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Travel Locations

To travel, rent a horse from a Stable-master, rent a boat from a Dock-master, or click on a boat.

Land Region Settlement Stable-master Location Notes
Eriador Angmar Aughaire Tavas [0.2S, 39.3W]
Eriador Angmar Gabilshathûr Hórth [3.6S, 26.6W]
Eriador Angmar Gath Forthnír Loborcheron [10.4N, 24.0W]
Eriador Bree-land Adso's Camp Wes Brittleleaf [29.2S, 56.6W]
Eriador Bree-land Bree South Bert Goldenleaf [31.9S, 50.4W] South Bree
Eriador Bree-land Bree West Bill Rosewood [29.5S, 52.6W] West Bree
Eriador Bree-land Buckland Sully Brandybuck [32.9S, 61.8W]
Eriador Bree-land Combe Jack Cloverdale [28.6S, 49.5W]
Eriador Bree-land Hengstacer Farm Earl Beechwood [22.3S, 52.3W]
Eriador Bree-land Saeradan's Cabin Saeradan [25.6S, 52.9W]
Eriador Dunland Avardin anonymous [83.5S, 20.4W]
Eriador Dunland Barnavon anonymous [84.7S, 16.3W]
Eriador Dunland Echad Naeglanc anonymous [77.3S, 15.8W]
Eriador Dunland Galtrev anonymous [79.9S, 16.7W]
Eriador Dunland Lhan Rhos anonymous [86.8S, 23.0W]
Eriador Dunland Lhan Tarren anonymous [75.3S, 22.4W]
Eriador Dunland Rohirrim Scout-camp anonymous [80.9S, 10.6W]
Eriador Dunland Tâl Methedras Gate anonymous [78.3S, 11.2W]
Eriador Enedwaith Echad Daervunn Ferrif [66.6S, 21.5W]
Eriador Enedwaith Echad Dagoras Demúr (Ranger) [58.5S, 14.5W]
Eriador Enedwaith Lhanuch Barri [66.9S, 16.9W]
Eriador Enedwaith Maur Tulhau Avan Brocktull [62.9S, 23.2W]
Eriador Enedwaith Harndirion Celenath [69.4S, 13.7W]
Eriador Ered Luin Celondim Roherdir [28.1S, 92.4W]
Eriador Ered Luin Duillond Colchyl [24.6S, 93.1W]
Eriador Ered Luin Gondamon Sigdan [20.4S, 97.0W]
Eriador Ered Luin Noglond Leiknir [19.4S, 100.6W]
Eriador Ered Luin Thorin's Hall Wíli [15.0S, 103.6W]
Eriador Ered Luin Thrasi's Lodge Reimar [21.6S, 94.1W]
Eriador Eregion Echad Dúnann Rocherves [50.6S, 7.8W]
Eriador Eregion Echad Eregion Rochdúr [47.0S, 12.6W]
Eriador Eregion Echad Mirobel Bregrochir [52.3S, 17.0W]
Eriador Eregion Gwingris Baidhrochiel [40.2S, 16.0W]
Eriador Ettenmoors Glân Vraig Rimdal [Ettenmoors]
Eriador Evendim Annúminas Dannasmeth [19.1S, 70.9W]
Eriador Evendim Dwaling Grimric Brockhouse [20.8S, 64.7W]
Eriador Evendim High King's Crossing Trevadir [13.8S, 64.0W]
Eriador Evendim Oatbarton Andy Deepwell [23.2S, 67.3W]
Eriador Evendim Ost Forod Walerand Puddy [8.2S, 64.3W]
Eriador Evendim Tinnudir Nat Collop [12.4S, 67.2W]
Eriador Evendim Men Erain Aroch [15.4S, 66.3W] Boat-keeper
Eriador Evendim The Eavespires Remmenylf [6.0S, 71.8W] Boat-keeper
Eriador Evendim Tinnudir Arfirion [12.6S, 67.6W] Boat-keeper
Eriador Evendim Tyl Ruinen Andol [12.9S, 70.7W] Boat-keeper
Eriador Forochel Kauppa-kohta Kerkko [2.6N, 58.0W]
Eriador Forochel Kuru-leiri Kirsikka [19.5N, 83.7W]
Eriador Forochel Pynti-peldot Iri [11.3N, 69.4W]
Eriador Forochel Sûri-kylä Lalli [19.1N, 70.8W]
Eriador Forochel Zigilgund Eindrith [9.6N, 81.1W]
Eriador Frostbluff Winter-home Festival Announcer [11.9N, 95.1W] Yule Festival
Eriador Gap of Rohan Forthbrond anonymous [87.0S, 7.4W]
Eriador Gap of Rohan Grimbold's Camp anonymous [87.8S, 3.9W]
Eriador Gap of Rohan Wulf's Cleft Gwin [87.7S, 16.2W]
Eriador Lone-lands Candaith's Encampment Candaith [30.1S, 37.9W]
Eriador Lone-lands Ost Guruth Unni [32.1S, 29.8W]
Eriador Lone-lands Forsaken Inn Pip Wortley [34.4S, 40.6W]
Eriador Misty Mountains Glóin's Camp Leiknir [24.9S, 4.0W]
Eriador Misty Mountains Hrimbarg Sigbert [24.40S, 7.00E]
Eriador Nan Curunír Dagoras' Camp anonymous [84.9S, 3.4W]
Eriador North Downs Amon Raith Pothlír [12.3S, 52.5W]
Eriador North Downs Esteldín Arochon [9.7S, 42.1W]
Eriador North Downs Meluinen Lin Giliath [13.6S, 44.5W]
Eriador North Downs Othrikar Sam Pickwell [6.9S, 45.0W]
Eriador North Downs Trestlebridge anonymous [18.0S, 53.6W]
Eriador The Shire Brockenborings Rory Primstone [27.5S, 68.1W]
Eriador The Shire Hobbiton Bogo Chubb [31.5S, 71.2W]
Eriador The Shire Michel Delving Andfast Tunnelly [34.2S, 75.5W]
Eriador The Shire Needlehole Hending Gamgee [27.9S, 76.1W]
Eriador The Shire Stock Gundo Bracegirdle [32.1S, 64.1W]
Eriador Trollshaws Echad Candelleth Loborelen [36.8S, 14.3W]
Eriador Trollshaws Rivendell Ladrochan [29.3S, 6.4W]
Eriador Trollshaws Thorenhad Breglobor [31.7S, 15.0W]
Rhovanion Lothlórien Caras Galadhon (Inside) Santhiriel [15.1S, 68.2W] Inside city
Rhovanion Lothlórien Caras Galadhon (Outside) Rohiril [16.8S, 67.5W] Outside gate
Rhovanion Lothlórien Cerin Amroth Inurochon [11.8S, 69.1W] Cirin-en-Galadh
Rhovanion Lothlórien Echad Andestel Loborwen [14.4S, 73.1W]
Rhovanion Lothlórien The Vineyards of Lórien Rimdariel [18.3S, 64.2W] Egladil
Rhovanion Lothlórien Mekhem-bizru Thalamab [11.5S, 78.6W]
Rhovanion Lothlórien Egladil Calengoth [17.6S, 64.6W] Boat to Mirkwood
Rhovanion Mirkwood Mirk-eaves Calengoth [15.0S, 61.8W] Boat to Lothlórien
Rhovanion Mirkwood Echad Sirion Húrien [15.3S, 61.3W]
Rhovanion Mirkwood Estolad Mernael Curuhen [16.8S, 54.5W]
Rhovanion Mirkwood Helethir Maercherves [16.1S, 44.6W]
Rhovanion Mirkwood Mithechad Midhram [17.6S, 48.3W]
Rhovanion Mirkwood Ost Galadh Toriel [14.3S, 51.2W]
Rhovanion Mirkwood Thangúlhad Candiel [12.8S, 46.1W]
Rhovanion Mirkwood The Haunted Inn Andambeth [13.5S, 56.2W]
Rhovanion Moria Anazârmekhem Stable-master (Anazârmekhem) [13.2S, 108.0W]
Rhovanion Moria Deep Descent Stable-master (Deep Descent) [9.8S, 112.5W]
Rhovanion Moria Durin's Threshold Stable-master (Durin's Threshold) [7.9S, 116.1W]
Rhovanion Moria Dolven-view Stable-master (Dolven View) [8.4S, 112.4W]
Rhovanion Moria First Hall Stable-master (First Hall) [8.0S, 95.3W]
Rhovanion Moria Chamber of the Crossroads Stable-master (Chamber of the Crossroads) [5.2S, 112.1W]
Rhovanion Moria Jazârgund Stable-master (Jazârgund) [3.7S, 106.0W]
Rhovanion Moria The Shadowed Refuge Stable-master (Shadowed Refuge) [13.0S, 101.6W]
Rhovanion Moria The Orc-watch Stable-master (The Orc Watch) [11.1S, 106.9W]
Rhovanion Moria The Rotting Cellar Stable-master (Rotting Cellar) [15.1S, 111.9W]
Rhovanion Moria Twenty-first Hall Stable-master (Twenty-first Hall Moria) [5.7S, 105.3W]
Rhovanion Moria Zirakzigil Stable-master (Zirakzigil) [2.9S, 110.8W]

