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Editing - Travel Locations - Travel Routes - Tests - Rise of Isengard - Legendary Items - Monster Play

Travel Routes

To travel, rent a horse from a Stable-master, rent a boat from a Dock-master, or use a nearby boat.

From Land From Region From Location To Location Mode Cost Min Lvl Standing Faction Requirement
Eriador Angmar Aughaire Esteldín 25
Eriador Angmar Aughaire Gabilshathûr swift 25 Chapter 6: Challenging the Stone
Eriador Angmar Aughaire Gath Forthnír swift 25 Acquaintance Council of the North Chapter 6: Challenging the Stone
Eriador Angmar Gabilshathûr Gath Forthnír swift 25 Acquaintance Council of the North Chapter 6: Challenging the Stone
Eriador Angmar Gabilshathûr Aughaire swift 25 Chapter 6: Challenging the Stone
Eriador Angmar Gath Forthnír Gabilshathûr swift 25 Acquaintance Council of the North Chapter 6: Challenging the Stone
Eriador Angmar Gath Forthnír Aughaire swift 25 Acquaintance Council of the North Chapter 6: Challenging the Stone
Eriador Angmar Gath Forthnír Esteldín swift 35 40 Acquaintance Rangers of Esteldín Chapter 6: Challenging the Stone
Eriador Angmar Gath Forthnír Rivendell swift 35 40 Acquaintance Elves of Rivendell Chapter 6: Challenging the Stone
Eriador Angmar Gath Forthnír Sûri-kylä swift 35 40 Acquaintance Lossoth of Forochel Chapter 6: Challenging the Stone
Eriador Bree-land Buckland Bree (West) 1
Eriador Bree-land Buckland Stock 1
Eriador Bree-land Buckland Adso's Camp 1
Eriador Bree-land Adso's Camp Buckland 1
Eriador Bree-land Adso's Camp Bree (West) 1
Eriador Bree-land Combe Bree (South) 1
Eriador Bree-land Combe Thorin's Gate swift 1
Eriador Bree-land Combe Celondim swift 1
Eriador Bree-land Combe Michel Delving swift 1
Eriador Bree-land Hengstacer Farm Trestlebridge 1
Eriador Bree-land Hengstacer Farm Bree (West) 1
Eriador Bree-land Bree (South) Forsaken Inn 5
Eriador Bree-land Bree (South) Bree (West) swift 1
Eriador Bree-land Bree (South) Combe 1
Eriador Bree-land Bree (South) Rivendell swift 35 40
Eriador Bree-land Bree (South) Ettenmoors swift 1 40
Eriador Bree-land Bree (South) Bree-land Homesteads 5
Eriador Bree-land Bree (South) Ost Guruth swift 20 15
Eriador Bree-land Bree (South) Celondim swift 1
Eriador Bree-land Bree (South) Michel Delving swift 1
Eriador Bree-land Bree (South) Thorin's Gate swift 1
Eriador Bree-land Bree (South) Lhanuch swift 45
Eriador Bree-land Bree (West) Buckland 1
Eriador Bree-land Bree (West) Bree (South) swift 1
Eriador Bree-land Bree (West) Trestlebridge 5
Eriador Bree-land Bree (West) Hobbiton 5
Eriador Bree-land Bree (West) Thorin's Gate swift 1
Eriador Bree-land Bree (West) Esteldín swift 35 30
Eriador Bree-land Bree (West) Michel Delving swift 1
Eriador Bree-land Bree (West) Celondim swift 1
Eriador Bree-land Bree (West) Ost Forod swift 35 30
Eriador Bree-land Bree (West) Sûri-kylä swift 35 30
Eriador Bree-land Bree (West) Adso's Camp 1
Eriador Bree-land Bree (West) Hengstacer Farm 1
Eriador Bree-land Bree (West) Tinnudir swift 35
Eriador Dunland Avardin Galtrev 25 65
Eriador Dunland Avardin Lhan Rhos 25 65
Eriador Dunland Avardin Galtrev swift 35 65
Eriador Dunland Avardin Lhan Rhos swift 35 65
Eriador Dunland Barnavon Lhan Rhos 25 65
Eriador Dunland Barnavon Galtrev 25 65
Eriador Dunland Barnavon Rohirrim Scout-camp 25 65
Eriador Dunland Barnavon Lhan Rhos swift 35 65
Eriador Dunland Barnavon Galtrev swift 35 65
Eriador Dunland Barnavon Rohirrim Scout-camp swift 35 65
Eriador Dunland Echad Naeglanc Galtrev 25 65
Eriador Dunland Echad Naeglanc Galtrev swift 35 65
Eriador Dunland Echad Naeglanc Harndirion 25 65 *
Eriador Dunland Echad Naeglanc Harndirion swift 35 65 *
Eriador Dunland Echad Naeglanc Lhan Tarren 25 65 *
Eriador Dunland Echad Naeglanc Lhan Tarren swift 35 65 *
Eriador Dunland Galtrev Avardin 25 65
Eriador Dunland Galtrev Avardin swift 35 65
Eriador Dunland Galtrev Barnavon 25 65
Eriador Dunland Galtrev Barnavon swift 35 65
Eriador Dunland Galtrev Echad Naeglanc 25 65
Eriador Dunland Galtrev Echad Naeglanc swift 35 65
Eriador Dunland Galtrev Lhan Tarren 25 65 *
Eriador Dunland Galtrev Lhan Tarren swift 35 65 *
Eriador Dunland Galtrev Tâl Methedras Gate 25 65
Eriador Dunland Galtrev Tâl Methedras Gate swift 35 65
Eriador Dunland Galtrev Twenty-first Hall swift 45 65 *
Eriador Dunland Galtrev Bree (South) swift 45 65 *
Eriador Dunland Galtrev Caras Galadhon (Inner) swift 45 65 *
Eriador Dunland Lhan Rhos Avardin 25 65 *
Eriador Dunland Lhan Rhos Galtrev 25 65 *
Eriador Dunland Lhan Rhos Barnavon 25 65
Eriador Dunland Lhan Rhos Avardin swift 35 65 *
Eriador Dunland Lhan Rhos Galtrev swift 35 65 *
Eriador Dunland Lhan Rhos Barnavon swift 35 65
Eriador Dunland Lhan Tarren Echad Daervunn 25 65 *
Eriador Dunland Lhan Tarren Echad Naeglanc 25 65 *
Eriador Dunland Lhan Tarren Galtrev 25 65 *
Eriador Dunland Lhan Tarren Echad Daervunn swift 35 65 *
Eriador Dunland Lhan Tarren Echad Naeglanc swift 35 65 *
Eriador Dunland Lhan Tarren Galtrev swift 35 65 *
Eriador Dunland Tâl Methedras Gate Galtrev 25 65
Eriador Dunland Tâl Methedras Gate Galtrev swift 35 65
Eriador Dunland Rohirrim Scout-camp Forthbrond 25 65
Eriador Dunland Rohirrim Scout-camp Galtrev 25 65 *
Eriador Dunland Rohirrim Scout-camp Barnavon 25 65 *
Eriador Dunland Rohirrim Scout-camp Forthbrond swift 35 65
Eriador Dunland Rohirrim Scout-camp Galtrev swift 35 65 *
Eriador Dunland Rohirrim Scout-camp Barnavon swift 35 65 *
Eriador Enedwaith Echad Daervunn Echad Dagoras 25 50
Eriador Enedwaith Echad Daervunn Maur Tulhau 25 50
Eriador Enedwaith Echad Daervunn Lhanuch 25 50
