Far-ranging Stable

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Far-ranging Stable hosts a Far-ranging Stable-master who allows Swift Travel to stables ranging from current region to distant lands. These stables are present in or just outside all Housing neighborhoods.

Characters can ride swiftly to the following stables, if they have already been discovered them and minimum requirements are met.

Destination Region Cost Prerequisites
Lond Cirion Anfalas 180 Silver Min. Level 135
Anorien (After Battle)
Minas Tirith (Midsummer) Anórien (After Battle) Silver
Osgiliath Anórien (After Battle) 122 Silver Min. Level 80
Bree-land Festival Grounds Bree-land Silver
Bree-land Homesteads Bree-land Silver
South Bree Bree-land Silver
Croftlands - Rohan
Snowbourn Eastemnet 71 Silver50 Copper Min. Level 50
Galtrev Dunland 122 Silver Min. Level 50
Aldburg Westemnet 71 Silver50 Copper Min. Level 50
Eastfold Hills Homesteads Westemnet Silver
Edoras Westemnet 71 Silver50 Copper Min. Level 50
Kingstead Meadows Homesteads Westemnet Silver
Annâk-khurfu (War Room) Elderslade Silver Min. Level 20
Abodes of Erebor Erebor Silver Min. Level 130
Akrâz-zahar (Erebor) Erebor Silver Min. Level 20
Ered Luin
Celondim Ered Luin Silver
Falathlorn Homesteads Ered Luin Silver
Thorin's Gate Ered Luin Silver
Thorin's Hall Homesteads Ered Luin Silver
Steepset (Gundabad) Gundabad Silver Min. Level 20
Imlad Morgul
Estolad Lân Imlad Morgul 147 Silver50 Copper Min. Level 110
King's Gondor
Dol Amroth Belfalas 180 Silver Min. Level 135
Pelargir West Gate Upper Lebennin 180 Silver Min. Level 130
Caras Galadhon Lothlórien 45 Silver Min. Level 50
Magh Ashtu Mordor 122 Silver Min. Level 80
Twenty-First Hall Moria 45 Silver Min. Level 50; Access to Moria
Strongholds of the North
Erebor The Dale-lands 93 Silver50 Copper Min. Level 80
Felegoth Eryn Lasgalen 93 Silver50 Copper Min. Level 80
Mossward Swanfleet Silver
The Dwarf-holds
Skarháld Ered Mithrin and Withered Heath 122 Silver Min. Level 100
The Ettenmoors
Ettenmoors The Ettenmoors Silver Min. Level 20
The North Downs
Trestlebridge (West Alley) The North Downs Silver Min. Level 20
The Shire
Michel Delving The Shire Silver
Shire Homesteads The Shire Silver
The Party Tree The Shire Silver
The Trollshaws
Rivendell Stables The Trollshaws 35 Silver Min. Level 20
Western Gondor
Cape of Belfalas Homesteads Western Gondor 10 Silver

Stable-master Locations

Far-ranging Stable-masters sell rides from the following locations:

Region Location Coords
Bree-land Bree-land Homesteads [36.07S, 47.07W]
Ered Luin Falathlorn Homesteads [25.87S, 90.72W]
Ered Luin Thorin's Hall Homesteads [15.25S, 107.82W]
The Shire Shire Homesteads [36.80S, 73.75W]
West Rohan Eastfold Hills Homesteads [64.6S, 68.9W]
Wells of Langflood Lyndelby Homesteads [24.9N, 69.5W]
West Rohan Kingstead Meadows Homesteads [56.7S, 70.4W]
Western Gondor Cape of Belfalas Homesteads [88.9S, 66.1W]