Eastfold Hills Deluxe Mead Hall

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Eastfold Hills Deluxe Mead Hall
Region: West Rohan
Area: Eastfold Hills Homesteads
Location: [63.43S, 69.59W]

Each Eastfold Hills Homesteads neighbourhood has one Eastfold Hills Deluxe Mead Hall house at 1 Ridge Road. The exterior and interior of the mead hall are much larger. In addition to the normal decoration hooks of a Eastfold Hills Deluxe House, the Mead Halls include unique fire pit hooks.

Each neighbourhood contains eleven addresses. One Mead Hall (see below), nine regular Deluxe Houses (see Eastfold Hills Deluxe House), and one Deluxe House with a unique feature (see Deluxe House with Tower).

The floor plan of the house is one exterior door leading in to the long central room with fire pit hook running up the middle toward the usual head table location and large glass windows. There are rooms on the left and right, stairs leading up into loft spaces, and stairs leading down to basement spaces. The maintenance cost is Gold 500 Silver .

Each Eastfold Hills Mead Hall comes with 182 decoration hooks (+40 from Deluxe House), 18 lighting hooks (+1 from Deluxe House), and 60 exterior hooks (+29 from Deluxe House).


House Address Location Mithril Cost Housing Writ Cost Upkeep
1 Ridge Road [63.43S, 69.59W] 894 Mithril Coin   36 Writs Gold 500 Silver 

House Exterior:
1 Ridge Road Front

House Interior (Main Room):
1 Ridge Road Interior

Hook Types and Locations

The 60 exterior hooks are divided up into the following:

Enormous Yards x4

[63.82S, 69.76W]
[64.02S, 69.88W]
[64.07S, 69.40W]
[63.82S, 69.40W]

Huge Yards x8

[63.95S, 69.53W]
[63.82S, 69.54W]
[64.04S, 69.70W]
[63.78S, 69.91W]
[63.24S, 69.44W]
[63.20S, 69.75W]
[63.34S, 69.75W]
[63.50S, 69.75W]

Large Yard x20

[64.10S, 69.53W]
[64.04S, 69.53W]
[63.95S, 69.43W]
[63.95S, 69.35W]
[64.04S, 69.77W]
[63.95S, 69.76W]
[63.94S, 69.70W]
[63.85S, 69.91W]
[63.90S, 69.91W]
[63.71S, 69.85W]
[63.71S, 69.79W]
[63.71S, 69.74W]
[63.48S, 69.50W]
[63.37S, 69.46W]
[63.12S, 69.50W]
[63.13S, 69.59W]
[63.13S, 69.67W]
[63.27S, 69.72W]
[63.42S, 69.73W]
[63.48S, 69.68W]

Small Yard x24

[64.07S, 69.53W]
[64.00S, 69.53W]
[64.09S, 69.57W]
[63.95S, 69.47W]
[63.88S, 69.51W]
[63.88S, 69.57W]
[63.76S, 69.57W]
[64.09S, 69.66W]
[64.09S, 69.70W]
[64.07S, 69.77W]
[63.99S, 69.77W]
[63.90S, 69.87W]
[63.84S, 69.87W]
[63.88S, 69.65W]
[63.76S, 69.65W]
[63.46S, 69.54W]
[63.42S, 69.49W]
[63.32S, 69.49W]
[63.14S, 69.54W]
[63.13S, 69.63W]
[63.20S, 69.69W]
[63.34S, 69.69W]
[63.34S, 69.75W]
[63.46S, 69.64W]

Doormat x4

[63.44S, 69.59W]
[63.30S, 69.52W] (Note: No door)
[63.17S, 69.59W] (Note: No door)
[63.30S, 69.66W] (Note: No door)

Hitching Post x8 (not included in the exterior hook count)

[63.72S, 69.47W]
[63.71S, 69.50W]
[63.69S, 69.54W]
[63.65S, 69.53W]
[63.65S, 69.48W]
[63.66S, 69.46W]
[63.69S, 69.44W]
[63.71S, 69.43W]

The exterior hooks are laid out in the following configuration:
1 Ridge Road Exterior Hooks Exterior Housing Hook Key

More Exterior Views

Front-right view:
Eastfold Hills Homesteads 1 Ridge Road front-right

Front-left view:
Eastfold Hills Homesteads 1 Ridge Road front-left

Left side view:
Eastfold Hills Homesteads 1 Ridge Road left

Back-left view:
Eastfold Hills Homesteads 1 Ridge Road back-left

Back view:
Eastfold Hills Homesteads 1 Ridge Road back

View of front yard:
Eastfold Hills Homesteads 1 Ridge Road front yard

View of yard from mead hall:
Eastfold Hills Homesteads 1 Ridge Road yard from mead hall

View to north-west:
Eastfold Hills Homesteads 1 Ridge Road view to north-west

View to north:
Eastfold Hills Homesteads 1 Ridge Road view to north

View to north-east:
Eastfold Hills Homesteads 1 Ridge Road view to north-east