Eriador Enedwaith Echad Daervunn Harndirion 25 50
Eriador Enedwaith Echad Daervunn Echad Dagoras swift 35 50
Eriador Enedwaith Echad Daervunn Maur Tulhau swift 35 50 Mysteries of Enedwaith
Eriador Enedwaith Echad Daervunn Lhanuch swift 35 50 Mysteries of Enedwaith (Intermediate)
Eriador Enedwaith Echad Daervunn Harndirion swift 35 50 Mysteries of Enedwaith (Advanced)
Eriador Enedwaith Echad Dagoras Maur Tulhau 25 50
Eriador Enedwaith Echad Dagoras Lhanuch 25 50
Eriador Enedwaith Echad Dagoras Harndirion 25 50
Eriador Enedwaith Echad Dagoras Echad Daervunn 25 50
Eriador Enedwaith Echad Dagoras Maur Tulhau swift 35 50 Mysteries of Enedwaith
Eriador Enedwaith Echad Dagoras Lhanuch swift 35 50 Mysteries of Enedwaith (Intermediate)
Eriador Enedwaith Echad Dagoras Harndirion swift 35 50 Mysteries of Enedwaith (Advanced)
Eriador Enedwaith Echad Dagoras Echad Daervunn swift 35 50 Mysteries of Enedwaith (Intermediate)
Eriador Enedwaith Echad Dagoras Echad Mirobel 25 50
Eriador Enedwaith Echad Dagoras Echad Dúnann 25 50
Eriador Enedwaith Echad Dagoras Echad Mirobel swift 35 50
Eriador Enedwaith Echad Dagoras Echad Dúnann swift 35 50
Eriador Enedwaith Harndirion Echad Dagoras 25 50
Eriador Enedwaith Harndirion Maur Tulhau 25 50
Eriador Enedwaith Harndirion Lhanuch 25 50
Eriador Enedwaith Harndirion Echad Daervunn 25 50
Eriador Enedwaith Harndirion Echad Dagoras swift 35 50
Eriador Enedwaith Harndirion Maur Tulhau swift 35 50 Mysteries of Enedwaith
Eriador Enedwaith Harndirion Lhanuch swift 35 50 Mysteries of Enedwaith (Intermediate)
Eriador Enedwaith Harndirion Echad Daervunn swift 35 50 Mysteries of Enedwaith (Intermediate)
Eriador Enedwaith Lhanuch Echad Dagoras 25 50
Eriador Enedwaith Lhanuch Maur Tulhau 25 50
Eriador Enedwaith Lhanuch Harndirion 25 50
Eriador Enedwaith Lhanuch Echad Daervunn 25 50
Eriador Enedwaith Lhanuch Echad Dagoras swift 35 50
Eriador Enedwaith Lhanuch Maur Tulhau swift 35 50 Mysteries of Enedwaith
Eriador Enedwaith Lhanuch Harndirion swift 35 50 Mysteries of Enedwaith (Advanced)
Eriador Enedwaith Lhanuch Echad Daervunn swift 35 50 Mysteries of Enedwaith (Intermediate)
Eriador Enedwaith Lhanuch Rivendell swift 45 50 Friend Elves of Rivendell
Eriador Enedwaith Lhanuch Bree (South) swift 45 50
Eriador Enedwaith Lhanuch Caras Galadhon (Inside) swift 45 50 Friend Galadhrim The Paths of Caras Galadhon
Eriador Enedwaith Maur Tulhau Echad Dagoras 25 50
Eriador Enedwaith Maur Tulhau Lhanuch 25 50
Eriador Enedwaith Maur Tulhau Harndirion 25 50
Eriador Enedwaith Maur Tulhau Echad Daervunn 25 50
Eriador Enedwaith Maur Tulhau Echad Dagoras swift 35 50
Eriador Enedwaith Maur Tulhau Lhanuch swift 35 50 Mysteries of Enedwaith (Intermediate)
Eriador Enedwaith Maur Tulhau Harndirion swift 35 50 Mysteries of Enedwaith (Advanced)
Eriador Enedwaith Maur Tulhau Echad Daervunn swift 35 50 Mysteries of Enedwaith (Intermediate)
Eriador Ered Luin Celondim Duillond 1
Eriador Ered Luin Celondim Thorin's Gate swift 1
Eriador Ered Luin Celondim Michel Delving swift 1
Eriador Ered Luin Celondim Bree (West) swift 1
Eriador Ered Luin Celondim Combe swift 1
Eriador Ered Luin Duillond Needlehole 5
Eriador Ered Luin Duillond Gondamon 1
Eriador Ered Luin Duillond Thorin's Gate 1
Eriador Ered Luin Duillond Celondim 1
Eriador Ered Luin Duillond Falathlorn Homesteads 5
Eriador Ered Luin Duillond Thrasi's Lodge 1
Eriador Ered Luin Gondamon Thorin's Gate 1
Eriador Ered Luin Gondamon Duillond 1
Eriador Ered Luin Gondamon Noglond 1
Eriador Ered Luin Gondamon Thrasi's Lodge 1
Eriador Ered Luin Noglond Thorin's Gate 1
Eriador Ered Luin Noglond Gondamon 1
Eriador Ered Luin Thorin's Gate Gondamon 1
Eriador Ered Luin Thorin's Gate Duillond 1
Eriador Ered Luin Thorin's Gate Celondim swift 1
Eriador Ered Luin Thorin's Gate Michel Delving swift 1
Eriador Ered Luin Thorin's Gate Bree (West) swift 1
Eriador Ered Luin Thorin's Gate Ettenmoors swift 1 40
Eriador Ered Luin Thorin's Gate Noglond 1
Eriador Ered Luin Thorin's Gate Combe swift 1
Eriador Ered Luin Thrasi's Lodge Gondamon 1
Eriador Ered Luin Thrasi's Lodge Duillond 1
Eriador Eregion Echad Dúnann Rivendell 25 45
Eriador Eregion Echad Dúnann Rivendell swift 35 45 Silent and Restless (Advanced)
Eriador Eregion Echad Dúnann Gwingris 25 45
Eriador Eregion Echad Dúnann Gwingris swift 35 45 Silent and Restless
Eriador Eregion Echad Dúnann Echad Eregion 25 45
Eriador Eregion Echad Dúnann Echad Eregion swift 35 45 Silent and Restless (Intermediate)
Eriador Eregion Echad Dúnann Echad Mirobel 25 45
Eriador Eregion Echad Dúnann Echad Mirobel swift 35 45 Silent and Restless (Final)
Eriador Eregion Echad Dúnann Echad Dagoras 25 50
Eriador Eregion Echad Dúnann Echad Dagoras swift 35 50
Eriador Eregion Echad Eregion Rivendell 25 40
Eriador Eregion Echad Eregion Rivendell swift 35 40 Silent and Restless (Intermediate)
Eriador Eregion Echad Eregion Echad Candelleth 25 35
Eriador Eregion Echad Eregion Gwingris 25
Eriador Eregion Echad Eregion Gwingris swift 35 Silent and Restless
Eriador Eregion Echad Eregion Echad Dúnann 25 45
Eriador Eregion Echad Eregion Echad Dúnann swift 35 45 Silent and Restless (Advanced)
Eriador Eregion Echad Eregion Echad Mirobel 25 45
Eriador Eregion Echad Eregion Echad Mirobel swift 35 45 Silent and Restless (Final)
Eriador Eregion Echad Mirobel Rivendell 25 45
Eriador Eregion Echad Mirobel Rivendell swift 35 45 Silent and Restless (Final)
Eriador Eregion Echad Mirobel Gwingris 25 45
Eriador Eregion Echad Mirobel Gwingris swift 35 45 Silent and Restless
Eriador Eregion Echad Mirobel Echad Eregion 25 45
Eriador Eregion Echad Mirobel Echad Eregion swift 35 45 Silent and Restless (Intermediate)