Great River and East Rohan Travel Locations


Land Region Settlement Stable-master Location Notes
Rhovanion East Rohan Cliving anonymous [43.3S, 56.6W]
Rhovanion East Rohan Eaworth anonymous [47.7S, 63.6W]
Rhovanion East Rohan Elthengels anonymous [48.9S, 52.9W]
Rhovanion East Rohan Faldham anonymous [54.8S, 57.2W]
Rhovanion East Rohan Floodwend anonymous [45.3S, 48.2W]
Rhovanion East Rohan Garsfeld anonymous [54.7S, 61.8W]
Rhovanion East Rohan Harwick anonymous [39.0S, 52.3W]
Rhovanion East Rohan Hytbold anonymous [57.3S, 55.4W] After The Stable: Rebuild
Rhovanion East Rohan Langhold anonymous [35.9S, 53.9W] Until War Comes to Rohan
Rhovanion East Rohan East Wall Camp anonymous [52.2S, 51.3W] Mansig's Encampment
Rhovanion East Rohan Parth Galen anonymous [58.7S, 47.8W]
Rhovanion East Rohan Snowbourn anonymous [60.5S, 61.3W]
Rhovanion East Rohan Thornhope anonymous [52.5S, 67.5W]
Rhovanion East Rohan Walstow anonymous [61.9S, 54.4W]
Rhovanion Great River Brown Lands anonymous [31.2S, 52.0W]
Rhovanion Great River Parth Celebrant anonymous [26.6S, 58.3W]
Rhovanion Great River Rushgore anonymous [29.2S, 55.2W]
Rhovanion Great River Stangard anonymous [25.6S, 62.9W]
Rhovanion Great River Thinglad anonymous [21.4S, 63.4W]
Rhovanion Great River Wailing Hills anonymous [25.6S, 67.0W]