Eastfold Hills Homesteads

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Eastfold Hills Homesteads
Region: West Rohan
Interior(s): Deluxe House
Deluxe Mead Hall
Deluxe House with Tower

The Eastfold Hills Homesteads is an area within West Rohan in the Eastfold region.

The Eastfold Hills Homesteads contain player housing which evokes living in the rugged and wooded foothills.

Services are provided within Eastfold Hills Homesteads, mainly inside 'Market Supplies and Provisions' [64.82S, 68.84W], and 'Market Crafters and Auctioneer' [64.70S, 68.79W].


Eastfold Hills Homesteads does not have a Milestone. If you own a house in the Eastfold Hills Homesteads you can use your premium house travel skill. If a kin member has designated their Kingstead Meadows Homesteads house as their Primary Residence, you can use your Travel to Kinship Member's House skill.

If the neighbourhood you are trying to get to is not sold out, you can visit Seleflad, the Rohan Eastfold Housing Broker in Snowbourn, Edoras, Bree, or the Eastfold Housing Broker Marketplace and tour a property in that neighbourhood.

  • The following stable masters provide travel to the Kingstead Meadows Homesteads:


In the north-east area of the homesteads [64.59S, 68.93W] there is a square with a Rohirric fountain, two buildings, all of the task boards, and several NPCs.

Eastfold Hills Homesteads Marketplace

The two buildings are:

Eastfold Hills Homesteads Marketplace (Annotated)


The following NPCs are within the homesteads:

NPC Function Inside Building? Coords
Ambience Furnisher (Eastfold) Housing Furnisher Market Supplies and Provisions [64.82S, 68.84W]
Auctioneer Auctioneer Market Crafters and Auctioneer [64.70S, 68.79W]
Forge-master Forge-master Market Crafters and Auctioneer [64.70S, 68.79W]
Healer Healer Market Supplies and Provisions [64.82S, 68.84W]
Provisioner Provisioner Market Supplies and Provisions [64.82S, 68.84W]
Seleflad Rohan Eastfold Housing Broker [64.60S, 68.99W]
Stable-master Far-ranging Stable-master [64.62S, 68.87W]
Supplier Supplier Market Crafters and Auctioneer [64.70S, 68.79W]
Supplier Supplier Market Supplies and Provisions [64.82S, 68.84W]
Vault-keeper Vault-keeper Market Crafters and Auctioneer [64.70S, 68.79W]
Wenda Cranesbill VIP rewards bestower [64.53S, 68.97W]


The following crafting facilities are available inside these buildings in the homesteads marketplace:

Market Crafters and Auctioneer [64.70S, 68.79W]

Market Supplies and Provisions [64.82S, 68.84W]



Map of Eastfold Hills Homesteads
Map of Eastfold Hills Homesteads

Each neighbourhood contains eleven addresses. Nine regular Deluxe Houses, one Deluxe House with Tower, and one Deluxe Mead Hall.

The following houses are available for purchase from Seleflad:


House Address Location Mithril Cost Housing Writ Cost Upkeep
1 Peak Way [66.46S, 69.78W] 493 Mithril Coin   22 Writs Gold 
2 Peak Way [66.58S, 70.27W] 445 Mithril Coin   18 Writs Gold 
2 Ridge Road [64.23S, 68.93W] 534 Mithril Coin   22 Writs Gold 100 Silver 
3 Ridge Road [64.77S, 69.39W] 445 Mithril Coin   18 Writs Gold 
4 Ridge Road [65.64S, 68.61W] 534 Mithril Coin   22 Writs Gold 100 Silver 
5 Ridge Road [66.22S, 68.31W] 493 Mithril Coin   20 Writs Gold 
6 Ridge Road [65.64S, 69.72W] 422 Mithril Coin   17 Writs Gold 
7 Ridge Road [64.77S, 70.30W] 445 Mithril Coin   18 Writs Gold 
8 Ridge Road [64.04S, 70.13W] 534 Mithril Coin   22 Writs Gold 100 Silver 

Deluxe with Tower

House Address Location Mithril Cost Housing Writ Cost Upkeep
3 Peak Way [67.18S, 71.03W] 747 Mithril Coin   30 Writs Gold 

Deluxe Mead Hall

House Address Location Mithril Cost Housing Writ Cost Upkeep
1 Ridge Road [63.43S, 69.59W] 894 Mithril Coin   36 Writs Gold 500 Silver 

Hook Types and Locations

Each house comes with a number of hooks in the following categories:

Hook Type Deluxe House Deluxe House w/Tower Mead Hall
Interior 159 159 199
Wall 54 54 62
Furniture 62 62 79
Floor 18 18 27
Ceiling 8 8 12
Light 17 17 18
Firepit n/a n/a 1
Tower n/a 22 n/a
Wall n/a 7 n/a
Furniture n/a 12 n/a
Floor n/a 3 n/a
Exterior 38 38 71
Enormous Yard 2 2 4
Huge Yard 5 5 8
Yard 22 22 44
Doormat 2 2 4
Ambient Environment 1 1 1
Ambient Music 1 1 1
Hitching Post
(not included in the exterior hook count)
5 5 8

The Deluxe houses come with 5 steed halters for the hitching posts; the Mead Halls come with 8. More can be purchased for Mithril Coins.

The exterior hooks for Eastfold Hills Homesteads are laid out in the following configuration:

Eastfold Hills Homesteads Exterior Hook Locations Exterior Housing Hook Key


The following neighbourhoods have been seen on at least one server as of January 2021. Additional neighbourhoods may be added as these neighbourhoods fill up.