Eriador Eregion Echad Mirobel Echad Dúnann 25 45
Eriador Eregion Echad Mirobel Echad Dúnann swift 35 45 Silent and Restless (Advanced)
Eriador Eregion Echad Mirobel Echad Dagoras 25 45
Eriador Eregion Echad Mirobel Echad Dagoras swift 35 45
Eriador Eregion Gwingris Echad Candelleth 25 40
Eriador Eregion Gwingris Rivendell 25 40
Eriador Eregion Gwingris Rivendell swift 35 40 Silent and Restless
Eriador Eregion Gwingris Echad Eregion 25 40
Eriador Eregion Gwingris Echad Eregion swift 35 40 Silent and Restless (Intermediate)
Eriador Eregion Gwingris Echad Dúnann 25 45
Eriador Eregion Gwingris Echad Dúnann swift 35 45 Silent and Restless (Advanced)
Eriador Eregion Gwingris Echad Mirobel 25 45
Eriador Eregion Gwingris Echad Mirobel swift 35 45 Silent and Restless (Final)
Eriador Ettenmoors Glân Vraig Rivendell swift 35
Eriador Ettenmoors Glân Vraig Bree (South) swift 35
Eriador Ettenmoors Glân Vraig Michel Delving swift 35
Eriador Ettenmoors Glân Vraig Thorin's Gate swift 35
Eriador Evendim Dwaling Oatbarton 15
Eriador Evendim Dwaling High King's Crossing 15
Eriador Evendim Dwaling Tinnudir 15
Eriador Evendim Dwaling Ost Forod 15
Eriador Evendim Dwaling Oatbarton swift 25
Eriador Evendim Dwaling High King's Crossing swift 25
Eriador Evendim Dwaling Tinnudir swift 25
Eriador Evendim Dwaling Ost Forod swift 25
Eriador Evendim High King's Crossing Oatbarton 15
Eriador Evendim High King's Crossing Dwaling 15
Eriador Evendim High King's Crossing Tinnudir 15
Eriador Evendim High King's Crossing Ost Forod 15
Eriador Evendim High King's Crossing Oatbarton swift 25
Eriador Evendim High King's Crossing Dwaling swift 25
Eriador Evendim High King's Crossing Tinnudir swift 25
Eriador Evendim High King's Crossing Ost Forod swift 25
Eriador Evendim Oatbarton Brockenborings 15
Eriador Evendim Oatbarton Dwaling 15
Eriador Evendim Oatbarton High King's Crossing 15
Eriador Evendim Oatbarton Tinnudir 15
Eriador Evendim Oatbarton Ost Forod 15
Eriador Evendim Oatbarton Dwaling swift 25
Eriador Evendim Oatbarton High King's Crossing swift 25
Eriador Evendim Oatbarton Tinnudir swift 25
Eriador Evendim Oatbarton Ost Forod swift 25
Eriador Evendim Ost Forod Oatbarton 15
Eriador Evendim Ost Forod Dwaling 15
Eriador Evendim Ost Forod High King's Crossing 15
Eriador Evendim Ost Forod Tinnudir 15
Eriador Evendim Ost Forod Trestlebridge 15
Eriador Evendim Ost Forod Bree (West) swift 35 30
Eriador Evendim Ost Forod Oatbarton swift 25
Eriador Evendim Ost Forod Dwaling swift 25
Eriador Evendim Ost Forod High King's Crossing swift 25
Eriador Evendim Ost Forod Tinnudir swift 25
Eriador Evendim The Eavespires Tinnudir Boat 25
Eriador Evendim The Eavespires Tyl Ruinen Boat 25
Eriador Evendim The Eavespires Men Erain Boat 25
Eriador Evendim Tinnudir Oatbarton 15
Eriador Evendim Tinnudir Dwaling 15
Eriador Evendim Tinnudir High King's Crossing 15
Eriador Evendim Tinnudir Ost Forod 15
Eriador Evendim Tinnudir Trestlebridge 15
Eriador Evendim Tinnudir Esteldín 15
Eriador Evendim Tinnudir Oatbarton swift 25
Eriador Evendim Tinnudir Dwaling swift 25
Eriador Evendim Tinnudir High King's Crossing swift 25
Eriador Evendim Tinnudir Ost Forod swift 25
Eriador Evendim Tinnudir Esteldín swift 35 30
Eriador Evendim Tinnudir Annúminas swift 20 35
Eriador Evendim Tinnudir Bree (West) swift 35
Eriador Evendim Tinnudir Michel Delving swift 35
Eriador Evendim Tinnudir The Eavespires Boat 25
Eriador Evendim Tinnudir Tyl Ruinen Boat 25
Eriador Evendim Tinnudir Men Erain Boat 25
Eriador Evendim Tyl Ruinen Tinnudir Boat 25
Eriador Evendim Tyl Ruinen The Eavespires Boat 25
Eriador Evendim Tyl Ruinen Men Erain Boat 25
Eriador Forochel Kauppa-kohta Ost Forod 25 40
Eriador Forochel Kauppa-kohta Pynti-peldot 25 40
Eriador Forochel Kauppa-kohta Ost Forod swift 35 40
Eriador Forochel Kuru-leiri Sûri-kylä swift 25 40 The Frozen War
Eriador Forochel Pynti-peldot Ost Forod 25 40
Eriador Forochel Pynti-peldot Ost Forod swift 25 40 Acquaintance Lossoth of Forochel
Eriador Forochel Pynti-peldot Kauppa-kohta 25 40
Eriador Forochel Pynti-peldot Zigilgund 25 40
Eriador Forochel Pynti-peldot Sûri-kylä 25 40
Eriador Forochel Sûri-kylä Ost Forod swift 25 40
Eriador Forochel Sûri-kylä Pynti-peldot 15 40
Eriador Forochel Sûri-kylä Zigilgund 15 40
Eriador Forochel Sûri-kylä Zigilgund swift 15 40 Acquaintance Lossoth of Forochel
Eriador Forochel Sûri-kylä Kuru-leiri swift 25 40
Eriador Forochel Sûri-kylä Bree (West) swift 35 40 Acquaintance Men of Bree
Eriador Forochel Sûri-kylä Gath Forthnír swift 35 40 Acquaintance Council of the North Chapter 6: Challenging the Stone
Eriador Forochel Sûri-kylä Rivendell swift 35 40 Acquaintance Elves of Rivendell
Eriador Forochel Zigilgund Pynti-peldot 25 40
Eriador Forochel Zigilgund Sûri-kylä 25 40
Eriador Forochel Zigilgund Sûri-kylä swift 25 40 Acquaintance Lossoth of Forochel
Eriador Frostbluff Winter-home Bree (West) swift Free Yule Festival
Eriador Frostbluff Winter-home Celondim swift Free Yule Festival
Eriador Frostbluff Winter-home Thorin's Gate swift Free Yule Festival
Eriador Frostbluff Winter-home Michel Delving swift Free Yule Festival
Eriador Gap of Rohan Forthbrond Rohirrim Scout-camp 25 65
Eriador Gap of Rohan Forthbrond Galtrev 25 65 *
Eriador Gap of Rohan Forthbrond Rohirrim Scout-camp swift 35 65
Eriador Gap of Rohan Forthbrond Galtrev swift 35 65 *
Eriador Gap of Rohan Grimbold's Camp Dagoras' Camp 25 65 *
Eriador Gap of Rohan Grimbold's Camp Forthbrond 25 65 *
Eriador Gap of Rohan Grimbold's Camp Galtrev 25 65 *
Eriador Gap of Rohan Grimbold's Camp Dagoras' Camp swift 35 65 *
