 20 types of fish

Wall Gallery