Eriador Gap of Rohan Grimbold's Camp Forthbrond swift 35 65 *
Eriador Gap of Rohan Grimbold's Camp Galtrev swift 35 65 *
Eriador Gap of Rohan Wulf's Cleft Barnavon swift 65 (one way)
Eriador Lone-lands Candaith's Encampment Forsaken Inn Chapter 6: Protected by the Eglain
Eriador Lone-lands Candaith's Encampment Esteldín Foreword: Fires in the North
Eriador Lone-lands Forsaken Inn Bree (South) 5
Eriador Lone-lands Forsaken Inn Ost Guruth 15
Eriador Lone-lands Ost Guruth Forsaken Inn 15
Eriador Lone-lands Ost Guruth Thorenhad 15
Eriador Lone-lands Ost Guruth Rivendell 20
Eriador Lone-lands Ost Guruth Bree (South) swift 25 15
Eriador Lone-lands Ost Guruth Candaith's Encampment Foreword: Fires in the North
Eriador Misty Mountains Gloin's Camp Rivendell 15
Eriador Misty Mountains Gloin's Camp Hrimbarg swift 25
Eriador Misty Mountains Hrimbarg Gloin's Camp swift 25
Eriador Misty Mountains Hrimbarg Rivendell swift 35
Eriador Nan Curunír Dagoras' Camp Galtrev 25 65 *
Eriador Nan Curunír Dagoras' Camp Grimbold's Camp 25 65 *
Eriador Nan Curunír Dagoras' Camp Galtrev swift 35 65 *
Eriador Nan Curunír Dagoras' Camp Grimbold's Camp swift 35 65 *
Eriador North Downs Amon Raith Trestlebridge 15
Eriador North Downs Amon Raith Esteldín 15
Eriador North Downs Esteldín Trestlebridge 15
Eriador North Downs Esteldín Aughaire 25
Eriador North Downs Esteldín Amon Raith 15
Eriador North Downs Esteldín Othrikar 15
Eriador North Downs Esteldín Meluinen 15
Eriador North Downs Esteldín Bree (West) swift 35 30
Eriador North Downs Esteldín Rivendell swift 20 40
Eriador North Downs Esteldín Tinnudir 15
Eriador North Downs Esteldín Tinnudir swift 35 30
Eriador North Downs Esteldín Gath Forthnír swift 35 40 Acquaintance Council of the North Chapter 6: Challenging the Stone
Eriador North Downs Meluinen Esteldín 15
Eriador North Downs Meluinen Othrikar 15
Eriador North Downs Othrikar Esteldín 15
Eriador North Downs Othrikar Meluinen 15
Eriador North Downs Trestlebridge Bree (West) 15
Eriador North Downs Trestlebridge Amon Raith 15
Eriador North Downs Trestlebridge Esteldín 15
Eriador North Downs Trestlebridge Tinnudir 15
Eriador North Downs Trestlebridge Ost Forod 15
Eriador North Downs Trestlebridge Hengstacer Farm 1
Eriador The Shire Brockenborings Hobbiton 5
Eriador The Shire Brockenborings Stock 5
Eriador The Shire Brockenborings Oatbarton 15
Eriador The Shire Brockenborings Oatbarton swift 25
Eriador The Shire Hobbiton Bree (West) 5
Eriador The Shire Hobbiton Michel Delving 1
Eriador The Shire Hobbiton Brockenborings 1
Eriador The Shire Hobbiton Needlehole 1
Eriador The Shire Hobbiton Stock 1
Eriador The Shire Michel Delving Hobbiton 1
Eriador The Shire Michel Delving Celondim swift 1
Eriador The Shire Michel Delving Thorin's Gate swift 1
Eriador The Shire Michel Delving Bree (West) swift 1
Eriador The Shire Michel Delving Ettenmoors swift 1 40
Eriador The Shire Michel Delving Shire Homesteads 5
Eriador The Shire Michel Delving Combe swift 1
Eriador The Shire Michel Delving Tinnudir swift 35
Eriador The Shire Needlehole Hobbiton 1
Eriador The Shire Needlehole Duillond 5
Eriador The Shire Stock Hobbiton 1
Eriador The Shire Stock Buckland 1
Eriador The Shire Stock Brockenborings 1
Eriador The Trollshaws Echad Candelleth Rivendell 25 40
Eriador The Trollshaws Echad Candelleth Thorenhad 25 35
Eriador The Trollshaws Echad Candelleth Gwingris 25 40
Eriador The Trollshaws Echad Candelleth Echad Eregion 25 35
Eriador The Trollshaws Rivendell Thorenhad 25
Eriador The Trollshaws Rivendell Ost Guruth 15
Eriador The Trollshaws Rivendell Ost Guruth swift 25
Eriador The Trollshaws Rivendell Bree (South) swift 25 40
Eriador The Trollshaws Rivendell Esteldín swift 20 40
Eriador The Trollshaws Rivendell Ettenmoors swift 1 40
Eriador The Trollshaws Rivendell Sûri-kylä swift 35 40 Acquaintance Lossoth of Forochel
Eriador The Trollshaws Rivendell Gath Forthnír swift 35 40 Acquaintance Council of the North Chapter 6: Challenging the Stone
Eriador The Trollshaws Rivendell Echad Candelleth 25 35
Eriador The Trollshaws Rivendell Gwingris 25 40
Eriador The Trollshaws Rivendell Gwingris swift 35 40 Silent and Restless
Eriador The Trollshaws Rivendell Echad Eregion 25 40
Eriador The Trollshaws Rivendell Echad Eregion swift 35 40 Silent and Restless (Intermediate)
Eriador The Trollshaws Rivendell Echad Dúnann 25 45
Eriador The Trollshaws Rivendell Echad Dúnann swift 35 45 Silent and Restless (Advanced)
Eriador The Trollshaws Rivendell Echad Mirobel 25 45
Eriador The Trollshaws Rivendell Echad Mirobel swift 35 45 Silent and Restless (Final)
Eriador The Trollshaws Rivendell Caras Galadhon (Inside) swift 45 50 Friend Galadhrim The Paths of Caras Galadhon
Eriador The Trollshaws Rivendell Gloin's Camp 15
Eriador The Trollshaws Rivendell Hrimbarg swift 35
Eriador The Trollshaws Rivendell Lhanuch swift 45 50 Friend Elves of Rivendell Mysteries of Enedwaith (Intermediate)
Eriador The Trollshaws Thorenhad Ost Guruth 25
Eriador The Trollshaws Thorenhad Rivendell 25
Eriador The Trollshaws Thorenhad Echad Candelleth 25 35
Rhovanion Lothlórien Caras Galadhon (Inside) Twenty-first Hall swift 25 50 The Paths of Caras Galadhon
Rhovanion Lothlórien Caras Galadhon (Inside) Rivendell swift 45 50 Friend Elves of Rivendell The Paths of Caras Galadhon
Rhovanion Lothlórien Caras Galadhon (Inside) Ost Galadh swift 25 50
Rhovanion Lothlórien Caras Galadhon (Inside) Galtrev swift 45 50 *
Rhovanion Lothlórien Caras Galadhon (Inside) Lhanuch swift 45 50 Friend Galadhrim Mysteries of Enedwaith (Intermediate)
Rhovanion Lothlórien Caras Galadhon (Outside) Mekhem-bizru 25 50
Rhovanion Lothlórien Caras Galadhon (Outside) Echad Andestel 25 50
Rhovanion Lothlórien Caras Galadhon (Outside) The Vineyards of Lórien 25 50
Rhovanion Lothlórien Caras Galadhon (Outside) Cerin Amroth 25 50
Rhovanion Lothlórien Caras Galadhon (Outside) Mekhem-bizru swift 35 50
Rhovanion Lothlórien Caras Galadhon (Outside) Echad Andestel swift 35 50 Ally of Lothlórien
Rhovanion Lothlórien Caras Galadhon (Outside) The Vineyards of Lórien swift 35 50 Warrior of Lothlórien
Rhovanion Lothlórien Caras Galadhon (Outside) Cerin Amroth swift 35 50 Defender of Lothlórien
Rhovanion Lothlórien Cerin Amroth Mekhem-bizru 25 50
Rhovanion Lothlórien Cerin Amroth Echad Andestel 25 50
Rhovanion Lothlórien Cerin Amroth Caras Galadhon (Outside) 25 50
Rhovanion Lothlórien Cerin Amroth The Vineyards of Lórien 25 50
Rhovanion Lothlórien Cerin Amroth Mekhem-bizru swift 35 50
Rhovanion Lothlórien Cerin Amroth Echad Andestel swift 35 50 Ally of Lothlórien
Rhovanion Lothlórien Cerin Amroth Caras Galadhon (Outside) swift 35 50 Defender of Lothlórien
Rhovanion Lothlórien Cerin Amroth The Vineyards of Lórien swift 35 50 Warrior of Lothlórien
Rhovanion Lothlórien The Vineyards of Lórien Mekhem-bizru 25 50
Rhovanion Lothlórien The Vineyards of Lórien Echad Andestel 25 50
Rhovanion Lothlórien The Vineyards of Lórien Caras Galadhon (Outside) 25 50
Rhovanion Lothlórien The Vineyards of Lórien Cerin Amroth 25 50
Rhovanion Lothlórien The Vineyards of Lórien Mekhem-bizru swift 35 50
Rhovanion Lothlórien The Vineyards of Lórien Echad Andestel swift 35 50 Ally of Lothlórien
Rhovanion Lothlórien The Vineyards of Lórien Caras Galadhon (Outside) swift 35 50 Defender of Lothlórien
Rhovanion Lothlórien The Vineyards of Lórien Cerin Amroth swift 35 50 Defender of Lothlórien
Rhovanion Lothlórien Mekhem-bizru Echad Andestel 25 50
Rhovanion Lothlórien Mekhem-bizru Cerin Amroth 25 50
Rhovanion Lothlórien Mekhem-bizru Caras Galadhon (Outside) 25 50
Rhovanion Lothlórien Mekhem-bizru The Vineyards of Lórien 25 50
Rhovanion Lothlórien Mekhem-bizru Echad Andestel swift 35 50 Ally of Lothlórien
Rhovanion Lothlórien Mekhem-bizru Cerin Amroth swift 35 50 Defender of Lothlórien
Rhovanion Lothlórien Mekhem-bizru Caras Galadhon (Outside) swift 35 50 Defender of Lothlórien
Rhovanion Lothlórien Mekhem-bizru The Vineyards of Lórien swift 35 50 Warrior of Lothlórien
Rhovanion Mirkwood Echad Sirion The Haunted Inn 25 50
Rhovanion Mirkwood Echad Sirion Ost Galadh 25 50
Rhovanion Mirkwood Echad Sirion Estolad Mernael 25 50
Rhovanion Mirkwood Echad Sirion Thangúlhad 25 50
Rhovanion Mirkwood Echad Sirion Mithechad 25 50
Rhovanion Mirkwood Echad Sirion Helethir 25 50
Rhovanion Mirkwood Echad Sirion The Haunted Inn swift 35 50 Into the Black and Twisted Forest
Rhovanion Mirkwood Echad Sirion Ost Galadh swift 35 50 Into the Black and Twisted Forest (Intermediate)
Rhovanion Mirkwood Echad Sirion Estolad Mernael swift 35 50 Into the Black and Twisted Forest (Intermediate)
Rhovanion Mirkwood Echad Sirion Thangúlhad swift 35 50 Into the Black and Twisted Forest (Advanced)
Rhovanion Mirkwood Echad Sirion Mithechad swift 35 50 Into the Black and Twisted Forest (Advanced)
Rhovanion Mirkwood Echad Sirion Helethir swift 35 50 Into the Black and Twisted Forest (Advanced)
Rhovanion Mirkwood Estolad Mernael Echad Sirion 25 50
Rhovanion Mirkwood Estolad Mernael The Haunted Inn 25 50
Rhovanion Mirkwood Estolad Mernael Ost Galadh 25 50
Rhovanion Mirkwood Estolad Mernael Thangúlhad 25 50
Rhovanion Mirkwood Estolad Mernael Mithechad 25 50
Rhovanion Mirkwood Estolad Mernael Helethir 25 50
Rhovanion Mirkwood Estolad Mernael Echad Sirion swift 35 50
Rhovanion Mirkwood Estolad Mernael The Haunted Inn swift 35 50 Into the Black and Twisted Forest
Rhovanion Mirkwood Estolad Mernael Ost Galadh swift 35 50 Into the Black and Twisted Forest (Intermediate)
Rhovanion Mirkwood Estolad Mernael Thangúlhad swift 35 50 Into the Black and Twisted Forest (Advanced)
Rhovanion Mirkwood Estolad Mernael Mithechad swift 35 50 Into the Black and Twisted Forest (Advanced)
Rhovanion Mirkwood Estolad Mernael Helethir swift 35 50 Into the Black and Twisted Forest (Advanced)
Rhovanion Mirkwood Helethir Echad Sirion 25 50
Rhovanion Mirkwood Helethir The Haunted Inn 25 50
Rhovanion Mirkwood Helethir Ost Galadh 25 50
Rhovanion Mirkwood Helethir Estolad Mernael 25 50
Rhovanion Mirkwood Helethir Thangúlhad 25 50
Rhovanion Mirkwood Helethir Mithechad 25 50
Rhovanion Mirkwood Helethir Echad Sirion swift 35 50
Rhovanion Mirkwood Helethir The Haunted Inn swift 35 50 Into the Black and Twisted Forest
Rhovanion Mirkwood Helethir Ost Galadh swift 35 50 Into the Black and Twisted Forest (Intermediate)
Rhovanion Mirkwood Helethir Estolad Mernael swift 35 50 Into the Black and Twisted Forest (Intermediate)
Rhovanion Mirkwood Helethir Thangúlhad swift 35 50 Into the Black and Twisted Forest (Advanced)
Rhovanion Mirkwood Helethir Mithechad swift 35 50 Into the Black and Twisted Forest (Advanced)
Rhovanion Mirkwood Mithechad Echad Sirion 25 50
Rhovanion Mirkwood Mithechad The Haunted Inn 25 50
Rhovanion Mirkwood Mithechad Ost Galadh 25 50
Rhovanion Mirkwood Mithechad Estolad Mernael 25 50
Rhovanion Mirkwood Mithechad Thangúlhad 25 50
Rhovanion Mirkwood Mithechad Helethir 25 50
Rhovanion Mirkwood Mithechad Echad Sirion swift 35 50
Rhovanion Mirkwood Mithechad The Haunted Inn swift 35 50 Into the Black and Twisted Forest
Rhovanion Mirkwood Mithechad Ost Galadh swift 35 50 Into the Black and Twisted Forest (Intermediate)
Rhovanion Mirkwood Mithechad Estolad Mernael swift 35 50 Into the Black and Twisted Forest (Intermediate)
Rhovanion Mirkwood Mithechad Thangúlhad swift 35 50 Into the Black and Twisted Forest (Advanced)
Rhovanion Mirkwood Mithechad Helethir swift 35 50 Into the Black and Twisted Forest (Advanced)
Rhovanion Mirkwood Ost Galadh Echad Sirion 25 50
Rhovanion Mirkwood Ost Galadh The Haunted Inn 25 50
Rhovanion Mirkwood Ost Galadh Estolad Mernael 25 50
Rhovanion Mirkwood Ost Galadh Thangúlhad 25 50
Rhovanion Mirkwood Ost Galadh Mithechad 25 50
Rhovanion Mirkwood Ost Galadh Helethir 25 50
Rhovanion Mirkwood Ost Galadh Echad Sirion swift 35 50
Rhovanion Mirkwood Ost Galadh The Haunted Inn swift 35 50 Into the Black and Twisted Forest
Rhovanion Mirkwood Ost Galadh Estolad Mernael swift 35 50 Into the Black and Twisted Forest (Intermediate)
Rhovanion Mirkwood Ost Galadh Thangúlhad swift 35 50 Into the Black and Twisted Forest (Advanced)
Rhovanion Mirkwood Ost Galadh Mithechad swift 35 50 Into the Black and Twisted Forest (Advanced)
Rhovanion Mirkwood Ost Galadh Helethir swift 35 50 Into the Black and Twisted Forest (Advanced)
Rhovanion Mirkwood Ost Galadh Caras Galadhon (Inside) swift 35 50 Friend Galadhrim The Paths of Caras Galadhon
Rhovanion Mirkwood Thangúlhad Echad Sirion 25 50
Rhovanion Mirkwood Thangúlhad The Haunted Inn 25 50
Rhovanion Mirkwood Thangúlhad Ost Galadh 25 50
Rhovanion Mirkwood Thangúlhad Estolad Mernael 25 50
Rhovanion Mirkwood Thangúlhad Mithechad 25 50
Rhovanion Mirkwood Thangúlhad Helethir 25 50
Rhovanion Mirkwood Thangúlhad Echad Sirion swift 35 50
Rhovanion Mirkwood Thangúlhad The Haunted Inn swift 35 50 Into the Black and Twisted Forest
Rhovanion Mirkwood Thangúlhad Ost Galadh swift 35 50 Into the Black and Twisted Forest (Intermediate)
Rhovanion Mirkwood Thangúlhad Estolad Mernael swift 35 50 Into the Black and Twisted Forest (Intermediate)
Rhovanion Mirkwood Thangúlhad Mithechad swift 35 50 Into the Black and Twisted Forest (Advanced)
Rhovanion Mirkwood Thangúlhad Helethir swift 35 50 Into the Black and Twisted Forest (Advanced)
Rhovanion Mirkwood The Haunted Inn Echad Sirion 25 50
Rhovanion Mirkwood The Haunted Inn Ost Galadh 25 50
Rhovanion Mirkwood The Haunted Inn Estolad Mernael 25 50
Rhovanion Mirkwood The Haunted Inn Thangúlhad 25 50
Rhovanion Mirkwood The Haunted Inn Mithechad 25 50
Rhovanion Mirkwood The Haunted Inn Helethir 25 50
Rhovanion Mirkwood The Haunted Inn Echad Sirion swift 35 50
Rhovanion Mirkwood The Haunted Inn Ost Galadh swift 35 50 Into the Black and Twisted Forest (Intermediate)
Rhovanion Mirkwood The Haunted Inn Estolad Mernael swift 35 50 Into the Black and Twisted Forest (Intermediate)
Rhovanion Mirkwood The Haunted Inn Thangúlhad swift 35 50 Into the Black and Twisted Forest (Advanced)
Rhovanion Mirkwood The Haunted Inn Mithechad swift 35 50 Into the Black and Twisted Forest (Advanced)
Rhovanion Mirkwood The Haunted Inn Helethir swift 35 50 Into the Black and Twisted Forest (Advanced)
Rhovanion Moria Anazârmekhem The Orc-watch 35 50
Rhovanion Moria Anazârmekhem The Rotting Cellar 35 50
Rhovanion Moria Anazârmekhem Twenty-first Hall 35 50
Rhovanion Moria Anazârmekhem Dolven-view 35 50
Rhovanion Moria Deep Descent Durin's Threshold 35 50
Rhovanion Moria Deep Descent The Rotting Cellar 35 50
Rhovanion Moria Deep Descent Dolven-view 35 50
Rhovanion Moria Durin's Threshold Dolven-view 35 50
Rhovanion Moria Durin's Threshold Chamber of the Crossroads 35 50
Rhovanion Moria Durin's Threshold Deep Descent 35 50
Rhovanion Moria Dolven-view Durin's Threshold 35 50
Rhovanion Moria Dolven-view Chamber of the Crossroads 35 50
Rhovanion Moria Dolven-view Deep Descent 35 50
Rhovanion Moria Dolven-view Twenty-first Hall 35 50
Rhovanion Moria Dolven-view Twenty-first Hall swift 45 50
Rhovanion Moria Dolven-view First Hall 35 50
Rhovanion Moria Dolven-view First Hall swift 45 50
Rhovanion Moria Dolven-view The Orc-watch 35 50
Rhovanion Moria Dolven-view Anazârmekhem 35 50
Rhovanion Moria First Hall The Shadowed Refuge 35 50
Rhovanion Moria First Hall The Shadowed Refuge swift 45 50
Rhovanion Moria First Hall Twenty-first Hall 35 50
Rhovanion Moria First Hall Twenty-first Hall swift 45 50
Rhovanion Moria First Hall Dolven-view 35 50
Rhovanion Moria First Hall Dolven-view swift 45 50
Rhovanion Moria Chamber of the Crossroads Durin's Threshold 35 50
Rhovanion Moria Chamber of the Crossroads Dolven-view 35 50
Rhovanion Moria Chamber of the Crossroads Twenty-first Hall 35 50
Rhovanion Moria Jazârgund Twenty-first Hall 35 50
Rhovanion Moria Jazârgund Zirakzigil 35 50
Rhovanion Moria The Orc-watch Twenty-first Hall 35 50
Rhovanion Moria The Orc-watch Anazârmekhem 35 50
Rhovanion Moria The Orc-watch The Shadowed Refuge 35 50
Rhovanion Moria The Orc-watch Dolven-view 35 50
Rhovanion Moria The Orc-watch The Rotting Cellar 35 50
Rhovanion Moria The Rotting Cellar The Orc-watch 35 50
Rhovanion Moria The Rotting Cellar Anazârmekhem 35 50
Rhovanion Moria The Rotting Cellar Deep Descent 35 50
Rhovanion Moria The Shadowed Refuge The Orc-watch 35 50
Rhovanion Moria The Shadowed Refuge Twenty-first Hall 35 50
Rhovanion Moria The Shadowed Refuge Twenty-first Hall swift 45 50
Rhovanion Moria The Shadowed Refuge First Hall 35 50
Rhovanion Moria The Shadowed Refuge First Hall swift 45 50
Rhovanion Moria Twenty-first Hall Chamber of the Crossroads 35 50
Rhovanion Moria Twenty-first Hall Jazârgund 35 50
Rhovanion Moria Twenty-first Hall Dolven-view 35 50
Rhovanion Moria Twenty-first Hall Dolven-view swift 45 50
Rhovanion Moria Twenty-first Hall First Hall 35 50
Rhovanion Moria Twenty-first Hall First Hall swift 45 50
Rhovanion Moria Twenty-first Hall The Orc-watch 35 50
Rhovanion Moria Twenty-first Hall Anazârmekhem 35 50
Rhovanion Moria Twenty-first Hall The Shadowed Refuge 35 50
Rhovanion Moria Twenty-first Hall The Shadowed Refuge swift 45 50
Rhovanion Moria Twenty-first Hall Caras Galadhon (Inside) swift 25 50 The Paths of Caras Galadhon
Rhovanion Moria Twenty-first Hall Galtrev swift 45 65 *
Rhovanion Moria Zirakzigil Jazârgund 35 50

Great River Travel Routes


From Land From Region From Location To Location Mode Cost Min Lvl Standing Faction Requirement
Rhovanion Great River Brown Lands Rushgore 25 70
Rhovanion Great River Brown Lands Stangard 25 70
Rhovanion Great River Brown Lands Thinglad swift 35 70
Rhovanion Great River Brown Lands Stangard swift 35 70
Rhovanion Great River Brown Lands Wailing Hills swift 35 70
Rhovanion Great River Brown Lands Parth Celebrant swift 35 70
Rhovanion Great River Brown Lands Rushgore swift 35 70
Rhovanion Great River Parth Celebrant Rushgore 25 70
Rhovanion Great River Parth Celebrant Wailing Hills 25 70
Rhovanion Great River Parth Celebrant Stangard 25 70
Rhovanion Great River Parth Celebrant Thinglad swift 35 70
Rhovanion Great River Parth Celebrant Stangard swift 35 70
Rhovanion Great River Parth Celebrant Wailing Hills swift 35 70
Rhovanion Great River Parth Celebrant Rushgore swift 35 70
Rhovanion Great River Parth Celebrant Brown Lands swift 35 70
Rhovanion Great River Rushgore Brown Lands 25 70
Rhovanion Great River Rushgore Parth Celebrant 25 70
Rhovanion Great River Rushgore Stangard 25 70
Rhovanion Great River Rushgore Thinglad swift 35 70
Rhovanion Great River Rushgore Stangard swift 35 70
Rhovanion Great River Rushgore Wailing Hills swift 35 70
Rhovanion Great River Rushgore Parth Celebrant swift 35 70
Rhovanion Great River Rushgore Brown Lands swift 35 70
Rhovanion Great River Stangard Thinglad 25 70
Rhovanion Great River Stangard Wailing Hills 25 70
Rhovanion Great River Stangard Parth Celebrant 25 70
Rhovanion Great River Stangard Rushgore 25 70
Rhovanion Great River Stangard Brown Lands 25 70
Rhovanion Great River Stangard Thinglad swift 35 70
Rhovanion Great River Stangard Wailing Hills swift 35 70
Rhovanion Great River Stangard Parth Celebrant swift 35 70
Rhovanion Great River Stangard Rushgore swift 35 70
Rhovanion Great River Stangard Brown Lands swift 35 70
Rhovanion Great River Stangard South Bree swift 45 70
Rhovanion Great River Stangard Twenty-first Hall swift 35 70
Rhovanion Great River Stangard Inner Caras Galadhon swift 45 70
Rhovanion Great River Stangard Harwick 66 75
Rhovanion Great River Stangard Harwick swift 71.50 75
Rhovanion Great River Thinglad The Vineyards of Lórien 25 70
Rhovanion Great River Thinglad Stangard 25 70
Rhovanion Great River Thinglad The Vineyards of Lórien swift 35 70
Rhovanion Great River Thinglad Stangard swift 25 70
Rhovanion Great River Thinglad Wailing Hills swift 25 70
Rhovanion Great River Thinglad Parth Celebrant swift 35 70
Rhovanion Great River Thinglad Rushgore swift 35 70
Rhovanion Great River Thinglad Brown Lands swift 25 70
Rhovanion Great River Wailing Hills Stangard 25 70
Rhovanion Great River Wailing Hills Parth Celebrant 25 70
Rhovanion Great River Wailing Hills Thinglad swift 35 70
Rhovanion Great River Wailing Hills Stangard swift 35 70
Rhovanion Great River Wailing Hills Parth Celebrant swift 35 70
Rhovanion Great River Wailing Hills Rushgore swift 35 70
Rhovanion Great River Wailing Hills Brown Lands swift 35 70
Rhovanion Lothlórien The Vineyards of Lórien Thinglad 25 70
Rhovanion Lothlórien The Vineyards of Lórien Thinglad swift 35 70

East Rohan Travel Routes


From Land From Region From Location To Location Mode Cost Min Lvl Standing Faction Requirement
Rhovanion East Rohan Cliving Eaworth 50 75
Rhovanion East Rohan Cliving Elthengels 50 75
Rhovanion East Rohan Cliving Faldham 50 75
Rhovanion East Rohan Cliving Harwick 50 75
Rhovanion East Rohan Cliving Hytbold 55 80 The Stable: Rebuild
Rhovanion East Rohan Cliving Parth Galen 50 75
Rhovanion East Rohan Cliving Snowbourn 50 75
Rhovanion East Rohan Cliving Eaworth swift 55 75
Rhovanion East Rohan Cliving Elthengels swift 55 75
Rhovanion East Rohan Cliving Faldham swift 55 75
Rhovanion East Rohan Cliving Harwick swift 55 75
Rhovanion East Rohan Cliving Hytbold swift 60 80 Ally Men of the Norcrofts The Stable: Rebuild
Rhovanion East Rohan Cliving Parth Galen swift 55 75
Rhovanion East Rohan Cliving Snowbourn swift 55 75
Rhovanion East Rohan Eaworth Cliving 50 75
Rhovanion East Rohan Eaworth Garsfeld 50 75
Rhovanion East Rohan Eaworth Harwick 50 75
Rhovanion East Rohan Eaworth Hytbold 55 80 The Stable: Rebuild
Rhovanion East Rohan Eaworth Parth Galen 50 75
Rhovanion East Rohan Eaworth Snowbourn 50 75
Rhovanion East Rohan Eaworth Thornhope 50 75
Rhovanion East Rohan Eaworth Cliving swift 55 75
Rhovanion East Rohan Eaworth Garsfeld swift 55 75
Rhovanion East Rohan Eaworth Harwick swift 55 75
Rhovanion East Rohan Eaworth Hytbold swift 60 80 Ally Men of the Entwash Vale The Stable: Rebuild
Rhovanion East Rohan Eaworth Parth Galen swift 55 75
Rhovanion East Rohan Eaworth Snowbourn swift 55 75
Rhovanion East Rohan Eaworth Thornhope swift 55 75
Rhovanion East Rohan Elthengels Cliving 50 75
Rhovanion East Rohan Elthengels East Wall Camp 50 75
Rhovanion East Rohan Elthengels Faldham 50 75
Rhovanion East Rohan Elthengels Floodwend 50 75
Rhovanion East Rohan Elthengels Harwick 50 75
Rhovanion East Rohan Elthengels Hytbold 55 80 The Stable: Rebuild
Rhovanion East Rohan Elthengels Parth Galen 50 75
Rhovanion East Rohan Elthengels Cliving swift 55 75
Rhovanion East Rohan Elthengels East Wall Camp swift 55 75
Rhovanion East Rohan Elthengels Faldham swift 55 75
Rhovanion East Rohan Elthengels Floodwend swift 55 75
Rhovanion East Rohan Elthengels Hytbold swift 60 80 Ally Men of the Norcrofts The Stable: Rebuild
Rhovanion East Rohan Elthengels Harwick swift 55 75
Rhovanion East Rohan Elthengels Parth Galen swift 55 75
Rhovanion East Rohan Faldham Cliving 50 75
Rhovanion East Rohan Faldham Elthengels 50 75
Rhovanion East Rohan Faldham Garsfeld 50 75
Rhovanion East Rohan Faldham Hytbold 55 80 The Stable: Rebuild
Rhovanion East Rohan Faldham Snowbourn 50 75
Rhovanion East Rohan Faldham Walstow 50 75
Rhovanion East Rohan Faldham Cliving swift 55 75
Rhovanion East Rohan Faldham Elthengels swift 55 75
Rhovanion East Rohan Faldham Garsfeld swift 55 75
Rhovanion East Rohan Faldham Hytbold swift 60 80 Ally Men of the Norcrofts The Stable: Rebuild
Rhovanion East Rohan Faldham Snowbourn swift 55 75
Rhovanion East Rohan Faldham Walstow swift 55 75
Rhovanion East Rohan Floodwend Elthengels 50 75
Rhovanion East Rohan Floodwend East Wall Camp 50 75
Rhovanion East Rohan Floodwend Harwick 50 75
Rhovanion East Rohan Floodwend Parth Galen 50 75
Rhovanion East Rohan Floodwend Elthengels swift 55 75
Rhovanion East Rohan Floodwend East Wall Camp swift 55 75
Rhovanion East Rohan Floodwend Harwick swift 55 75
Rhovanion East Rohan Floodwend Parth Galen swift 55 75
Rhovanion East Rohan Garsfeld Eaworth 50 75
Rhovanion East Rohan Garsfeld Faldham 50 75
Rhovanion East Rohan Garsfeld Hytbold 55 80 The Stable: Rebuild
Rhovanion East Rohan Garsfeld Snowbourn 50 75
Rhovanion East Rohan Garsfeld Walstow 50 75
Rhovanion East Rohan Garsfeld Eaworth swift 55 75
Rhovanion East Rohan Garsfeld Faldham swift 55 75
Rhovanion East Rohan Garsfeld Hytbold swift 60 80 Ally Men of the Norcrofts The Stable: Rebuild
Rhovanion East Rohan Garsfeld Snowbourn swift 55 75
Rhovanion East Rohan Garsfeld Walstow swift 55 75
Rhovanion East Rohan Harwick Cliving 50 75
Rhovanion East Rohan Harwick Eaworth 50 75
Rhovanion East Rohan Harwick Elthengels 50 75
Rhovanion East Rohan Harwick Floodwend 50 75
Rhovanion East Rohan Harwick Hytbold 55 80 The Stable: Rebuild
Rhovanion East Rohan Harwick Stangard 50 75
Rhovanion East Rohan Harwick Parth Galen 50 75
Rhovanion East Rohan Harwick Snowbourn 50 75
Rhovanion East Rohan Harwick Cliving swift 55 75
Rhovanion East Rohan Harwick Eaworth swift 55 75
Rhovanion East Rohan Harwick Elthengels swift 55 75
Rhovanion East Rohan Harwick Floodwend swift 55 75
Rhovanion East Rohan Harwick Hytbold swift 60 80 Ally Men of the Wold The Stable: Rebuild
Rhovanion East Rohan Harwick Stangard swift 55 75
Rhovanion East Rohan Harwick Parth Galen swift 55 75
Rhovanion East Rohan Harwick Snowbourn swift 55 75
Rhovanion East Rohan Langhold Floodwend 60 75
Rhovanion East Rohan Langhold Harwick 60 75
Rhovanion East Rohan Langhold Stangard 60 75
Rhovanion East Rohan Langhold Floodwend swift 66 75
Rhovanion East Rohan Langhold Harwick swift 66 75
Rhovanion East Rohan Langhold Rushgore swift 66 75
Rhovanion East Rohan Langhold Stangard swift 66 75
Rhovanion East Rohan Parth Galen Cliving 50 75
Rhovanion East Rohan Parth Galen Eaworth 50 75
Rhovanion East Rohan Parth Galen Elthengels 50 75
Rhovanion East Rohan Parth Galen East Wall Camp 50 75
Rhovanion East Rohan Parth Galen Floodwend 50 75
Rhovanion East Rohan Parth Galen Harwick 50 75
Rhovanion East Rohan Parth Galen Snowbourn 50 75
Rhovanion East Rohan Parth Galen Walstow 50 75
Rhovanion East Rohan Parth Galen Cliving swift 55 75
Rhovanion East Rohan Parth Galen Eaworth swift 55 75
Rhovanion East Rohan Parth Galen Elthengels swift 55 75
Rhovanion East Rohan Parth Galen East Wall Camp swift 55 75
Rhovanion East Rohan Parth Galen Floodwend swift 55 75
Rhovanion East Rohan Parth Galen Harwick swift 55 75
Rhovanion East Rohan Parth Galen Snowbourn swift 55 75
Rhovanion East Rohan Parth Galen Walstow swift 55 75
Rhovanion East Rohan Snowbourn Cliving 50 75
Rhovanion East Rohan Snowbourn Eaworth 50 75
Rhovanion East Rohan Snowbourn Faldham 50 75
Rhovanion East Rohan Snowbourn Garsfeld 50 75
Rhovanion East Rohan Snowbourn Harwick 50 75
Rhovanion East Rohan Snowbourn Hytbold 55 80 The Stable: Rebuild
Rhovanion East Rohan Snowbourn Parth Galen 50 75
Rhovanion East Rohan Snowbourn Walstow 50 75
Rhovanion East Rohan Snowbourn Cliving swift 55 75
Rhovanion East Rohan Snowbourn Eaworth swift 55 75
Rhovanion East Rohan Snowbourn Faldham swift 55 75
Rhovanion East Rohan Snowbourn Garsfeld swift 55 75
Rhovanion East Rohan Snowbourn Harwick swift 55 75
Rhovanion East Rohan Snowbourn Hytbold swift 60 80 Ally Men of the Sutcrofts The Stable: Rebuild
Rhovanion East Rohan Snowbourn Inner Caras Galadhon swift 60 75
Rhovanion East Rohan Snowbourn Parth Galen swift 55 75
Rhovanion East Rohan Snowbourn South Bree swift 60 75
Rhovanion East Rohan Snowbourn Stangard swift 60 75
Rhovanion East Rohan Snowbourn Twenty-first Hall swift 60 75
Rhovanion East Rohan Snowbourn Walstow swift 55 75
Rhovanion East Rohan Thornhope Eaworth 50 75
Rhovanion East Rohan Thornhope Eaworth swift 50 75
Rhovanion East Rohan Walstow Faldham 50 75
Rhovanion East Rohan Walstow Garsfeld 50 75
Rhovanion East Rohan Walstow Hytbold 55 80 The Stable: Rebuild
Rhovanion East Rohan Walstow Parth Galen 50 75
Rhovanion East Rohan Walstow Snowbourn 50 75
Rhovanion East Rohan Walstow Faldham swift 55 75
Rhovanion East Rohan Walstow Garsfeld swift 55 75
Rhovanion East Rohan Walstow Hytbold swift 60 80 Ally Men of the Sutcrofts The Stable: Rebuild
Rhovanion East Rohan Walstow Parth Galen swift 55 75
Rhovanion East Rohan Walstow Snowbourn swift 55 75